using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; using Newtonsoft.Json; // Neither of these are available in language version 7 required for .NET Standard 2.0 // ReSharper disable ConvertToUsingDeclaration // ReSharper disable UseAwaitUsing namespace Tapeti.Flow.SQL { /// /// IFlowRepository implementation for SQL server. /// /// /// Assumes the following table layout (table name configurable and may include schema): /// create table Flow /// ( /// FlowID uniqueidentifier not null, /// CreationTime datetime2(3) not null, /// StateJson nvarchar(max) null, /// constraint PK_Flow primary key clustered(FlowID) /// ); /// public class SqlConnectionFlowRepository : IFlowRepository { private readonly string connectionString; private readonly string tableName; /// /// public SqlConnectionFlowRepository(string connectionString, string tableName = "Flow") { this.connectionString = connectionString; this.tableName = tableName; } /// public async ValueTask>> GetStates() { return await SqlRetryHelper.Execute(async () => { using var connection = await GetConnection().ConfigureAwait(false); var flowQuery = new SqlCommand($"select FlowID, CreationTime, StateJson from {tableName}", connection); var flowReader = await flowQuery.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var result = new List>(); while (await flowReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) { var flowID = flowReader.GetGuid(0); var creationTime = flowReader.GetDateTime(1); var stateJson = flowReader.GetString(2); var state = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(stateJson); if (state != null) result.Add(new FlowRecord(flowID, creationTime, state)); } return result; }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// public async ValueTask CreateState(Guid flowID, T state, DateTime timestamp) { await SqlRetryHelper.Execute(async () => { using var connection = await GetConnection().ConfigureAwait(false); var query = new SqlCommand($"insert into {tableName} (FlowID, StateJson, CreationTime)" + "values (@FlowID, @StateJson, @CreationTime)", connection); var flowIDParam = query.Parameters.Add("@FlowID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); var stateJsonParam = query.Parameters.Add("@StateJson", SqlDbType.NVarChar); var creationTimeParam = query.Parameters.Add("@CreationTime", SqlDbType.DateTime2); flowIDParam.Value = flowID; stateJsonParam.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state); creationTimeParam.Value = timestamp; await query.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// public async ValueTask UpdateState(Guid flowID, T state) { await SqlRetryHelper.Execute(async () => { using var connection = await GetConnection().ConfigureAwait(false); var query = new SqlCommand($"update {tableName} set StateJson = @StateJson where FlowID = @FlowID", connection); var flowIDParam = query.Parameters.Add("@FlowID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); var stateJsonParam = query.Parameters.Add("@StateJson", SqlDbType.NVarChar); flowIDParam.Value = flowID; stateJsonParam.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state); await query.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// public async ValueTask DeleteState(Guid flowID) { await SqlRetryHelper.Execute(async () => { using var connection = await GetConnection().ConfigureAwait(false); var query = new SqlCommand($"delete from {tableName} where FlowID = @FlowID", connection); var flowIDParam = query.Parameters.Add("@FlowID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); flowIDParam.Value = flowID; await query.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); }).ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task GetConnection() { var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); await connection.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return connection; } } }