using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Newtonsoft.Json; using RabbitMQ.Client; using RabbitMQ.Client.Framing; namespace Tapeti.Cmd.Serialization { public class EasyNetQMessageSerializer : IMessageSerializer { private static readonly Regex InvalidCharRegex = new Regex(@"[\\\/:\*\?\""\<\>|]", RegexOptions.Compiled); private readonly string path; private readonly Lazy writablePath; private int messageCount; public EasyNetQMessageSerializer(string path) { this.path = path; writablePath = new Lazy(() => { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); return path; }); } public void Dispose() { } public void Serialize(Message message) { var uniqueFileName = SanitiseQueueName(message.Queue) + "." + messageCount; var bodyPath = Path.Combine(writablePath.Value, uniqueFileName + ".message.txt"); var propertiesPath = Path.Combine(writablePath.Value, uniqueFileName + ".properties.txt"); var infoPath = Path.Combine(writablePath.Value, uniqueFileName + ".info.txt"); var properties = new EasyNetQMessageProperties(message.Properties); var info = new EasyNetQMessageReceivedInfo(message); File.WriteAllText(bodyPath, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body)); File.WriteAllText(propertiesPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(properties)); File.WriteAllText(infoPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info)); messageCount++; } private static string SanitiseQueueName(string queueName) { return InvalidCharRegex.Replace(queueName, "_"); } public IEnumerable Deserialize() { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*.message.txt")) { const string messageTag = ".message."; var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); var propertiesFileName = Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName.Replace(messageTag, ".properties.")); var infoFileName = Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName.Replace(messageTag, ".info.")); var body = File.ReadAllText(file); var propertiesJson = File.ReadAllText(propertiesFileName); var properties = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(propertiesJson); var infoJson = File.ReadAllText(infoFileName); var info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(infoJson); var message = info.ToMessage(); message.Properties = properties.ToBasicProperties(); message.Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body); yield return message; } } // ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Local - used by JSON deserialization // ReSharper disable AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Local private class EasyNetQMessageProperties { // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Local - used by JSON deserialization public EasyNetQMessageProperties() { } public EasyNetQMessageProperties(IBasicProperties basicProperties) : this() { if (basicProperties.IsContentTypePresent()) ContentType = basicProperties.ContentType; if (basicProperties.IsContentEncodingPresent()) ContentEncoding = basicProperties.ContentEncoding; if (basicProperties.IsDeliveryModePresent()) DeliveryMode = basicProperties.DeliveryMode; if (basicProperties.IsPriorityPresent()) Priority = basicProperties.Priority; if (basicProperties.IsCorrelationIdPresent()) CorrelationId = basicProperties.CorrelationId; if (basicProperties.IsReplyToPresent()) ReplyTo = basicProperties.ReplyTo; if (basicProperties.IsExpirationPresent()) Expiration = basicProperties.Expiration; if (basicProperties.IsMessageIdPresent()) MessageId = basicProperties.MessageId; if (basicProperties.IsTimestampPresent()) Timestamp = basicProperties.Timestamp.UnixTime; if (basicProperties.IsTypePresent()) Type = basicProperties.Type; if (basicProperties.IsUserIdPresent()) UserId = basicProperties.UserId; if (basicProperties.IsAppIdPresent()) AppId = basicProperties.AppId; if (basicProperties.IsClusterIdPresent()) ClusterId = basicProperties.ClusterId; if (!basicProperties.IsHeadersPresent()) return; foreach (var header in basicProperties.Headers) Headers.Add(header.Key, (byte[])header.Value); } public IBasicProperties ToBasicProperties() { var basicProperties = new BasicProperties(); if (ContentTypePresent) basicProperties.ContentType = ContentType; if (ContentEncodingPresent) basicProperties.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding; if (DeliveryModePresent) basicProperties.DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode; if (PriorityPresent) basicProperties.Priority = Priority; if (CorrelationIdPresent) basicProperties.CorrelationId = CorrelationId; if (ReplyToPresent) basicProperties.ReplyTo = ReplyTo; if (ExpirationPresent) basicProperties.Expiration = Expiration; if (MessageIdPresent) basicProperties.MessageId = MessageId; if (TimestampPresent) basicProperties.Timestamp = new AmqpTimestamp(Timestamp); if (TypePresent) basicProperties.Type = Type; if (UserIdPresent) basicProperties.UserId = UserId; if (AppIdPresent) basicProperties.AppId = AppId; if (ClusterIdPresent) basicProperties.ClusterId = ClusterId; if (HeadersPresent) { basicProperties.Headers = new Dictionary(Headers.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => (object)p.Value)); } return basicProperties; } private string contentType; public string ContentType { get => contentType; set { contentType = value; ContentTypePresent = true; } } private string contentEncoding; public string ContentEncoding { get => contentEncoding; set { contentEncoding = value; ContentEncodingPresent = true; } } // The original EasyNetQ.Hosepipe defines this as an IDictionary. This causes UTF-8 headers // to be serialized as Base64, and deserialized as string, corrupting the republished message. // This may cause incompatibilities, but fixes it for dumped Tapeti messages. private IDictionary headers = new Dictionary(); public IDictionary Headers { get => headers; set { headers = value; HeadersPresent = true; } } private byte deliveryMode; public byte DeliveryMode { get => deliveryMode; set { deliveryMode = value; DeliveryModePresent = true; } } private byte priority; public byte Priority { get => priority; set { priority = value; PriorityPresent = true; } } private string correlationId; public string CorrelationId { get => correlationId; set { correlationId = value; CorrelationIdPresent = true; } } private string replyTo; public string ReplyTo { get => replyTo; set { replyTo = value; ReplyToPresent = true; } } private string expiration; public string Expiration { get => expiration; set { expiration = value; ExpirationPresent = true; } } private string messageId; public string MessageId { get => messageId; set { messageId = value; MessageIdPresent = true; } } private long timestamp; public long Timestamp { get => timestamp; set { timestamp = value; TimestampPresent = true; } } private string type; public string Type { get => type; set { type = value; TypePresent = true; } } private string userId; public string UserId { get => userId; set { userId = value; UserIdPresent = true; } } private string appId; public string AppId { get => appId; set { appId = value; AppIdPresent = true; } } private string clusterId; public string ClusterId { get => clusterId; set { clusterId = value; ClusterIdPresent = true; } } public bool ContentTypePresent { get; set; } public bool ContentEncodingPresent { get; set; } public bool HeadersPresent { get; set; } = true; public bool DeliveryModePresent { get; set; } public bool PriorityPresent { get; set; } public bool CorrelationIdPresent { get; set; } public bool ReplyToPresent { get; set; } public bool ExpirationPresent { get; set; } public bool MessageIdPresent { get; set; } public bool TimestampPresent { get; set; } public bool TypePresent { get; set; } public bool UserIdPresent { get; set; } public bool AppIdPresent { get; set; } public bool ClusterIdPresent { get; set; } } private class EasyNetQMessageReceivedInfo { public string ConsumerTag { get; set; } public ulong DeliverTag { get; set; } public bool Redelivered { get; set; } public string Exchange { get; set; } public string RoutingKey { get; set; } public string Queue { get; set; } // ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Local - used by JSON deserialization // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global public EasyNetQMessageReceivedInfo() { } public EasyNetQMessageReceivedInfo(Message fromMessage) { ConsumerTag = "hosepipe"; DeliverTag = fromMessage.DeliveryTag; Redelivered = fromMessage.Redelivered; Exchange = fromMessage.Exchange; RoutingKey = fromMessage.RoutingKey; Queue = fromMessage.Queue; } public Message ToMessage() { return new Message { //ConsumerTag = DeliveryTag = DeliverTag, Redelivered = Redelivered, Exchange = Exchange, RoutingKey = RoutingKey, Queue = Queue }; } } // ReSharper restore AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Local // ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Local } }