mirror of synced 2024-12-22 17:23:07 +01:00

Merge branch 'release/1.2'

This commit is contained in:
Mark van Renswoude 2019-03-19 11:58:32 +01:00
commit 4c08e9b684
25 changed files with 638 additions and 191 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace Tapeti.Annotations
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Binds to an existing durable queue to receive messages. Can be used
/// on an entire MessageController class or on individual methods.
@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ namespace Tapeti.Annotations
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <param name="name">The name of the durable queue</param>
public DurableQueueAttribute(string name)
Name = name;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace Tapeti.Annotations
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Creates a non-durable auto-delete queue to receive messages. Can be used
/// on an entire MessageController class or on individual methods.
@ -12,12 +13,10 @@ namespace Tapeti.Annotations
public string Prefix { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If prefix is specified, Tapeti will compose the queue name using the
/// prefix and a unique ID. If not specified, an empty queue name will be passed
/// to RabbitMQ thus letting it create a unique queue name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefix"></param>
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <param name="prefix">An optional prefix. If specified, Tapeti will compose the queue name using the
/// prefix and a unique ID. If not specified, an empty queue name will be passed
/// to RabbitMQ thus letting it create a unique queue name.</param>
public DynamicQueueAttribute(string prefix = null)
Prefix = prefix;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
using System;
namespace Tapeti.Annotations
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Can be attached to a message class to specify that delivery to a queue must be guaranteed.
/// Publish will fail if no queues bind to the routing key. Publisher confirms must be enabled
/// on the connection for this to work (enabled by default).
/// </summary>
public class MandatoryAttribute : Attribute

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
namespace Tapeti.Annotations
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Attaching this attribute to a class includes it in the auto-discovery of message controllers
/// when using the RegisterAllControllers method. It is not required when manually registering a controller.
/// </summary>
public class MessageControllerAttribute : Attribute

View File

@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
namespace Tapeti.Annotations
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Can be attached to a message class to specify that the receiver of the message must
/// provide a response message of the type specified in the Response attribute. This response
/// must be sent by either returning it from the message handler method or using
/// YieldWithResponse when using Tapeti Flow. These methods will respond directly
/// to the queue specified in the reply-to header automatically added by Tapeti.
/// </summary>
public class RequestAttribute : Attribute

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Flow.Default
await context.Store();
await publisher.Publish(message, properties);
await publisher.Publish(message, properties, true);
@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ namespace Tapeti.Flow.Default
// TODO disallow if replyto is not specified?
if (reply.ReplyTo != null)
await publisher.PublishDirect(message, reply.ReplyTo, properties);
await publisher.PublishDirect(message, reply.ReplyTo, properties, true);
await publisher.Publish(message, properties);
await publisher.Publish(message, properties, true);
await context.Delete();

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
using ISeriLogger = Serilog.ILogger;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
namespace Tapeti.Serilog
public class TapetiSeriLogger: ILogger

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ namespace Tapeti.Config
public interface IConfig
bool UsePublisherConfirms { get; }
IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; }
IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; }
IReadOnlyList<ICleanupMiddleware> CleanupMiddleware { get; }
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Config
public interface IDynamicQueue : IQueue
string GetDeclareQueueName();
void SetName(string name);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
namespace Tapeti.Connection
public class DisconnectedEventArgs
public ushort ReplyCode;
public string ReplyText;
public interface IConnectionEventListener
void Connected();
void Reconnected();
void Disconnected();
void Disconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using Tapeti.Annotations;
namespace Tapeti.Connection
@ -17,19 +19,25 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
public Task Publish(object message)
return workerFactory().Publish(message, null);
return workerFactory().Publish(message, null, IsMandatory(message));
public Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties)
public Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory)
return workerFactory().Publish(message, properties);
return workerFactory().Publish(message, properties, mandatory);
public Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties)
public Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory)
return workerFactory().PublishDirect(message, queueName, properties);
return workerFactory().PublishDirect(message, queueName, properties, mandatory);
private static bool IsMandatory(object message)
return message.GetType().GetCustomAttribute<MandatoryAttribute>() != null;

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@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
public Task RebindQueues()
return BindQueues();
public Task Resume()
if (consuming)

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Framing;
using Tapeti.Config;
using Tapeti.Exceptions;
using Tapeti.Helpers;
using Tapeti.Tasks;
@ -13,7 +17,8 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
public class TapetiWorker
private const int ReconnectDelay = 5000;
private const int PublishMaxConnectAttempts = 3;
private const int MandatoryReturnTimeout = 30000;
private const int MinimumConnectedReconnectDelay = 1000;
private readonly IConfig config;
private readonly ILogger logger;
@ -24,8 +29,31 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
private readonly IRoutingKeyStrategy routingKeyStrategy;
private readonly IExchangeStrategy exchangeStrategy;
private readonly Lazy<SingleThreadTaskQueue> taskQueue = new Lazy<SingleThreadTaskQueue>();
// These fields are for use in the taskQueue only!
private RabbitMQ.Client.IConnection connection;
private bool isReconnect;
private IModel channelInstance;
private ulong lastDeliveryTag;
private DateTime connectedDateTime;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, ConfirmMessageInfo> confirmMessages = new Dictionary<ulong, ConfirmMessageInfo>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, ReturnInfo> returnRoutingKeys = new Dictionary<string, ReturnInfo>();
private class ConfirmMessageInfo
public string ReturnKey;
public TaskCompletionSource<int> CompletionSource;
private class ReturnInfo
public uint RefCount;
public int FirstReplyCode;
public TapetiWorker(IConfig config)
@ -39,15 +67,15 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
public Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties)
public Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory)
return Publish(message, properties, exchangeStrategy.GetExchange(message.GetType()), routingKeyStrategy.GetRoutingKey(message.GetType()));
return Publish(message, properties, exchangeStrategy.GetExchange(message.GetType()), routingKeyStrategy.GetRoutingKey(message.GetType()), mandatory);
public Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties)
public Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory)
return Publish(message, properties, "", queueName);
return Publish(message, properties, "", queueName, mandatory);
@ -56,69 +84,78 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queueName));
return taskQueue.Value.Add(async () =>
return taskQueue.Value.Add(() =>
(await GetChannel()).BasicConsume(queueName, false, new TapetiConsumer(this, queueName, config.DependencyResolver, bindings, config.MessageMiddleware, config.CleanupMiddleware));
WithRetryableChannel(channel => channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, new TapetiConsumer(this, queueName, config.DependencyResolver, bindings, config.MessageMiddleware, config.CleanupMiddleware)));
public Task Subscribe(IQueue queue)
return taskQueue.Value.Add(async () =>
return taskQueue.Value.Add(() =>
var channel = await GetChannel();
if (queue.Dynamic)
WithRetryableChannel(channel =>
var dynamicQueue = channel.QueueDeclare(queue.Name);
(queue as IDynamicQueue)?.SetName(dynamicQueue.QueueName);
foreach (var binding in queue.Bindings)
if (queue.Dynamic)
if (binding.QueueBindingMode == QueueBindingMode.RoutingKey)
if (!(queue is IDynamicQueue dynamicQueue))
throw new NullReferenceException("Queue with Dynamic = true must implement IDynamicQueue");
var declaredQueue = channel.QueueDeclare(dynamicQueue.GetDeclareQueueName());
foreach (var binding in queue.Bindings)
var routingKey = routingKeyStrategy.GetRoutingKey(binding.MessageClass);
var exchange = exchangeStrategy.GetExchange(binding.MessageClass);
if (binding.QueueBindingMode == QueueBindingMode.RoutingKey)
var routingKey = routingKeyStrategy.GetRoutingKey(binding.MessageClass);
var exchange = exchangeStrategy.GetExchange(binding.MessageClass);
channel.QueueBind(dynamicQueue.QueueName, exchange, routingKey);
channel.QueueBind(declaredQueue.QueueName, exchange, routingKey);
(binding as IBuildBinding)?.SetQueueName(declaredQueue.QueueName);
(binding as IBuildBinding)?.SetQueueName(dynamicQueue.QueueName);
foreach (var binding in queue.Bindings)
(binding as IBuildBinding)?.SetQueueName(queue.Name);
foreach (var binding in queue.Bindings)
(binding as IBuildBinding)?.SetQueueName(queue.Name);
public Task Respond(ulong deliveryTag, ConsumeResponse response)
return taskQueue.Value.Add(async () =>
return taskQueue.Value.Add(() =>
// No need for a retryable channel here, if the connection is lost we can't
// use the deliveryTag anymore.
switch (response)
case ConsumeResponse.Ack:
(await GetChannel()).BasicAck(deliveryTag, false);
GetChannel().BasicAck(deliveryTag, false);
case ConsumeResponse.Nack:
(await GetChannel()).BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, false);
GetChannel().BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, false);
case ConsumeResponse.Requeue:
(await GetChannel()).BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, true);
GetChannel().BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, true);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(response), response, null);
@ -147,7 +184,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
private Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties, string exchange, string routingKey)
private Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties, string exchange, string routingKey, bool mandatory)
var context = new PublishContext
@ -172,22 +209,96 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
() => taskQueue.Value.Add(async () =>
var body = messageSerializer.Serialize(context.Message, context.Properties);
(await GetChannel(PublishMaxConnectAttempts)).BasicPublish(context.Exchange, context.RoutingKey, false,
context.Properties, body);
Task<int> publishResultTask = null;
var messageInfo = new ConfirmMessageInfo
ReturnKey = GetReturnKey(context.Exchange, context.RoutingKey),
CompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>()
WithRetryableChannel(channel =>
// The delivery tag is lost after a reconnect, register under the new tag
if (config.UsePublisherConfirms)
confirmMessages.Add(lastDeliveryTag, messageInfo);
publishResultTask = messageInfo.CompletionSource.Task;
mandatory = false;
channel.BasicPublish(context.Exchange, context.RoutingKey, mandatory, context.Properties, body);
if (publishResultTask == null)
var delayCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var signalledTask = await Task.WhenAny(publishResultTask, Task.Delay(MandatoryReturnTimeout, delayCancellationTokenSource.Token));
if (signalledTask != publishResultTask)
throw new TimeoutException($"Timeout while waiting for basic.return for message with class {context.Message?.GetType().FullName ?? "null"} and Id {context.Properties.MessageId}");
if (publishResultTask.IsCanceled)
throw new NackException($"Mandatory message with class {context.Message?.GetType().FullName ?? "null"} was nacked");
var replyCode = publishResultTask.Result;
// There is no RabbitMQ.Client.Framing.Constants value for this "No route" reply code
// at the time of writing...
if (replyCode == 312)
throw new NoRouteException($"Mandatory message with class {context.Message?.GetType().FullName ?? "null"} does not have a route");
if (replyCode > 0)
throw new NoRouteException($"Mandatory message with class {context.Message?.GetType().FullName ?? "null"} could not be delivery, reply code {replyCode}");
// ReSharper restore ImplicitlyCapturedClosure
/// <remarks>
/// Only call this from a task in the taskQueue to ensure IModel is only used
/// by a single thread, as is recommended in the RabbitMQ .NET Client documentation.
/// </remarks>
private async Task<IModel> GetChannel(int? maxAttempts = null)
private void WithRetryableChannel(Action<IModel> operation)
if (channelInstance != null)
while (true)
catch (AlreadyClosedException e)
// TODO log?
/// <remarks>
/// Only call this from a task in the taskQueue to ensure IModel is only used
/// by a single thread, as is recommended in the RabbitMQ .NET Client documentation.
/// </remarks>
private IModel GetChannel()
if (channelInstance != null && channelInstance.IsOpen)
return channelInstance;
var attempts = 0;
// If the Disconnect quickly follows the Connect (when an error occurs that is reported back by RabbitMQ
// not related to the connection), wait for a bit to avoid spamming the connection
if ((DateTime.UtcNow - connectedDateTime).TotalMilliseconds <= MinimumConnectedReconnectDelay)
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory
HostName = ConnectionParams.HostName,
@ -195,7 +306,8 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
VirtualHost = ConnectionParams.VirtualHost,
UserName = ConnectionParams.Username,
Password = ConnectionParams.Password,
AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true, // The created connection is an IRecoverable
AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = false,
TopologyRecoveryEnabled = false,
RequestedHeartbeat = 30
@ -208,27 +320,50 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
channelInstance = connection.CreateModel();
if (channelInstance == null)
throw new BrokerUnreachableException(null);
if (config.UsePublisherConfirms)
lastDeliveryTag = 0;
if (ConnectionParams.PrefetchCount > 0)
channelInstance.BasicQos(0, ConnectionParams.PrefetchCount, false);
((IRecoverable)connection).Recovery += (sender, e) => ConnectionEventListener?.Reconnected();
channelInstance.ModelShutdown += (sender, e) =>
ConnectionEventListener?.Disconnected(new DisconnectedEventArgs
ReplyCode = e.ReplyCode,
ReplyText = e.ReplyText
channelInstance.ModelShutdown += (sender, e) => ConnectionEventListener?.Disconnected();
channelInstance = null;
channelInstance.BasicReturn += HandleBasicReturn;
channelInstance.BasicAcks += HandleBasicAck;
channelInstance.BasicNacks += HandleBasicNack;
connectedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (isReconnect)
isReconnect = true;
catch (BrokerUnreachableException e)
logger.ConnectFailed(ConnectionParams, e);
if (maxAttempts.HasValue && attempts > maxAttempts.Value)
await Task.Delay(ReconnectDelay);
@ -236,6 +371,93 @@ namespace Tapeti.Connection
private void HandleBasicReturn(object sender, BasicReturnEventArgs e)
* "If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack."
* - https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html
* Because there is no delivery tag included in the basic.return message. This solution is modeled after
* user OhJeez' answer on StackOverflow:
* "Since all messages with the same routing key are routed the same way. I assumed that once I get a
* basic.return about a specific routing key, all messages with this routing key can be considered undelivered"
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21336659/how-to-tell-which-amqp-message-was-not-routed-from-basic-return-response
var key = GetReturnKey(e.Exchange, e.RoutingKey);
if (!returnRoutingKeys.TryGetValue(key, out var returnInfo))
returnInfo = new ReturnInfo
RefCount = 0,
FirstReplyCode = e.ReplyCode
returnRoutingKeys.Add(key, returnInfo);
private void HandleBasicAck(object sender, BasicAckEventArgs e)
foreach (var deliveryTag in GetDeliveryTags(e))
if (!confirmMessages.TryGetValue(deliveryTag, out var messageInfo))
if (returnRoutingKeys.TryGetValue(messageInfo.ReturnKey, out var returnInfo))
if (returnInfo.RefCount == 0)
private void HandleBasicNack(object sender, BasicNackEventArgs e)
foreach (var deliveryTag in GetDeliveryTags(e))
if (!confirmMessages.TryGetValue(deliveryTag, out var messageInfo))
private IEnumerable<ulong> GetDeliveryTags(BasicAckEventArgs e)
return e.Multiple
? confirmMessages.Keys.Where(tag => tag <= e.DeliveryTag).ToArray()
: new[] { e.DeliveryTag };
private IEnumerable<ulong> GetDeliveryTags(BasicNackEventArgs e)
return e.Multiple
? confirmMessages.Keys.Where(tag => tag <= e.DeliveryTag).ToArray()
: new[] { e.DeliveryTag };
private static string GetReturnKey(string exchange, string routingKey)
return exchange + ':' + routingKey;
private class PublishContext : IPublishContext
public IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; set; }

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
public void ConnectSuccess(TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams)
Console.WriteLine($"[Tapeti] Connected");
Console.WriteLine("[Tapeti] Connected");
public void HandlerException(Exception e)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Tapeti.Default
/// <summary>
/// Converts an <see cref="Enum"/> to and from its name string value. If an unknown string value is encountered
/// it will translate to 0xDEADBEEF (-559038737) so it can be gracefully handled.
/// If you copy this value as-is to another message and try to send it, this converter will throw an exception.
/// This converter is far simpler than the default StringEnumConverter, it assumes both sides use the same
/// enum and therefore skips the naming strategy.
/// </summary>
public class FallbackStringEnumConverter : JsonConverter
private readonly int invalidEnumValue;
public FallbackStringEnumConverter()
unchecked { invalidEnumValue = (int)0xDEADBEEF; }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (value == null)
if ((int) value == invalidEnumValue)
throw new ArgumentException("Enum value was an unknown string value in an incoming message and can not be published in an outgoing message as-is");
var outputValue = Enum.GetName(value.GetType(), value);
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var isNullable = IsNullableType(objectType);
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
if (!isNullable)
throw new JsonSerializationException($"Cannot convert null value to {objectType}");
return null;
var actualType = isNullable ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(objectType) : objectType;
Debug.Assert(actualType != null, nameof(actualType) + " != null");
if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.String)
throw new JsonSerializationException($"Unexpected token {reader.TokenType} when parsing enum");
var enumText = reader.Value.ToString();
if (enumText == string.Empty && isNullable)
return null;
return Enum.Parse(actualType, enumText);
catch (ArgumentException)
return Enum.ToObject(actualType, invalidEnumValue);
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
var actualType = IsNullableType(objectType) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(objectType) : objectType;
return actualType?.IsEnum ?? false;
private static bool IsNullableType(Type t)
if (t == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t));
return t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
namespace Tapeti.Default
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
serializerSettings.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter());
serializerSettings.Converters.Add(new FallbackStringEnumConverter());
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
throw new ArgumentException($"{ClassTypeHeader} header not present");
var messageType = deserializedTypeNames.GetOrAdd(Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])typeName), DeserializeTypeName);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body), messageType);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body), messageType, serializerSettings);

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Framing;
using Tapeti.Annotations;
using Tapeti.Config;
using Tapeti.Helpers;
@ -18,23 +19,30 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
if (!context.Result.Info.ParameterType.IsTypeOrTaskOf(t => t.IsClass, out var isTaskOf, out var actualType))
var hasClassResult = context.Result.Info.ParameterType.IsTypeOrTaskOf(t => t.IsClass, out var isTaskOf, out var actualType);
var request = context.MessageClass?.GetCustomAttribute<RequestAttribute>();
var expectedClassResult = request?.Response;
// Verify the return type matches with the Request attribute of the message class. This is a backwards incompatible change in
// Tapeti 1.2: if you just want to publish another message as a result of the incoming message, explicitly call IPublisher.Publish.
if (!hasClassResult && expectedClassResult != null || hasClassResult && expectedClassResult != actualType)
throw new ArgumentException($"Message handler must return type {expectedClassResult?.FullName ?? "void"} in controller {context.Method.DeclaringType?.FullName}, method {context.Method.Name}, found: {actualType?.FullName ?? "void"}");
if (!hasClassResult)
if (isTaskOf)
var handler = GetType().GetMethod("PublishGenericTaskResult", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)?.MakeGenericMethod(actualType);
Debug.Assert(handler != null, nameof(handler) + " != null");
context.Result.SetHandler(async (messageContext, value) =>
await (Task)handler.Invoke(null, new[] { messageContext, value });
context.Result.SetHandler(async (messageContext, value) => { await (Task) handler.Invoke(null, new[] {messageContext, value }); });
context.Result.SetHandler((messageContext, value) =>
value == null ? null : Reply(value, messageContext));
context.Result.SetHandler((messageContext, value) => Reply(value, messageContext));
@ -43,13 +51,15 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
private static async Task PublishGenericTaskResult<T>(IMessageContext messageContext, object value) where T : class
var message = await (Task<T>)value;
if (message != null)
await Reply(message, messageContext);
await Reply(message, messageContext);
private static Task Reply(object message, IMessageContext messageContext)
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Return value of a request message handler must not be null");
var publisher = (IInternalPublisher)messageContext.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IPublisher>();
var properties = new BasicProperties();
@ -59,9 +69,9 @@ namespace Tapeti.Default
properties.CorrelationId = messageContext.Properties.CorrelationId;
if (messageContext.Properties.IsReplyToPresent())
return publisher.PublishDirect(message, messageContext.Properties.ReplyTo, properties);
return publisher.PublishDirect(message, messageContext.Properties.ReplyTo, properties, true);
return publisher.Publish(message, properties);
return publisher.Publish(message, properties, false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using System;
namespace Tapeti.Exceptions
public class NackException : Exception
public NackException(string message) : base(message) { }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using System;
namespace Tapeti.Exceptions
public class NoRouteException : Exception
public NoRouteException(string message) : base(message) { }

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Tapeti
public interface IInternalPublisher : IPublisher
Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties);
Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties);
Task Publish(object message, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory);
Task PublishDirect(object message, string queueName, IBasicProperties properties, bool mandatory);

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using Tapeti.Config;
using Tapeti.Default;
using Tapeti.Helpers;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
namespace Tapeti
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ namespace Tapeti
private readonly IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver;
private bool usePublisherConfirms = true;
public TapetiConfig(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver)
@ -90,7 +93,16 @@ namespace Tapeti
queues.AddRange(dynamicBindings.Select(bl => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true, Name = GetDynamicQueueName(prefixGroup.Key) }, bl)));
var config = new Config(dependencyResolver, messageMiddleware, cleanupMiddleware, publishMiddleware, queues);
var config = new Config(queues)
DependencyResolver = dependencyResolver,
MessageMiddleware = messageMiddleware,
CleanupMiddleware = cleanupMiddleware,
PublishMiddleware = publishMiddleware,
UsePublisherConfirms = usePublisherConfirms
(dependencyResolver as IDependencyContainer)?.RegisterDefaultSingleton<IConfig>(config);
return config;
@ -154,11 +166,34 @@ namespace Tapeti
return this;
/// <summary>
/// WARNING: disabling publisher confirms means there is no guarantee that a Publish succeeds,
/// and disables Tapeti.Flow from verifying if a request/response can be routed. This may
/// result in never-ending flows. Only disable if you can accept those consequences.
/// </summary>
public TapetiConfig DisablePublisherConfirms()
usePublisherConfirms = false;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// WARNING: disabling publisher confirms means there is no guarantee that a Publish succeeds,
/// and disables Tapeti.Flow from verifying if a request/response can be routed. This may
/// result in never-ending flows. Only disable if you accept those consequences.
/// </summary>
public TapetiConfig SetPublisherConfirms(bool enabled)
usePublisherConfirms = enabled;
return this;
public void RegisterDefaults()
var container = dependencyResolver as IDependencyContainer;
if (container == null)
if (!(dependencyResolver is IDependencyContainer container))
if (ConsoleHelper.IsAvailable())
@ -399,21 +434,19 @@ namespace Tapeti
protected class Config : IConfig
public IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<ICleanupMiddleware> CleanupMiddleware { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<IPublishMiddleware> PublishMiddleware { get; }
public bool UsePublisherConfirms { get; set; }
public IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ICleanupMiddleware> CleanupMiddleware { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IPublishMiddleware> PublishMiddleware { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<IQueue> Queues { get; }
private readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, IBinding> bindingMethodLookup;
public Config(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver, IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> messageMiddleware, IReadOnlyList<ICleanupMiddleware> cleanupMiddleware, IReadOnlyList<IPublishMiddleware> publishMiddleware, IEnumerable<IQueue> queues)
public Config(IEnumerable<IQueue> queues)
DependencyResolver = dependencyResolver;
MessageMiddleware = messageMiddleware;
CleanupMiddleware = cleanupMiddleware;
PublishMiddleware = publishMiddleware;
Queues = queues.ToList();
bindingMethodLookup = Queues.SelectMany(q => q.Bindings).ToDictionary(b => b.Method, b => b);
@ -429,6 +462,8 @@ namespace Tapeti
protected class Queue : IDynamicQueue
private readonly string declareQueueName;
public bool Dynamic { get; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<IBinding> Bindings { get; }
@ -436,12 +471,20 @@ namespace Tapeti
public Queue(QueueInfo queue, IEnumerable<IBinding> bindings)
declareQueueName = queue.Name;
Dynamic = queue.Dynamic.GetValueOrDefault();
Name = queue.Name;
Bindings = bindings;
public string GetDeclareQueueName()
return declareQueueName;
public void SetName(string name)
Name = name;

View File

@ -8,13 +8,15 @@ using Tapeti.Connection;
namespace Tapeti
public delegate void DisconnectedEventHandler(object sender, DisconnectedEventArgs e);
public class TapetiConnection : IDisposable
private readonly IConfig config;
public TapetiConnectionParams Params { get; set; }
private readonly Lazy<TapetiWorker> worker;
private TapetiSubscriber subscriber;
public TapetiConnection(IConfig config)
@ -29,15 +31,17 @@ namespace Tapeti
public event EventHandler Connected;
public event EventHandler Disconnected;
public event DisconnectedEventHandler Disconnected;
public event EventHandler Reconnected;
public async Task<ISubscriber> Subscribe(bool startConsuming = true)
var subscriber = new TapetiSubscriber(() => worker.Value, config.Queues.ToList());
await subscriber.BindQueues();
if (subscriber == null)
subscriber = new TapetiSubscriber(() => worker.Value, config.Queues.ToList());
await subscriber.BindQueues();
if (startConsuming)
await subscriber.Resume();
@ -46,9 +50,9 @@ namespace Tapeti
public ISubscriber SubscribeSync()
public ISubscriber SubscribeSync(bool startConsuming = true)
return Subscribe().Result;
return Subscribe(startConsuming).Result;
@ -84,9 +88,9 @@ namespace Tapeti
owner.OnConnected(new EventArgs());
public void Disconnected()
public void Disconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
owner.OnDisconnected(new EventArgs());
public void Reconnected()
@ -97,17 +101,23 @@ namespace Tapeti
protected virtual void OnConnected(EventArgs e)
Connected?.Invoke(this, e);
Task.Run(() => Connected?.Invoke(this, e));
protected virtual void OnReconnected(EventArgs e)
Reconnected?.Invoke(this, e);
Task.Run(() =>
subscriber?.RebindQueues().ContinueWith((t) =>
Reconnected?.Invoke(this, e);
protected virtual void OnDisconnected(EventArgs e)
protected virtual void OnDisconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
Disconnected?.Invoke(this, e);
Task.Run(() => Disconnected?.Invoke(this, e));

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace Tapeti.Tasks
public Task<T> Add<T>(Func<T> func)
public Task Add(Func<Task> func)
lock (previousTaskLock)
@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ namespace Tapeti.Tasks
, singleThreadScheduler.Value);
previousTask = task;
return task;
// 'task' completes at the moment a Task is returned (for example, an await is encountered),
// this is used to chain the next. We return the unwrapped Task however, so that the caller
// awaits until the full task chain has completed.
return task.Unwrap();

View File

@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ namespace Test
return flowProvider.YieldWithParallelRequest()
.AddRequestSync<PoloConfirmationRequestMessage, PoloConfirmationResponseMessage>(new PoloConfirmationRequestMessage
StoredInState = StateTestGuid
StoredInState = StateTestGuid,
EnumValue = TestEnum.Value1,
}, HandlePoloConfirmationResponse1)
.AddRequestSync<PoloConfirmationRequestMessage, PoloConfirmationResponseMessage>(new PoloConfirmationRequestMessage
StoredInState = StateTestGuid
StoredInState = StateTestGuid,
EnumValue = TestEnum.Value2,
OptionalEnumValue = TestEnum.Value1
}, HandlePoloConfirmationResponse2)
@ -127,7 +131,9 @@ namespace Test
return new PoloConfirmationResponseMessage
ShouldMatchState = message.StoredInState
ShouldMatchState = message.StoredInState,
EnumValue = message.EnumValue,
OptionalEnumValue = message.OptionalEnumValue
@ -141,6 +147,13 @@ namespace Test
public enum TestEnum
[Request(Response = typeof(PoloMessage))]
public class MarcoMessage
@ -157,6 +170,9 @@ namespace Test
public Guid StoredInState { get; set; }
public TestEnum EnumValue;
public TestEnum? OptionalEnumValue;
@ -164,5 +180,8 @@ namespace Test
public Guid ShouldMatchState { get; set; }
public TestEnum EnumValue;
public TestEnum? OptionalEnumValue;

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System;
using Tapeti;
namespace Test
public class MyLogger : ILogger
public void Connect(TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams)
public void ConnectFailed(TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams, Exception exception)
public void ConnectSuccess(TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams)
public void HandlerException(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Mylogger: " + e.Message);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ using Tapeti.DataAnnotations;
using Tapeti.Flow;
using Tapeti.SimpleInjector;
using System.Threading;
using Tapeti.Flow.SQL;
namespace Test
@ -14,58 +13,60 @@ namespace Test
private static void Main()
// TODO logging
var container = new Container();
container.Register<ILogger, Tapeti.Default.ConsoleLogger>();
var config = new TapetiConfig(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container))
//.WithFlowSqlRepository("Server=localhost;Database=TapetiTest;Integrated Security=true")
using (var connection = new TapetiConnection(config)
Params = new TapetiAppSettingsConnectionParams()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<ILogger, Tapeti.Default.ConsoleLogger>();
var config = new TapetiConfig(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container))
//.WithFlowSqlRepository("Server=localhost;Database=TapetiTest;Integrated Security=true")
//.DisablePublisherConfirms() -> you probably never want to do this if you're using Flow or want requeues when a publish fails
using (var connection = new TapetiConnection(config)
Params = new TapetiAppSettingsConnectionParams()
var flowStore = container.GetInstance<IFlowStore>();
var flowStore2 = container.GetInstance<IFlowStore>();
Console.WriteLine("IFlowHandler is singleton = " + (flowStore == flowStore2));
connection.Connected += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Event Connected"); };
connection.Disconnected += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Event Disconnected"); };
connection.Reconnected += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Event Reconnected"); };
var subscriber = connection.Subscribe(false).Result;
connection.GetPublisher().Publish(new FlowEndController.PingMessage());
//container.GetInstance<IFlowStarter>().Start<MarcoController, bool>(c => c.StartFlow, true).Wait();
container.GetInstance<IFlowStarter>().Start<MarcoController>(c => c.TestParallelRequest).Wait();
var emitter = container.GetInstance<MarcoEmitter>();
catch (Exception e)
var flowStore = container.GetInstance<IFlowStore>();
var flowStore2 = container.GetInstance<IFlowStore>();
Console.WriteLine("IFlowHandler is singleton = " + (flowStore == flowStore2));
connection.Connected += (sender, e) => {
Console.WriteLine("Event Connected");
connection.Disconnected += (sender, e) => {
Console.WriteLine("Event Disconnected");
connection.Reconnected += (sender, e) => {
Console.WriteLine("Event Reconnected");
var subscriber = connection.Subscribe(false).Result;
connection.GetPublisher().Publish(new FlowEndController.PingMessage());
//container.GetInstance<IFlowStarter>().Start<MarcoController, bool>(c => c.StartFlow, true);
container.GetInstance<IFlowStarter>().Start<MarcoController>(c => c.TestParallelRequest);
var emitter = container.GetInstance<MarcoEmitter>();