Fixed flaps (handle percentage) function, copy-paste issue

This commit is contained in:
Mark van Renswoude 2017-08-11 09:32:30 +02:00
parent e69ed8eabb
commit ce6d14e6fd
3 changed files with 44 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 0
Top = 0
ActiveControl = cmbProfiles
ActiveControl = cbCheckUpdates
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'G940 LED Control'
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
Margins.Top = 8
Margins.Right = 8
Margins.Bottom = 8
ActivePage = tsButtons
ActivePage = tsAbout
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object tsButtons: TTabSheet
@ -559,9 +559,9 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
object lblCopyright: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 35
Width = 95
Width = 129
Height = 13
Caption = #169' 2011 X'#178'Software'
Caption = #169' 2011 - 2017 X'#178'Software'
object lblWebsite: TLabel
Left = 16

View File

@ -102,14 +102,16 @@ RegisterFunction(
displayName = 'Flaps (handle position - percentage)',
states = {
['notAvailable'] = { displayName = 'Not available', default = LEDColor.Off, order = 1 },
['0To10'] = { displayName = 'Position 0 (Up)', default = LEDColor.Green, order = 2 },
['1'] = { displayName = 'Position 1', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 3 },
['2'] = { displayName = 'Position 2', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 4 },
['3'] = { displayName = 'Position 3', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 5 },
['4'] = { displayName = 'Position 4', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 6 },
['5'] = { displayName = 'Position 5', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 7 },
['6'] = { displayName = 'Position 6', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 8 },
['7'] = { displayName = 'Position 7', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 9 },
['0To10'] = { displayName = '0% - 10%', default = LEDColor.Green, order = 2 },
['10To20'] = { displayName = '10% - 20%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 3 },
['20To30'] = { displayName = '20% - 30%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 4 },
['30To40'] = { displayName = '30% - 40%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 5 },
['40To50'] = { displayName = '40% - 50%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 6 },
['50To60'] = { displayName = '50% - 60%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 7 },
['60To70'] = { displayName = '60% - 70%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 8 },
['70To80'] = { displayName = '70% - 80%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 9 },
['80To90'] = { displayName = '80% - 90%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 9 },
['90To100'] = { displayName = '90% - 100%', default = LEDColor.Amber, order = 9 },
@ -118,20 +120,31 @@ RegisterFunction(
flapsAvailable = { variable = 'FLAPS AVAILABLE', type = SimConnectDataType.Bool },
index = { variable = 'FLAPS HANDLE INDEX', type = SimConnectDataType.Int32, units = 'number' }
position = { variable = 'FLAPS HANDLE PERCENT', type = SimConnectDataType.Float64, units = 'percent' }
function(context, data)
if data.flapsAvailable then
local index = data.index
if index < 0 then
index = 0
if data.position <= 9 then
SetState(context, '0To10')
elseif data.position >= 10 and data.position <= 19 then
SetState(context, '10To20')
elseif data.position >= 20 and data.position <= 29 then
SetState(context, '20To30')
elseif data.position >= 30 and data.position <= 39 then
SetState(context, '30To40')
elseif data.position >= 40 and data.position <= 49 then
SetState(context, '40To50')
elseif data.position >= 50 and data.position <= 59 then
SetState(context, '50To60')
elseif data.position >= 60 and data.position <= 69 then
SetState(context, '60To70')
elseif data.position >= 70 and data.position <= 79 then
SetState(context, '70To80')
elseif data.position >= 80 and data.position <= 89 then
SetState(context, '80To90')
elseif data.position >= 90 then
SetState(context, '90To100')
if index > 7 then
index = 7
SetState(context, tostring(index))
SetState(context, 'notAvailable')

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"path": ".",
"file_exclude_patterns": ["*.sublime-project"]