{ :: Implements the animators for the MenuBar. :: :: Though they are tightly interlinked (for now), this keeps the units clean. :: :: Last changed: $Date$ :: Revision: $Rev$ :: Author: $Author$ } unit X2CLMenuBarAnimators; interface uses Classes, Graphics, Windows, X2CLMenuBar; type { :$ Implements a sliding animation } TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator = class(TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator) private FSlideHeight: Integer; protected function GetHeight(): Integer; override; public procedure Update(); override; procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); override; end; { :$ Implements a dissolve animation } TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator = class(TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator) private FItemsState: Graphics.TBitmap; FMask: Graphics.TBitmap; FPixels: TList; protected procedure SetExpanding(const Value: Boolean); override; property ItemsState: Graphics.TBitmap read FItemsState; property Mask: Graphics.TBitmap read FMask; public constructor Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); override; destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Update(); override; procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); override; end; { :$ Implements a fade animation } TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator = class(TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator) private FAlpha: Byte; public constructor Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); override; procedure Update(); override; procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); override; end; { :$ Implements a sliding fade animation } TX2MenuBarSlideFadeAnimator = class(TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator) private FSlideHeight: Integer; protected function GetHeight(): Integer; override; public procedure Update(); override; end; implementation uses SysUtils; { TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator } function TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator.GetHeight(): Integer; begin Result := FSlideHeight; end; procedure TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator.Update(); var elapsed: Cardinal; begin elapsed := TimeElapsed; FSlideHeight := Trunc((elapsed / AnimationTime) * ItemsBuffer.Height); if not Expanding then FSlideHeight := ItemsBuffer.Height - FSlideHeight; if FSlideHeight > ItemsBuffer.Height then FSlideHeight := ItemsBuffer.Height else if FSlideHeight < 0 then FSlideHeight := 0; if elapsed >= AnimationTime then Terminate(); end; procedure TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); var sourceRect: TRect; destRect: TRect; begin sourceRect := Rect(0, 0, ItemsBuffer.Width, FSlideHeight); destRect := ABounds; destRect.Bottom := destRect.Top + FSlideHeight; ACanvas.CopyRect(destRect, ItemsBuffer.Canvas, sourceRect); end; { TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator } constructor TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator.Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); var pixelIndex: Integer; pixelPos: Integer; tempPos: Pointer; begin inherited; { The bitmaps need to be 32-bits since we'll be accessing the scanlines as one big array, not by using Scanline on each row. In 24-bit mode, the scanlines are still aligned on a 32-bits boundary, thus causing problems. } ItemsBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit; FMask := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); FMask.PixelFormat := pf32bit; FMask.Width := AItemsBuffer.Width; FMask.Height := AItemsBuffer.Height; FItemsState := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); FItemsState.PixelFormat := pf32bit; FItemsState.Width := AItemsBuffer.Width; FItemsState.Height := AItemsBuffer.Height; if RandSeed = 0 then Randomize(); { Prepare an array of pixel indices which will be used to pick random unique pixels in the Update method. Optimization note: previously the array was ordered and an item would be randomly picked and deleted in Update. Now we pre-shuffle the list, then Delete only from the end, which does not reallocate or move any memory (TList.Count decreases, Capacity stays the same), a LOT faster. } FPixels := TList.Create(); FPixels.Count := AItemsBuffer.Width * AItemsBuffer.Height; for pixelIndex := Pred(FPixels.Count) downto 0 do FPixels[pixelIndex] := Pointer(pixelIndex); for pixelIndex := Pred(FPixels.Count) downto 0 do begin pixelPos := Random(Succ(pixelIndex)); if (pixelPos <> pixelIndex) then begin tempPos := FPixels[pixelIndex]; FPixels[pixelIndex] := FPixels[pixelPos]; FPixels[pixelPos] := tempPos; end; end; end; destructor TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(FItemsState); FreeAndNil(FMask); inherited; end; procedure TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator.Update(); const RGBBlack: TRGBQuad = (rgbBlue: 0; rgbGreen: 0; rgbRed: 0; rgbReserved: 0); RGBWhite: TRGBQuad = (rgbBlue: 255; rgbGreen: 255; rgbRed: 255; rgbReserved: 0); var totalPixelCount: Integer; elapsed: Cardinal; pixelsRemaining: Integer; pixel: Integer; pixelIndex: Integer; pixelCount: Integer; pixelPos: Integer; statePixels: PRGBAArray; maskPixels: PRGBAArray; itemsPixels: PRGBAArray; begin totalPixelCount := ItemsBuffer.Width * ItemsBuffer.Height; elapsed := TimeElapsed; pixelsRemaining := totalPixelCount - (Trunc((elapsed / AnimationTime) * totalPixelCount)); if pixelsRemaining < 0 then pixelsRemaining := 0; statePixels := GetScanlinePointer(ItemsState); maskPixels := GetScanlinePointer(Mask); itemsPixels := nil; if Expanding then itemsPixels := GetScanlinePointer(ItemsBuffer); for pixel := Pred(FPixels.Count - pixelsRemaining) downto 0 do begin pixelCount := FPixels.Count; pixelIndex := Pred(pixelCount); pixelPos := Integer(FPixels[pixelIndex]); FPixels.Delete(pixelIndex); if Expanding then begin { Make the pixel visible } statePixels^[pixelPos] := itemsPixels^[pixelPos]; maskPixels^[pixelPos] := RGBBlack; end else begin { Make the pixel invisible } statePixels^[pixelPos] := RGBBlack; maskPixels^[pixelPos] := RGBWhite; end; end; if elapsed >= AnimationTime then Terminate(); end; procedure TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); var boundsRegion: THandle; oldCopyMode: TCopyMode; begin boundsRegion := CreateRectRgn(ABounds.Left, ABounds.Top, ABounds.Right, ABounds.Bottom); oldCopyMode := ACanvas.CopyMode; try SelectClipRgn(ACanvas.Handle, boundsRegion); ACanvas.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; ACanvas.Draw(ABounds.Left, ABounds.Top, Mask); ACanvas.CopyMode := cmSrcPaint; ACanvas.Draw(ABounds.Left, ABounds.Top, ItemsState); finally SelectClipRgn(ACanvas.Handle, 0); ACanvas.CopyMode := oldCopyMode; end; end; procedure TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator.SetExpanding(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then begin { Start with an invisible group } FMask.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; with FItemsState.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, FItemsState.Width, FItemsState.Height)); end; end else begin { Start with a visible group } FMask.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; FItemsState.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, ItemsBuffer); end; FMask.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, FMask.Width, FMask.Height)); inherited; end; { TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator } constructor TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator.Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); begin inherited; ItemsBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit; end; procedure TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator.Update(); var elapsed: Cardinal; newAlpha: Integer; begin elapsed := TimeElapsed; newAlpha := Trunc((elapsed / AnimationTime) * 255); if Expanding then newAlpha := 255 - newAlpha; if newAlpha > 255 then newAlpha := 255 else if newAlpha < 0 then newAlpha := 0; FAlpha := newAlpha; if elapsed >= AnimationTime then Terminate(); end; procedure TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); var backBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap; sourceRect: TRect; destRect: TRect; begin if ABounds.Bottom - ABounds.Top <= 0 then exit; backBuffer := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); try backBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit; backBuffer.Width := ItemsBuffer.Width; backBuffer.Height := ItemsBuffer.Height; destRect := Rect(0, 0, backBuffer.Width, backBuffer.Height); backBuffer.Canvas.CopyRect(destRect, ACanvas, ABounds); X2CLMenuBar.DrawBlended(backBuffer, ItemsBuffer, FAlpha); sourceRect := Rect(0, 0, ItemsBuffer.Width, Self.Height); destRect := ABounds; destRect.Bottom := destRect.Top + Self.Height; ACanvas.CopyRect(destRect, backBuffer.Canvas, sourceRect); finally FreeAndNil(backBuffer); end; end; { TX2MenuBarSlideFadeAnimator } function TX2MenuBarSlideFadeAnimator.GetHeight(): Integer; begin Result := FSlideHeight; end; procedure TX2MenuBarSlideFadeAnimator.Update(); var elapsed: Cardinal; begin elapsed := TimeElapsed; FSlideHeight := Trunc((elapsed / AnimationTime) * ItemsBuffer.Height); if not Expanding then FSlideHeight := ItemsBuffer.Height - FSlideHeight; if FSlideHeight > ItemsBuffer.Height then FSlideHeight := ItemsBuffer.Height else if FSlideHeight < 0 then FSlideHeight := 0; inherited; end; end.