{: Connects UnitSwitcher to the IDE. Last changed: $Date$ Revision: $Rev$ Author: $Author$ } {$ASSERTIONS ON} unit UnSwClient; {$I UnSwDefines.inc} interface implementation uses ActnList, Classes, Dialogs, SysUtils, ToolsAPI, UnSwDialog, UnSwObjects; type TUnitSwitcherHook = class(TObject) private FOldUnitExecute: TNotifyEvent; FOldFormExecute: TNotifyEvent; FViewUnitAction: TContainedAction; FViewFormAction: TContainedAction; protected function ActiveFileName(): String; {$IFDEF DELPHI7} function ActiveGroup(): IOTAProjectGroup; {$ENDIF} function ActiveProject(): IOTAProject; procedure NewExecute(Sender: TObject); virtual; public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; end; { TUnitSwitcherHook} constructor TUnitSwitcherHook.Create(); var actionIndex: Integer; ntaServices: INTAServices; action: TContainedAction; begin try Assert(Assigned(BorlandIDEServices), 'BorlandIDEServices not available.'); Assert(Supports(BorlandIDEServices, INTAServices, ntaServices), 'BorlandIDEServices does not support the ' + 'INTAServices interface.'); Assert(Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAModuleServices), 'BorlandIDEServices does not support the ' + 'IOTAModuleServices interface.'); {$IFDEF DELPHI7} Assert(Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAActionServices), 'BorlandIDEServices does not support the ' + 'IOTAActionServices interface.'); {$ENDIF} for actionIndex := 0 to Pred(ntaServices.ActionList.ActionCount) do begin action := ntaServices.ActionList.Actions[actionIndex]; if action.Name = 'ViewUnitCommand' then begin FOldUnitExecute := action.OnExecute; action.OnExecute := NewExecute; FViewUnitAction := action; end else if action.Name = 'ViewFormCommand' then begin FOldFormExecute := action.OnExecute; action.OnExecute := NewExecute; FViewFormAction := action; end; end; Assert(Assigned(FViewUnitAction), 'ViewUnitCommand action is not' + 'available in the IDE.'); Assert(Assigned(FViewFormAction), 'ViewFormCommand action is not' + 'available in the IDE.'); except on E:EAssertionFailed do ShowMessage('Error while loading UnitSwitcher: ' + E.Message); end; end; destructor TUnitSwitcherHook.Destroy(); begin if Assigned(FViewFormAction) then FViewFormAction.OnExecute := FOldFormExecute; if Assigned(FViewUnitAction) then FViewUnitAction.OnExecute := FOldUnitExecute; inherited; end; function TUnitSwitcherHook.ActiveFileName(): String; var module: IOTAModule; begin Result := ''; module := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices).CurrentModule; if Assigned(module) then begin if Assigned(module.CurrentEditor) then Result := module.FileName; end; end; {$IFDEF DELPHI7} function TUnitSwitcherHook.ActiveGroup(): IOTAProjectGroup; var module: IOTAModule; moduleServices: IOTAModuleServices; moduleIndex: Integer; begin Result := nil; moduleServices := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices); for moduleIndex := 0 to Pred(moduleServices.ModuleCount) do begin module := moduleServices.Modules[moduleIndex]; if Supports(module, IOTAProjectGroup, Result) then break; end; end; {$ENDIF} function TUnitSwitcherHook.ActiveProject(): IOTAProject; {$IFDEF DELPHI7} var projectGroup: IOTAProjectGroup; module: IOTAModule; moduleServices: IOTAModuleServices; moduleIndex: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DELPHI7} Result := nil; projectGroup := ActiveGroup(); if not Assigned(projectGroup) then begin moduleServices := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices); for moduleIndex := 0 to Pred(moduleServices.ModuleCount) do begin module := moduleServices.Modules[moduleIndex]; if Supports(module, IOTAProject, Result) then break; end; end else Result := projectGroup.ActiveProject; {$ELSE} Result := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices).GetActiveProject(); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TUnitSwitcherHook.NewExecute(Sender: TObject); var activeIndex: Integer; project: IOTAProject; moduleIndex: Integer; activeUnit: TUnSwUnit; unitList: TUnSwUnitList; begin project := ActiveProject(); if not Assigned(project) then exit; unitList := TUnSwUnitList.Create(); try unitList.Add(TUnSwProjectUnit.Create(project)); for moduleIndex := 0 to Pred(project.GetModuleCount) do unitList.Add(TUnSwModuleUnit.Create(project.GetModule(moduleIndex))); activeUnit := nil; activeIndex := unitList.IndexOfFileName(ActiveFileName()); if activeIndex > -1 then activeUnit := unitList[activeIndex]; activeUnit := TfrmUnSwDialog.Execute(unitList, (Sender = FViewFormAction), activeUnit); if Assigned(activeUnit) then activeUnit.Activate((Sender = FViewUnitAction)); finally FreeAndNil(unitList); end; end; var GUnitSwitcher: TUnitSwitcherHook; initialization GUnitSwitcher := TUnitSwitcherHook.Create(); finalization FreeAndNil(GUnitSwitcher); end.