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RS485 protocol library - non-blocking.
Devised and written by Nick Gammon.
Date: 4 December 2012
Version: 1.0
Can send from 1 to 255 bytes from one node to another with:
* Packet start indicator (STX)
* Each data byte is doubled and inverted to check validity
* Packet end indicator (ETX)
* Packet CRC (checksum)
To allow flexibility with hardware (eg. Serial, SoftwareSerial, I2C)
you provide three "callback" functions which send or receive data. Examples are:
size_t fWrite (const byte what)
return Serial.write (what);
int fAvailable ()
return Serial.available ();
int fRead ()
return ();
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#include "RS485_non_blocking.h"
// allocate the requested buffer size
void RS485::begin ()
data_ = (byte *) malloc (bufferSize_);
reset ();
errorCount_ = 0;
} // end of RS485::begin
// get rid of the buffer
void RS485::stop ()
reset ();
free (data_);
data_ = NULL;
} // end of RS485::stop
// called after an error to return to "not in a packet"
void RS485::reset ()
haveSTX_ = false;
available_ = false;
inputPos_ = 0;
startTime_ = 0;
} // end of RS485::reset
// calculate 8-bit CRC
byte RS485::crc8 (const byte *addr, byte len)
byte crc = 0;
while (len--)
byte inbyte = *addr++;
for (byte i = 8; i; i--)
byte mix = (crc ^ inbyte) & 0x01;
crc >>= 1;
if (mix)
crc ^= 0x8C;
inbyte >>= 1;
} // end of for
} // end of while
return crc;
} // end of RS485::crc8
// send a byte complemented, repeated
// only values sent would be (in hex):
// 0F, 1E, 2D, 3C, 4B, 5A, 69, 78, 87, 96, A5, B4, C3, D2, E1, F0
void RS485::sendComplemented (const byte what)
byte c;
// first nibble
c = what >> 4;
fWriteCallback_ ((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F));
// second nibble
c = what & 0x0F;
fWriteCallback_ ((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F));
} // end of RS485::sendComplemented
// send a message of "length" bytes (max 255) to other end
// put STX at start, ETX at end, and add CRC
void RS485::sendMsg (const byte * data, const byte length)
// no callback? Can't send
if (fWriteCallback_ == NULL)
fWriteCallback_ (STX); // STX
for (byte i = 0; i < length; i++)
sendComplemented (data [i]);
fWriteCallback_ (ETX); // ETX
sendComplemented (crc8 (data, length));
} // end of RS485::sendMsg
// called periodically from main loop to process data and
// assemble the finished packet in 'data_'
// returns true if packet received.
// You could implement a timeout by seeing if isPacketStarted() returns
// true, and if too much time has passed since getPacketStartTime() time.
bool RS485::update ()
// no data? can't go ahead (eg. begin() not called)
if (data_ == NULL)
return false;
// no callbacks? Can't read
if (fAvailableCallback_ == NULL || fReadCallback_ == NULL)
return false;
while (fAvailableCallback_ () > 0)
byte inByte = fReadCallback_ ();
switch (inByte)
case STX: // start of text
haveSTX_ = true;
haveETX_ = false;
inputPos_ = 0;
firstNibble_ = true;
startTime_ = millis ();
case ETX: // end of text (now expect the CRC check)
haveETX_ = true;
// wait until packet officially starts
if (!haveSTX_)
// check byte is in valid form (4 bits followed by 4 bits complemented)
if ((inByte >> 4) != ((inByte & 0x0F) ^ 0x0F) )
reset ();
break; // bad character
} // end if bad byte
// convert back
inByte >>= 4;
// high-order nibble?
if (firstNibble_)
currentByte_ = inByte;
firstNibble_ = false;
} // end of first nibble
// low-order nibble
currentByte_ <<= 4;
currentByte_ |= inByte;
firstNibble_ = true;
// if we have the ETX this must be the CRC
if (haveETX_)
if (crc8 (data_, inputPos_) != currentByte_)
reset ();
break; // bad crc
} // end of bad CRC
available_ = true;
return true; // show data ready
} // end if have ETX already
// keep adding if not full
if (inputPos_ < bufferSize_)
data_ [inputPos_++] = currentByte_;
reset (); // overflow, start again
} // end of switch
} // end of while incoming data
return false; // not ready yet
} // end of RS485::update