{ Wrapper classes for Lua API Created by M. van Renswoude, April 2014: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. } unit Lua; interface uses System.Classes, System.Generics.Collections, System.Generics.Defaults, System.Rtti, System.SysUtils, Lua.API; type ELuaException = class(Exception); ELuaInitException = class(ELuaException); ELuaUnsupportedParameterException = class(ELuaException); ELuaUnsupportedVariableException = class(ELuaException); ELuaNoFunctionException = class(ELuaException); TLuaLibrary = (Base, Coroutine, Table, IO, OS, StringLib, Bit32, Math, Debug, Package, All); TLuaLibraries = set of TLuaLibrary; TLuaDataType = (LuaNone, LuaNil, LuaNumber, LuaBoolean, LuaString, LuaTable, LuaFunction, LuaUserData, LuaThread, LuaLightUserData); TLuaVariableType = (VariableNone, VariableBoolean, VariableInteger, VariableNumber, VariableUserData, VariableString, VariableTable, VariableFunction); ILuaTable = interface; ILuaFunction = interface; ILuaVariable = interface ['{ADA0D4FB-F0FB-4493-8FEC-6FC92C80117F}'] function GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; function GetDataType: TLuaDataType; function GetAsBoolean: Boolean; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetAsNumber: Double; function GetAsUserData: Pointer; function GetAsString: string; function GetAsTable: ILuaTable; function GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; procedure SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); procedure SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); procedure SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); procedure SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); procedure SetAsString(AString: string); procedure SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); property VariableType: TLuaVariableType read GetVariableType; property DataType: TLuaDataType read GetDataType; property AsBoolean: Boolean read GetAsBoolean write SetAsBoolean; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; property AsNumber: Double read GetAsNumber write SetAsNumber; property AsUserData: Pointer read GetAsUserData write SetAsUserData; property AsString: string read GetAsString write SetAsString; property AsTable: ILuaTable read GetAsTable write SetAsTable; property AsFunction: ILuaFunction read GetAsFunction; end; TLuaImplicitVariable = record Variable: ILuaVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: ILuaVariable): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: Boolean): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: Integer): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: Double): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: Pointer): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(const AValue: string): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: ILuaTable): TLuaImplicitVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaVariable; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Boolean; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Integer; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Double; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Pointer; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): string; class operator Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaTable; end; TLuaKeyValuePair = record Key: ILuaVariable; Value: ILuaVariable; end; ILuaTableEnumerator = interface ['{4C3F4E20-F9E7-42E6-9446-78C535AF2E30}'] function GetCurrent: TLuaKeyValuePair; function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: TLuaKeyValuePair read GetCurrent; end; ILuaTable = interface ['{57FD52A1-7D53-485B-A630-29841C498387}'] function GetEnumerator: ILuaTableEnumerator; function GetValue(AKey: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaVariable; procedure SetValue(AKey: TLuaImplicitVariable; AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable); end; TLuaTableEnumerator = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaTableEnumerator) private FEnumerator: TEnumerator>; public constructor Create(AEnumerator: TEnumerator>); destructor Destroy; override; { ILuaTableEnumerator } function GetCurrent: TLuaKeyValuePair; function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: TLuaKeyValuePair read GetCurrent; end; TLuaVariableEqualityComparer = class(TInterfacedObject, IEqualityComparer) public { IEqualityComparer } function Equals(const Left, Right: ILuaVariable): Boolean; reintroduce; function GetHashCode(const Value: ILuaVariable): Integer; reintroduce; end; TLuaTable = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaTable) private FTable: TDictionary; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; { ILuaTable } function GetEnumerator: ILuaTableEnumerator; function GetValue(AKey: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaVariable; procedure SetValue(AKey: TLuaImplicitVariable; AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable); end; ILuaParametersEnumerator = interface function GetCurrent: ILuaVariable; function MoveNext: Boolean; property Current: ILuaVariable read GetCurrent; end; ILuaReadParameters = interface(ILuaVariable) ['{FB611D9E-B51D-460B-B5AB-B567EF853222}'] function GetCount: Integer; function GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; function GetEnumerator: ILuaParametersEnumerator; function ToString: string; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Items[Index: Integer]: ILuaVariable read GetItem; default; end; ILuaWriteParameters = interface ['{5CEEB16B-158E-44BE-8CAD-DC2C330A244A}'] function GetCount: Integer; procedure Push(ABoolean: Boolean); overload; procedure Push(AInteger: Integer); overload; procedure Push(ANumber: Double); overload; procedure Push(AUserData: Pointer); overload; procedure Push(const AString: string); overload; procedure Push(ATable: ILuaTable); overload; property Count: Integer read GetCount; end; ILuaFunction = interface ['{1BE5E470-0318-410E-8D5B-94BFE04A3DBE}'] function Call(): ILuaReadParameters; overload; function Call(AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; overload; function Call(AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; overload; end; ILuaContext = interface ['{1F999593-E3D1-4195-9463-A42025AE9830}'] function GetParameters: ILuaReadParameters; function GetResult: ILuaWriteParameters; property Parameters: ILuaReadParameters read GetParameters; property Result: ILuaWriteParameters read GetResult; end; TLuaCFunction = reference to procedure(Context: ILuaContext); TLuaCMethod = procedure(Context: ILuaContext) of object; TLuaPushFunction = reference to procedure(AFunction: TLuaCFunction); TCustomLuaRegistration = class(TObject) private FName: string; protected property Name: string read FName write FName; public constructor Create(const AName: string); procedure Apply(AState: lua_State; APushFunction: TLuaPushFunction); virtual; abstract; end; TLuaFunctionRegistration = class(TCustomLuaRegistration) private FCallback: TLuaCFunction; protected property Callback: TLuaCFunction read FCallback; public constructor Create(const AName: string; ACallback: TLuaCFunction); procedure Apply(AState: lua_State; APushFunction: TLuaPushFunction); override; end; TLuaFunctionTable = TDictionary; TLuaTableRegistration = class(TCustomLuaRegistration) private FFunctionTable: TLuaFunctionTable; protected property FunctionTable: TLuaFunctionTable read FFunctionTable; public constructor Create(const AName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterFunction(const AName: string; AFunction: TLuaCFunction); virtual; procedure Apply(AState: lua_State; APushFunction: TLuaPushFunction); override; end; TLuaRegistrationList = TObjectList; TLuaRegisteredFunctionDictionary = TDictionary; TLuaScript = class(TObject) private FStream: TStream; FStreamOwnership: TStreamOwnership; FBuffer: PAnsiChar; public constructor Create(const AData: string); overload; constructor Create(const AStream: TStream; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership = soReference); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function GetNextChunk(out ASize: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; virtual; end; TLua = class(TObject) private FState: lua_State; FLoaded: Boolean; FRegistrations: TLuaRegistrationList; FRegisteredFunctions: TLuaRegisteredFunctionDictionary; FRegisteredFunctionCookie: Integer; FAutoOpenLibraries: TLuaLibraries; FHasRun: Boolean; FRttiContext: TRttiContext; protected function GetHasState: Boolean; virtual; function GetState: lua_State; virtual; function DoAlloc(APointer: Pointer; AOldSize, ANewSize: Cardinal): Pointer; virtual; procedure DoNewState; virtual; procedure DoClose; virtual; procedure DoRegistration(ARegistration: TCustomLuaRegistration); virtual; procedure SetAutoOpenLibraries(const Value: TLuaLibraries); virtual; protected procedure CheckState; virtual; procedure CheckIsFunction; virtual; procedure AfterLoad; virtual; procedure AddRegistration(ARegistration: TCustomLuaRegistration); virtual; function GetRegisteredFunctionCookie: Integer; virtual; function RunRegisteredFunction(ACookie: Integer): Integer; virtual; property Loaded: Boolean read FLoaded write FLoaded; property HasRun: Boolean read FHasRun write FHasRun; property Registrations: TLuaRegistrationList read FRegistrations; property RegisteredFunctions: TLuaRegisteredFunctionDictionary read FRegisteredFunctions; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadFromString(const AData: string; AAutoRun: Boolean = True; const AChunkName: string = ''); virtual; procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership = soReference; AAutoRun: Boolean = True; const AChunkName: string = ''); virtual; procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string; AAutoRun: Boolean = True; const AChunkName: string = ''); virtual; procedure LoadFromScript(AScript: TLuaScript; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership = soReference; AAutoRun: Boolean = True; const AChunkName: string = ''); virtual; function GetGlobalVariable(const AName: string): ILuaVariable; virtual; procedure SetGlobalVariable(const AName: string; AVariable: TLuaImplicitVariable); virtual; procedure RegisterFunction(const AName: string; AFunction: TLuaCFunction); virtual; // procedure UnregisterFunction(); { Registers all published methods of the specified object. If ATableName is provided, the methods will be bundled in a global table and accessible as ATableName.Method(). If not provided, the methods are accessible directly as global functions. } procedure RegisterFunctions(AObject: TObject; const ATableName: string = ''; AIncludePublicVisibility: Boolean = False); virtual; // procedure UnregisterFunctions(); procedure OpenLibraries(ALibraries: TLuaLibraries); virtual; { These methods should only be called right after one of the LoadFrom methods, which must have AutoRun set to False. } procedure Run; virtual; procedure GetByteCode(AStream: TStream; APop: Boolean = False); virtual; procedure Capture(const AName: string); virtual; function Call(const AFunctionName: string): ILuaReadParameters; overload; virtual; function Call(const AFunctionName: string; AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; overload; virtual; function Call(const AFunctionName: string; AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; overload; virtual; property HasState: Boolean read GetHasState; property State: lua_State read GetState; property AutoOpenLibraries: TLuaLibraries read FAutoOpenLibraries write SetAutoOpenLibraries default [TLuaLibrary.All]; end; TLuaHelpers = class(TObject) private class var RegistryKeyCounter: Int64; public class function GetLuaDataType(AType: Integer): TLuaDataType; class function GetLuaVariableType(ADataType: TLuaDataType): TLuaVariableType; class function CreateParameters(AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; class procedure PushVariable(AState: lua_State; AVariable: ILuaVariable); overload; class procedure PushVariable(AState: lua_State; AVariable: ILuaVariable; AVariableType: TLuaVariableType); overload; class procedure PushString(AState: lua_State; const AValue: string); class procedure PushTable(AState: lua_State; ATable: ILuaTable); class function AllocLuaString(const AValue: string): PAnsiChar; class procedure FreeLuaString(AValue: PAnsiChar); class procedure RaiseLastLuaError(AState: lua_State); class function LuaToString(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer): string; class function CallFunction(AState: lua_State; AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; class function NewRegistryKey: string; end; implementation uses System.Math, System.SyncObjs, System.TypInfo; type PLuaScript = ^TLuaScript; TLuaParametersEnumerator = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaParametersEnumerator) private FParameters: ILuaReadParameters; FIndex: Integer; protected property Parameters: ILuaReadParameters read FParameters; public constructor Create(AParameters: ILuaReadParameters); function GetCurrent: ILuaVariable; function MoveNext: Boolean; end; TCustomLuaParameters = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaVariable, ILuaReadParameters) protected function GetDefaultVariable: ILuaVariable; public { ILuaVariable } function GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; function GetDataType: TLuaDataType; function GetAsBoolean: Boolean; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetAsNumber: Double; function GetAsUserData: Pointer; function GetAsString: string; function GetAsTable: ILuaTable; function GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; procedure SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); procedure SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); procedure SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); procedure SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); procedure SetAsString(AString: string); procedure SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); { ILuaReadParameters } function GetCount: Integer; virtual; abstract; function GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; virtual; abstract; function GetEnumerator: ILuaParametersEnumerator; function ToString: string; override; end; TLuaStackParameters = class(TCustomLuaParameters) private FState: lua_State; FCount: Integer; protected property State: lua_State read FState; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; ACount: Integer = -1); { ILuaReadParameters } function GetCount: Integer; override; function GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; override; end; TLuaStackVariable = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaVariable) private FState: lua_State; FIndex: Integer; FTable: ILuaTable; protected property State: lua_State read FState; property Index: Integer read FIndex; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); { ILuaVariable } function GetDataType: TLuaDataType; function GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; function GetAsBoolean: Boolean; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetAsNumber: Double; function GetAsUserData: Pointer; function GetAsString: string; function GetAsTable: ILuaTable; function GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; procedure SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); procedure SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); procedure SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); procedure SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); procedure SetAsString(AString: string); procedure SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); end; TLuaResultParameters = class(TCustomLuaParameters) private FParameters: TList; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; ACount: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function GetCount: Integer; override; function GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; override; end; TLuaVariable = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaVariable) private FVariableType: TLuaVariableType; FDataType: TLuaDataType; FBooleanValue: Boolean; FIntegerValue: Integer; FNumberValue: Double; FUserDataValue: Pointer; FStringValue: string; FTableValue: ILuaTable; FFunctionValue: ILuaFunction; protected property VariableType: TLuaVariableType read FVariableType write FVariableType; property DataType: TLuaDataType read FDataType write FDataType; property BooleanValue: Boolean read FBooleanValue write FBooleanValue; property IntegerValue: Integer read FIntegerValue write FIntegerValue; property NumberValue: Double read FNumberValue write FNumberValue; property UserDataValue: Pointer read FUserDataValue write FUserDataValue; property StringValue: string read FStringValue write FStringValue; property TableValue: ILuaTable read FTableValue write FTableValue; property FunctionValue: ILuaFunction read FFunctionValue write FFunctionValue; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(ABoolean: Boolean); overload; constructor Create(AInteger: Integer); overload; constructor Create(ANumber: Double); overload; constructor Create(AUserData: Pointer); overload; constructor Create(const AString: string); overload; constructor Create(ATable: ILuaTable); overload; constructor Create(AFunction: ILuaFunction); overload; { ILuaParameter } function GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; function GetDataType: TLuaDataType; function GetAsBoolean: Boolean; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetAsNumber: Double; function GetAsUserData: Pointer; function GetAsString: string; function GetAsTable: ILuaTable; function GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; procedure SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); procedure SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); procedure SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); procedure SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); procedure SetAsString(AString: string); procedure SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); end; TLuaCachedVariable = class(TLuaVariable) public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); end; TLuaCachedTable = class(TLuaTable) public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); end; TLuaReadWriteParameters = class(TCustomLuaParameters, ILuaWriteParameters) private FParameters: TList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetCount: Integer; override; function GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; override; { ILuaWriteParameters } procedure Push(ABoolean: Boolean); overload; procedure Push(AInteger: Integer); overload; procedure Push(ANumber: Double); overload; procedure Push(AUserData: Pointer); overload; procedure Push(const AString: string); overload; procedure Push(ATable: ILuaTable); overload; end; TLuaStackWriteParameters = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaWriteParameters) private FState: lua_State; FCount: Integer; protected procedure Pushed; property State: lua_State read FState; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State); { ILuaWriteParameters } function GetCount: Integer; procedure Push(ABoolean: Boolean); overload; procedure Push(AInteger: Integer); overload; procedure Push(ANumber: Double); overload; procedure Push(AUserData: Pointer); overload; procedure Push(const AString: string); overload; procedure Push(ATable: ILuaTable); overload; end; TLuaFunction = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaFunction) private FState: lua_State; FRegistryKey: string; protected property State: lua_State read FState; property RegistryKey: string read FRegistryKey; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; { ILuaFunction } function Call(): ILuaReadParameters; overload; function Call(AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; overload; function Call(AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; overload; end; TLuaContext = class(TInterfacedObject, ILuaContext) private FParameters: ILuaReadParameters; FResult: ILuaWriteParameters; public constructor Create(AState: lua_State); { ILuaContext } function GetParameters: ILuaReadParameters; function GetResult: ILuaWriteParameters; end; { TLuaHelpers } class function TLuaHelpers.GetLuaDataType(AType: Integer): TLuaDataType; begin case AType of LUA_TNIL: Result := LuaNil; LUA_TNUMBER: Result := LuaNumber; LUA_TBOOLEAN: Result := LuaBoolean; LUA_TSTRING: Result := LuaString; LUA_TTABLE: Result := LuaTable; LUA_TFUNCTION: Result := LuaFunction; LUA_TUSERDATA: Result := LuaUserData; LUA_TTHREAD: Result := LuaThread; LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: Result := LuaLightUserData; else Result := LuaNone; end; end; class function TLuaHelpers.GetLuaVariableType(ADataType: TLuaDataType): TLuaVariableType; begin case ADataType of LuaNumber: Result := VariableNumber; LuaBoolean: Result := VariableBoolean; LuaString: Result := VariableString; LuaTable: Result := VariableTable; LuaUserData: Result := VariableUserData; LuaLightUserData: Result := VariableUserData; else Result := VariableNone; end; end; class function TLuaHelpers.CreateParameters(AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; var parameterIndex: Integer; parameter: TVarRec; resultParameters: TLuaReadWriteParameters; table: ILuaTable; begin resultParameters := TLuaReadWriteParameters.Create; for parameterIndex := Low(AParameters) to High(AParameters) do begin parameter := AParameters[parameterIndex]; case parameter.VType of vtInteger: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VInteger); vtBoolean: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VBoolean); vtChar: resultParameters.Push(string(parameter.VChar)); vtExtended: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VExtended^); vtString: resultParameters.Push(string(parameter.VString)); vtPointer: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VPointer); vtPChar: resultParameters.Push(string(parameter.VPChar)); vtObject: if parameter.VObject is TLuaTable then resultParameters.Push(TLuaTable(parameter.VObject)); vtWideChar: resultParameters.Push(string(parameter.VWideChar)); vtPWideChar: resultParameters.Push(string(parameter.VPWideChar)); vtAnsiString: resultParameters.Push(string(PAnsiChar(parameter.VAnsiString))); vtCurrency: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VCurrency^); // vtVariant: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VVariant); vtInterface: if Supports(IInterface(parameter.VInterface), ILuaTable, table) then resultParameters.Push(table); vtWideString: resultParameters.Push(string(PWideString(parameter.VWideString))); vtInt64: resultParameters.Push(parameter.VInt64^); vtUnicodeString: resultParameters.Push(string(PUnicodeString(parameter.VUnicodeString))); else raise ELuaUnsupportedParameterException.CreateFmt('Parameter type %d not supported (index: %d)', [parameter.VType, parameterIndex]); end; end; Result := resultParameters; end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(AState: lua_State; AVariable: ILuaVariable); begin PushVariable(AState, AVariable, AVariable.VariableType); end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(AState: lua_State; AVariable: ILuaVariable; AVariableType: TLuaVariableType); begin case AVariableType of VariableNone: lua_pushnil(AState); VariableBoolean: lua_pushboolean(AState, IfThen(AVariable.AsBoolean, 1, 0)); VariableInteger: lua_pushinteger(AState, AVariable.AsInteger); VariableNumber: lua_pushnumber(AState, AVariable.AsNumber); VariableUserData: lua_pushlightuserdata(AState, AVariable.AsUserData); VariableString: PushString(AState, AVariable.AsString); VariableTable: PushTable(AState, AVariable.AsTable); else raise ELuaUnsupportedVariableException.CreateFmt('Variable type not supported: %d', [Ord(AVariableType)]); end; end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.PushString(AState: lua_State; const AValue: string); var stringValue: PAnsiChar; begin stringValue := AllocLuaString(AValue); try lua_pushlstring(AState, stringValue, Length(AValue)); finally FreeLuaString(stringValue); end; end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.PushTable(AState: lua_State; ATable: ILuaTable); var pair: TLuaKeyValuePair; begin lua_newtable(AState); for pair in ATable do begin PushVariable(AState, pair.Key); PushVariable(AState, pair.Value); lua_settable(AState, -3); end; end; // Casting strings directly to PAnsiChar (via AnsiString) causes corruption // with table values, at least in Delphi XE2. Can't really explain why, seems // the input string goes out of scope, so let's just go through the motions // to create a copy and be safe. class function TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(const AValue: string): PAnsiChar; begin if Length(AValue) > 0 then begin GetMem(Result, Length(AValue) + 1); StrPCopy(Result, AnsiString(AValue)); end else Result := nil; end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(AValue: PAnsiChar); begin FreeMem(AValue); end; // If someone cares to reproduce this issue and optimize the code, use these // two and the TableLuaFunction test should fail with a corrupted value // (#11#0#0#0#11#0#0#0#11#0#0#0#11#0#0#0#11). (* class function TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(const AValue: string): PAnsiChar; begin if Length(AValue) > 0 then Result := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(AValue)) else Result := nil; end; class procedure TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(AValue: PAnsiChar); begin end; *) class procedure TLuaHelpers.RaiseLastLuaError(AState: lua_State); var errorMessage: string; begin errorMessage := LuaToString(AState, -1); lua_pop(AState, 1); raise ELuaException.Create(errorMessage); end; class function TLuaHelpers.LuaToString(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer): string; var len: Cardinal; value: PAnsiChar; stringValue: RawByteString; begin value := lua_tolstring(AState, AIndex, @len); SetString(stringValue, value, len); Result := string(stringValue); end; class function TLuaHelpers.CallFunction(AState: lua_State; AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; var stackIndex: Integer; parameterCount: Integer; parameter: ILuaVariable; begin { Assumption: the function to call is the top item on the stack } stackIndex := Pred(lua_gettop(AState)); parameterCount := 0; if Assigned(AParameters) then begin parameterCount := AParameters.Count; for parameter in AParameters do PushVariable(AState, parameter); end; if lua_pcall(AState, parameterCount, LUA_MULTRET, 0) <> 0 then RaiseLastLuaError(AState); Result := TLuaResultParameters.Create(AState, lua_gettop(AState) - stackIndex); end; class function TLuaHelpers.NewRegistryKey: string; begin // This could be incremented on a per-State basis, but this'll do for now. Result := Format('DelphiLuaWrapper_%d', [TInterlocked.Increment(RegistryKeyCounter)]); end; { TLuaImplicitVariable } class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: ILuaVariable): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := AValue; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: Boolean): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: Integer): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: Double): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: Pointer): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(const AValue: string): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: ILuaTable): TLuaImplicitVariable; begin Result.Variable := TLuaVariable.Create(AValue); end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaVariable; begin Result := AValue.Variable; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Boolean; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsBoolean; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Integer; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsInteger; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Double; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsNumber; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): Pointer; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsUserData; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): string; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsString; end; class operator TLuaImplicitVariable.Implicit(AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaTable; begin Result := AValue.Variable.AsTable; end; { TLuaTableEnumerator } constructor TLuaTableEnumerator.Create(AEnumerator: TEnumerator>); begin inherited Create; FEnumerator := AEnumerator; end; destructor TLuaTableEnumerator.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FEnumerator); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaTableEnumerator.GetCurrent: TLuaKeyValuePair; var current: TPair; begin current := FEnumerator.Current; Result.Key := current.Key; Result.Value := current.Value; end; function TLuaTableEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin Result := FEnumerator.MoveNext; end; { TLuaVariableEqualityComparer } function TLuaVariableEqualityComparer.Equals(const Left, Right: ILuaVariable): Boolean; begin Result := (Left.VariableType = Right.VariableType); if Result then begin case Left.VariableType of VariableBoolean: Result := (Left.AsBoolean = Right.AsBoolean); VariableInteger: Result := (Left.AsInteger = Right.AsInteger); VariableNumber: Result := SameValue(Left.AsNumber, Right.AsNumber); VariableUserData: Result := (Left.AsUserData = Right.AsUserData); VariableString: Result := (Left.AsString = Right.AsString); VariableTable: Result := (Left.AsTable = Right.AsTable); end; end; end; function TLuaVariableEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(const Value: ILuaVariable): Integer; var i: Integer; m: Extended; e: Integer; p: Pointer; s: string; begin Result := 0; // System.Generics.Defaults has a decent set of GetHashCode_ functions... // ...which are of course private. case Value.VariableType of VariableBoolean: Result := Ord(Value.AsBoolean); VariableInteger: begin i := Value.AsInteger; Result := BobJenkinsHash(i, SizeOf(i), 0); end; VariableNumber: begin // Denormalized floats and positive/negative 0.0 complicate things. Frexp(Value.AsNumber, m, e); if m = 0 then m := Abs(m); Result := BobJenkinsHash(m, SizeOf(m), 0); Result := BobJenkinsHash(e, SizeOf(e), Result); end; VariableUserData: begin p := Value.AsUserData; Result := BobJenkinsHash(p, SizeOf(p), 0); end; VariableString: begin s := Value.AsString; if Length(s) > 0 then Result := BobJenkinsHash(s[1], Length(s) * SizeOf(s[1]), 0); end; VariableTable: Result := Integer(Value.AsTable); end; end; { TLuaTable } constructor TLuaTable.Create; begin inherited Create; FTable := TDictionary.Create(TLuaVariableEqualityComparer.Create); end; destructor TLuaTable.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FTable); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaTable.GetEnumerator: ILuaTableEnumerator; begin Result := TLuaTableEnumerator.Create(FTable.GetEnumerator); end; function TLuaTable.GetValue(AKey: TLuaImplicitVariable): ILuaVariable; begin Result := FTable[AKey]; end; procedure TLuaTable.SetValue(AKey, AValue: TLuaImplicitVariable); begin FTable.AddOrSetValue(AKey, AValue); end; { TCustomLuaRegistration } constructor TCustomLuaRegistration.Create(const AName: string); begin inherited Create; FName := AName; end; { TLuaFunctionRegistration } procedure TLuaFunctionRegistration.Apply(AState: lua_State; APushFunction: TLuaPushFunction); var functionName: PAnsiChar; begin functionName := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(Name); try APushFunction(Callback); lua_setglobal(AState, functionName); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(functionName); end; end; constructor TLuaFunctionRegistration.Create(const AName: string; ACallback: TLuaCFunction); begin inherited Create(AName); FCallback := ACallback; end; { TLuaTableRegistration } constructor TLuaTableRegistration.Create(const AName: string); begin inherited Create(AName); FFunctionTable := TLuaFunctionTable.Create; end; destructor TLuaTableRegistration.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FFunctionTable); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLuaTableRegistration.RegisterFunction(const AName: string; AFunction: TLuaCFunction); begin FunctionTable.AddOrSetValue(AName, AFunction); end; procedure TLuaTableRegistration.Apply(AState: lua_State; APushFunction: TLuaPushFunction); var pair: TPair; functionName: PAnsiChar; tableName: PAnsiChar; begin lua_newtable(AState); for pair in FunctionTable do begin functionName := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(pair.Key); try lua_pushstring(AState, functionName); APushFunction(pair.Value); lua_settable(AState, -3); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(functionName); end; end; tableName := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(Name); try lua_setglobal(AState, tableName); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(tableName); end; end; { TLuaScript } constructor TLuaScript.Create(const AData: string); begin Create(TStringStream.Create(AData), soOwned); end; constructor TLuaScript.Create(const AStream: TStream; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership); begin inherited Create; FStream := AStream; FStreamOwnership := AOwnership; end; destructor TLuaScript.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FBuffer) then FreeMem(FBuffer); if FStreamOwnership = soOwned then FreeAndNil(FStream); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaScript.GetNextChunk(out ASize: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; const BufferSize = 4096; begin if not Assigned(FBuffer) then GetMem(FBuffer, BufferSize); ASize := FStream.Read(FBuffer^, BufferSize); if ASize > 0 then Result := FBuffer else Result := nil; end; { Callback functions } function LuaWrapperAlloc(ud, ptr: Pointer; osize, nsize: size_t): Pointer; cdecl; begin Result := TLua(ud).DoAlloc(ptr, osize, nsize); end; function LuaWrapperReader(L: lua_State; ud: Pointer; var sz: Lua.size_t): PAnsiChar; cdecl; var script: PLuaScript; begin script := ud; Result := script^.GetNextChunk(sz); end; function LuaWrapperWriter(L: lua_State; p: Pointer; sz: size_t; ud: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; var stream: TStream; begin stream := TStream(ud^); try stream.WriteBuffer(p^, sz); Result := 0; except on E:EStreamError do Result := 1; end; end; function LuaWrapperFunction(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; var lua: TLua; cookie: Integer; begin Result := 0; lua := TLua(lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))); cookie := lua_tointeger(L, lua_upvalueindex(2)); if Assigned(lua) then Result := lua.RunRegisteredFunction(cookie); end; { TLua } constructor TLua.Create; begin inherited Create; FAutoOpenLibraries := [TLuaLibrary.All]; FRegistrations := TLuaRegistrationList.Create(True); FRegisteredFunctions := TLuaRegisteredFunctionDictionary.Create; end; destructor TLua.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FRegisteredFunctions); FreeAndNil(FRegistrations); if HasState then DoClose; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLua.LoadFromString(const AData: string; AAutoRun: Boolean; const AChunkName: string); begin LoadFromScript(TLuaScript.Create(AData), soOwned, AAutoRun, AChunkName); end; procedure TLua.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership; AAutoRun: Boolean; const AChunkName: string); begin LoadFromScript(TLuaScript.Create(AStream, AOwnership), soOwned, AAutoRun, AChunkName); end; procedure TLua.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string; AAutoRun: Boolean; const AChunkName: string); begin LoadFromScript(TLuaScript.Create(TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone), soOwned), soOwned, AAutoRun, AChunkName); end; procedure TLua.LoadFromScript(AScript: TLuaScript; AOwnership: TStreamOwnership; AAutoRun: Boolean; const AChunkName: string); var chunkName: PAnsiChar; begin try chunkName := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AChunkName); try if lua_load(State, LuaWrapperReader, @AScript, chunkName, nil) <> 0 then TLuaHelpers.RaiseLastLuaError(State); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(chunkName); end; if not Loaded then AfterLoad; if AAutoRun then Run; finally if AOwnership = soOwned then FreeAndNil(AScript); end; end; procedure TLua.OpenLibraries(ALibraries: TLuaLibraries); begin if TLuaLibrary.All in ALibraries then luaL_openlibs(State) else begin if TLuaLibrary.Base in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'base', luaopen_base, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Coroutine in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'coroutine', luaopen_coroutine, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Table in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'table', luaopen_table, 1); if TLuaLibrary.IO in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'io', luaopen_io, 1); if TLuaLibrary.OS in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'os', luaopen_os, 1); if TLuaLibrary.StringLib in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'string', luaopen_string, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Bit32 in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'bit32', luaopen_bit32, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Math in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'math', luaopen_math, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Debug in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'debug', luaopen_debug, 1); if TLuaLibrary.Package in ALibraries then luaL_requiref(State, 'package', luaopen_package, 1); end; end; procedure TLua.Run; begin CheckIsFunction; if lua_pcall(State, 0, 0, 0) <> 0 then TLuaHelpers.RaiseLastLuaError(State); HasRun := True; end; procedure TLua.GetByteCode(AStream: TStream; APop: Boolean); var returnCode: Integer; begin CheckIsFunction; try returnCode := lua_dump(State, LuaWrapperWriter, @AStream); if returnCode <> 0 then raise ELuaException.CreateFmt('lua_dump returned code %d', [returnCode]); finally if APop then lua_pop(State, 1); end; end; procedure TLua.Capture(const AName: string); var name: PAnsiChar; begin CheckIsFunction; // Create a new table to serve as the environment lua_newtable(State); // Set the global AName to the new table lua_pushvalue(State, -1); name := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AName); try lua_setglobal(State, name); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(name); end; // Set the global environment as the table's metatable index, so calls to // global functions and variables still work lua_newtable(State); TLuaHelpers.PushString(State, '__index'); lua_pushglobaltable(State); lua_settable(State, -3); lua_setmetatable(State, -2); // Set the new table as the environment (upvalue at index 1) lua_setupvalue(State, -2, 1); if lua_pcall(State, 0, 0, 0) <> 0 then TLuaHelpers.RaiseLastLuaError(State); end; function TLua.Call(const AFunctionName: string): ILuaReadParameters; begin Result := Call(AFunctionName, nil); end; function TLua.Call(const AFunctionName: string; AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; begin Result := Call(AFunctionName, TLuaHelpers.CreateParameters(AParameters)); end; function TLua.Call(const AFunctionName: string; AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; var functionName: PAnsiChar; begin { Global functions are only present after the has run once: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-01/msg01154.html } if not HasRun then Run; functionName := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AFunctionName); try lua_getglobal(State, functionName); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(functionName); end; Result := TLuaHelpers.CallFunction(State, AParameters); end; procedure TLua.CheckState; begin if not LuaLibLoaded then LoadLuaLib; if not HasState then DoNewState; end; procedure TLua.CheckIsFunction; begin if not lua_isfunction(State, -1) then raise ELuaNoFunctionException.Create('No function on top of the stack, use the LoadFrom methods first'); end; procedure TLua.AfterLoad; var registration: TCustomLuaRegistration; begin Loaded := True; HasRun := False; { Register functions in the current environment } for registration in Registrations do DoRegistration(registration); end; function TLua.GetGlobalVariable(const AName: string): ILuaVariable; var name: PAnsiChar; begin name := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AName); try lua_getglobal(State, name); Result := TLuaCachedVariable.Create(State, -1); lua_pop(State, 1); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(name); end; end; procedure TLua.SetGlobalVariable(const AName: string; AVariable: TLuaImplicitVariable); var name: PAnsiChar; begin name := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AName); try TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, AVariable); lua_setglobal(State, name); finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(name); end; end; procedure TLua.RegisterFunction(const AName: string; AFunction: TLuaCFunction); begin { Since anonymous methods are basically interfaces, we need to keep a reference around } AddRegistration(TLuaFunctionRegistration.Create(AName, AFunction)); end; procedure TLua.RegisterFunctions(AObject: TObject; const ATableName: string; AIncludePublicVisibility: Boolean); { This wrapper is needed because Delphi's anonymous functions capture variables, not values. We need a stable 'callback' here. } function CaptureCallback(AMethod: TMethod): TLuaCFunction; inline; begin Result := TLuaCMethod(AMethod); end; var rttiType: TRttiType; rttiMethod: TRttiMethod; rttiParameters: TArray; callback: TMethod; tableRegistration: TLuaTableRegistration; begin tableRegistration := nil; if Length(ATableName) > 0 then tableRegistration := TLuaTableRegistration.Create(ATableName); rttiType := FRttiContext.GetType(AObject.ClassType); for rttiMethod in rttiType.GetMethods do begin if (rttiMethod.Visibility = mvPublished) or (AIncludePublicVisibility and (rttiMethod.Visibility = mvPublic)) then begin rttiParameters := rttiMethod.GetParameters; { Check if one parameter of type ILuaContext is present } if (Length(rttiParameters) = 1) and (Assigned(rttiParameters[0].ParamType)) and (rttiParameters[0].ParamType.TypeKind = tkInterface) and (TRttiInterfaceType(rttiParameters[0].ParamType).GUID = ILuaContext) then begin callback.Code := rttiMethod.CodeAddress; callback.Data := AObject; if Assigned(tableRegistration) then tableRegistration.RegisterFunction(rttiMethod.Name, CaptureCallback(callback)) else AddRegistration(TLuaFunctionRegistration.Create(rttiMethod.Name, CaptureCallback(callback))); end; end; end; if Assigned(tableRegistration) then AddRegistration(tableRegistration); end; function TLua.DoAlloc(APointer: Pointer; AOldSize, ANewSize: Cardinal): Pointer; begin Result := DefaultLuaAlloc(nil, APointer, AOldSize, ANewSize); end; procedure TLua.DoNewState; begin FState := lua_newstate(@LuaWrapperAlloc, Pointer(Self)); if not HasState then raise ELuaInitException.Create('Failed to initialize new state'); OpenLibraries(AutoOpenLibraries); end; procedure TLua.DoClose; begin lua_close(FState); FState := nil; end; procedure TLua.DoRegistration(ARegistration: TCustomLuaRegistration); begin ARegistration.Apply(State, procedure(AFunction: TLuaCFunction) var cookie: Integer; begin cookie := GetRegisteredFunctionCookie; RegisteredFunctions.Add(cookie, AFunction); lua_pushlightuserdata(State, Self); lua_pushinteger(State, Cookie); lua_pushcclosure(State, @LuaWrapperFunction, 2); end); end; procedure TLua.AddRegistration(ARegistration: TCustomLuaRegistration); begin Registrations.Add(ARegistration); { Only register functions after Load, otherwise they'll not be available in the environment } if Loaded then DoRegistration(ARegistration); end; function TLua.GetRegisteredFunctionCookie: Integer; begin Inc(FRegisteredFunctionCookie); Result := FRegisteredFunctionCookie; end; function TLua.RunRegisteredFunction(ACookie: Integer): Integer; var context: ILuaContext; begin Result := 0; if RegisteredFunctions.ContainsKey(ACookie) then begin context := TLuaContext.Create(State); RegisteredFunctions[ACookie](context); Result := context.Result.Count; end; end; function TLua.GetHasState: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FState); end; function TLua.GetState: lua_State; begin CheckState; Result := FState; end; procedure TLua.SetAutoOpenLibraries(const Value: TLuaLibraries); begin FAutoOpenLibraries := Value; end; { TLuaParametersEnumerator } constructor TLuaParametersEnumerator.Create(AParameters: ILuaReadParameters); begin inherited Create; FParameters := AParameters; FIndex := -1; end; function TLuaParametersEnumerator.GetCurrent: ILuaVariable; begin Result := Parameters.Items[FIndex]; end; function TLuaParametersEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin Inc(FIndex); Result := FIndex < Parameters.Count; end; { TCustomLuaParameters } function TCustomLuaParameters.GetEnumerator: ILuaParametersEnumerator; begin Result := TLuaParametersEnumerator.Create(Self); end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetVariableType; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetDataType: TLuaDataType; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetDataType; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsBoolean: Boolean; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsBoolean; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsInteger; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsNumber: Double; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsNumber; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsUserData: Pointer; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsUserData; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsString: string; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsString; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsTable: ILuaTable; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsTable; end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; begin Result := GetDefaultVariable.GetAsFunction; end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsBoolean(ABoolean); end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsInteger(AInteger); end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsNumber(ANumber); end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsUserData(AUserData); end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsString(AString: string); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsString(AString); end; procedure TCustomLuaParameters.SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); begin GetDefaultVariable.SetAsTable(ATable); end; function TCustomLuaParameters.GetDefaultVariable: ILuaVariable; begin Result := GetItem(0); end; function TCustomLuaParameters.ToString: string; var parameterIndex: Integer; begin Result := ''; for parameterIndex := 0 to Pred(GetCount) do Result := Result + GetItem(parameterIndex).AsString; end; { TLuaCFunctionParameters } constructor TLuaStackParameters.Create(AState: lua_State; ACount: Integer); begin inherited Create; FState := AState; FCount := ACount; if FCount = -1 then FCount := lua_gettop(State); end; function TLuaStackParameters.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FCount; end; function TLuaStackParameters.GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= GetCount) then raise ERangeError.CreateFmt('Invalid parameter index: %d', [Index]); Result := TLuaStackVariable.Create(State, Succ(Index)); end; { TLuaCFunctionParameter } constructor TLuaStackVariable.Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); begin inherited Create; FState := AState; FIndex := AIndex; end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; begin Result := TLuaHelpers.GetLuaVariableType(GetDataType); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetDataType: TLuaDataType; begin Result := TLuaHelpers.GetLuaDataType(lua_type(State, Index)); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsBoolean: Boolean; begin Result := (lua_toboolean(State, Index) <> 0); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := lua_tointeger(State, Index); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsNumber: Double; begin Result := lua_tonumber(State, Index); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsUserData: Pointer; begin Result := lua_touserdata(State, Index); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsString: string; begin Result := TLuaHelpers.LuaToString(State, Index); end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsTable: ILuaTable; begin if not lua_istable(State, Index) then Result := nil; if not Assigned(FTable) then FTable := TLuaCachedTable.Create(State, Index); Result := FTable; end; function TLuaStackVariable.GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; begin if not lua_isfunction(State, Index) then Result := nil; Result := TLuaFunction.Create(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); begin lua_pushboolean(State, IfThen(ABoolean, 1, 0)); lua_replace(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); begin TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, Self, VariableInteger); lua_replace(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); begin TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, Self, VariableNumber); lua_replace(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsString(AString: string); begin TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, Self, VariableString); lua_replace(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); begin TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, Self, VariableTable); lua_replace(State, Index); end; procedure TLuaStackVariable.SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); begin TLuaHelpers.PushVariable(State, Self, VariableUserData); lua_replace(State, Index); end; { TLuaResultParameters } constructor TLuaResultParameters.Create(AState: lua_State; ACount: Integer); var parameterIndex: Integer; begin inherited Create; FParameters := TList.Create; if ACount > 0 then begin FParameters.Capacity := ACount; for parameterIndex := ACount downto 1 do FParameters.Add(TLuaCachedVariable.Create(AState, -ACount)); lua_pop(AState, ACount); end; end; destructor TLuaResultParameters.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FParameters); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaResultParameters.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FParameters.Count; end; function TLuaResultParameters.GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; begin Result := FParameters[Index]; end; { TLuaVariable } constructor TLuaVariable.Create; begin end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(ABoolean: Boolean); begin Create; SetAsBoolean(ABoolean); end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(AInteger: Integer); begin Create; SetAsInteger(AInteger); end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(ANumber: Double); begin Create; SetAsNumber(ANumber); end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(AUserData: Pointer); begin Create; SetAsUserData(AUserData); end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(const AString: string); begin Create; SetAsString(AString); end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(AFunction: ILuaFunction); begin Create; VariableType := VariableFunction; DataType := LuaFunction; FunctionValue := AFunction; end; constructor TLuaVariable.Create(ATable: ILuaTable); begin Create; SetAsTable(ATable); end; function TLuaVariable.GetVariableType: TLuaVariableType; begin Result := VariableType; end; function TLuaVariable.GetDataType: TLuaDataType; begin Result := DataType; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsBoolean: Boolean; begin Result := BooleanValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := IntegerValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsNumber: Double; begin Result := NumberValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsUserData: Pointer; begin Result := UserDataValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsString: string; begin Result := StringValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsTable: ILuaTable; begin Result := TableValue; end; function TLuaVariable.GetAsFunction: ILuaFunction; begin Result := FunctionValue; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsBoolean(ABoolean: Boolean); begin VariableType := VariableBoolean; DataType := LuaBoolean; BooleanValue := ABoolean; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsInteger(AInteger: Integer); begin VariableType := VariableInteger; DataType := LuaString; IntegerValue := AInteger; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsNumber(ANumber: Double); begin VariableType := VariableNumber; DataType := LuaNumber; NumberValue := ANumber; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsUserData(AUserData: Pointer); begin VariableType := VariableUserData; DataType := LuaLightUserData; UserDataValue := AUserData; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsString(AString: string); begin VariableType := VariableString; DataType := LuaString; StringValue := AString; end; procedure TLuaVariable.SetAsTable(ATable: ILuaTable); begin VariableType := VariableTable; DataType := LuaTable; TableValue := ATable; end; { TLuaCachedVariable } constructor TLuaCachedVariable.Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); begin inherited Create; DataType := TLuaHelpers.GetLuaDataType(lua_type(AState, AIndex)); VariableType := TLuaHelpers.GetLuaVariableType(FDataType); BooleanValue := (lua_toboolean(AState, AIndex) <> 0); IntegerValue := lua_tointeger(AState, AIndex); NumberValue := lua_tonumber(AState, AIndex); UserDataValue := lua_touserdata(AState, AIndex); { While traversing a table, do not call lua_tolstring directly on a key, unless you know that the key is actually a string. Recall that lua_tolstring may change the value at the given index; this confuses the next call to lua_next. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#lua_next } case lua_type(AState, AIndex) of LUA_TSTRING: StringValue := TLuaHelpers.LuaToString(AState, AIndex); LUA_TNUMBER: StringValue := FloatToStr(NumberValue); end; if lua_istable(AState, AIndex) then TableValue := TLuaCachedTable.Create(AState, AIndex); if lua_isfunction(AState, AIndex) then FunctionValue := TLuaFunction.Create(AState, AIndex); end; { TLuaCachedTable } constructor TLuaCachedTable.Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); var tableIndex: Integer; key: ILuaVariable; value: ILuaVariable; begin inherited Create; lua_pushnil(AState); tableIndex := AIndex; if AIndex < 0 then Dec(tableIndex); while (lua_next(AState, tableIndex) <> 0) do begin key := TLuaCachedVariable.Create(AState, -2); value := TLuaCachedVariable.Create(AState, -1); SetValue(key, value); { Remove value, keep key for the next iteration } lua_pop(AState, 1); end; end; { TLuaReadWriteParameters } constructor TLuaReadWriteParameters.Create; begin inherited Create; FParameters := TList.Create; end; destructor TLuaReadWriteParameters.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FParameters); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaReadWriteParameters.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FParameters.Count; end; function TLuaReadWriteParameters.GetItem(Index: Integer): ILuaVariable; begin Result := FParameters[Index]; end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(ABoolean: Boolean); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(ABoolean)); end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(AInteger: Integer); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(AInteger)); end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(ANumber: Double); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(ANumber)); end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(AUserData: Pointer); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(AUserData)); end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(const AString: string); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(AString)); end; procedure TLuaReadWriteParameters.Push(ATable: ILuaTable); begin FParameters.Add(TLuaVariable.Create(ATable)); end; { TLuaContext } constructor TLuaContext.Create(AState: lua_State); begin inherited Create; FParameters := TLuaStackParameters.Create(AState); FResult := TLuaStackWriteParameters.Create(AState); end; function TLuaContext.GetParameters: ILuaReadParameters; begin Result := FParameters; end; function TLuaContext.GetResult: ILuaWriteParameters; begin Result := FResult; end; { TLuaResult } constructor TLuaStackWriteParameters.Create(AState: lua_State); begin inherited Create; FState := AState; end; function TLuaStackWriteParameters.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FCount; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(ABoolean: Boolean); begin lua_pushboolean(State, IfThen(ABoolean, 1, 0)); Pushed; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(AInteger: Integer); begin lua_pushinteger(State, AInteger); Pushed; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(ANumber: Double); begin lua_pushnumber(State, ANumber); Pushed; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(AUserData: Pointer); begin lua_pushlightuserdata(State, AUserData); Pushed; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(const AString: string); var value: PAnsiChar; begin value := TLuaHelpers.AllocLuaString(AString); try lua_pushlstring(State, value, Length(AString)); Pushed; finally TLuaHelpers.FreeLuaString(value); end; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Push(ATable: ILuaTable); begin TLuaHelpers.PushTable(State, ATable); Pushed; end; procedure TLuaStackWriteParameters.Pushed; begin Inc(FCount); end; { TLuaCFunction } constructor TLuaFunction.Create(AState: lua_State; AIndex: Integer); var actualIndex: Integer; begin inherited Create; FState := AState; // There is no way to retrieve the function in a way that allows pushing // it back later. Instead, make use of Lua's registry: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416797/reference-to-lua-function-in-c-c FRegistryKey := TLuaHelpers.NewRegistryKey; actualIndex := AIndex; // If the index is relative to the top, compensate for pushing the key if actualIndex < 0 then Dec(actualIndex); TLuaHelpers.PushString(AState, RegistryKey); lua_pushvalue(AState, actualIndex); lua_rawset(AState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); end; destructor TLuaFunction.Destroy; begin TLuaHelpers.PushString(State, RegistryKey); lua_pushnil(State); lua_rawset(State, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); inherited Destroy; end; function TLuaFunction.Call: ILuaReadParameters; begin Result := Call(nil); end; function TLuaFunction.Call(AParameters: array of const): ILuaReadParameters; begin Result := Call(TLuaHelpers.CreateParameters(AParameters)); end; function TLuaFunction.Call(AParameters: ILuaReadParameters): ILuaReadParameters; begin TLuaHelpers.PushString(State, RegistryKey); lua_rawget(State, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); Result := TLuaHelpers.CallFunction(State, AParameters); end; end.