A small digital counter intended for use in board games. Runs on an ATTiny85 using an SSD1306-based 128x64 OLED display, in a custom designed and 3D printed case.
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2017-08-02 22:21:59 +02:00
KiCad Initial commit 2017-08-01 23:29:57 +02:00
Source Fixed button handling in combination with sleep mode 2017-08-02 22:21:59 +02:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2017-08-01 23:29:57 +02:00
README.md Implemented display turning off when battery is low 2017-08-02 16:17:23 +02:00

Schematics and PCB layout made using KiCad (http://kicad-pcb.org/).

ATTiny85's firmware is built using PlatformIO (http://platformio.org).

Before uploading the firmware I used the Arduino IDE and an "Arduino as ISP" to burn the 8 Mhz bootloader, you may get incorrect timing otherwise. I have not yet bothered to figure out how to do this with just PlatformIO.