{ Header for Lua 5.2.1 Binaries DLL http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/ Delphi conversion by M. van Renswoude, April 2014: This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. } unit Lua; interface uses System.SysUtils; const LUA_VERSION_MAJOR = '5'; LUA_VERSION_MINOR = '2'; LUA_VERSION_NUM = 502; LUA_VERSION_RELEASE = '1'; LUA_VERSION_ = 'Lua ' + LUA_VERSION_MAJOR + '.' + LUA_VERSION_MINOR; LUA_RELEASE = LUA_VERSION_ + '.' + LUA_VERSION_RELEASE; LUA_COPYRIGHT = LUA_RELEASE + ' Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio'; LUA_AUTHORS = 'R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, W. Celes'; { mark for precompiled code ('Lua') } LUA_SIGNATURE = #33'Lua'; { option for multiple returns in 'lua_pcall' and 'lua_call' } LUA_MULTRET = -1; { reserve some space for error handling } LUAI_MAXSTACK = 1000000; LUAI_FIRSTPSEUDOIDX = (-LUAI_MAXSTACK - 1000); { pseudo-indices } LUA_REGISTRYINDEX = LUAI_FIRSTPSEUDOIDX; function lua_upvalueindex(idx: Integer): Integer; inline; const { thread status } LUA_OK = 0; LUA_YIELD = 1; LUA_ERRRUN = 2; LUA_ERRSYNTAX = 3; LUA_ERRMEM = 4; LUA_ERRGCMM = 5; LUA_ERRERR = 6; type size_t = Cardinal; psize_t = ^size_t; lua_State = type Pointer; lua_CFunction = function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; { functions that read/write blocks when loading/dumping Lua chunks } lua_Reader = function(L: lua_State; ud: Pointer; var sz: size_t): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_Writer = function(L: lua_State; p: Pointer; sz: size_t; ud: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; { prototype for memory-allocation functions } lua_Alloc = function(ud, ptr: Pointer; osize, nsize: size_t): Pointer; cdecl; const { basic types } LUA_TNONE = (-1); LUA_TNIL = 0; LUA_TBOOLEAN = 1; LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA = 2; LUA_TNUMBER = 3; LUA_TSTRING = 4; LUA_TTABLE = 5; LUA_TFUNCTION = 6; LUA_TUSERDATA = 7; LUA_TTHREAD = 8; LUA_NUMTAGS = 9; { minimum Lua stack available to a C function } LUA_MINSTACK = 20; { predefined values in the registry } LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD = 1; LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS = 2; LUA_RIDX_LAST = LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS; type { type of numbers in Lua } lua_Number = type Double; { type for integer functions } lua_Integer = type Integer; { unsigned integer type } lua_Unsigned = type Cardinal; var { state manipulation } lua_newstate: function(f: lua_Alloc; ud: Pointer): lua_State; cdecl; lua_close: procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl; lua_newthread: function(L: lua_State): lua_State; cdecl; lua_atpanic: function(L: lua_State; panicf: lua_CFunction): lua_CFunction; cdecl; lua_version: function(L: lua_State): lua_Number; cdecl; { basic stack manipulation } lua_absindex: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_gettop: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; lua_settop: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_pushvalue: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_remove: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_insert: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_replace: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_copy: procedure(L: lua_State; fromidx, toidx: Integer); cdecl; lua_checkstack: function(L: lua_State; sz: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_xmove: procedure(from: lua_State; _to: lua_State; n: Integer); cdecl; { access functions (stack -> C) } lua_isnumber: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_isstring: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_iscfunction: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_isuserdata: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_type: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_typename: function (L: lua_State; tp: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_tonumberx: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer; isnum: PInteger): lua_Number; cdecl; lua_tointegerx: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer; isnum: PInteger): lua_Integer; cdecl; lua_tounsignedx: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer; isnum: PInteger): lua_Unsigned; cdecl; lua_toboolean: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_tolstring: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; len: psize_t): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_rawlen: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): size_t; cdecl; lua_tocfunction: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_CFunction; cdecl; lua_touserdata: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Pointer; cdecl; lua_tothread: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_State; cdecl; lua_topointer: function (L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Pointer; cdecl; const { Comparison and arithmetic functions } LUA_OPADD = 0; { ORDER TM } LUA_OPSUB = 1; LUA_OPMUL = 2; LUA_OPDIV = 3; LUA_OPMOD = 4; LUA_OPPOW = 5; LUA_OPUNM = 6; var lua_arith: procedure(L: lua_State; op: Integer); cdecl; const LUA_OPEQ = 0; LUA_OPLT = 1; LUA_OPLE = 2; var lua_rawequal: function(L: lua_State; idx1, idx2: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_compare: function(L: lua_State; idx1, idx2, op: Integer): Integer; cdecl; { push functions (C -> stack) } lua_pushnil: procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl; lua_pushnumber: procedure(L: lua_State; n: lua_Number); cdecl; lua_pushinteger: procedure(L: lua_State; n: lua_Integer); cdecl; lua_pushunsigned: procedure(L: lua_State; n: lua_Unsigned); cdecl; lua_pushlstring: function (L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar; l_: size_t): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_pushstring: function (L: lua_State; s: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_pushvfstring: function (L: lua_State; fmt: PAnsiChar; argp: array of const): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_pushfstring: function (L: lua_State; fmt: PAnsiChar): PAnsiChar; cdecl; lua_pushcclosure: procedure(L: lua_State; fn: lua_CFunction; n: Integer); cdecl; lua_pushboolean: procedure(L: lua_State; b: Integer); cdecl; lua_pushlightuserdata: procedure(L: lua_State; p: Pointer); cdecl; lua_pushthread: function (L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; { get functions (Lua -> stack) } lua_getglobal: procedure(L: lua_State; value: PAnsiChar); cdecl; lua_gettable: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_getfield: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; k: PAnsiChar); cdecl; lua_rawget: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_rawgeti: procedure(L: lua_State; idx, n: Integer); cdecl; lua_rawgetp: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; p: Pointer); cdecl; lua_createtable: procedure(L: lua_State; narr: Integer; nrec: Integer); cdecl; lua_newuserdata: procedure(L: lua_State; sz: size_t); cdecl; lua_getmetatable: function(L: lua_State; objindex: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_getuservalue: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; { set functions (stack -> Lua) } lua_setglobal: procedure(L: lua_State; value: PAnsiChar); cdecl; lua_settable: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_setfield: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; k: PAnsiChar); cdecl; lua_rawset: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_rawseti: procedure(L: lua_State; idx, n: Integer); cdecl; lua_rawsetp: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer; p: Pointer); cdecl; lua_setmetatable: function(L: lua_State; objindex: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_setuservalue: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; { 'load' and 'call' functions (load and run Lua code) } lua_callk: procedure(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults, ctx: Integer; k: lua_CFunction); cdecl; lua_getctx: function(L: lua_State; var ctx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_pcallk: function(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc, ctx: Integer; k: lua_CFunction): Integer; cdecl; lua_load: function(L: lua_State; reader: lua_Reader; dt: Pointer; chunkname, mode: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl; lua_dump: function(L: lua_State; writer: lua_Writer; data: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; procedure lua_call(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults: Integer); inline; function lua_pcall(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc: Integer): Integer; inline; (* /* ** coroutine functions */ LUA_API int (lua_yieldk) (lua_State *L, int nresults, int ctx, lua_CFunction k); #define lua_yield(L,n) lua_yieldk(L, (n), 0, NULL) LUA_API int (lua_resume) (lua_State *L, lua_State *from, int narg); LUA_API int (lua_status) (lua_State *L); /* ** garbage-collection function and options */ #define LUA_GCSTOP 0 #define LUA_GCRESTART 1 #define LUA_GCCOLLECT 2 #define LUA_GCCOUNT 3 #define LUA_GCCOUNTB 4 #define LUA_GCSTEP 5 #define LUA_GCSETPAUSE 6 #define LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL 7 #define LUA_GCSETMAJORINC 8 #define LUA_GCISRUNNING 9 #define LUA_GCGEN 10 #define LUA_GCINC 11 LUA_API int (lua_gc) (lua_State *L, int what, int data); *) var { miscellaneous functions } lua_error: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; lua_next: function(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): Integer; cdecl; lua_concat: procedure(L: lua_State; n: Integer); cdecl; lua_len: procedure(L: lua_State; idx: Integer); cdecl; lua_getallocf: function(L: lua_State; ud: Pointer): lua_Alloc; cdecl; lua_setallocf: procedure(L: lua_State; f: lua_Alloc; ud: Pointer); cdecl; { some useful macros } function lua_tonumber(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Number; inline; function lua_tointeger(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Integer; inline; function lua_tounsigned(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Unsigned; inline; procedure lua_pop(L: lua_State; n: Integer); inline; procedure lua_newtable(L: lua_State); inline; procedure lua_register(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar; f: lua_CFunction); inline; procedure lua_pushcfunction(L: lua_State; f: lua_CFunction); inline; function lua_isfunction(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_istable(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_islightuserdata(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_isnil(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_isboolean(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_isthread(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_isnone(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_isnoneornil(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; inline; function lua_pushliteral(L: lua_State; const s: AnsiString): PAnsiChar; inline; procedure lua_pushglobaltable(L: lua_State); inline; function lua_tostring(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar; inline; (* /* ** {====================================================================== ** Debug API ** ======================================================================= */ /* ** Event codes */ #define LUA_HOOKCALL 0 #define LUA_HOOKRET 1 #define LUA_HOOKLINE 2 #define LUA_HOOKCOUNT 3 #define LUA_HOOKTAILCALL 4 /* ** Event masks */ #define LUA_MASKCALL (1 << LUA_HOOKCALL) #define LUA_MASKRET (1 << LUA_HOOKRET) #define LUA_MASKLINE (1 << LUA_HOOKLINE) #define LUA_MASKCOUNT (1 << LUA_HOOKCOUNT) /* Functions to be called by the debugger in specific events */ typedef void (*lua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); *) const LUA_IDSIZE = 60; type lua_Debug = record event: Integer; name: PAnsiChar; namewhat: PAnsiChar; // 'global', 'local', 'field', 'method' what: PAnsiChar; // 'Lua', 'C', 'main', 'tail' source: PAnsiChar; currentline: Integer; linedefined: Integer; lastlinedefined: Integer; nups: Byte; nparams: Byte; isvararg: Byte; istailcall: Byte; short_src: array[0..LUA_IDSIZE - 1] of AnsiChar; //struct CallInfo *i_ci; /* active function */ end; var lua_getstack: function(L: lua_State; level: Integer; var ar: lua_Debug): Integer; cdecl; lua_getinfo: function(L: lua_State; what: PAnsiChar; var ar: lua_Debug): Integer; cdecl; (* LUA_API const char *(lua_getlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); LUA_API const char *(lua_setlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); LUA_API const char *(lua_getupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); LUA_API const char *(lua_setupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); LUA_API void *(lua_upvalueid) (lua_State *L, int fidx, int n); LUA_API void (lua_upvaluejoin) (lua_State *L, int fidx1, int n1, int fidx2, int n2); LUA_API int (lua_sethook) (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count); LUA_API lua_Hook (lua_gethook) (lua_State *L); LUA_API int (lua_gethookmask) (lua_State *L); LUA_API int (lua_gethookcount) (lua_State *L); /* }====================================================================== */ #endif *) const LUA_COLIBNAME = 'coroutine'; LUA_TABLIBNAME = 'table'; LUA_IOLIBNAME = 'io'; LUA_OSLIBNAME = 'os'; LUA_STRLIBNAME = 'string'; LUA_BITLIBNAME = 'bit32'; LUA_MATHLIBNAME = 'math'; LUA_DBLIBNAME = 'debug'; LUA_LOADLIBNAME = 'package'; var { lualib } luaopen_base: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_coroutine: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_table: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_io: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_os: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_string: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_bit32: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_math: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_debug: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; luaopen_package: function(L: lua_State): Integer; cdecl; { open all previous libraries } luaL_openlibs: procedure(L: lua_State); cdecl; type luaL_Reg = record name: PAnsiChar; func: lua_CFunction; end; PluaL_Reg = ^luaL_Reg; var luaL_setfuncs: procedure(L: lua_State; luaL_Reg: PluaL_Reg; nup: Integer); cdecl; const DefaultLuaLibName = 'lua' + LUA_VERSION_MAJOR + LUA_VERSION_MINOR + '.dll'; procedure LoadLuaLib(const AFileName: string = DefaultLuaLibName); procedure UnloadLuaLib; function LuaLibLoaded: Boolean; function DefaultLuaAlloc(ud, ptr: Pointer; osize, nsize: size_t): Pointer; cdecl; implementation uses System.Generics.Collections, Winapi.Windows; var LuaLibHandle: THandle; LuaFunctions: TList; function DefaultLuaAlloc(ud, ptr: Pointer; osize, nsize: size_t): Pointer; begin if (nsize = 0) then begin FreeMemory(ptr); Result := nil; end else Result := ReallocMemory(ptr, nsize); end; procedure LoadLuaLib(const AFileName: string = DefaultLuaLibName); procedure Load(var AVariable: Pointer; const AName: string); begin AVariable := GetProcAddress(LuaLibHandle, PChar(AName)); LuaFunctions.Add(@AVariable); end; begin UnloadLuaLib; LuaLibHandle := SafeLoadLibrary(AFileName); if LuaLibHandle = 0 then RaiseLastOSError; if not Assigned(LuaFunctions) then LuaFunctions := TList.Create(); Load(@lua_newstate, 'lua_newstate'); Load(@lua_close, 'lua_close'); Load(@lua_newthread, 'lua_newthread'); Load(@lua_atpanic, 'lua_atpanic'); Load(@lua_version, 'lua_version'); Load(@lua_absindex, 'lua_absindex'); Load(@lua_gettop, 'lua_gettop'); Load(@lua_settop, 'lua_settop'); Load(@lua_pushvalue, 'lua_pushvalue'); Load(@lua_remove, 'lua_remove'); Load(@lua_insert, 'lua_insert'); Load(@lua_replace, 'lua_replace'); Load(@lua_copy, 'lua_copy'); Load(@lua_checkstack, 'lua_checkstack'); Load(@lua_xmove, 'lua_xmove'); Load(@lua_isnumber, 'lua_isnumber'); Load(@lua_isstring, 'lua_isstring'); Load(@lua_iscfunction, 'lua_iscfunction'); Load(@lua_isuserdata, 'lua_isuserdata'); Load(@lua_type, 'lua_type'); Load(@lua_typename, 'lua_typename'); Load(@lua_tonumberx, 'lua_tonumberx'); Load(@lua_tointegerx, 'lua_tointegerx'); Load(@lua_tounsignedx, 'lua_tounsignedx'); Load(@lua_toboolean, 'lua_toboolean'); Load(@lua_tolstring, 'lua_tolstring'); Load(@lua_rawlen, 'lua_rawlen'); Load(@lua_tocfunction, 'lua_tocfunction'); Load(@lua_touserdata, 'lua_touserdata'); Load(@lua_tothread, 'lua_tothread'); Load(@lua_topointer, 'lua_topointer'); Load(@lua_arith, 'lua_arith'); Load(@lua_rawequal, 'lua_rawequal'); Load(@lua_compare, 'lua_compare'); Load(@lua_pushnil, 'lua_pushnil'); Load(@lua_pushnumber, 'lua_pushnumber'); Load(@lua_pushinteger, 'lua_pushinteger'); Load(@lua_pushunsigned, 'lua_pushunsigned'); Load(@lua_pushlstring, 'lua_pushlstring'); Load(@lua_pushstring, 'lua_pushstring'); Load(@lua_pushvfstring, 'lua_pushvfstring'); Load(@lua_pushfstring, 'lua_pushfstring'); Load(@lua_pushcclosure, 'lua_pushcclosure'); Load(@lua_pushboolean, 'lua_pushboolean'); Load(@lua_pushlightuserdata, 'lua_pushlightuserdata'); Load(@lua_pushthread, 'lua_pushthread'); Load(@lua_getglobal, 'lua_getglobal'); Load(@lua_gettable, 'lua_gettable'); Load(@lua_getfield, 'lua_getfield'); Load(@lua_rawget, 'lua_rawget'); Load(@lua_rawgeti, 'lua_rawgeti'); Load(@lua_rawgetp, 'lua_rawgetp'); Load(@lua_newuserdata, 'lua_newuserdata'); Load(@lua_getmetatable, 'lua_getmetatable'); Load(@lua_getuservalue, 'lua_getuservalue'); Load(@lua_createtable, 'lua_createtable'); Load(@lua_setglobal, 'lua_setglobal'); Load(@lua_settable, 'lua_settable'); Load(@lua_setfield, 'lua_setfield'); Load(@lua_rawset, 'lua_rawset'); Load(@lua_rawseti, 'lua_rawseti'); Load(@lua_rawsetp, 'lua_rawsetp'); Load(@lua_setmetatable, 'lua_setmetatable'); Load(@lua_setuservalue, 'lua_setuservalue'); Load(@lua_callk, 'lua_callk'); Load(@lua_getctx, 'lua_getctx'); Load(@lua_pcallk, 'lua_pcallk'); Load(@lua_load, 'lua_load'); Load(@lua_dump, 'lua_dump'); Load(@lua_error, 'lua_error'); Load(@lua_next, 'lua_next'); Load(@lua_concat, 'lua_concat'); Load(@lua_len, 'lua_len'); Load(@lua_getallocf, 'lua_getallocf'); Load(@lua_setallocf, 'lua_setallocf'); Load(@lua_getstack, 'lua_getstack'); Load(@lua_getinfo, 'lua_getinfo'); Load(@luaopen_base, 'luaopen_base'); Load(@luaopen_coroutine, 'luaopen_coroutine'); Load(@luaopen_table, 'luaopen_table'); Load(@luaopen_io, 'luaopen_io'); Load(@luaopen_os, 'luaopen_os'); Load(@luaopen_string, 'luaopen_string'); Load(@luaopen_bit32, 'luaopen_bit32'); Load(@luaopen_math, 'luaopen_math'); Load(@luaopen_debug, 'luaopen_debug'); Load(@luaopen_package, 'luaopen_package'); Load(@luaL_openlibs, 'luaL_openlibs'); Load(@luaL_setfuncs, 'luaL_setfuncs'); end; procedure UnloadLuaLib; var variable: PPointer; begin if Assigned(LuaFunctions) then begin for variable in LuaFunctions do variable^ := nil; end; if LuaLibLoaded then begin FreeLibrary(LuaLibHandle); LuaLibHandle := 0; end; end; function LuaLibLoaded: Boolean; begin Result := (LuaLibHandle <> 0); end; { Macros } function lua_upvalueindex(idx: Integer): Integer; begin Result := (LUA_REGISTRYINDEX - idx); end; procedure lua_call(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults: Integer); begin lua_callk(L, nargs, nresults, 0, nil); end; function lua_pcall(L: lua_State; nargs, nresults, errfunc: Integer): Integer; begin Result := lua_pcallk(L, nargs, nresults, errfunc, 0, nil); end; function lua_tonumber(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Number; begin Result := lua_tonumberx(L, idx, nil); end; function lua_tointeger(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Integer; begin Result := lua_tointegerx(L, idx, nil); end; function lua_tounsigned(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): lua_Unsigned; begin Result := lua_tounsignedx(L, idx, nil); end; procedure lua_pop(L: lua_State; n: Integer); begin lua_settop(L, -(n) - 1); end; procedure lua_newtable(L: lua_State); inline; begin lua_createtable(L, 0, 0); end; procedure lua_register(L: lua_State; name: PAnsiChar; f: lua_CFunction); inline; begin lua_pushcfunction(L, f); lua_setglobal(L, name); end; procedure lua_pushcfunction(L: lua_State; f: lua_CFunction); begin lua_pushcclosure(L, f, 0); end; function lua_isfunction(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TFUNCTION; end; function lua_istable(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TTABLE; end; function lua_islightuserdata(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA; end; function lua_isnil(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TNIL; end; function lua_isboolean(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TBOOLEAN; end; function lua_isthread(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TTHREAD; end; function lua_isnone(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) = LUA_TNONE; end; function lua_isnoneornil(L: lua_State; n: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := lua_type(L, n) <= 0; end; function lua_pushliteral(L: lua_State; const s: AnsiString): PAnsiChar; begin Result := lua_pushlstring(L, PAnsiChar(s), Length(s)); end; procedure lua_pushglobaltable(L: lua_State); begin lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); end; function lua_tostring(L: lua_State; idx: Integer): PAnsiChar; begin Result := lua_tolstring(L, idx, nil); end; initialization finalization UnloadLuaLib; FreeAndNil(LuaFunctions); end.