using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Tapeti.Annotations; using Tapeti.Config; using Tapeti.Connection; using Tapeti.Default; // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global namespace Tapeti { /// /// Thrown when an issue is detected in a controller configuration. /// public class TopologyConfigurationException : Exception { /// public TopologyConfigurationException(string message) : base(message) { } } /// /// Extension methods for registering message controllers. /// public static class TapetiConfigControllers { /// /// Registers all public methods in the specified controller class as message handlers. /// /// /// The controller class to register. The class and/or methods must be annotated with either the DurableQueue or DynamicQueue attribute. public static ITapetiConfigBuilder RegisterController(this ITapetiConfigBuilder builder, Type controller) { var builderAccess = (ITapetiConfigBuilderAccess)builder; if (!controller.IsClass) throw new ArgumentException($"Controller {controller.Name} must be a class"); var controllerQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(controller, null); (builderAccess.DependencyResolver as IDependencyContainer)?.RegisterController(controller); var controllerIsObsolete = controller.GetCustomAttribute() != null; foreach (var method in controller.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static) .Where(m => m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method && m.DeclaringType != typeof(object) && (m as MethodInfo)?.IsSpecialName == false) .Select(m => (MethodInfo)m)) { var methodIsObsolete = controllerIsObsolete || method.GetCustomAttribute() != null; var context = new ControllerBindingContext(controller, method, method.GetParameters(), method.ReturnParameter); if (method.GetCustomAttribute() != null) context.SetBindingTargetMode(BindingTargetMode.Direct); var allowBinding = false; builderAccess.ApplyBindingMiddleware(context, () => { allowBinding = true; }); if (!allowBinding) continue; if (context.MessageClass == null) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {controller.Name} does not resolve to a message class"); var invalidBindings = context.Parameters.Where(p => !p.HasBinding).ToList(); if (invalidBindings.Count > 0) { var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", invalidBindings.Select(p => p.Info.Name)); throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} has unknown parameters: {parameterNames}"); } var methodQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(method, controllerQueueInfo); if (methodQueueInfo is not { IsValid: true }) throw new TopologyConfigurationException( $"Method {method.Name} or controller {controller.Name} requires a queue attribute"); builder.RegisterBinding(new ControllerMethodBinding(builderAccess.DependencyResolver, new ControllerMethodBinding.BindingInfo { ControllerType = controller, Method = method, QueueInfo = methodQueueInfo, MessageClass = context.MessageClass, BindingTargetMode = context.BindingTargetMode, IsObsolete = methodIsObsolete, ParameterFactories = context.GetParameterHandlers(), ResultHandler = context.GetResultHandler(), FilterMiddleware = context.Middleware.Where(m => m is IControllerFilterMiddleware).Cast().ToList(), MessageMiddleware = context.Middleware.Where(m => m is IControllerMessageMiddleware).Cast().ToList(), CleanupMiddleware = context.Middleware.Where(m => m is IControllerCleanupMiddleware).Cast().ToList() })); } return builder; } /// /// Registers all controllers in the specified assembly which are marked with the MessageController attribute. /// /// /// The assembly to scan for controllers. public static ITapetiConfigBuilder RegisterAllControllers(this ITapetiConfigBuilder builder, Assembly assembly) { foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsDefined(typeof(MessageControllerAttribute)))) RegisterController(builder, type); return builder; } /// /// Registers all controllers in the entry assembly which are marked with the MessageController attribute. /// /// public static ITapetiConfigBuilder RegisterAllControllers(this ITapetiConfigBuilder builder) { var assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (assembly == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No EntryAssembly"); return RegisterAllControllers(builder, assembly); } private static ControllerMethodBinding.QueueInfo? GetQueueInfo(MemberInfo member, ControllerMethodBinding.QueueInfo? fallbackQueueInfo) { var dynamicQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute(); var durableQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute(); var queueArgumentsAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute(); if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null && durableQueueAttribute != null) throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Cannot combine static and dynamic queue attributes on controller {member.DeclaringType?.Name} method {member.Name}"); if (dynamicQueueAttribute == null && durableQueueAttribute == null && (queueArgumentsAttribute == null || fallbackQueueInfo == null)) return fallbackQueueInfo; QueueType queueType; string name; if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null) { queueType = QueueType.Dynamic; name = dynamicQueueAttribute.Prefix; } else if (durableQueueAttribute != null) { queueType = QueueType.Durable; name = durableQueueAttribute.Name; } else { queueType = fallbackQueueInfo!.QueueType; name = fallbackQueueInfo.Name; } return new ControllerMethodBinding.QueueInfo(queueType, name) { QueueArguments = GetQueueArguments(queueArgumentsAttribute) ?? fallbackQueueInfo?.QueueArguments }; } private static IRabbitMQArguments? GetQueueArguments(QueueArgumentsAttribute? queueArgumentsAttribute) { if (queueArgumentsAttribute == null) return null; var arguments = new RabbitMQArguments(queueArgumentsAttribute.CustomArguments.ToDictionary( p => p.Key, p => p.Value switch { string stringValue => Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringValue), _ => p.Value } )) { }; if (queueArgumentsAttribute.MaxLength > 0) arguments.Add(@"x-max-length", queueArgumentsAttribute.MaxLength); if (queueArgumentsAttribute.MaxLengthBytes > 0) arguments.Add(@"x-max-length-bytes", queueArgumentsAttribute.MaxLengthBytes); if (queueArgumentsAttribute.MessageTTL > 0) arguments.Add(@"x-message-ttl", queueArgumentsAttribute.MessageTTL); switch (queueArgumentsAttribute.Overflow) { case RabbitMQOverflow.NotSpecified: break; case RabbitMQOverflow.DropHead: arguments.AddUTF8(@"x-overflow", @"drop-head"); break; case RabbitMQOverflow.RejectPublish: arguments.AddUTF8(@"x-overflow", @"reject-publish"); break; case RabbitMQOverflow.RejectPublishDeadletter: arguments.AddUTF8(@"x-overflow", @"reject-publish-dlx"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(queueArgumentsAttribute.Overflow), queueArgumentsAttribute.Overflow, "Unsupported Overflow value"); } return arguments.Count > 0 ? arguments : null; } } }