MAX-1081 POC Dictionary tasks in Web voor request Transient 0.1
757 lines
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757 lines
26 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Tapeti.Annotations;
using Tapeti.Config;
using Tapeti.Default;
using Tapeti.Helpers;
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
namespace Tapeti
public class TopologyConfigurationException : Exception
public TopologyConfigurationException(string message) : base(message) { }
public delegate Task MessageHandlerFunc(IMessageContext context, object message);
public class TapetiConfig
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<IBinding>> staticRegistrations = new Dictionary<string, List<IBinding>>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Type, List<IBinding>>> dynamicRegistrations = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<Type, List<IBinding>>>();
private readonly List<IBindingQueueInfo> uniqueRegistrations = new List<IBindingQueueInfo>();
private readonly List<ICustomBinding> customBindings = new List<ICustomBinding>();
private readonly List<IBindingMiddleware> bindingMiddleware = new List<IBindingMiddleware>();
private readonly List<IMessageMiddleware> messageMiddleware = new List<IMessageMiddleware>();
private readonly List<ICleanupMiddleware> cleanupMiddleware = new List<ICleanupMiddleware>();
private readonly List<IPublishMiddleware> publishMiddleware = new List<IPublishMiddleware>();
private readonly IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver;
private bool usePublisherConfirms = true;
public TapetiConfig(IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver)
this.dependencyResolver = dependencyResolver;
Use(new DependencyResolverBinding());
Use(new MessageBinding());
Use(new PublishResultBinding());
public IConfig Build()
var queues = new List<IQueue>();
queues.AddRange(staticRegistrations.Select(qb => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = false, Name = qb.Key }, qb.Value)));
// We want to ensure each queue only has unique messages classes. This means we can requeue
// without the side-effect of calling other handlers for the same message class again as well.
// Since I had trouble deciphering this code after a year, here's an overview of how it achieves this grouping
// and how the bindingIndex is relevant:
// dynamicRegistrations:
// Key (prefix)
// ""
// Key (message class) Value (list of bindings)
// A binding1, binding2, binding3
// B binding4
// "prefix"
// A binding5, binding6
// By combining all bindings with the same index, per prefix, the following queues will be registered:
// Prefix Bindings
// "" binding1 (message A), binding4 (message B)
// "" binding2 (message A)
// "" binding3 (message A)
// "prefix" binding5 (message A)
// "prefix" binding6 (message A)
foreach (var prefixGroup in dynamicRegistrations)
var dynamicBindings = new List<List<IBinding>>();
foreach (var bindings in prefixGroup.Value.Values)
while (dynamicBindings.Count < bindings.Count)
dynamicBindings.Add(new List<IBinding>());
for (var bindingIndex = 0; bindingIndex < bindings.Count; bindingIndex++)
queues.AddRange(dynamicBindings.Select(bl => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true, Name = GetDynamicQueueName(prefixGroup.Key) }, bl)));
queues.AddRange(uniqueRegistrations.Select(b => new Queue(new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true, Name = GetDynamicQueueName(b.QueueInfo.Name) }, new []{b})));
var config = new Config(queues)
DependencyResolver = dependencyResolver,
MessageMiddleware = messageMiddleware,
CleanupMiddleware = cleanupMiddleware,
PublishMiddleware = publishMiddleware,
UsePublisherConfirms = usePublisherConfirms
(dependencyResolver as IDependencyContainer)?.RegisterDefaultSingleton<IConfig>(config);
return config;
public TapetiConfig Use(IBindingMiddleware handler)
return this;
public TapetiConfig Use(IMessageMiddleware handler)
return this;
public TapetiConfig Use(ICleanupMiddleware handler)
return this;
public TapetiConfig Use(IPublishMiddleware handler)
return this;
public TapetiConfig Use(ITapetiExtension extension)
if (dependencyResolver is IDependencyContainer container)
var middlewareBundle = extension.GetMiddleware(dependencyResolver);
if (extension is ITapetiExtentionBinding extentionBindings)
// ReSharper disable once InvertIf
if (middlewareBundle != null)
foreach (var middleware in middlewareBundle)
// ReSharper disable once CanBeReplacedWithTryCastAndCheckForNull
if (middleware is IBindingMiddleware bindingExtension)
else if (middleware is IMessageMiddleware messageExtension)
else if (middleware is ICleanupMiddleware cleanupExtension)
else if (middleware is IPublishMiddleware publishExtension)
throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported middleware implementation: {(middleware == null ? "null" : middleware.GetType().Name)}");
return this;
/// <summary>
/// WARNING: disabling publisher confirms means there is no guarantee that a Publish succeeds,
/// and disables Tapeti.Flow from verifying if a request/response can be routed. This may
/// result in never-ending flows. Only disable if you can accept those consequences.
/// </summary>
public TapetiConfig DisablePublisherConfirms()
usePublisherConfirms = false;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// WARNING: disabling publisher confirms means there is no guarantee that a Publish succeeds,
/// and disables Tapeti.Flow from verifying if a request/response can be routed. This may
/// result in never-ending flows. Only disable if you accept those consequences.
/// </summary>
public TapetiConfig SetPublisherConfirms(bool enabled)
usePublisherConfirms = enabled;
return this;
public void RegisterDefaults()
if (!(dependencyResolver is IDependencyContainer container))
if (ConsoleHelper.IsAvailable())
container.RegisterDefault<ILogger, ConsoleLogger>();
container.RegisterDefault<ILogger, DevNullLogger>();
container.RegisterDefault<IMessageSerializer, JsonMessageSerializer>();
container.RegisterDefault<IExchangeStrategy, NamespaceMatchExchangeStrategy>();
container.RegisterDefault<IRoutingKeyStrategy, TypeNameRoutingKeyStrategy>();
container.RegisterDefault<IExceptionStrategy, NackExceptionStrategy>();
public TapetiConfig RegisterController(Type controller)
var controllerQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(controller);
if (!controller.IsInterface)
(dependencyResolver as IDependencyContainer)?.RegisterController(controller);
foreach (var method in controller.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(m => m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method && m.DeclaringType != typeof(object) && (m as MethodInfo)?.IsSpecialName == false)
.Select(m => (MethodInfo)m))
var context = new BindingContext(method);
var messageHandler = GetMessageHandler(context, method);
if (messageHandler == null)
var methodQueueInfo = GetQueueInfo(method) ?? controllerQueueInfo;
if (!methodQueueInfo.IsValid)
throw new TopologyConfigurationException(
$"Method {method.Name} or controller {controller.Name} requires a queue attribute");
var handlerInfo = new Binding
Controller = controller,
Method = method,
QueueInfo = methodQueueInfo,
QueueBindingMode = context.QueueBindingMode,
MessageClass = context.MessageClass,
MessageHandler = messageHandler,
MessageMiddleware = context.MessageMiddleware,
MessageFilterMiddleware = context.MessageFilterMiddleware
if (methodQueueInfo.Dynamic.GetValueOrDefault())
return this;
public TapetiConfig RegisterAllControllers(Assembly assembly)
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsDefined(typeof(MessageControllerAttribute))))
return this;
public TapetiConfig RegisterAllControllers()
return RegisterAllControllers(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
private void RegisterCustomBindings()
foreach (var customBinding in customBindings)
// TODO Do we need to configure additional middleware, or does this only get confused if there is no MessageClass
var binding = new CustomBinding(customBinding);
if (binding.QueueInfo.Dynamic == false)
else if (binding.MessageClass != null)
protected MessageHandlerFunc GetMessageHandler(IBindingContext context, MethodInfo method)
var allowBinding= false;
(handler, next) => handler.Handle(context, next),
() =>
allowBinding = true;
if (!allowBinding)
return null;
if (context.MessageClass == null)
throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} does not resolve to a message class");
var invalidBindings = context.Parameters.Where(p => !p.HasBinding).ToList();
// ReSharper disable once InvertIf
if (invalidBindings.Count > 0)
var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", invalidBindings.Select(p => p.Info.Name));
throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Method {method.Name} in controller {method.DeclaringType?.Name} has unknown parameters: {parameterNames}");
var resultHandler = ((IBindingResultAccess) context.Result).GetHandler();
return WrapMethod(method, context.Parameters.Select(p => ((IBindingParameterAccess)p).GetBinding()), resultHandler);
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters, ResultHandler resultHandler)
if (resultHandler != null)
return WrapResultHandlerMethod(method, parameters, resultHandler);
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
return WrapNullMethod(method, parameters);
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(Task))
return WrapTaskMethod(method, parameters);
if (method.ReturnType.IsGenericType && method.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task<>))
return WrapGenericTaskMethod(method, parameters);
return WrapObjectMethod(method, parameters);
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapResultHandlerMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters, ResultHandler resultHandler)
return (context, message) =>
var result = method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
return resultHandler(context, result);
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapNullMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters)
return (context, message) =>
method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
return Task.CompletedTask;
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapTaskMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters)
return (context, message) => (Task)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapGenericTaskMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters)
return (context, message) =>
return (Task<object>)method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray());
protected MessageHandlerFunc WrapObjectMethod(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<ValueFactory> parameters)
return (context, message) =>
return Task.FromResult(method.Invoke(context.Controller, parameters.Select(p => p(context)).ToArray()));
protected void AddStaticRegistration(IBindingQueueInfo binding)
if (staticRegistrations.ContainsKey(binding.QueueInfo.Name))
var existing = staticRegistrations[binding.QueueInfo.Name];
// TODO allow multiple only if there is a filter which guarantees uniqueness? and/or move to independant validation middleware
//if (existing.Any(h => h.MessageClass == binding.MessageClass))
// throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Multiple handlers for message class {binding.MessageClass.Name} in queue {binding.QueueInfo.Name}");
staticRegistrations.Add(binding.QueueInfo.Name, new List<IBinding> { binding });
protected void AddDynamicRegistration(IBindingQueueInfo binding)
var prefix = binding.QueueInfo.Name ?? "";
if (!dynamicRegistrations.TryGetValue(prefix, out Dictionary<Type, List<IBinding>> prefixRegistrations))
prefixRegistrations = new Dictionary<Type, List<IBinding>>();
dynamicRegistrations.Add(prefix, prefixRegistrations);
if (!prefixRegistrations.TryGetValue(binding.MessageClass, out List<IBinding> bindings))
bindings = new List<IBinding>();
prefixRegistrations.Add(binding.MessageClass, bindings);
protected void AddUniqueRegistration(IBindingQueueInfo binding)
protected QueueInfo GetQueueInfo(MemberInfo member)
var dynamicQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<DynamicQueueAttribute>();
var durableQueueAttribute = member.GetCustomAttribute<DurableQueueAttribute>();
if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null && durableQueueAttribute != null)
throw new TopologyConfigurationException($"Cannot combine static and dynamic queue attributes on {member.Name}");
if (dynamicQueueAttribute != null)
return new QueueInfo { Dynamic = true, Name = dynamicQueueAttribute.Prefix };
if (durableQueueAttribute != null)
return new QueueInfo { Dynamic = false, Name = durableQueueAttribute.Name };
return null;
protected string GetDynamicQueueName(string prefix)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix))
return "";
return prefix + "." + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
protected class QueueInfo
public bool? Dynamic { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsValid => Dynamic.HasValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name);
protected class Config : IConfig
public bool UsePublisherConfirms { get; set; }
public IDependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<ICleanupMiddleware> CleanupMiddleware { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IPublishMiddleware> PublishMiddleware { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<IQueue> Queues { get; }
private readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, IBinding> bindingMethodLookup;
public Config(IEnumerable<IQueue> queues)
Queues = queues.ToList();
bindingMethodLookup = Queues.SelectMany(q => q.Bindings).ToDictionary(b => b.Method, b => b);
public IBinding GetBinding(Delegate method)
return bindingMethodLookup.TryGetValue(method.Method, out var binding) ? binding : null;
protected class Queue : IDynamicQueue
private readonly string declareQueueName;
public bool Dynamic { get; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<IBinding> Bindings { get; }
public Queue(QueueInfo queue, IEnumerable<IBinding> bindings)
declareQueueName = queue.Name;
Dynamic = queue.Dynamic.GetValueOrDefault();
Name = queue.Name;
Bindings = bindings;
public string GetDeclareQueueName()
return declareQueueName;
public void SetName(string name)
Name = name;
protected interface IBindingQueueInfo : IBuildBinding
QueueInfo QueueInfo { get; }
protected class Binding : IBindingQueueInfo
public Type Controller { get; set; }
public MethodInfo Method { get; set; }
public Type MessageClass { get; set; }
public string QueueName { get; set; }
public QueueBindingMode QueueBindingMode { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageFilterMiddleware> MessageFilterMiddleware { get; set; }
private QueueInfo queueInfo;
public QueueInfo QueueInfo
get => queueInfo;
QueueName = (value?.Dynamic).GetValueOrDefault() ? value?.Name : null;
queueInfo = value;
public MessageHandlerFunc MessageHandler { get; set; }
public void SetQueueName(string queueName)
QueueName = queueName;
public bool Accept(Type messageClass)
return MessageClass.IsAssignableFrom(messageClass);
public bool Accept(IMessageContext context, object message)
return message.GetType() == MessageClass;
public Task Invoke(IMessageContext context, object message)
return MessageHandler(context, message);
protected class CustomBinding : IBindingQueueInfo
private readonly ICustomBinding inner;
public CustomBinding(ICustomBinding inner)
this.inner = inner;
// Copy all variables to make them guaranteed readonly.
Controller = inner.Controller;
Method = inner.Method;
QueueBindingMode = inner.QueueBindingMode;
MessageClass = inner.MessageClass;
QueueInfo = inner.StaticQueueName != null
? new QueueInfo()
Dynamic = false,
Name = inner.StaticQueueName
: new QueueInfo()
Dynamic = true,
Name = inner.DynamicQueuePrefix
// Custom bindings cannot have other middleware messing with the binding.
MessageFilterMiddleware = new IMessageFilterMiddleware[0];
MessageMiddleware = new IMessageMiddleware[0];
public Type Controller { get; }
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
public string QueueName { get; private set; }
public QueueBindingMode QueueBindingMode { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageFilterMiddleware> MessageFilterMiddleware { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware { get; }
public bool Accept(Type messageClass)
return inner.Accept(messageClass);
public bool Accept(IMessageContext context, object message)
return inner.Accept(context, message);
public Task Invoke(IMessageContext context, object message)
return inner.Invoke(context, message);
public void SetQueueName(string queueName)
QueueName = queueName;
public Type MessageClass { get; }
public QueueInfo QueueInfo { get; }
internal interface IBindingParameterAccess
ValueFactory GetBinding();
internal interface IBindingResultAccess
ResultHandler GetHandler();
internal class BindingContext : IBindingContext
private List<IMessageMiddleware> messageMiddleware;
private List<IMessageFilterMiddleware> messageFilterMiddleware;
public Type MessageClass { get; set; }
public MethodInfo Method { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<IBindingParameter> Parameters { get; }
public IBindingResult Result { get; }
public QueueBindingMode QueueBindingMode { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageMiddleware> MessageMiddleware => messageMiddleware;
public IReadOnlyList<IMessageFilterMiddleware> MessageFilterMiddleware => messageFilterMiddleware;
public BindingContext(MethodInfo method)
Method = method;
Parameters = method.GetParameters().Select(p => new BindingParameter(p)).ToList();
Result = new BindingResult(method.ReturnParameter);
public void Use(IMessageMiddleware middleware)
if (messageMiddleware == null)
messageMiddleware = new List<IMessageMiddleware>();
public void Use(IMessageFilterMiddleware filterMiddleware)
if (messageFilterMiddleware == null)
messageFilterMiddleware = new List<IMessageFilterMiddleware>();
internal class BindingParameter : IBindingParameter, IBindingParameterAccess
private ValueFactory binding;
public ParameterInfo Info { get; }
public bool HasBinding => binding != null;
public BindingParameter(ParameterInfo parameter)
Info = parameter;
public ValueFactory GetBinding()
return binding;
public void SetBinding(ValueFactory valueFactory)
binding = valueFactory;
internal class BindingResult : IBindingResult, IBindingResultAccess
private ResultHandler handler;
public ParameterInfo Info { get; }
public bool HasHandler => handler != null;
public BindingResult(ParameterInfo parameter)
Info = parameter;
public ResultHandler GetHandler()
return handler;
public void SetHandler(ResultHandler resultHandler)
handler = resultHandler;