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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CommandLine;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using Tapeti.Cmd.Commands;
using Tapeti.Cmd.Serialization;
namespace Tapeti.Cmd
public class Program
public class CommonOptions
[Option('h', "host", HelpText = "Hostname of the RabbitMQ server.", Default = "localhost")]
public string Host { get; set; }
[Option('p', "port", HelpText = "AMQP port of the RabbitMQ server.", Default = 5672)]
public int Port { get; set; }
[Option('v', "virtualhost", HelpText = "Virtual host used for the RabbitMQ connection.", Default = "/")]
public string VirtualHost { get; set; }
[Option('u', "username", HelpText = "Username used to connect to the RabbitMQ server.", Default = "guest")]
public string Username { get; set; }
[Option('p', "password", HelpText = "Password used to connect to the RabbitMQ server.", Default = "guest")]
public string Password { get; set; }
public enum SerializationMethod
public class MessageSerializerOptions : CommonOptions
[Option('s', "serialization", HelpText = "The method used to serialize the message for import or export. Valid options: SingleFileJSON, EasyNetQHosepipe.", Default = SerializationMethod.SingleFileJSON)]
public SerializationMethod SerializationMethod { get; set; }
[Verb("export", HelpText = "Fetch messages from a queue and write it to disk.")]
public class ExportOptions : MessageSerializerOptions
[Option('q', "queue", Required = true, HelpText = "The queue to read the messages from.")]
public string QueueName { get; set; }
[Option('o', "output", Required = true, HelpText = "Path or filename (depending on the chosen serialization method) where the messages will be output to.")]
public string OutputPath { get; set; }
[Option('r', "remove", HelpText = "If specified messages are acknowledged and removed from the queue. If not messages are kept.")]
public bool RemoveMessages { get; set; }
[Option('n', "maxcount", HelpText = "(Default: all) Maximum number of messages to retrieve from the queue.")]
public int? MaxCount { get; set; }
[Verb("import", HelpText = "Read messages from disk as previously exported and publish them to a queue.")]
public class ImportOptions : MessageSerializerOptions
[Option('i', "input", Required = true, HelpText = "Path or filename (depending on the chosen serialization method) where the messages will be read from.")]
public string Input { get; set; }
[Option('e', "exchange", HelpText = "If specified publishes to the originating exchange using the original routing key. By default these are ignored and the message is published directly to the originating queue.")]
public bool PublishToExchange { get; set; }
public static int Main(string[] args)
return Parser.Default.ParseArguments<ExportOptions, ImportOptions>(args)
(ExportOptions o) => ExecuteVerb(o, RunExport),
(ImportOptions o) => ExecuteVerb(o, RunImport),
errs =>
if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
return 1;
Console.WriteLine("Press any Enter key to continue...");
return 1;
private static int ExecuteVerb<T>(T options, Action<T> execute) where T : class
return 0;
catch (Exception e)
return 1;
private static ConnectionFactory GetConnectionFactory(CommonOptions options)
return new ConnectionFactory
HostName = options.Host,
Port = options.Port,
VirtualHost = options.VirtualHost,
UserName = options.Username,
Password = options.Password
private static IMessageSerializer GetMessageSerializer(MessageSerializerOptions options, string path)
switch (options.SerializationMethod)
case SerializationMethod.SingleFileJSON:
return new SingleFileJSONMessageSerializer(path);
case SerializationMethod.EasyNetQHosepipe:
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(options.SerializationMethod), options.SerializationMethod, "Invalid SerializationMethod");
private static void RunExport(ExportOptions options)
int messageCount;
using (var messageSerializer = GetMessageSerializer(options, options.OutputPath))
messageCount = new ExportCommand
ConnectionFactory = GetConnectionFactory(options),
MessageSerializer = messageSerializer,
QueueName = options.QueueName,
RemoveMessages = options.RemoveMessages,
MaxCount = options.MaxCount
Console.WriteLine($"{messageCount} message{(messageCount != 1 ? "s" : "")} exported.");
private static void RunImport(ImportOptions options)
int messageCount;
using (var messageSerializer = GetMessageSerializer(options, options.Input))
messageCount = new ImportCommand
ConnectionFactory = GetConnectionFactory(options),
MessageSerializer = messageSerializer,
DirectToQueue = !options.PublishToExchange
Console.WriteLine($"{messageCount} message{(messageCount != 1 ? "s" : "")} published.");