// Do not include in the Release build for AppVeyor due to the Docker requirement #if DEBUG using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FluentAssertions; using Tapeti.Connection; using Tapeti.Default; using Tapeti.Exceptions; using Tapeti.Tests.Mock; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; namespace Tapeti.Tests.Client { [Collection(RabbitMQCollection.Name)] public class TapetiClientTests : IAsyncLifetime { private readonly RabbitMQFixture fixture; private readonly MockDependencyResolver dependencyResolver = new(); private TapetiClient client = null!; public TapetiClientTests(RabbitMQFixture fixture, ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) { this.fixture = fixture; dependencyResolver.Set(new MockLogger(testOutputHelper)); } public Task InitializeAsync() { client = CreateClient(); return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task DisposeAsync() { await client.Close(); } [Fact] public void Fixture() { fixture.RabbitMQPort.Should().BeGreaterThan(0); fixture.RabbitMQManagementPort.Should().BeGreaterThan(0); } [Fact] public async Task DynamicQueueDeclareNoPrefix() { var queueName = await client.DynamicQueueDeclare(null, null, CancellationToken.None); queueName.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); } [Fact] public async Task DynamicQueueDeclarePrefix() { var queueName = await client.DynamicQueueDeclare("dynamicprefix", null, CancellationToken.None); queueName.Should().StartWith("dynamicprefix"); } [Fact] public async Task PublishHandleOverflow() { var queue1 = await client.DynamicQueueDeclare(null, new RabbitMQArguments { { "x-max-length", 5 }, { "x-overflow", "reject-publish" } }, CancellationToken.None); var queue2 = await client.DynamicQueueDeclare(null, null, CancellationToken.None); var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world!"); var properties = new MessageProperties(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) await client.Publish(body, properties, null, queue1, true); var publishOverMaxLength = () => client.Publish(body, properties, null, queue1, true); await publishOverMaxLength.Should().ThrowAsync(); // The channel should recover and allow further publishing await client.Publish(body, properties, null, queue2, true); } // TODO test the other methods private TapetiClient CreateClient() { return new TapetiClient( new TapetiConfig.Config(dependencyResolver), new TapetiConnectionParams { HostName = "", Port = fixture.RabbitMQPort, ManagementPort = fixture.RabbitMQManagementPort, Username = RabbitMQFixture.RabbitMQUsername, Password = RabbitMQFixture.RabbitMQPassword, PrefetchCount = 50 }); } } } #endif