{: Contains the filter configuration dialog. Last changed: $Date$ Revision: $Rev$ Author: $Author$ } unit CmpSwFilterConfiguration; interface uses Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls, Forms, StdCtrls, CmpSwFilters; type TfrmCmpSwFilterConfiguration = class(TForm) gbMain: TGroupBox; pnlButtons: TPanel; btnOk: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; protected function InternalExecute(AGroup: TCmpSwFilterGroup): Boolean; public class function Execute(AGroup: TCmpSwFilterGroup): Boolean; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TfrmCmpSwFilterConfiguration } class function TfrmCmpSwFilterConfiguration.Execute(AGroup: TCmpSwFilterGroup): Boolean; begin with Self.Create(nil) do try Result := InternalExecute(AGroup); finally Free(); end; end; function TfrmCmpSwFilterConfiguration.InternalExecute(AGroup: TCmpSwFilterGroup): Boolean; begin Result := (ShowModal() = mrOk); end; end.