[Verb("shovel", HelpText = "Reads messages from a queue and publishes them to another queue, optionally to another RabbitMQ server.")]
[Option('q', "queue", Required = true, HelpText = "The queue to read the messages from.")]
[Option('t', "targetqueue", HelpText = "The target queue to publish the messages to. Defaults to the source queue if a different target host, port or virtualhost is specified. Otherwise it must be different from the source queue.")]
[Option('r', "remove", HelpText = "If specified messages are acknowledged and removed from the source queue. If not messages are kept.")]
[Option('n', "maxcount", HelpText = "(Default: all) Maximum number of messages to retrieve from the queue.")]
[Option("targethost", HelpText = "Hostname of the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source host. Note that you may still specify a different targetusername for example.")]
[Option("targetport", HelpText = "AMQP port of the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source port.")]
[Option("targetvirtualhost", HelpText = "Virtual host used for the target RabbitMQ connection. Defaults to the source virtualhost.")]
[Option("targetusername", HelpText = "Username used to connect to the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source username.")]
[Option("targetpassword", HelpText = "Password used to connect to the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source password.")]
[Option("skip", HelpText = "(Default: 0) Number of messages in the queue to skip. Useful if a previous non-removing shovel was interrupted.", Default = 0)]
consoleWriter.WriteLine($"Shoveling {totalCount} message{(totalCount != 1 ? "s" : "")} (actual number may differ if queue has active consumers or publishers)");