mirror of synced 2024-09-27 19:46:07 +00:00

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Tapeti.Config;
using Tapeti.Helpers;
namespace Tapeti.Default
/// <inheritdoc />
/// <summary>
/// Binding implementation for controller methods. Do not instantiate this class yourself,
/// instead use the ITapetiConfigBuilder RegisterController / RegisterAllControllers extension
/// methods.
/// </summary>
internal class ControllerMethodBinding : IControllerMethodBinding
/// <summary>
/// Contains all the required information to bind a controller method to a queue.
/// </summary>
public struct BindingInfo
/// <summary>
/// The controller type associated with this binding.
/// </summary>
public Type ControllerType;
/// <summary>
/// The method called when this binding is invoked.
/// </summary>
public MethodInfo Method;
/// <summary>
/// The queue this binding consumes.
/// </summary>
public QueueInfo QueueInfo;
/// <summary>
/// The message class handled by this binding's method.
/// </summary>
public Type MessageClass;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether this method accepts messages to the exchange by routing key, or direct-to-queue only.
/// </summary>
public BindingTargetMode BindingTargetMode;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates if the method or controller is marked with the Obsolete attribute, indicating it should
/// only handle messages already in the queue and not bind to the routing key for new messages.
/// </summary>
public bool IsObsolete;
/// <summary>
/// Value factories for the method parameters.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<ValueFactory> ParameterFactories;
/// <summary>
/// The return value handler.
/// </summary>
public ResultHandler ResultHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Filter middleware as registered by the binding middleware.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList<IControllerFilterMiddleware> FilterMiddleware;
/// <summary>
/// Message middleware as registered by the binding middleware.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList<IControllerMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware;
/// <summary>
/// Cleanup middleware as registered by the binding middleware.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList<IControllerCleanupMiddleware> CleanupMiddleware;
private readonly IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver;
private readonly BindingInfo bindingInfo;
private readonly MessageHandlerFunc messageHandler;
/// <inheritdoc />
public string QueueName { get; private set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public QueueType QueueType => bindingInfo.QueueInfo.QueueType;
/// <inheritdoc />
public Type Controller => bindingInfo.ControllerType;
/// <inheritdoc />
public MethodInfo Method => bindingInfo.Method;
/// <inheritdoc />
public ControllerMethodBinding(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver, BindingInfo bindingInfo)
this.dependencyResolver = dependencyResolver;
this.bindingInfo = bindingInfo;
messageHandler = WrapMethod(bindingInfo.Method, bindingInfo.ParameterFactories, bindingInfo.ResultHandler);
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Apply(IBindingTarget target)
if (!bindingInfo.IsObsolete)
switch (bindingInfo.BindingTargetMode)
case BindingTargetMode.Default:
if (bindingInfo.QueueInfo.QueueType == QueueType.Dynamic)
QueueName = await target.BindDynamic(bindingInfo.MessageClass, bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name);
await target.BindDurable(bindingInfo.MessageClass, bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name);
QueueName = bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name;
case BindingTargetMode.Direct:
if (bindingInfo.QueueInfo.QueueType == QueueType.Dynamic)
QueueName = await target.BindDynamicDirect(bindingInfo.MessageClass, bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name);
await target.BindDurableDirect(bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name);
QueueName = bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bindingInfo.BindingTargetMode), bindingInfo.BindingTargetMode, "Invalid BindingTargetMode");
else if (bindingInfo.QueueInfo.QueueType == QueueType.Durable)
await target.BindDurableObsolete(bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name);
QueueName = bindingInfo.QueueInfo.Name;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Accept(Type messageClass)
return messageClass == bindingInfo.MessageClass;
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Invoke(IMessageContext context)
var controller = dependencyResolver.Resolve(bindingInfo.ControllerType);
using (var controllerContext = new ControllerMessageContext(context)
Controller = controller
if (!await FilterAllowed(controllerContext))
await MiddlewareHelper.GoAsync(
async (handler, next) => await handler.Handle(controllerContext, next),
async () => await messageHandler(controllerContext));
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Cleanup(IMessageContext context, ConsumeResult consumeResult)
using (var controllerContext = new ControllerMessageContext(context)
Controller = null
await MiddlewareHelper.GoAsync(
async (handler, next) => await handler.Cleanup(controllerContext, consumeResult, next),
() => Task.CompletedTask);
private async Task<bool> FilterAllowed(IControllerMessageContext context)
var allowed = false;
await MiddlewareHelper.GoAsync(
async (handler, next) => await handler.Filter(context, next),
() =>
allowed = true;
return Task.CompletedTask;
return allowed;
private delegate Task MessageHandlerFunc(IControllerMessageContext context);
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories, ResultHandler resultHandler)
if (resultHandler != null)
return WrapResultHandlerMethod(method, parameterFactories, resultHandler);
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
return WrapNullMethod(method, parameterFactories);
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(Task))
return WrapTaskMethod(method, parameterFactories);
if (method.ReturnType.IsGenericType && method.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task<>))
return WrapGenericTaskMethod(method, parameterFactories);
return WrapObjectMethod(method, parameterFactories);
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapResultHandlerMethod(MethodBase method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories, ResultHandler resultHandler)
return context =>
var result = method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameterFactories.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
return resultHandler(context, result);
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapNullMethod(MethodBase method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories)
return context =>
method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameterFactories.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
return Task.CompletedTask;
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapTaskMethod(MethodBase method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories)
return context => (Task)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameterFactories.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapGenericTaskMethod(MethodBase method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories)
return context =>
return (Task<object>)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameterFactories.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
private static MessageHandlerFunc WrapObjectMethod(MethodBase method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameterFactories)
return context =>
return Task.FromResult(method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameterFactories.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray()));
/// <summary>
/// Contains information about the queue linked to the controller method.
/// </summary>
public class QueueInfo
/// <summary>
/// The type of queue this binding consumes.
/// </summary>
public QueueType QueueType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The name of the durable queue, or optional prefix of the dynamic queue.
/// </summary>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the QueueInfo properties contain a valid combination.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid => QueueType == QueueType.Dynamic || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name);