using System; namespace Tapeti.Default { /** * !! IoC Container 9000 !! * * probably want to replace this one as soon as possible. * * A Simple Injector implementation is provided in the Tapeti.SimpleInjector package. */ public class DefaultDependencyResolver : IDependencyInjector { private readonly Lazy controllerFactory; private readonly Lazy routingKeyStrategy = new Lazy(); private readonly Lazy messageSerializer = new Lazy(); private readonly Lazy logger; private IPublisher publisher; public DefaultDependencyResolver() { controllerFactory = new Lazy(() => new DefaultControllerFactory(() => publisher)); logger = new Lazy(() => { // try { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable var dummy = Console.WindowHeight; return new ConsoleLogger(); } catch { return new DevNullLogger(); } }); } public T Resolve() where T : class { if (typeof(T) == typeof(IControllerFactory)) return (T)(controllerFactory.Value as IControllerFactory); if (typeof(T) == typeof(IRoutingKeyStrategy)) return (T)(routingKeyStrategy.Value as IRoutingKeyStrategy); if (typeof(T) == typeof(IMessageSerializer)) return (T)(messageSerializer.Value as IMessageSerializer); if (typeof(T) == typeof(ILogger)) return (T)logger.Value; return default(T); } public void RegisterPublisher(IPublisher value) { publisher = value; } public void RegisterController(Type type) { controllerFactory.Value.RegisterController(type); } } }