unit X2CLMenuBarEditor; interface uses ActnList, Classes, ComCtrls, Controls, DesignIntf, DesignWindows, Forms, ImgList, ToolWin, X2CLMenuBar; type TfrmMenuBarEditor = class(TDesignWindow, IX2MenuBarDesigner) actAddGroup: TAction; actAddItem: TAction; actDelete: TAction; actMoveDown: TAction; actMoveUp: TAction; alMenu: TActionList; ilsActions: TImageList; sbStatus: TStatusBar; tbAddGroup: TToolButton; tbAddItem: TToolButton; tbDelete: TToolButton; tbMenu: TToolBar; tbMoveDown: TToolButton; tbMoveUp: TToolButton; tbSep1: TToolButton; tvMenu: TTreeView; procedure actDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actAddItemExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actAddGroupExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure tvMenuChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure actMoveUpExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actMoveDownExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure tvMenuKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private FMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar; FDesignerAttached: Boolean; FMoving: Boolean; procedure SetMenuBar(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBar); procedure AttachDesigner(); procedure DetachDesigner(); function GetSelectedItem(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function GetItemNode(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TTreeNode; procedure MoveSelectedItem(ADown: Boolean); protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure ItemAdded(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); procedure ItemModified(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); procedure ItemDeleting(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); protected procedure RefreshMenu(); function AddGroup(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): TTreeNode; function AddItem(ANode: TTreeNode; AItem: TX2MenuBarItem): TTreeNode; procedure UpdateNode(ANode: TTreeNode); procedure UpdateUI(); procedure Modified(); property MenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar read FMenuBar write SetMenuBar; public class procedure Execute(AMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar; ADesigner: IDesigner); end; implementation uses Contnrs, SysUtils, Dialogs; var GEditors: TObjectBucketList; {$R *.dfm} { TfrmMenuBarEditor } class procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.Execute(AMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar; ADesigner: IDesigner); var editorForm: TfrmMenuBarEditor; begin if not Assigned(GEditors) then GEditors := TObjectBucketList.Create(); editorForm := nil; if GEditors.Exists(AMenuBar) then editorForm := TfrmMenuBarEditor(GEditors.Data[AMenuBar]); if not Assigned(editorForm) then begin editorForm := TfrmMenuBarEditor.Create(Application); editorForm.MenuBar := AMenuBar; editorForm.Designer := ADesigner; GEditors.Add(AMenuBar, editorForm); end; editorForm.Show(); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {$IFDEF VER180} // Delphi (BDS) 2006 tbMenu.EdgeBorders := []; tbMenu.DrawingStyle := dsGradient; {$ELSE} tbMenu.Flat := True; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin if Assigned(tvMenu.Selected) then begin item := TX2CustomMenuBarItem(tvMenu.Selected.Data); if Assigned(Designer) then Designer.SelectComponent(item); end; UpdateUI(); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if Assigned(Designer) and Assigned(MenuBar) then Designer.SelectComponent(MenuBar); Action := caFree; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(MenuBar) then begin DetachDesigner(); if GEditors.Exists(MenuBar) then GEditors.Remove(MenuBar); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.tvMenuChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); var item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin if Assigned(Node) then begin item := TX2CustomMenuBarItem(Node.Data); if Assigned(Designer) then Designer.SelectComponent(item); end; UpdateUI(); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.tvMenuKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin ActivateInspector(Key); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.RefreshMenu(); var groupIndex: Integer; begin tvMenu.Items.BeginUpdate(); try tvMenu.Items.Clear(); if Assigned(MenuBar) then for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(MenuBar.Groups.Count) do AddGroup(MenuBar.Groups[groupIndex]); finally tvMenu.Items.EndUpdate(); UpdateUI(); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.actAddGroupExecute(Sender: TObject); begin MenuBar.Groups.Add(); Modified(); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.actAddItemExecute(Sender: TObject); var menuItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin menuItem := GetSelectedItem(); if Assigned(menuItem) then begin group := nil; if menuItem is TX2MenuBarGroup then group := TX2MenuBarGroup(menuItem) else if menuItem is TX2MenuBarItem then group := TX2MenuBarItem(menuItem).Group; if Assigned(group) then begin group.Items.Add(); if group.Items.Count = 1 then group.Expanded := True; Modified(); end; end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.actDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); var menuItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin menuItem := GetSelectedItem(); if Assigned(menuItem) and Assigned(menuItem.Collection) then begin menuItem.Collection.Delete(menuItem.Index); Modified(); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.actMoveUpExecute(Sender: TObject); begin MoveSelectedItem(False); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.actMoveDownExecute(Sender: TObject); begin MoveSelectedItem(True); end; function TfrmMenuBarEditor.AddGroup(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): TTreeNode; var itemIndex: Integer; siblingGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; siblingNode: TTreeNode; groupNode: TTreeNode; begin tvMenu.Items.BeginUpdate(); try siblingGroup := nil; siblingNode := nil; { Make sure the group is inserted in the correct position by searching for it's sibling group. Note: do NOT use Items[x] in a loop; TTreeView emulates this by using GetFirst/GetNext. } if AGroup.Index < Pred(AGroup.Collection.Count) then siblingGroup := TX2MenuBarGroup(AGroup.Collection.Items[Succ(AGroup.Index)]); if Assigned(siblingGroup) then begin siblingNode := tvMenu.Items.GetFirstNode(); while Assigned(siblingNode) do begin if siblingNode.Data = siblingGroup then break; siblingNode := siblingNode.GetNextSibling(); end; end; if Assigned(siblingNode) then groupNode := tvMenu.Items.AddNode(nil, siblingNode, '', nil, naInsert) else groupNode := tvMenu.Items.Add(nil, ''); groupNode.Data := AGroup; UpdateNode(groupNode); { Add items } for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(AGroup.Items.Count) do AddItem(groupNode, AGroup.Items[itemIndex]); groupNode.Expand(False); Result := groupNode; finally tvMenu.Items.EndUpdate(); end; end; function TfrmMenuBarEditor.AddItem(ANode: TTreeNode; AItem: TX2MenuBarItem): TTreeNode; var siblingItem: TX2MenuBarItem; siblingNode: TTreeNode; itemNode: TTreeNode; begin tvMenu.Items.BeginUpdate(); try siblingItem := nil; siblingNode := nil; { See AddGroup } if AItem.Index < Pred(AItem.Collection.Count) then siblingItem := TX2MenuBarItem(AItem.Collection.Items[Succ(AItem.Index)]); if Assigned(siblingItem) then begin siblingNode := ANode.GetFirstChild(); while Assigned(siblingNode) do begin if siblingNode.Data = siblingItem then break; siblingNode := siblingNode.GetNextSibling(); end; end; if Assigned(siblingNode) then itemNode := tvMenu.Items.AddNode(nil, siblingNode, '', nil, naInsert) else itemNode := tvMenu.Items.AddChild(ANode, ''); itemNode.Data := AItem; UpdateNode(itemNode); Result := itemNode; finally tvMenu.Items.EndUpdate(); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.UpdateNode(ANode: TTreeNode); var menuItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin menuItem := TX2CustomMenuBarItem(ANode.Data); ANode.Text := menuItem.Caption; ANode.ImageIndex := menuItem.ImageIndex; ANode.SelectedIndex := ANode.ImageIndex; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.UpdateUI(); var canMoveDown: Boolean; canMoveUp: Boolean; itemSelected: Boolean; menuItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin itemSelected := Assigned(tvMenu.Selected); actAddGroup.Enabled := Assigned(MenuBar); actAddItem.Enabled := itemSelected; actDelete.Enabled := itemSelected; canMoveUp := False; canMoveDown := False; if itemSelected then begin menuItem := GetSelectedItem(); if Assigned(menuItem.Collection) then begin canMoveUp := (menuItem.Index > 0); canMoveDown := (menuItem.Index < Pred(menuItem.Collection.Count)); if menuItem is TX2MenuBarItem then begin group := TX2MenuBarItem(menuItem).Group; if Assigned(group) then begin canMoveUp := canMoveUp or (group.Index > 0); canMoveDown := canMoveDown or (group.Index < Pred(MenuBar.Groups.Count)); end; end; end; end; actMoveUp.Enabled := canMoveUp; actMoveDown.Enabled := canMoveDown; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.Modified(); begin if Assigned(Designer) then Designer.Modified(); UpdateUI(); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = MenuBar) then begin DetachDesigner(); Release(); end; inherited; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.ItemAdded(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); var group: TX2MenuBarGroup; groupNode: TTreeNode; treeNode: TTreeNode; begin if FMoving then Exit; treeNode := nil; if AItem is TX2MenuBarGroup then treeNode := AddGroup(TX2MenuBarGroup(AItem)) else if AItem is TX2MenuBarItem then begin group := TX2MenuBarItem(AItem).Group; groupNode := nil; if Assigned(group) then groupNode := GetItemNode(group); if Assigned(groupNode) then treeNode := AddItem(groupNode, TX2MenuBarItem(AItem)); end; if Assigned(treeNode) then tvMenu.Selected := treeNode; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.ItemModified(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); var treeNode: TTreeNode; begin if FMoving then Exit; tvMenu.Items.BeginUpdate(); try treeNode := tvMenu.Items.GetFirstNode(); while Assigned(treeNode) do begin UpdateNode(treeNode); treeNode := treeNode.GetNext(); end; finally tvMenu.Items.EndUpdate(); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.ItemDeleting(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); var treeNode: TTreeNode; begin if FMoving then Exit; treeNode := GetItemNode(AItem); if Assigned(treeNode) then tvMenu.Items.Delete(treeNode); end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.AttachDesigner(); begin if FDesignerAttached or (not Assigned(MenuBar)) then exit; MenuBar.Designer := Self; FDesignerAttached := True; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.DetachDesigner(); begin if not FDesignerAttached then exit; FDesignerAttached := False; if Assigned(MenuBar) then MenuBar.Designer := nil; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.MoveSelectedItem(ADown: Boolean); var selectedItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; refresh: Boolean; begin if not Assigned(MenuBar) then Exit; selectedItem := GetSelectedItem(); if not Assigned(selectedItem) then Exit; refresh := False; group := nil; if selectedItem is TX2MenuBarItem then group := TX2MenuBarItem(selectedItem).Group; FMoving := True; try if ADown then begin if selectedItem.Index < Pred(selectedItem.Collection.Count) then begin selectedItem.Index := Succ(selectedItem.Index); refresh := True; end else if Assigned(group) then begin { Move down to another group The AddItem is triggered by moving between groups, no need to add here. } if group.Index < Pred(MenuBar.Groups.Count) then begin selectedItem.Collection := MenuBar.Groups[Succ(group.Index)].Items; selectedItem.Index := 0; refresh := True; end; end; end else begin if selectedItem.Index > 0 then begin selectedItem.Index := Pred(selectedItem.Index); refresh := True; end else if Assigned(group) then begin { Move up to another group } if group.Index > 0 then begin selectedItem.Collection := MenuBar.Groups[Pred(group.Index)].Items; refresh := True; end; end; end; finally FMoving := False; if refresh then begin ItemDeleting(selectedItem); ItemAdded(selectedItem); end; end; end; function TfrmMenuBarEditor.GetSelectedItem(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; if Assigned(tvMenu.Selected) then Result := TX2CustomMenuBarItem(tvMenu.Selected.Data); end; function TfrmMenuBarEditor.GetItemNode(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TTreeNode; var treeNode: TTreeNode; begin Result := nil; treeNode := tvMenu.Items.GetFirstNode(); while Assigned(treeNode) do begin if treeNode.Data = AItem then begin Result := treeNode; break; end; treeNode := treeNode.GetNext(); end; end; procedure TfrmMenuBarEditor.SetMenuBar(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBar); begin if Value <> FMenuBar then begin if Assigned(FMenuBar) then begin DetachDesigner(); FMenuBar.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); end; FMenuBar := Value; if Assigned(FMenuBar) then begin tvMenu.Images := FMenuBar.Images; Self.Caption := 'Editing ' + FMenuBar.Name; AttachDesigner(); FMenuBar.FreeNotification(Self); end else begin Self.Caption := ''; tvMenu.Images := nil; end; RefreshMenu(); end; end; procedure FreeEditor(AInfo, AItem, AData: Pointer; out AContinue: Boolean); begin with (TObject(AData) as TfrmMenuBarEditor) do begin MenuBar := nil; Free(); end; end; initialization finalization if Assigned(GEditors) then GEditors.ForEach(FreeEditor); FreeAndNil(GEditors); end.