{ :: Contains the dialog presented for the Container's Graphics property :: :: Last changed: $Date$ :: Revision: $Rev$ :: Author: $Author$ } unit X2CLGraphicsEditor; interface uses ActnList, Classes, ComCtrls, Controls, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, ExtDlgs, Forms, ImgList, StdCtrls, ToolWin, X2CLGraphicList; type TfrmGraphicsEditor = class(TForm) actAdd: TAction; actClear: TAction; actDelete: TAction; actDown: TAction; actOpen: TAction; actSave: TAction; actUp: TAction; alGraphics: TActionList; dlgOpen: TOpenPictureDialog; dlgSave: TSavePictureDialog; ilsIcons: TImageList; imgPreview: TImage; lblName: TLabel; lstGraphics: TListBox; pnlGraphics: TPanel; pnlImage: TPanel; pnlProperties: TPanel; sbImage: TScrollBox; spltGraphics: TSplitter; tbClear: TToolButton; tbDelete: TToolButton; tbDown: TToolButton; tbGraphics: TToolBar; tbImage: TToolBar; tbNew: TToolButton; tbOpen: TToolButton; tbSave: TToolButton; tbSep1: TToolButton; tbUp: TToolButton; txtName: TEdit; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure lstGraphicsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure txtNameChange(Sender: TObject); procedure actAddExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actUpExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actDownExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actOpenExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actSaveExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actClearExecute(Sender: TObject); private FComponent: TX2GraphicContainer; procedure InternalExecute(const AComponent: TComponent); procedure Administrate(); procedure UpdatePreview(); function Active(out AIndex: Integer; out AGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem): Boolean; public class procedure Execute(const AComponent: TComponent); end; implementation uses Graphics, SysUtils; var GEditor: TfrmGraphicsEditor; {$R *.dfm} {===================== TfrmGraphicsEditor Initialization ========================================} class procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.Execute; begin if not Assigned(GEditor) then GEditor := TfrmGraphicsEditor.Create(Application); GEditor.InternalExecute(AComponent); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.InternalExecute; var iGraphic: Integer; begin FComponent := TX2GraphicContainer(AComponent); Caption := Format('%s.Graphics', [FComponent.Name]); // Fill graphics list with lstGraphics.Items do begin BeginUpdate(); try Clear(); for iGraphic := 0 to FComponent.Graphics.Count - 1 do AddObject(FComponent.Graphics[iGraphic].DisplayName, FComponent.Graphics[iGraphic]); finally EndUpdate(); end; lstGraphics.ItemIndex := 0; UpdatePreview(); end; Administrate(); Show(); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.FormClose; begin Action := caFree; GEditor := nil; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.Administrate; var bEnabled: Boolean; iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin bEnabled := Active(iIndex, pGraphic); actDelete.Enabled := bEnabled; actOpen.Enabled := bEnabled; if bEnabled then bEnabled := Assigned(pGraphic.Picture.Graphic) else bEnabled := False; actSave.Enabled := bEnabled; actClear.Enabled := bEnabled; actUp.Enabled := bEnabled and (iIndex > 0); actDown.Enabled := bEnabled and (iIndex < lstGraphics.Items.Count - 1); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.UpdatePreview; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then begin imgPreview.Picture.Assign(pGraphic.Picture); txtName.Text := pGraphic.Name; Administrate(); end; end; {===================== TfrmGraphicsEditor Graphic Management ========================================} function TfrmGraphicsEditor.Active; begin Result := False; AIndex := lstGraphics.ItemIndex; if AIndex = -1 then exit; AGraphic := TX2GraphicCollectionItem(lstGraphics.Items.Objects[AIndex]); Result := Assigned(AGraphic); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.lstGraphicsClick; begin UpdatePreview(); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.txtNameChange; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then begin pGraphic.Name := txtName.Text; lstGraphics.Items[iIndex] := pGraphic.DisplayName; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actAddExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin pGraphic := FComponent.Graphics.Add(); iIndex := lstGraphics.Items.AddObject(pGraphic.DisplayName, pGraphic); lstGraphics.ItemIndex := iIndex; UpdatePreview(); end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actDeleteExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then begin lstGraphics.Items.Delete(iIndex); FComponent.Graphics.Delete(pGraphic.Index); if iIndex > lstGraphics.Items.Count - 1 then iIndex := lstGraphics.Items.Count - 1; lstGraphics.ItemIndex := iIndex; UpdatePreview(); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actUpExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then if iIndex > 0 then begin lstGraphics.Items.Move(iIndex, iIndex - 1); pGraphic.Index := iIndex - 1; lstGraphics.ItemIndex := iIndex - 1; Administrate(); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actDownExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then if iIndex < lstGraphics.Items.Count - 1 then begin lstGraphics.Items.Move(iIndex, iIndex + 1); pGraphic.Index := iIndex + 1; lstGraphics.ItemIndex := iIndex + 1; Administrate(); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actOpenExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then begin dlgOpen.Filter := GraphicFilter(TGraphic); if dlgOpen.Execute() then begin pGraphic.Picture.LoadFromFile(dlgOpen.FileName); if Length(pGraphic.Name) = 0 then pGraphic.Name := ExtractFileName(dlgOpen.FileName); UpdatePreview(); end; end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actSaveExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pClass: TGraphicClass; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then if Assigned(pGraphic.Picture.Graphic) then begin pClass := TGraphicClass(pGraphic.Picture.Graphic.ClassType); dlgSave.Filter := GraphicFilter(pClass); dlgSave.FileName := ChangeFileExt(pGraphic.Name, '.' + GraphicExtension(pClass)); if dlgSave.Execute() then pGraphic.Picture.SaveToFile(dlgSave.FileName); end; end; procedure TfrmGraphicsEditor.actClearExecute; var iIndex: Integer; pGraphic: TX2GraphicCollectionItem; begin if Active(iIndex, pGraphic) then begin pGraphic.Picture.Assign(nil); UpdatePreview(); end; end; end.