
215 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
import Toybox.Graphics;
import Toybox.Lang;
import Toybox.Math;
import Toybox.System;
import Toybox.WatchUi;
class KittieCatsView extends WatchUi.WatchFace
private var theme;
private var backgroundHi;
private var backgroundLo;
private var armHour;
private var armMinute;
private var armSecond;
private var icons;
private var iconSize;
private var sleepTime;
private var wakeTime;
private var sleeping = false;
function initialize()
function onLayout(dc as Dc) as Void
function onShow() as Void
self.theme = ThemeManager.getInstance().getCurrentTheme();
self.backgroundHi = Application.loadResource(self.theme.BackgroundHi);
self.backgroundLo = Application.loadResource(self.theme.BackgroundLo);
self.armHour = Application.loadResource(self.theme.ArmHour);
self.armMinute = Application.loadResource(self.theme.ArmMinute);
self.armSecond = Application.loadResource(self.theme.ArmSecond);
self.icons = Application.loadResource(Rez.Drawables.Icons);
self.iconSize = self.icons.getHeight();
var profile = UserProfile.getProfile();
self.sleepTime = profile.sleepTime;
self.wakeTime = profile.wakeTime;
function onHide() as Void
self.backgroundHi = null;
self.backgroundLo = null;
self.armHour = null;
self.armMinute = null;
self.armSecond = null;
self.icons = null;
function onUpdate(dc as Dc) as Void
var highPowerMode = self.isHighPowerMode();
var clockTime = System.getClockTime();
var complications = ComplicationSubscriber.getSnapshot();
dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLACK, Graphics.COLOR_BLACK);
dc.drawBitmap(0, 0, highPowerMode ? self.backgroundHi : self.backgroundLo);
if (highPowerMode)
// --- Icons ---
self.drawIcon(dc, 0, 104, 145);
self.drawIcon(dc, 1, 170, 300);
self.drawIcon(dc, 2, 170, 335);
self.drawIcon(dc, 3, 237, 335);
// --- Arms ---
// Base the hour arm on minutes as well, to prevent the arm from staying on the
// current hour tick mark right up until the 59th minute
self.drawArm(dc, self.armHour, (clockTime.hour * 60) + clockTime.min, 720, highPowerMode ? self.theme.ArmHourTintHi : self.theme.ArmHourTintLo);
self.drawArm(dc, self.armMinute, clockTime.min, 60, highPowerMode ? self.theme.ArmMinuteTintHi : self.theme.ArmMinuteTintLo);
if (highPowerMode)
self.drawArm(dc, self.armSecond, clockTime.sec, 60, null);
// --- Complications ---
dc.setColor(Graphics.COLOR_BLACK, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
self.drawValue(dc, 116, 186, Graphics.FONT_XTINY, complications.HeartRate, "-",
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
self.drawValue(dc, 195, 313, Graphics.FONT_XTINY, complications.Steps, "-",
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
self.drawValue(dc, 195, 346, Graphics.FONT_XTINY, complications.BodyBattery, "-",
self.drawValue(dc, 261, 346, Graphics.FONT_XTINY, complications.Stress, "-",
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
function onExitSleep() as Void
self.sleeping = false;
function onEnterSleep() as Void
self.sleeping = true;
private function isHighPowerMode() as Boolean
if (self.sleeping)
return false;
// Since isSleepMode is deprecated, base it on the wake and sleep times. Unfortunately this means
// the display will never be in high power mode between those times even if desired.
// Can't figure out how to check for the locked state either.
// Might want to check for DND mode instead if this is annoying.
var now =;
var today =;
if (now.greaterThan(today.add(self.sleepTime)) && now.lessThan(today.add(self.wakeTime)))
return false;
return true;
private function drawArm(dc as Dc, bitmap as BitmapType, value as Lang.Numeric, max as Lang.Numeric, tintColor as Lang.Numeric or Null) as Void
var offsetX = Math.floor(bitmap.getWidth() / 2);
var offsetY = Math.floor(bitmap.getWidth() / 2);
var rotation = new Graphics.AffineTransform();
rotation.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
rotation.rotate(((Math.PI * 2) / max) * value);
rotation.translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
// NOTE: drawBitmap2 fails on the Forerunner 165 with an error "Source must be native color format"
dc.drawBitmap2(0, 0, bitmap, {
:tintColor => tintColor,
:filterMode => Graphics.FILTER_MODE_BILINEAR,
:transform => rotation
private function drawValue(dc as Dc, x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, font as Graphics.FontType,
text as Lang.Object or Null, nullText as Lang.Object, justification as Graphics.TextJustification or Lang.Number) as Void
dc.drawText(x, y, font, text == null ? nullText : text, justification);
private function drawShadowedValue(dc as Dc, x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric, font as Graphics.FontType,
text as Lang.Object or Null, nullText as Lang.Object, justification as Graphics.TextJustification or Lang.Number,
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
textColor as Graphics.ColorType, shadowColor as Graphics.ColorType, shadowOffset as Lang.Numeric) as Void
dc.setColor(shadowColor, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
dc.drawText(x + shadowOffset, y + shadowOffset, font, text == null ? nullText : text, justification);
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dc.setColor(textColor, Graphics.COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
dc.drawText(x, y, font, text == null ? nullText : text, justification);
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
2024-11-15 14:02:03 +01:00
private function drawIcon(dc as Dc, iconIndex as Lang.Numeric, x as Lang.Numeric, y as Lang.Numeric)
dc.drawBitmap2(x - (iconIndex * self.iconSize), y, self.icons, {
:bitmapX => iconIndex * self.iconSize,
:bitmapWidth => self.iconSize,
:bitmapHeight => self.iconSize