#define AppName "Massive Knob" #define AppVersion GetEnv("BUILD_VERSION") #define AppPublisher "Mark van Renswoude" #define AppURL "https://github.com/MvRens/MassiveKnob" #define AppExeName "MassiveKnob.exe" #define BasePath ".." #if AppVersion == "" #define AppVersion "IDE build" #endif [Setup] AppId={{6D668D73-54E5-4FE1-8028-24FE993627B8} AppName={#AppName} AppVersion={#AppVersion} AppPublisher={#AppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#AppURL} AppSupportURL={#AppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#AppURL} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#AppName} DisableProgramGroupPage=yes OutputDir={#BasePath}\Release OutputBaseFilename=MassiveKnobSetup-{#AppVersion} Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation" Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom [Components] Name: main; Description: "Massive Knob application"; Types: full custom; Flags: fixed Name: essentialplugins; Description: "Essential plugins"; Types: full custom Name: essentialplugins\serialdevice; Description: "Serial device"; Types: full custom Name: essentialplugins\coreaudio; Description: "Windows Core Audio actions"; Types: full custom Name: optionalplugins; Description: "Optional plugins"; Types: full custom Name: optionalplugins\emulatordevice; Description: "Emulator device"; Types: full custom Name: optionalplugins\voicemeeter; Description: "VoiceMeeter actions"; Types: full custom [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked Name: "runatstartup"; Description: "{cm:AutoStartProgram,{#AppName}}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AutoStartProgramGroupDescription}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] ; Main application Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob\bin\Release\{#AppExeName}; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob\bin\Release\{#AppExeName}.config; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main ; Serial device plugin Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.SerialDevice\bin\Release\MassiveKnobPlugin.json; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\SerialDevice"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: essentialplugins\serialdevice Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.SerialDevice\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\SerialDevice"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: essentialplugins\serialdevice ; Core Audio plugin Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.CoreAudio\bin\Release\MassiveKnobPlugin.json; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\CoreAudio"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: essentialplugins\coreaudio Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.CoreAudio\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\CoreAudio"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: essentialplugins\coreaudio ; Emulator device plugin Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.EmulatorDevice\bin\Release\MassiveKnobPlugin.json; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\EmulatorDevice"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: optionalplugins\emulatordevice Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.EmulatorDevice\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\EmulatorDevice"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: optionalplugins\emulatordevice ; VoiceMeeter plugin Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.VoiceMeeter\bin\Release\MassiveKnobPlugin.json; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\VoiceMeeter"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: optionalplugins\voicemeeter Source: {#BasePath}\MassiveKnob.Plugin.VoiceMeeter\bin\Release\*.dll; DestDir: "{app}\Plugins\VoiceMeeter"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: optionalplugins\voicemeeter [Dirs] Name: "{localappdata}\MassiveKnob" Name: "{localappdata}\MassiveKnob\Logs" Name: "{localappdata}\MassiveKnob\Plugins" [Icons] Name: "{commonprograms}\{#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#AppExeName}" Name: "{commondesktop}\{#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#AppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon [Registry] Root: HKCU; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "MassiveKnob"; ValueData: "{app}\{#AppExeName}.exe"; Tasks: runatstartup; [Run] Filename: "{app}\{#AppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#AppName}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent [Code] // .NET version detection credit goes to: // https://www.kynosarges.org/DotNetVersion.html function IsDotNetDetected(version: string; service: cardinal): boolean; // Indicates whether the specified version and service pack of the .NET Framework is installed. // // version -- Specify one of these strings for the required .NET Framework version: // 'v1.1' .NET Framework 1.1 // 'v2.0' .NET Framework 2.0 // 'v3.0' .NET Framework 3.0 // 'v3.5' .NET Framework 3.5 // 'v4\Client' .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile // 'v4\Full' .NET Framework 4.0 Full Installation // 'v4.5' .NET Framework 4.5 // 'v4.5.1' .NET Framework 4.5.1 // 'v4.5.2' .NET Framework 4.5.2 // 'v4.6' .NET Framework 4.6 // 'v4.6.1' .NET Framework 4.6.1 // 'v4.6.2' .NET Framework 4.6.2 // 'v4.7' .NET Framework 4.7 // 'v4.7.1' .NET Framework 4.7.1 // 'v4.7.2' .NET Framework 4.7.2 // 'v4.8' .NET Framework 4.8 // // service -- Specify any non-negative integer for the required service pack level: // 0 No service packs required // 1, 2, etc. Service pack 1, 2, etc. required var key, versionKey: string; install, release, serviceCount, versionRelease: cardinal; success: boolean; begin versionKey := version; versionRelease := 0; // .NET 1.1 and 2.0 embed release number in version key if version = 'v1.1' then begin versionKey := 'v1.1.4322'; end else if version = 'v2.0' then begin versionKey := 'v2.0.50727'; end // .NET 4.5 and newer install as update to .NET 4.0 Full else if Pos('v4.', version) = 1 then begin versionKey := 'v4\Full'; case version of 'v4.5': versionRelease := 378389; 'v4.5.1': versionRelease := 378675; // 378758 on Windows 8 and older 'v4.5.2': versionRelease := 379893; 'v4.6': versionRelease := 393295; // 393297 on Windows 8.1 and older 'v4.6.1': versionRelease := 394254; // 394271 before Win10 November Update 'v4.6.2': versionRelease := 394802; // 394806 before Win10 Anniversary Update 'v4.7': versionRelease := 460798; // 460805 before Win10 Creators Update 'v4.7.1': versionRelease := 461308; // 461310 before Win10 Fall Creators Update 'v4.7.2': versionRelease := 461808; // 461814 before Win10 April 2018 Update 'v4.8': versionRelease := 528040; // 528049 before Win10 May 2019 Update end; end; // installation key group for all .NET versions key := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\' + versionKey; // .NET 3.0 uses value InstallSuccess in subkey Setup if Pos('v3.0', version) = 1 then begin success := RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, key + '\Setup', 'InstallSuccess', install); end else begin success := RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, key, 'Install', install); end; // .NET 4.0 and newer use value Servicing instead of SP if Pos('v4', version) = 1 then begin success := success and RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, key, 'Servicing', serviceCount); end else begin success := success and RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, key, 'SP', serviceCount); end; // .NET 4.5 and newer use additional value Release if versionRelease > 0 then begin success := success and RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM, key, 'Release', release); success := success and (release >= versionRelease); end; result := success and (install = 1) and (serviceCount >= service); end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; var response: Integer; errorCode: Integer; begin if not IsDotNetDetected('v4.7.2', 0) then begin response := SuppressibleMsgBox('Massive Knob requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2, which does not appear to be installed.' + 'Do you want to open the .NET download page?'#13#10#13#10 + 'Click No to continue, although Massive Knob may not run properly afterwards, or Cancel to abort the setup.', mbInformation, MB_YESNOCANCEL, IDNO); case response of IDYES: begin ShellExecAsOriginalUser('open', 'https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net472', '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ewNoWait, errorCode); Result := False; end; IDNO: Result := True; IDCANCEL: Result := False; end; end else Result := True; end;