bool accessPoint = false; bool stationMode = false; uint32_t stationModeStart = 0; uint32_t apButtonStart = 0; bool mDNSActive = false; void startAccessPoint(); void startStationMode(); void startmDNS(); void initWiFi() { WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(); if (mDNSActive) { MDNS.close(); mDNSActive = false; } accessPoint = connectionSettings->flag(AccessPoint); stationMode = connectionSettings->flag(StationMode) && connectionSettings->ssid() != nullptr; WiFi.mode(accessPoint && stationMode ? WIFI_AP_STA : accessPoint ? WIFI_AP : stationMode ? WIFI_STA : WIFI_OFF); if (accessPoint) startAccessPoint(); if (stationMode) startStationMode(); } void updateWiFi() { if (stationModeStart > 0) { bool isConnected = WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED; if (isConnected) { _d("WiFi :: connected, IP address: "); _dln(WiFi.localIP()); stationModeStart = 0; startmDNS(); } else if (stationMode && accessPoint && currentTime - stationModeStart >= StationModeTimeout) { _dln("WiFi :: unable to connect, switching off station mode, status:"); _dln(WiFi.status()); #ifdef SerialDebug WiFi.printDiag(Serial); #endif // Connecting to access point is taking too long and is blocking // the access point mode, stop trying stationMode = false; WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); } } if (!accessPoint) { if (digitalRead(systemSettings->pinAPButton()) == LOW) { if (apButtonStart == 0) apButtonStart = currentTime; else if (currentTime - apButtonStart >= APButtonHoldTime) { connectionSettings->flag(AccessPoint, true); connectionSettings->write(); startAccessPoint(); apButtonStart = 0; } } else if (apButtonStart > 0) apButtonStart = 0; } if (mDNSActive) MDNS.update(); } void startAccessPoint() { _dln("WiFi :: starting access point"); String ssidString = DefaultAPSSIDPrefix + String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX); if (WiFi.softAP((const char *)ssidString.c_str())) { _d("WiFi :: IP address: "); _dln(WiFi.softAPIP()); } else _d("WiFi :: failed to start soft access point"); startmDNS(); } void startStationMode() { _d("WiFi :: starting station mode to: "); _dln(connectionSettings->ssid()); stationModeStart = currentTime; if (connectionSettings->hostname() != nullptr) WiFi.hostname(connectionSettings->hostname()); if (WiFi.begin(connectionSettings->ssid(), connectionSettings->password())) { if (connectionSettings->flag(DHCP)) // I've had the same issue as described here with config(0, 0, 0): // wifi_station_dhcpc_start(); else WiFi.config(connectionSettings->ip(), connectionSettings->gateway(), connectionSettings->subnetMask()); } else _d("WiFi :: failed to start station mode"); } void startmDNS() { char* hostname = connectionSettings->hostname(); if (hostname == nullptr) return; if (!MDNS.begin(hostname)) _dln("WiFi :: mDNS setup failed"); else { mDNSActive = true; _d("WiFi :: mDNS responder started for hostname "); _d(hostname); _dln(".local"); } }