unit Profile; interface uses Generics.Collections, System.Classes, X2UtPersistIntf, LEDColorIntf; type TProfileButtonStateColors = TDictionary; TProfileButton = class(TPersistent) private FProviderUID: string; FFunctionUID: string; FStateColors: TProfileButtonStateColors; protected function Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader): Boolean; procedure Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); property StateColors: TProfileButtonStateColors read FStateColors; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure ClearStateColors; function GetStateColor(const AStateUID: string; out AValue: TLEDColor): Boolean; procedure SetStateColor(const AStateUID: string; const AValue: TLEDColor); property ProviderUID: string read FProviderUID write FProviderUID; property FunctionUID: string read FFunctionUID write FFunctionUID; end; TProfileButtonList = class(TObjectList); TProfile = class(TPersistent) private FUID: string; FName: string; FButtons: TProfileButtonList; function GetButton(Index: Integer): TProfileButton; function GetButtonCount: Integer; protected procedure Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader); procedure Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; function HasButton(AIndex: Integer): Boolean; property UID: string read FUID write FUID; property Name: string read FName write FName; property ButtonCount: Integer read GetButtonCount; property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TProfileButton read GetButton; end; TProfileList = class(TObjectList) public // function Find(const AName: string): TProfile; procedure Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader); procedure Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, LEDResources; const SectionProfiles = 'Profiles'; SectionButton = 'Button'; SectionStates = 'States'; KeyProviderUID = 'ProviderUID'; KeyFunctionUID = 'FunctionUID'; { TProfileButton } constructor TProfileButton.Create; begin inherited Create; FStateColors := TProfileButtonStateColors.Create; end; destructor TProfileButton.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FStateColors); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TProfileButton.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var sourceButton: TProfileButton; stateUID: string; begin if Source is TProfileButton then begin sourceButton := TProfileButton(Source); FProviderUID := sourceButton.ProviderUID; FFunctionUID := sourceButton.FunctionUID; FStateColors.Clear; for stateUID in sourceButton.StateColors.Keys do SetStateColor(stateUID, sourceButton.StateColors[stateUID]); end else inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TProfileButton.ClearStateColors; begin FStateColors.Clear; end; function TProfileButton.GetStateColor(const AStateUID: string; out AValue: TLEDColor): Boolean; begin Result := StateColors.TryGetValue(AStateUID, AValue); end; procedure TProfileButton.SetStateColor(const AStateUID: string; const AValue: TLEDColor); begin StateColors.AddOrSetValue(AStateUID, AValue); end; function TProfileButton.Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader): Boolean; var stateUIDs: TStringList; stateUID: string; colorUID: string; color: TLEDColor; begin Result := AReader.ReadString(KeyProviderUID, FProviderUID) and AReader.ReadString(KeyFunctionUID, FFunctionUID); if Result and AReader.BeginSection(SectionStates) then try StateColors.Clear; stateUIDs := TStringList.Create; try AReader.GetKeys(stateUIDs); for stateUID in stateUIDs do begin if AReader.ReadString(stateUID, colorUID) and StringToLEDColor(colorUID, color) then begin StateColors.Add(stateUID, color); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(stateUIDs); end; finally AReader.EndSection; end; end; procedure TProfileButton.Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); var stateUID: string; begin AWriter.WriteString(KeyProviderUID, FProviderUID); AWriter.WriteString(KeyFunctionUID, FFunctionUID); if AWriter.BeginSection(SectionStates) then try for stateUID in StateColors.Keys do AWriter.WriteString(stateUID, LEDColorUID[StateColors[stateUID]]); finally AWriter.EndSection; end; end; { TProfile } constructor TProfile.Create; begin inherited Create; FButtons := TProfileButtonList.Create(True); end; destructor TProfile.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FButtons); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TProfile.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var sourceProfile: TProfile; buttonIndex: Integer; begin if Source is TProfile then begin sourceProfile := TProfile(Source); FUID := sourceProfile.UID; FName := sourceProfile.Name; FButtons.Clear; for buttonIndex := 0 to Pred(sourceProfile.ButtonCount) do Buttons[buttonIndex].Assign(sourceProfile.Buttons[buttonIndex]); end else inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TProfile.Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader); var buttonIndex: Integer; button: TProfileButton; begin buttonIndex := 0; // if not AReader.ReadBoolean(KeyIsTemporary, FIsTemporary) then // FIsTemporary := False; while AReader.BeginSection(SectionButton + IntToStr(buttonIndex)) do try button := TProfileButton.Create; if button.Load(AReader) then begin FButtons.Add(button); end else begin FButtons.Add(nil); FreeAndNil(button); end; finally AReader.EndSection; Inc(buttonIndex); end; end; procedure TProfile.Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); var buttonIndex: Integer; begin // AWriter.WriteBoolean(KeyIsTemporary, IsTemporary); for buttonIndex := 0 to Pred(FButtons.Count) do begin if AWriter.BeginSection(SectionButton + IntToStr(buttonIndex)) then try if Assigned(FButtons[buttonIndex]) then FButtons[buttonIndex].Save(AWriter); finally AWriter.EndSection; end; end; end; function TProfile.HasButton(AIndex: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (FButtons.Count > AIndex) and Assigned(FButtons[AIndex]); end; function TProfile.GetButtonCount: Integer; begin Result := FButtons.Count; end; function TProfile.GetButton(Index: Integer): TProfileButton; var oldCount: Integer; buttonIndex: Integer; begin oldCount := FButtons.Count; if Index >= oldCount then begin FButtons.Count := Succ(Index); for buttonIndex := oldCount to Pred(FButtons.Count) do FButtons[buttonIndex] := nil; end; Result := FButtons[Index]; if not Assigned(Result) then begin Result := TProfileButton.Create; FButtons[Index] := Result; end; end; { TProfileList } { function TProfileList.Find(const AName: string): TProfile; var profile: TProfile; begin Result := nil; for profile in Self do if SameText(profile.Name, AName) then begin Result := profile; break; end; end; } procedure TProfileList.Load(AReader: IX2PersistReader); var profiles: TStringList; profileName: string; profile: TProfile; begin if AReader.BeginSection(SectionProfiles) then try profiles := TStringList.Create; try AReader.GetSections(profiles); for profileName in profiles do begin if AReader.BeginSection(profileName) then try profile := TProfile.Create; profile.Name := profileName; profile.Load(AReader); Add(profile); finally AReader.EndSection; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(profiles); end; finally AReader.EndSection; end; end; procedure TProfileList.Save(AWriter: IX2PersistWriter); var profile: TProfile; begin if AWriter.BeginSection(SectionProfiles) then try for profile in Self do begin if AWriter.BeginSection(profile.Name) then try profile.Save(AWriter); finally AWriter.EndSection; end; end; finally AWriter.EndSection; end; end; end.