Tapeti.Cmd ========== The Tapeti command-line tool provides various operations for managing messages and queues. Some operations, like shovel, are compatible with all types of messages. However, commands like import and export can assume JSON messages, specifically those sent by Tapeti, so your results may vary. Common parameters ----------------- Most operations support the following parameters. All are optional. -h , --host Specifies the hostname of the RabbitMQ server. Default is localhost. --port Specifies the AMQP port of the RabbitMQ server. Default is 5672. -v , --virtualhost Specifies the virtual host to use. Default is /. -u , --username Specifies the username to authenticate the connection. Default is guest. -p , --password Specifies the password to authenticate the connection. Default is guest. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe -h rabbitmq-server -u tapeti -p topsecret Export ------ Fetches messages from a queue and writes them to disk. -q , --queue *Required*. The queue to read the messages from. -o , --output *Required*. Path or filename (depending on the chosen serialization method) where the messages will be output to. -r, --remove If specified messages are acknowledged and removed from the queue. If not messages are kept. -n , --maxcount Maximum number of messages to retrieve from the queue. If not specified all messages are exported. -s , --serialization The method used to serialize the message for import or export. Valid options: SingleFileJSON, EasyNetQHosepipe. Defaults to SingleFileJSON. See Serialization methods below for more information. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe export -q tapeti.example.01 -o dump.json Import ------ Read messages from disk as previously exported and publish them to a queue. -i , --input Path or filename (depending on the chosen serialization method) where the messages will be read from. -m , --message Single message to be sent, in the same format as used for SingleFileJSON. Serialization argument has no effect when using this input. Be sure to quote the entire message, and escape quotes within the message with another quote. -c, --pipe Messages are read from the standard input pipe, in the same format as used for SingleFileJSON. Serialization argument has no effect when using this input. -e, --exchange If specified publishes to the originating exchange using the original routing key. By default these are ignored and the message is published directly to the originating queue. -s , --serialization The method used to serialize the message for import or export. Valid options: SingleFileJSON, EasyNetQHosepipe. Defaults to SingleFileJSON. See Serialization methods below for more information. --maxrate The maximum amount of messages per second to import. --batchsize How many messages to import before pausing. Will wait for manual confirmation unless batchpausetime is specified. --batchpausetime How many seconds to wait before starting the next batch if batchsize is specified. Either input, message or pipe is required. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe import -i dump.json Shovel ------ Reads messages from a queue and publishes them to another queue, optionally to another RabbitMQ server. -q , --queue *Required*. The queue to read the messages from. -t , --targetqueue The target queue to publish the messages to. Defaults to the source queue if a different target host, port or virtualhost is specified. Otherwise it must be different from the source queue. -r, --remove If specified messages are acknowledged and removed from the queue. If not messages are kept. -n , --maxcount Maximum number of messages to retrieve from the queue. If not specified all messages are exported. --targethost Hostname of the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source host. Note that you may still specify a different targetusername for example. --targetport AMQP port of the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source port. --targetvirtualhost Virtual host used for the target RabbitMQ connection. Defaults to the source virtualhost. --targetusername Username used to connect to the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source username. --targetpassword Password used to connect to the target RabbitMQ server. Defaults to the source password. --maxrate The maximum amount of messages per second to shovel. --batchsize How many messages to shovel before pausing. Will wait for manual confirmation unless batchpausetime is specified. --batchpausetime How many seconds to wait before starting the next batch if batchsize is specified. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe shovel -q tapeti.example.01 -t tapeti.example.06 Purge ----- Removes all messages from a queue destructively. -q , --queue *Required*. The queue to purge. --confirm Confirms the purging of the specified queue. If not provided, an interactive prompt will ask for confirmation. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe purge -q tapeti.example.01 Declare queue ------------- Declares a durable queue without arguments. -q , --queue *Required*. The queue to declare. -b , --bindings One or more bindings to add to the queue. Format: : Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe declarequeue -q tapeti.cmd.example -b myexchange:example.message myexchange:another.message Bind queue ---------- Add a binding to an existing queue. -q , --queue *Required*. The name of the queue to add the binding(s) to. -b , --bindings One or more bindings to add to the queue. Format: : Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe bindqueue -q tapeti.cmd.example -b myexchange:example.message myexchange:another.message Unbind queue ------------ Remove a binding from a queue. -q , --queue *Required*. The name of the queue to remove the binding(s) from. -b , --bindings One or more bindings to remove from the queue. Format: : Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe unbindqueue -q tapeti.cmd.example -b myexchange:example.message myexchange:another.message Remove queue ------------ Removes a durable queue. -q , --queue *Required*. The name of the queue to remove. --confirm Confirms the removal of the specified queue. If not provided, an interactive prompt will ask for confirmation. --confirmpurge Confirms the removal of the specified queue even if there still are messages in the queue. If not provided, an interactive prompt will ask for confirmation. Example: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe removequeue -q tapeti.cmd.example Serialization methods --------------------- For importing and exporting messages, Tapeti.Cmd supports two serialization methods. SingleFileJSON '''''''''''''' The default serialization method. All messages are contained in a single file, where each line is a JSON document describing the message properties and it's content. An example message (formatted as multi-line to be more readable, but keep in mind that it **must be a single line** in the export file to be imported properly): :: { "DeliveryTag": 1, "Redelivered": true, "Exchange": "tapeti", "RoutingKey": "quote.request", "Queue": "tapeti.example.01", "Properties": { "AppId": null, "ClusterId": null, "ContentEncoding": null, "ContentType": "application/json", "CorrelationId": null, "DeliveryMode": 2, "Expiration": null, "Headers": { "classType": "Messaging.TapetiExample.QuoteRequestMessage:Messaging.TapetiExample" }, "MessageId": null, "Priority": null, "ReplyTo": null, "Timestamp": 1581600132, "Type": null, "UserId": null }, "Body": { "Amount": 2 }, "RawBody": "" } The properties correspond to the RabbitMQ client's IBasicProperties and can be omitted if empty. Either Body or RawBody is present. Body is used if the ContentType is set to application/json, and will contain the original message as an inline JSON object for easy manipulation. For other content types, the RawBody contains the original encoded body. Below is a bare minimum example, assuming Tapeti style messages and the default direct-to-queue import (no --exchange parameter). Again, keep in mind that it **must be a single line** in the export file to be imported properly. :: { "Queue": "tapeti.example.01", "Properties": { "ContentType": "application/json", "Headers": { "classType": "Messaging.TapetiExample.QuoteRequestMessage:Messaging.TapetiExample" } }, "Body": { "Amount": 2 } } Actual file contents will thus look like: :: { "Queue": "tapeti.example.01", "Properties": { "ContentType": "application/json", "Headers": { "classType": "Messaging.TapetiExample.QuoteRequestMessage:Messaging.TapetiExample" } }, "Body": { "Amount": 2 } } EasyNetQHosepipe '''''''''''''''' Provides compatibility with the EasyNetQ Hosepipe's dump/insert format. The source or target parameter must be a path. Each message consists of 3 files, ending in .message.txt, .properties.txt and .info.txt. As this is only provided for emergency situations, see the source code if you want to know more about the format specification. Generating an example --------------------- The "example" operation is available to generate an example message in SingleFileJSON format. :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe example To save the output to a file: :: .\Tapeti.Cmd.exe example > example.json