unit CmpSwFilters; interface uses Classes, Contnrs, BaseSwFilters, BaseSwObjects; type TCmpSwFilterGroup = class(TCollectionItem) private FEnabled: Boolean; FFilter: TStrings; FFilterChanged: Boolean; FFilterMasks: TObjectList; FIncludeDescendants: Boolean; FName: String; FVisible: Boolean; protected procedure FilterChange(Sender: TObject); function ContainsMask(const AFilter: String): Boolean; procedure UpdateFilters(); property FilterMasks: TObjectList read FFilterMasks; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy(); override; function Matches(const AValue: String): Boolean; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property Filter: TStrings read FFilter; property IncludeDescendants: Boolean read FIncludeDescendants write FIncludeDescendants; property Name: String read FName write FName; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write FVisible; end; TCmpSwMatchResult = (mrNoMatch, mrDisabledMatch, mrMatch); TCmpSwFilterGroups = class(TCollection) private function GetItem(Index: Integer): TCmpSwFilterGroup; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCmpSwFilterGroup); public constructor Create(); function Add(): TCmpSwFilterGroup; function Matches(const AValue: String; AMatchDisabled: Boolean): TCmpSwMatchResult; property Items[Index: Integer]: TCmpSwFilterGroup read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TCmpSwComponentClassFilter = class(TBaseSwItemFilter) private FFilterUnmatched: Boolean; FGroups: TCmpSwFilterGroups; FOwnsGroups: Boolean; function GetGroups(): TCmpSwFilterGroups; procedure SetGroups(const Value: TCmpSwFilterGroups); protected procedure VisitItem(const AItem: TBaseSwItem); override; public destructor Destroy(); override; property FilterUnmatched: Boolean read FFilterUnmatched write FFilterUnmatched; property Groups: TCmpSwFilterGroups read GetGroups write SetGroups; end; implementation uses Masks, SysUtils, CmpSwObjects, Dialogs; const MaskChars = ['*', '?', '[']; { TCmpSwFilterGroup } constructor TCmpSwFilterGroup.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin inherited; FFilterMasks := TObjectList.Create(True); FFilter := TStringList.Create(); TStringList(FFilter).OnChange := FilterChange; FEnabled := True; FVisible := False; end; destructor TCmpSwFilterGroup.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(FFilter); FreeAndNil(FFilterMasks); inherited; end; function TCmpSwFilterGroup.Matches(const AValue: String): Boolean; var filterIndex: Integer; valueClass: TClass; filterClass: TClass; begin Result := False; UpdateFilters(); for filterIndex := Pred(Filter.Count) downto 0 do begin if Assigned(Filter.Objects[filterIndex]) then begin Result := TMask(Filter.Objects[filterIndex]).Matches(AValue); end else begin Result := SameText(Filter[filterIndex], AValue); if (not Result) and IncludeDescendants then begin filterClass := GetClass(Filter[filterIndex]); if Assigned(filterClass) then begin valueClass := GetClass(AValue); if Assigned(valueClass) then Result := valueClass.InheritsFrom(filterClass); end; end; end; if Result then Break; end; end; procedure TCmpSwFilterGroup.FilterChange(Sender: TObject); begin FFilterChanged := True; end; function TCmpSwFilterGroup.ContainsMask(const AFilter: String): Boolean; var charIndex: Integer; begin Result := False; for charIndex := Length(AFilter) downto 1 do if AFilter[charIndex] in MaskChars then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; procedure TCmpSwFilterGroup.UpdateFilters(); var filterIndex: Integer; mask: TMask; begin if not FFilterChanged then Exit; FilterMasks.Clear(); for filterIndex := Pred(Filter.Count) downto 0 do begin if ContainsMask(Filter[filterIndex]) then begin mask := TMask.Create(Filter[filterIndex]); FilterMasks.Add(mask); Filter.Objects[filterIndex] := mask; end else Filter.Objects[filterIndex] := nil; end; FFilterChanged := False; end; { TCmpSwFilterGroups } constructor TCmpSwFilterGroups.Create; begin inherited Create(TCmpSwFilterGroup); end; function TCmpSwFilterGroups.Add: TCmpSwFilterGroup; begin Result := TCmpSwFilterGroup(inherited Add); end; function TCmpSwFilterGroups.GetItem(Index: Integer): TCmpSwFilterGroup; begin Result := TCmpSwFilterGroup(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; procedure TCmpSwFilterGroups.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCmpSwFilterGroup); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; function TCmpSwFilterGroups.Matches(const AValue: String; AMatchDisabled: Boolean): TCmpSwMatchResult; var itemIndex: Integer; begin Result := mrNoMatch; for itemIndex := Pred(Count) downto 0 do begin if AMatchDisabled or Items[itemIndex].Enabled then begin if Items[itemIndex].Matches(AValue) then begin if Items[itemIndex].Enabled then Result := mrMatch else Result := mrDisabledMatch; Break; end; end; end; end; { TCmpSwComponentClassFilter } destructor TCmpSwComponentClassFilter.Destroy(); begin if FOwnsGroups then FreeAndNil(FGroups); inherited; end; function TCmpSwComponentClassFilter.GetGroups(): TCmpSwFilterGroups; begin if not Assigned(FGroups) then begin FGroups := TCmpSwFilterGroups.Create(); FOwnsGroups := True; end; Result := FGroups; end; procedure TCmpSwComponentClassFilter.SetGroups(const Value: TCmpSwFilterGroups); begin if Value <> FGroups then begin if FOwnsGroups then FreeAndNil(FGroups); FGroups := Value; FOwnsGroups := False; end; end; procedure TCmpSwComponentClassFilter.VisitItem(const AItem: TBaseSwItem); begin case Groups.Matches(TCmpSwComponent(AItem).ComponentClass, FilterUnmatched) of mrMatch: FilterItem(AItem); mrNoMatch: if FilterUnmatched then FilterItem(AItem); end; end; end.