using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using RabbitMQ.Client; using RabbitMQ.Client.Events; using RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions; using Tapeti.Config; using Tapeti.Default; using Tapeti.Exceptions; using Tapeti.Tasks; namespace Tapeti.Connection { /// /// /// Implementation of ITapetiClient for the RabbitMQ Client library /// internal class TapetiClient : ITapetiClient { private const int ReconnectDelay = 5000; private const int MandatoryReturnTimeout = 30000; private const int MinimumConnectedReconnectDelay = 1000; private readonly TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams; private readonly ITapetiConfig config; private readonly ILogger logger; /// /// Receives events when the connection state changes. /// public IConnectionEventListener ConnectionEventListener { get; set; } private readonly Lazy taskQueue = new Lazy(); // These fields are for use in the taskQueue only! private RabbitMQ.Client.IConnection connection; private bool isClosing; private bool isReconnect; private IModel channelInstance; private ulong lastDeliveryTag; private DateTime connectedDateTime; private readonly HttpClient managementClient; private readonly HashSet deletedQueues = new HashSet(); // These fields must be locked, since the callbacks for BasicAck/BasicReturn can run in a different thread private readonly object confirmLock = new object(); private readonly Dictionary confirmMessages = new Dictionary(); private readonly Dictionary returnRoutingKeys = new Dictionary(); private class ConfirmMessageInfo { public string ReturnKey; public TaskCompletionSource CompletionSource; } private class ReturnInfo { public uint RefCount; public int FirstReplyCode; } /// public TapetiClient(ITapetiConfig config, TapetiConnectionParams connectionParams) { this.config = config; this.connectionParams = connectionParams; logger = config.DependencyResolver.Resolve(); var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(connectionParams.Username, connectionParams.Password) }; managementClient = new HttpClient(handler) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) }; managementClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "close"); } /// public async Task Publish(byte[] body, IMessageProperties properties, string exchange, string routingKey, bool mandatory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routingKey)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(routingKey)); await taskQueue.Value.Add(async () => { Task publishResultTask = null; var messageInfo = new ConfirmMessageInfo { ReturnKey = GetReturnKey(exchange, routingKey), CompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource() }; WithRetryableChannel(channel => { DeclareExchange(channel, exchange); // The delivery tag is lost after a reconnect, register under the new tag if (config.Features.PublisherConfirms) { lastDeliveryTag++; Monitor.Enter(confirmLock); try { confirmMessages.Add(lastDeliveryTag, messageInfo); } finally { Monitor.Exit(confirmLock); } publishResultTask = messageInfo.CompletionSource.Task; } else mandatory = false; try { var publishProperties = new RabbitMQMessageProperties(channel.CreateBasicProperties(), properties); channel.BasicPublish(exchange ?? "", routingKey, mandatory, publishProperties.BasicProperties, body); } catch { messageInfo.CompletionSource.SetCanceled(); publishResultTask = null; throw; } }); if (publishResultTask == null) return; var delayCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var signalledTask = await Task.WhenAny( publishResultTask, Task.Delay(MandatoryReturnTimeout, delayCancellationTokenSource.Token)); if (signalledTask != publishResultTask) throw new TimeoutException( $"Timeout while waiting for basic.return for message with exchange '{exchange}' and routing key '{routingKey}'"); delayCancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); if (publishResultTask.IsCanceled) throw new NackException( $"Mandatory message with with exchange '{exchange}' and routing key '{routingKey}' was nacked"); var replyCode = publishResultTask.Result; // There is no RabbitMQ.Client.Framing.Constants value for this "No route" reply code // at the time of writing... if (replyCode == 312) throw new NoRouteException( $"Mandatory message with exchange '{exchange}' and routing key '{routingKey}' does not have a route"); if (replyCode > 0) throw new NoRouteException( $"Mandatory message with exchange '{exchange}' and routing key '{routingKey}' could not be delivered, reply code: {replyCode}"); }); } /// public async Task Consume(string queueName, IConsumer consumer) { if (deletedQueues.Contains(queueName)) return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueName)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queueName)); await QueueWithRetryableChannel(channel => { var basicConsumer = new TapetiBasicConsumer(consumer, Respond); channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, basicConsumer); }); } private async Task Respond(ulong deliveryTag, ConsumeResult result) { await taskQueue.Value.Add(() => { // No need for a retryable channel here, if the connection is lost we can't // use the deliveryTag anymore. switch (result) { case ConsumeResult.Success: case ConsumeResult.ExternalRequeue: GetChannel().BasicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; case ConsumeResult.Error: GetChannel().BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, false); break; case ConsumeResult.Requeue: GetChannel().BasicNack(deliveryTag, false, true); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(result), result, null); } }); } /// public async Task DurableQueueDeclare(string queueName, IEnumerable bindings) { await taskQueue.Value.Add(async () => { var existingBindings = (await GetQueueBindings(queueName)).ToList(); var currentBindings = bindings.ToList(); WithRetryableChannel(channel => { channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false); foreach (var binding in currentBindings.Except(existingBindings)) { DeclareExchange(channel, binding.Exchange); channel.QueueBind(queueName, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey); } foreach (var deletedBinding in existingBindings.Except(currentBindings)) channel.QueueUnbind(queueName, deletedBinding.Exchange, deletedBinding.RoutingKey); }); }); } /// public async Task DurableQueueVerify(string queueName) { await QueueWithRetryableChannel(channel => { channel.QueueDeclarePassive(queueName); }); } /// public async Task DurableQueueDelete(string queueName, bool onlyIfEmpty = true) { if (!onlyIfEmpty) { uint deletedMessages = 0; await QueueWithRetryableChannel(channel => { deletedMessages = channel.QueueDelete(queueName); }); deletedQueues.Add(queueName); logger.QueueObsolete(queueName, true, deletedMessages); return; } await taskQueue.Value.Add(async () => { bool retry; do { retry = false; // Get queue information from the Management API, since the AMQP operations will // throw an error if the queue does not exist or still contains messages and resets // the connection. The resulting reconnect will cause subscribers to reset. var queueInfo = await GetQueueInfo(queueName); if (queueInfo == null) { deletedQueues.Add(queueName); return; } if (queueInfo.Messages == 0) { // Still pass onlyIfEmpty to prevent concurrency issues if a message arrived between // the call to the Management API and deleting the queue. Because the QueueWithRetryableChannel // includes the GetQueueInfo, the next time around it should have Messages > 0 try { WithRetryableChannel(channel => { channel.QueueDelete(queueName, false, true); }); deletedQueues.Add(queueName); logger.QueueObsolete(queueName, true, 0); } catch (OperationInterruptedException e) { if (e.ShutdownReason.ReplyCode == RabbitMQ.Client.Framing.Constants.PreconditionFailed) retry = true; else throw; } } else { // Remove all bindings instead var existingBindings = (await GetQueueBindings(queueName)).ToList(); if (existingBindings.Count > 0) { WithRetryableChannel(channel => { foreach (var binding in existingBindings) channel.QueueUnbind(queueName, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey); }); } logger.QueueObsolete(queueName, false, queueInfo.Messages); } } while (retry); }); } /// public async Task DynamicQueueDeclare(string queuePrefix = null) { string queueName = null; await QueueWithRetryableChannel(channel => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queuePrefix)) { queueName = queuePrefix + "." + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); channel.QueueDeclare(queueName); } else queueName = channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName; }); return queueName; } /// public async Task DynamicQueueBind(string queueName, QueueBinding binding) { await QueueWithRetryableChannel(channel => { DeclareExchange(channel, binding.Exchange); channel.QueueBind(queueName, binding.Exchange, binding.RoutingKey); }); } /// public async Task Close() { if (!taskQueue.IsValueCreated) return; await taskQueue.Value.Add(() => { isClosing = true; if (channelInstance != null) { channelInstance.Dispose(); channelInstance = null; } // ReSharper disable once InvertIf if (connection != null) { connection.Dispose(); connection = null; } taskQueue.Value.Dispose(); }); } private static readonly List TransientStatusCodes = new List { HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable }; private class ManagementQueueInfo { [JsonProperty("messages")] public uint Messages { get; set; } } private async Task GetQueueInfo(string queueName) { var virtualHostPath = Uri.EscapeDataString(connectionParams.VirtualHost); var queuePath = Uri.EscapeDataString(queueName); return await WithRetryableManagementAPI($"queues/{virtualHostPath}/{queuePath}", async response => { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return null; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content); }); } private class ManagementBinding { [JsonProperty("source")] public string Source { get; set; } [JsonProperty("vhost")] public string Vhost { get; set; } [JsonProperty("destination")] public string Destination { get; set; } [JsonProperty("destination_type")] public string DestinationType { get; set; } [JsonProperty("routing_key")] public string RoutingKey { get; set; } [JsonProperty("arguments")] public Dictionary Arguments { get; set; } [JsonProperty("properties_key")] public string PropertiesKey { get; set; } } private async Task> GetQueueBindings(string queueName) { var virtualHostPath = Uri.EscapeDataString(connectionParams.VirtualHost); var queuePath = Uri.EscapeDataString(queueName); return await WithRetryableManagementAPI($"queues/{virtualHostPath}/{queuePath}/bindings", async response => { response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var bindings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(content); // Filter out the binding to an empty source, which is always present for direct-to-queue routing return bindings .Where(binding => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(binding.Source)) .Select(binding => new QueueBinding(binding.Source, binding.RoutingKey)); }); } private static readonly TimeSpan[] ExponentialBackoff = { TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(13), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(21), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(34), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(55) }; private async Task WithRetryableManagementAPI(string path, Func> handleResponse) { var requestUri = new Uri($"http://{connectionParams.HostName}:{connectionParams.ManagementPort}/api/{path}"); using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri)) { var retryDelayIndex = 0; while (true) { try { var response = await managementClient.SendAsync(request); return await handleResponse(response); } catch (TimeoutException) { } catch (WebException e) { if (!(e.Response is HttpWebResponse response)) throw; if (!TransientStatusCodes.Contains(response.StatusCode)) throw; } await Task.Delay(ExponentialBackoff[retryDelayIndex]); if (retryDelayIndex < ExponentialBackoff.Length - 1) retryDelayIndex++; } } } private readonly HashSet declaredExchanges = new HashSet(); private void DeclareExchange(IModel channel, string exchange) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exchange)) return; if (declaredExchanges.Contains(exchange)) return; channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, "topic", true); declaredExchanges.Add(exchange); } private async Task QueueWithRetryableChannel(Action operation) { await taskQueue.Value.Add(() => { WithRetryableChannel(operation); }); } /// /// Only call this from a task in the taskQueue to ensure IModel is only used /// by a single thread, as is recommended in the RabbitMQ .NET Client documentation. /// private void WithRetryableChannel(Action operation) { while (true) { try { operation(GetChannel()); break; } catch (AlreadyClosedException) { } } } /// /// Only call this from a task in the taskQueue to ensure IModel is only used /// by a single thread, as is recommended in the RabbitMQ .NET Client documentation. /// private IModel GetChannel() { if (channelInstance != null && channelInstance.IsOpen) return channelInstance; // If the Disconnect quickly follows the Connect (when an error occurs that is reported back by RabbitMQ // not related to the connection), wait for a bit to avoid spamming the connection if ((DateTime.UtcNow - connectedDateTime).TotalMilliseconds <= MinimumConnectedReconnectDelay) Thread.Sleep(ReconnectDelay); var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = connectionParams.HostName, Port = connectionParams.Port, VirtualHost = connectionParams.VirtualHost, UserName = connectionParams.Username, Password = connectionParams.Password, AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = false, TopologyRecoveryEnabled = false, RequestedHeartbeat = 30 }; if (connectionParams.ClientProperties != null) foreach (var pair in connectionParams.ClientProperties) { if (connectionFactory.ClientProperties.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) connectionFactory.ClientProperties[pair.Key] = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pair.Value); else connectionFactory.ClientProperties.Add(pair.Key, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pair.Value)); } while (true) { try { logger.Connect(connectionParams, isReconnect); connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); channelInstance = connection.CreateModel(); if (channelInstance == null) throw new BrokerUnreachableException(null); if (config.Features.PublisherConfirms) { lastDeliveryTag = 0; Monitor.Enter(confirmLock); try { foreach (var pair in confirmMessages) pair.Value.CompletionSource.SetCanceled(); confirmMessages.Clear(); } finally { Monitor.Exit(confirmLock); } channelInstance.ConfirmSelect(); } if (connectionParams.PrefetchCount > 0) channelInstance.BasicQos(0, connectionParams.PrefetchCount, false); channelInstance.ModelShutdown += (sender, e) => { ConnectionEventListener?.Disconnected(new DisconnectedEventArgs { ReplyCode = e.ReplyCode, ReplyText = e.ReplyText }); channelInstance = null; if (!isClosing) taskQueue.Value.Add(() => WithRetryableChannel(channel => { })); }; channelInstance.BasicReturn += HandleBasicReturn; channelInstance.BasicAcks += HandleBasicAck; channelInstance.BasicNacks += HandleBasicNack; connectedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; if (isReconnect) ConnectionEventListener?.Reconnected(); else ConnectionEventListener?.Connected(); logger.ConnectSuccess(connectionParams, isReconnect); isReconnect = true; break; } catch (BrokerUnreachableException e) { logger.ConnectFailed(connectionParams, e); Thread.Sleep(ReconnectDelay); } } return channelInstance; } private void HandleBasicReturn(object sender, BasicReturnEventArgs e) { /* * "If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack." * - * * Because there is no delivery tag included in the basic.return message. This solution is modeled after * user OhJeez' answer on StackOverflow: * * "Since all messages with the same routing key are routed the same way. I assumed that once I get a * basic.return about a specific routing key, all messages with this routing key can be considered undelivered" * */ var key = GetReturnKey(e.Exchange, e.RoutingKey); if (!returnRoutingKeys.TryGetValue(key, out var returnInfo)) { returnInfo = new ReturnInfo { RefCount = 0, FirstReplyCode = e.ReplyCode }; returnRoutingKeys.Add(key, returnInfo); } returnInfo.RefCount++; } private void HandleBasicAck(object sender, BasicAckEventArgs e) { Monitor.Enter(confirmLock); try { foreach (var deliveryTag in GetDeliveryTags(e)) { if (!confirmMessages.TryGetValue(deliveryTag, out var messageInfo)) continue; if (returnRoutingKeys.TryGetValue(messageInfo.ReturnKey, out var returnInfo)) { messageInfo.CompletionSource.SetResult(returnInfo.FirstReplyCode); returnInfo.RefCount--; if (returnInfo.RefCount == 0) returnRoutingKeys.Remove(messageInfo.ReturnKey); } messageInfo.CompletionSource.SetResult(0); confirmMessages.Remove(deliveryTag); } } finally { Monitor.Exit(confirmLock); } } private void HandleBasicNack(object sender, BasicNackEventArgs e) { Monitor.Enter(confirmLock); try { foreach (var deliveryTag in GetDeliveryTags(e)) { if (!confirmMessages.TryGetValue(deliveryTag, out var messageInfo)) continue; messageInfo.CompletionSource.SetCanceled(); confirmMessages.Remove(e.DeliveryTag); } } finally { Monitor.Exit(confirmLock); } } private IEnumerable GetDeliveryTags(BasicAckEventArgs e) { return e.Multiple ? confirmMessages.Keys.Where(tag => tag <= e.DeliveryTag).ToArray() : new[] { e.DeliveryTag }; } private IEnumerable GetDeliveryTags(BasicNackEventArgs e) { return e.Multiple ? confirmMessages.Keys.Where(tag => tag <= e.DeliveryTag).ToArray() : new[] { e.DeliveryTag }; } private static string GetReturnKey(string exchange, string routingKey) { return exchange + ':' + routingKey; } } }