using System; using ExampleLib; using Messaging.TapetiExample; using Tapeti.Annotations; using Tapeti.Flow; using Tapeti.Flow.Annotations; namespace _03_FlowRequestResponse { [MessageController] [DynamicQueue("tapeti.example.03")] public class SendingFlowController { private readonly IFlowProvider flowProvider; private readonly IExampleState exampleState; // Shows how multiple values can be passed to a start method public struct StartData { public DateTime RequestStartTime; public int Amount; } // Private and protected fields are lost between method calls because the controller is // recreated when a response arrives. When using a persistent flow repository this may // even be after a restart of the application. private bool nonPersistentState; // Public fields will be stored. public DateTime RequestStartTime; public SendingFlowController(IFlowProvider flowProvider, IExampleState exampleState) { this.flowProvider = flowProvider; this.exampleState = exampleState; } [Start] public IYieldPoint StartFlow(StartData startData) { nonPersistentState = true; RequestStartTime = startData.RequestStartTime; return flowProvider.YieldWithRequestSync( new QuoteRequestMessage { Amount = startData.Amount }, HandleQuoteResponse); } [Continuation] public IYieldPoint HandleQuoteResponse(QuoteResponseMessage message) { if (nonPersistentState) Console.WriteLine("This is not supposed to show. NonPersistentState should not be retained. Someone please check"); Console.WriteLine("Request start: " + RequestStartTime.ToLongTimeString()); Console.WriteLine("Response time: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); Console.WriteLine("Quote: " + message.Quote); exampleState.Done(); return flowProvider.End(); } } }