using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Tapeti.Annotations; using Tapeti.Config; using Tapeti.Default; using Tapeti.Helpers; namespace Tapeti { public class TopologyConfigurationException : Exception { public TopologyConfigurationException(string message) : base(message) { } } public delegate Task MessageHandlerFunc(IMessageContext context, object message); public class TapetiConfig { private readonly Dictionary> staticRegistrations = new Dictionary>(); private readonly Dictionary> dynamicRegistrations = new Dictionary>(); private readonly List bindingMiddleware = new List(); private readonly List messageMiddleware = new List(); private readonly string exchange; private readonly IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver; public TapetiConfig(string exchange, IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver) { = exchange; this.dependencyResolver = dependencyResolver; Use(new DependencyResolverBinding(dependencyResolver)); Use(new MessageBinding()); } public IConfig Build() { var dependencyInjector = dependencyResolver as IDependencyInjector; if (dependencyInjector != null) { if (ConsoleHelper.IsAvailable()) dependencyInjector.RegisterDefault(); else dependencyInjector.RegisterDefault(); dependencyInjector.RegisterDefault(); dependencyInjector.RegisterDefault(); } var queues = new List(); queues.AddRange(staticRegistrations.Select(qb => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = false, Name = qb.Key }, qb.Value))); // Group all bindings with the same index into queues, this will // ensure each message type is unique on their queue var dynamicBindings = new List>(); foreach (var bindings in dynamicRegistrations.Values) { while (dynamicBindings.Count < bindings.Count) dynamicBindings.Add(new List()); for (var bindingIndex = 0; bindingIndex < bindings.Count; bindingIndex++) dynamicBindings[bindingIndex].Add(bindings[bindingIndex]); } queues.AddRange(dynamicBindings.Select(bl => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true }, bl))); return new Config(exchange, dependencyResolver, messageMiddleware, queues); } public TapetiConfig Use(IBindingMiddleware handler) { bindingMiddleware.Add(handler); return this; } public TapetiConfig Use(IMessageMiddleware handler) { messageMiddleware.Add(handler); return this; } public TapetiConfig Use(IMiddlewareBundle bundle) { foreach (var middleware in bundle.GetContents(dependencyResolver)) { // ReSharper disable once CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull if (middleware is IBindingMiddleware) Use((IBindingMiddleware) middleware); else if (middleware is IMessageMiddleware) Use((IMessageMiddleware)middleware); else throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported middleware implementation: {middleware.GetType().Name}"); } return this; } public TapetiConfig RegisterController(Type controller) { var controllerQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(controller); foreach (var method in controller.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) .Where(m => m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method && m.DeclaringType != typeof(object)) .Select(m => (MethodInfo)m)) { var methodQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(method) ?? controllerQueueInfo; if (!methodQueueInfo.IsValid) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} or controller {controller.Name} requires a queue attribute"); var context = new BindingContext(method.GetParameters().Select(p => new BindingParameter(p)).ToList()); var messageHandler = GetMessageHandler(context, method); var handlerInfo = new Binding { Controller = controller, Method = method, QueueInfo = methodQueueInfo, MessageClass = context.MessageClass, MessageHandler = messageHandler, MessageMiddleware = context.MessageMiddleware }; if (methodQueueInfo.Dynamic.GetValueOrDefault()) AddDynamicRegistration(context, handlerInfo); else AddStaticRegistration(context, handlerInfo); } return this; } public TapetiConfig RegisterAllControllers(Assembly assembly) { foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsDefined(typeof(MessageControllerAttribute)))) RegisterController(type); return this; } public TapetiConfig RegisterAllControllers() { return RegisterAllControllers(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); } protected MessageHandlerFunc GetMessageHandler(IBindingContext context, MethodInfo method) { MiddlewareHelper.Go(bindingMiddleware, (handler, next) => handler.Handle(context, next), () => {}); if (context.MessageClass == null) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} does not resolve to a message class"); var invalidBindings = context.Parameters.Where(p => !p.HasBinding).ToList(); // ReSharper disable once InvertIf - doesn't make the flow clearer imo if (invalidBindings.Count > 0) { var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", invalidBindings.Select(p => p.Info.Name)); throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} has unknown parameters: {parameterNames}"); } return WrapMethod(method, context.Parameters.Select(p => ((IBindingParameterAccess)p).GetBinding())); } protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable parameters) { if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) return WrapNullMethod(method, parameters); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(Task)) return WrapTaskMethod(method, parameters); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(Task<>)) { var genericArguments = method.GetGenericArguments(); if (genericArguments.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} must have exactly one generic argument to Task<>"); if (!genericArguments[0].IsClass) throw new ArgumentException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} must have an object generic argument to Task<>"); return WrapGenericTaskMethod(method, parameters); } if (method.ReturnType.IsClass) return WrapObjectMethod(method, parameters); throw new ArgumentException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} has an invalid return type"); } protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapNullMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable parameters) { return (context, message) => { method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray()); return Task.FromResult(null); }; } protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapTaskMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable parameters) { return async (context, message) => { await (Task)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray()); return Task.FromResult(null); }; } protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapGenericTaskMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable parameters) { return (context, message) => { return (Task)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray()); }; } protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapObjectMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable parameters) { return (context, message) => { return Task.FromResult(method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray())); }; } protected void AddStaticRegistration(IBindingContext context, Binding binding) { if (staticRegistrations.ContainsKey(binding.QueueInfo.Name)) { var existing = staticRegistrations[binding.QueueInfo.Name]; // Technically we could easily do multicasting, but it complicates exception handling and requeueing if (existing.Any(h => h.MessageClass == binding.MessageClass)) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Multiple handlers for message class {binding.MessageClass.Name} in queue {binding.QueueInfo.Name}"); existing.Add(binding); } else staticRegistrations.Add(binding.QueueInfo.Name, new List { binding }); } protected void AddDynamicRegistration(IBindingContext context, Binding binding) { if (dynamicRegistrations.ContainsKey(context.MessageClass)) dynamicRegistrations[context.MessageClass].Add(binding); else dynamicRegistrations.Add(context.MessageClass, new List { binding }); } protected QueueInfo GetQueueInfo(MemberInfo member) { var dynamicQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute(); var staticQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute(); if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null && staticQueueAttribute != null) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Cannot combine static and dynamic queue attributes on {member.Name}"); if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null) return new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true }; if (staticQueueAttribute != null) return new QueueInfo { Dynamic = false, Name = staticQueueAttribute.Name }; return null; } protected class QueueInfo { public bool? Dynamic { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public bool IsValid => Dynamic.HasValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name); } protected class Config : IConfig { public string Exchange { get; } public IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; } public IReadOnlyList MessageMiddleware { get; } public IEnumerable Queues { get; } public Config(string exchange, IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver, IReadOnlyList messageMiddleware, IEnumerable queues) { Exchange = exchange; DependencyResolver = dependencyResolver; MessageMiddleware = messageMiddleware; Queues = queues; } } protected class Queue : IQueue { public bool Dynamic { get; } public string Name { get; } public IEnumerable Bindings { get; } public Queue(QueueInfo queue, IEnumerable bindings) { Dynamic = queue.Dynamic.GetValueOrDefault(); Name = queue.Name; Bindings = bindings; } } protected class Binding : IBinding { public Type Controller { get; set; } public MethodInfo Method { get; set; } public Type MessageClass { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList MessageMiddleware { get; set; } public QueueInfo QueueInfo { get; set; } public MessageHandlerFunc MessageHandler { get; set; } public bool Accept(object message) { return message.GetType() == MessageClass; } public Task Invoke(IMessageContext context, object message) { return MessageHandler(context, message); } } internal interface IBindingParameterAccess { ValueFactory GetBinding(); } internal class BindingContext : IBindingContext { private List messageMiddleware; public Type MessageClass { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Parameters { get; } public IReadOnlyList MessageMiddleware => messageMiddleware; public BindingContext(IReadOnlyList parameters) { Parameters = parameters; } public void Use(IMessageMiddleware middleware) { if (messageMiddleware == null) messageMiddleware = new List(); messageMiddleware.Add(middleware); } } internal class BindingParameter : IBindingParameter, IBindingParameterAccess { private ValueFactory binding; public ParameterInfo Info { get; } public bool HasBinding => binding != null; public BindingParameter(ParameterInfo parameter) { Info = parameter; } public ValueFactory GetBinding() { return binding; } public void SetBinding(ValueFactory valueFactory) { binding = valueFactory; } } } }