
221 lines
5.5 KiB

#include "./stairs.h"
#include <Math.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include "./debug.h"
#include "./global.h"
const static float CurveFactor = log10(2) / log10(4095);
const static float LinearFactor = 4095.0f / 255.0f;
void Stairs::init(PCA9685* pwmDriver)
mPWMDriver = pwmDriver;
memset(&mStep[0], 0, sizeof(mStep));
uint8_t Stairs::ease(uint8_t startValue, uint8_t targetValue, uint16_t transitionTime, uint16_t elapsedTime)
bool up = targetValue > startValue;
uint16_t diff = up ? targetValue - startValue : startValue - targetValue;
uint16_t delta = (diff * elapsedTime) / transitionTime;
int16_t currentValue = up ? startValue + delta : startValue - delta;
if (currentValue < 0) currentValue = 0;
if (currentValue > 255) currentValue = 255;
return currentValue;
inline void Stairs::updateCurrentValue(Step* stepState)
int32_t stepElapsedTime = -stepState->startTime;
stepState->currentValue = ease(stepState->startValue, stepState->targetValue, stepState->remainingTime + stepElapsedTime, stepElapsedTime);
inline void Stairs::applyCurrentValue(uint8_t step)
mPWMDriver->setPWM(step, this->getPWMValue(step, mStep[step].currentValue));
void Stairs::tick()
if (stepsSettingsChanged)
// Re-apply all values in case the PWM value changed
for (uint8_t step = 0; step < stepsSettings->count(); step++)
stepsSettingsChanged = false;
if (!mTick) return;
uint32_t elapsedTime = mLastTransitionTime != 0 ? currentTime - mLastTransitionTime : 0;
if (!elapsedTime) return;
mLastTransitionTime = currentTime;
mTick = false;
for (uint8_t step = 0; step < stepsSettings->count(); step++)
Step* stepState = &mStep[step];
if (stepState->currentValue != stepState->targetValue)
// If there is a startup delay request, wait for it first
if (stepState->startTime > 0)
stepState->startTime -= elapsedTime;
if (stepState->startTime < 0)
if (stepState->remainingTime > -stepState->startTime)
// Shift the remaining time equally
stepState->remainingTime += stepState->startTime;
mTick = true;
// End of the transition
stepState->remainingTime = 0;
stepState->currentValue = stepState->targetValue;
mTick = true;
else if (elapsedTime >= stepState->remainingTime)
// End of the transition
stepState->remainingTime = 0;
stepState->currentValue = stepState->targetValue;
stepState->startTime -= elapsedTime;
stepState->remainingTime -= elapsedTime;
mTick = true;
if (!mTick)
mLastTransitionTime = 0;
uint8_t Stairs::get(uint8_t step, bool target)
if (step >= MaxStepCount) return 0;
return target ? mStep[step].targetValue : mStep[step].currentValue;
void Stairs::set(uint8_t step, uint8_t brightness, uint16_t transitionTime, uint16_t startTime)
_d("Stairs :: set step = "); _d(step);
_d(", brightness = "); _d(brightness);
_d(", transitionTime = "); _d(transitionTime);
_d(", startTime = "); _dln(startTime);
if (step >= MaxStepCount) return;
if (mStep[step].currentValue == brightness)
mStep[step].targetValue = brightness;
if (transitionTime > 0)
mStep[step].startValue = mStep[step].currentValue;
mStep[step].startTime = startTime;
mStep[step].remainingTime = transitionTime;
if (!mLastTransitionTime)
mLastTransitionTime = currentTime;
mTick = true;
mStep[step].currentValue = brightness;
void Stairs::setAll(uint8_t brightness, uint16_t transitionTime, uint16_t startTime)
for (uint8_t step = 0; step < stepsSettings->count(); step++)
set(step, brightness, transitionTime, startTime);
void Stairs::sweep(uint8_t brightness, uint16_t transitionTime, bool topDown)
uint8_t stepsCount = stepsSettings->count();
uint16_t offsetIncrement = stepsCount > 0 ? (transitionTime / stepsCount) * 1.5 : 0;
uint16_t offset = topDown ? 0 : (stepsCount - 1) * offsetIncrement;
for (uint8_t step = 0; step < stepsCount; step++)
set(step, brightness, transitionTime, offset);
if (topDown)
offset += offsetIncrement;
offset -= offsetIncrement;
uint16_t Stairs::getPWMValue(uint8_t step, uint8_t brightness)
//_d("Stairs :: Getting PWM value for step "); _d(step); _d(", brightness "); _dln(brightness);
if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255)
//_dln("Stairs :: Full on/off, returning input");
return brightness == 0 ? 0 : 4095;
uint16_t pwmValue;
uint16_t rangeStart = stepsSettings->rangeStart(step);
uint16_t rangeEnd = stepsSettings->rangeEnd(step);
if (stepsSettings->useCurve())
//_dln("Stairs :: Using curve");
float factor = ((rangeEnd - rangeStart) + 1) * CurveFactor;
brightness = pow(2, ((brightness * LinearFactor) / factor)) - 1 + rangeStart;
//_dln("Stairs :: Not using curve");
float factor = ((rangeEnd - rangeStart) + 1) * LinearFactor;
pwmValue = (brightness * factor) + rangeStart;
//_d("Stairs :: Output: "); _dln(pwmValue);
return pwmValue;