{ :: X2CLMenuBar is a generic group/items menu. Through the various painters, :: it can resemble styles such as the musikCube or BBox/Uname-IT menu bars. :: :: Part of the X2Software Component Library :: http://www.x2software.net/ :: :: Last changed: $Date$ :: Revision: $Rev$ :: Author: $Author$ } unit X2CLMenuBar; interface uses ActnList, Classes, Contnrs, Controls, Forms, Graphics, ImgList, Messages, Types, Windows; type TX2MenuBarAnimationStyle = (asNone, asSlide, asDissolve, asFade, asSlideFade); TX2MenuBarDirection = (mbdUp, mbdDown); const DefaultAnimationStyle = asSlide; DefaultAnimationTime = 250; type {$IFNDEF VER180} // #ToDo1 (MvR) 24-5-2006: check how D2006 defines these TVerticalAlignment = (taTop, taBottom, taVerticalCenter); {$ENDIF} // #ToDo1 (MvR) 25-3-2006: various Select methods for key support // #ToDo1 (MvR) 1-4-2006: scroll wheel support TX2CustomMenuBarAnimatorClass = class of TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator; TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator = class; TX2CustomMenuBarPainterClass = class of TX2CustomMenuBarPainter; TX2CustomMenuBarPainter = class; TX2CustomMenuBarItem = class; TX2MenuBarItem = class; TX2MenuBarGroup = class; TX2CustomMenuBar = class; IX2MenuBarDesigner = interface ['{F648CFD2-771D-4531-84D0-621FD7597E48}'] procedure ItemAdded(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); procedure ItemModified(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); procedure ItemDeleting(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); end; TX2MenuBarHitTest = record HitTestCode: Integer; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; end; TX2MenuBarDrawState = (mdsHot, mdsSelected, mdsGroupHot, mdsGroupSelected); TX2MenuBarDrawStates = set of TX2MenuBarDrawState; TX2MenuBarSpacingElement = (seBeforeGroupHeader, seAfterGroupHeader, seBeforeFirstItem, seAfterLastItem, seBeforeItem, seAfterItem); TX2MenuBarSelectAction = (saBefore, saAfter, saBoth); TX2ComponentNotificationEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation) of object; TX2MenuBarExpandingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Group: TX2MenuBarGroup; var Allowed: Boolean) of object; TX2MenuBarExpandedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Group: TX2MenuBarGroup) of object; TX2MenuBarSelectedChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item, NewItem: TX2CustomMenUBarItem; var Allowed: Boolean) of object; TX2MenuBarSelectedChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenUBarItem) of object; TX2MenuBarItemBoundsProc = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; const MenuBounds: TRect; const ItemBounds: TRect; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean) of object; TX2MenuBarIterateProc = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean) of object; TCollectionNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification) of object; TCollectionUpdateEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem) of object; IX2MenuBarPainterObserver = interface ['{22DE60C9-49A1-4E7D-B547-901BEDCC0FB7}'] procedure PainterUpdate(Sender: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter); end; { :$ Abstract animation class :: Descendants implement the animation-specific drawing code. } TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator = class(TObject) private FAnimationTime: Cardinal; FExpanding: Boolean; FGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; FStartTime: Cardinal; FItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap; FTerminated: Boolean; protected function GetTimeElapsed(): Cardinal; virtual; function GetHeight(): Integer; virtual; procedure SetExpanding(const Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure Terminate(); virtual; property ItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap read FItemsBuffer; property TimeElapsed: Cardinal read GetTimeElapsed; public constructor Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Update(); virtual; procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); virtual; abstract; property AnimationTime: Cardinal read FAnimationTime write FAnimationTime; property Expanding: Boolean read FExpanding write SetExpanding; property Group: TX2MenuBarGroup read FGroup write FGroup; property Terminated: Boolean read FTerminated; property Height: Integer read GetHeight; end; { :$ Abstract painter class. :: Descendants must implement the actual drawing code. } TX2CustomMenuBarPainter = class(TComponent) private FMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar; FObservers: TInterfaceList; function GetMenuBar(): TX2CustomMenuBar; protected procedure BeginPaint(const AMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar); procedure EndPaint(); function ApplyMargins(const ABounds: TRect): TRect; virtual; function GetSpacing(AElement: TX2MenuBarSpacingElement): Integer; virtual; function GetGroupHeaderHeight(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): Integer; virtual; abstract; function GetGroupHeight(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): Integer; virtual; function GetItemHeight(AItem: TX2MenuBarItem): Integer; virtual; abstract; procedure DrawBackground(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawGroupHeader(ACanvas: TCanvas; AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; const ABounds: TRect; AState: TX2MenuBarDrawStates); virtual; abstract; procedure DrawItem(ACanvas: TCanvas; AItem: TX2MenuBarItem; const ABounds: TRect; AState: TX2MenuBarDrawStates); virtual; abstract; procedure FindHit(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; const MenuBounds: TRect; const ItemBounds: TRect; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); procedure NotifyObservers(); property MenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar read GetMenuBar; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy(); override; function HitTest(const APoint: TPoint): TX2MenuBarHitTest; overload; virtual; function HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): TX2MenuBarHitTest; overload; procedure AttachObserver(AObserver: IX2MenuBarPainterObserver); procedure DetachObserver(AObserver: IX2MenuBarPainterObserver); end; { :$ Action link for menu items and groups. } TX2MenuBarActionLink = class(TActionLink) private FClient: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; protected procedure AssignClient(AClient: TObject); override; function IsCaptionLinked(): Boolean; override; function IsEnabledLinked(): Boolean; override; function IsImageIndexLinked(): Boolean; override; function IsVisibleLinked(): Boolean; override; procedure SetCaption(const Value: string); override; procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetImageIndex(Value: Integer); override; procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean); override; property Client: TX2CustomMenuBarItem read FClient; end; { :$ Provides component notifications for collection items. } TX2ComponentNotification = class(TComponent) private FOnNotification: TX2ComponentNotificationEvent; published protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; published property OnNotification: TX2ComponentNotificationEvent read FOnNotification write FOnNotification; end; { :$ Base class for menu items and groups. } TX2CustomMenuBarItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FAction: TBasicAction; FActionLink: TX2MenuBarActionLink; FCaption: String; FData: TObject; FEnabled: Boolean; FImageIndex: TImageIndex; FOwnsData: Boolean; FTag: Integer; FVisible: Boolean; FNotification: TX2ComponentNotification; private procedure DoActionChange(Sender: TObject); protected procedure ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); virtual; function IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; virtual; function GetMenuBar(): TX2CustomMenuBar; virtual; procedure SetAction(const Value: TBasicAction); procedure SetCaption(const Value: String); virtual; procedure SetData(const Value: TObject); virtual; procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetImageIndex(const Value: TImageIndex); virtual; procedure SetVisible(const Value: Boolean); virtual; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; property ActionLink: TX2MenuBarActionLink read FActionLink; property Data: TObject read FData write SetData; property OwnsData: Boolean read FOwnsData write FOwnsData; property MenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar read GetMenuBar; published property Action: TBasicAction read FAction write SetAction; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption stored IsCaptionStored; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True; property ImageIndex: TImageIndex read FImageIndex write SetImageIndex default -1; property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag default 0; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible default True; end; { :$ Base class for menu collections. } TX2CustomMenuBarItems = class(TOwnedCollection) private FOnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent; FOnUpdate: TCollectionUpdateEvent; protected procedure Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); override; procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; property OnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent read FOnNotify write FOnNotify; property OnUpdate: TCollectionUpdateEvent read FOnUpdate write FOnUpdate; end; { :$ Contains a single menu item. } TX2MenuBarItem = class(TX2CustomMenuBarItem) private function GetGroup(): TX2MenuBarGroup; protected function IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; override; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; property Group: TX2MenuBarGroup read GetGroup; end; { :$ Manages a collection of menu items. } TX2MenuBarItems = class(TX2CustomMenuBarItems) private function GetItem(Index: Integer): TX2MenuBarItem; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2MenuBarItem); public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function Add(const ACaption: TCaption = ''): TX2MenuBarItem; property Items[Index: Integer]: TX2MenuBarItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; { :$ Contains a single menu group. } TX2MenuBarGroup = class(TX2CustomMenuBarItem) private FExpanded: Boolean; FItems: TX2MenuBarItems; FSelectedItem: Integer; function GetSelectedItem(): Integer; procedure SetExpanded(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetItems(const Value: TX2MenuBarItems); protected function IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; override; procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); override; procedure InternalSetExpanded(const Value: Boolean); procedure ItemsNotify(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); procedure ItemsUpdate(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem); property SelectedItem: Integer read GetSelectedItem write FSelectedItem; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property Expanded: Boolean read FExpanded write SetExpanded; property Items: TX2MenuBarItems read FItems write SetItems; end; { :$ Manages a collection of menu groups. } TX2MenuBarGroups = class(TX2CustomMenuBarItems) private function GetItem(Index: Integer): TX2MenuBarGroup; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2MenuBarGroup); public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function Add(const ACaption: TCaption = ''): TX2MenuBarGroup; property Items[Index: Integer]: TX2MenuBarGroup read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; { :$ Implements the menu bar. :: The menu bar is the visual container for the menu. It manages the groups :: and items, and implements the switching between menu items. It does not :: paint itself, instead it delegates this to it's linked Painter. } TX2CustomMenuBar = class(TCustomControl, IX2MenuBarPainterObserver) private FAllowCollapseAll: Boolean; FAnimationStyle: TX2MenuBarAnimationStyle; FAnimationTime: Cardinal; FAnimator: TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator; FAutoCollapse: Boolean; FAutoSelectItem: Boolean; FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; FBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap; FCursorGroup: TCursor; FCursorItem: TCursor; FDesigner: IX2MenuBarDesigner; FExpandingGroups: TStringList; FGroups: TX2MenuBarGroups; FHideScrollbar: Boolean; FHotItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; FImages: TCustomImageList; FLastMousePos: TPoint; FOnCollapsed: TX2MenuBarExpandedEvent; FOnCollapsing: TX2MenuBarExpandingEvent; FOnExpanded: TX2MenuBarExpandedEvent; FOnExpanding: TX2MenuBarExpandingEvent; FOnSelectedChanged: TX2MenuBarSelectedChangedEvent; FOnSelectedChanging: TX2MenuBarSelectedChangingEvent; FPainter: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter; FScrollbar: Boolean; FScrollOffset: Integer; FSelectedItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; procedure SetAllowCollapseAll(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetAnimator(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator); procedure SetAutoCollapse(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetAutoSelectItem(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetBorderStyle(const Value: TBorderStyle); procedure SetGroups(const Value: TX2MenuBarGroups); procedure SetHideScrollbar(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetImages(const Value: TCustomImageList); procedure SetScrollbar(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetSelectedItem(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure CreateHandle(); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure PainterUpdate(Sender: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter); procedure GroupsNotify(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); procedure GroupsUpdate(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem); procedure UpdateScrollbar(); procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; // procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure CMMouseLeave(var Msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL; procedure TestMousePos(); virtual; function GetMenuHeight(): Integer; virtual; property Designer: IX2MenuBarDesigner read FDesigner write FDesigner; protected procedure SetPainter(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter); virtual; procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; procedure Paint(); override; function GetDrawState(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TX2MenuBarDrawStates; procedure DrawMenu(ACanvas: TCanvas); virtual; procedure DrawMenuItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; const MenuBounds, ItemBounds: TRect; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); virtual; procedure DrawMenuItems(ACanvas: TCanvas; AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; const ABounds: TRect); virtual; procedure DrawNoPainter(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); virtual; function GetAnimatorClass(): TX2CustomMenuBarAnimatorClass; virtual; function IterateItemBounds(ACallback: TX2MenuBarItemBoundsProc; AData: Pointer = nil): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function AllowInteraction(): Boolean; virtual; function ItemEnabled(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): Boolean; virtual; function ItemVisible(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): Boolean; virtual; property AllowCollapseAll: Boolean read FAllowCollapseAll write SetAllowCollapseAll default True; property AnimationStyle: TX2MenuBarAnimationStyle read FAnimationStyle write FAnimationStyle default DefaultAnimationStyle; property AnimationTime: Cardinal read FAnimationTime write FAnimationTime default DefaultAnimationTime; property Animator: TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator read FAnimator write SetAnimator; property AutoCollapse: Boolean read FAutoCollapse write SetAutoCollapse default False; property AutoSelectItem: Boolean read FAutoSelectItem write SetAutoSelectItem default False; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsNone; property CursorGroup: TCursor read FCursorGroup write FCursorGroup default crDefault; property CursorItem: TCursor read FCursorItem write FCursorItem default crDefault; property HideScrollbar: Boolean read FHideScrollbar write SetHideScrollbar default True; property OnCollapsed: TX2MenuBarExpandedEvent read FOnCollapsed write FOnCollapsed; property OnCollapsing: TX2MenuBarExpandingEvent read FOnCollapsing write FOnCollapsing; property OnExpanded: TX2MenuBarExpandedEvent read FOnExpanded write FOnExpanded; property OnExpanding: TX2MenuBarExpandingEvent read FOnExpanding write FOnExpanding; property OnSelectedChanged: TX2MenuBarSelectedChangedEvent read FOnSelectedChanged write FOnSelectedChanged; property OnSelectedChanging: TX2MenuBarSelectedChangingEvent read FOnSelectedChanging write FOnSelectedChanging; property Scrollbar: Boolean read FScrollbar write SetScrollbar default True; protected procedure DoAutoCollapse(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup); virtual; function DoAutoSelectItem(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AAction: TX2MenuBarSelectAction): Boolean; virtual; procedure DoExpand(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AExpanding: Boolean); virtual; procedure DoExpandedChanging(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AExpanding: Boolean); virtual; procedure DoExpandedChanged(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup); virtual; procedure DoSelectedChanging(ANewItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; var AAllowed: Boolean); virtual; procedure DoSelectedChanged(); virtual; procedure FindEnabledItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy(); override; function HitTest(const APoint: TPoint): TX2MenuBarHitTest; overload; function HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): TX2MenuBarHitTest; overload; function Iterate(ACallback: TX2MenuBarIterateProc; ADirection: TX2MenuBarDirection = mbdDown; AData: Pointer = nil; AStart: TX2CustomMenuBarItem = nil): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function SelectFirst(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function SelectLast(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function SelectNext(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function SelectPrior(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; function SelectGroup(AIndex: Integer): TX2MenuBarGroup; function SelectItem(AIndex: Integer; AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; overload; function SelectItem(AIndex: Integer; AGroup: Integer): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; overload; function SelectItem(AIndex: Integer): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; overload; procedure ResetGroupsSelectedItem(); property Groups: TX2MenuBarGroups read FGroups write SetGroups; property Images: TCustomImageList read FImages write SetImages; property Painter: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter read FPainter write SetPainter; property SelectedItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem read FSelectedItem write SetSelectedItem; end; { :$ Exposes the menu bar's published properties. } TX2MenuBar = class(TX2CustomMenuBar) published property Align; property AllowCollapseAll; property AnimationStyle; property AnimationTime; property AutoCollapse; property AutoSelectItem; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BorderStyle; property BorderWidth; property CursorGroup; property CursorItem; property Font; property Groups; property HideScrollbar; property Images; property ParentFont; property OnClick; property OnCollapsed; property OnCollapsing; property OnDblClick; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnExpanded; property OnExpanding; property OnSelectedChanged; property OnSelectedChanging; {$IFDEF VER180} property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; {$ENDIF} property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property Painter; property Scrollbar; end; { :$ Provides a wrapper for the DrawText API. } TDrawTextClipStyle = (csNone, csEllipsis, csPathEllipsis); procedure DrawText(ACanvas: TCanvas; const AText: String; const ABounds: TRect; AHorzAlignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify; AVertAlignment: TVerticalAlignment = taVerticalCenter; AMultiLine: Boolean = False; AClipStyle: TDrawTextClipStyle = csNone); { :$ Returns a pointer to the first physical scanline. :: In bottom-up bitmaps, the most common kind, the Scanline property :: compensates for this by returning the last physical row for Scanline[0]; :: the first visual row. For most effects, the order in which the rows are :: processed is not important; speed is. This function returns the first :: physical scanline, which can be used as a single big array for the whole :: bitmap. :! Note that every scanline is padded until it is a multiple of 4 bytes :! (32 bits). For true lineair access, ensure the bitmap has a PixelFormat :! of pf32bit. } function GetScanlinePointer(ABitmap: Graphics.TBitmap): Pointer; { :$ Wrapper for DrawFocusRect. :: Ensures the canvas is set up correctly for a standard focus rectangle. } procedure DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); { :$ Draws one bitmap over another with the specified Alpha transparency. :: Both bitmaps must be the same size. } procedure DrawBlended(ABackground, AForeground: Graphics.TBitmap; AAlpha: Byte); const { HitTest Codes } htUnknown = 0; htBackground = 1; htGroup = 2; htItem = 3; htScroller = 4; type PRGBAArray = ^TRGBAArray; TRGBAArray = array[Word] of TRGBQuad; implementation uses SysUtils, X2CLMenuBarAnimators; const SDefaultItemCaption = 'Menu Item'; SDefaultGroupCaption = 'Group'; SNoPainter = 'Painter property not set'; type TProtectedCollection = class(TCollection); { Convenience functions } procedure DrawText(ACanvas: TCanvas; const AText: String; const ABounds: TRect; AHorzAlignment: TAlignment; AVertAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; AMultiLine: Boolean; AClipStyle: TDrawTextClipStyle); const HorzAlignmentFlags: array[TAlignment] of Cardinal = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER); VertAlignmentFlags: array[TVerticalAlignment] of Cardinal = (DT_TOP, DT_BOTTOM, DT_VCENTER); MultiLineFlags: array[Boolean] of Cardinal = (DT_SINGLELINE, 0); ClipStyleFlags: array[TDrawTextClipStyle] of Cardinal = (0, DT_END_ELLIPSIS, DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS); var flags: Cardinal; bounds: TRect; begin flags := HorzAlignmentFlags[AHorzAlignment] or VertAlignmentFlags[AVertAlignment] or MultiLineFlags[AMultiLine] or ClipStyleFlags[AClipStyle]; if AMultiLine and (AClipStyle <> csNone) then flags := flags or DT_EDITCONTROL; bounds := ABounds; Windows.DrawText(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(AText), Length(AText), bounds, flags); end; function GetScanlinePointer(ABitmap: Graphics.TBitmap): Pointer; var firstScanline: Pointer; lastScanline: Pointer; begin firstScanline := ABitmap.ScanLine[0]; lastScanline := ABitmap.ScanLine[Pred(ABitmap.Height)]; if Cardinal(firstScanline) > Cardinal(lastScanline) then Result := lastScanline else Result := firstScanline; end; procedure DrawFocusRect(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); begin SetTextColor(ACanvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(clBlack)); Windows.DrawFocusRect(ACanvas.Handle, ABounds); end; procedure DrawBlended(ABackground, AForeground: Graphics.TBitmap; AAlpha: Byte); var sourcePixels: PRGBAArray; destPixels: PRGBAArray; sourcePixel: PRGBQuad; pixelCount: Integer; pixelIndex: Integer; backAlpha: Integer; foreAlpha: Integer; begin backAlpha := AAlpha; foreAlpha := 256 - AAlpha; pixelCount := AForeground.Width * AForeground.Height; sourcePixels := GetScanlinePointer(AForeground); destPixels := GetScanlinePointer(ABackground); for pixelIndex := Pred(pixelCount) downto 0 do with destPixels^[pixelIndex] do begin sourcePixel := @sourcePixels^[pixelIndex]; rgbRed := ((rgbRed * backAlpha) + (sourcePixel^.rgbRed * foreAlpha)) shr 8; rgbGreen := ((rgbGreen * backAlpha) + (sourcePixel^.rgbGreen * foreAlpha)) shr 8; rgbBlue := ((rgbBlue * backAlpha) + (sourcePixel^.rgbBlue * foreAlpha)) shr 8; end; end; { TX2CustomMenuBarPainter } constructor TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; if AOwner is TX2CustomMenuBar then FMenuBar := TX2CustomMenuBar(AOwner); end; destructor TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(FObservers); inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.AttachObserver(AObserver: IX2MenuBarPainterObserver); begin if not Assigned(FObservers) then FObservers := TInterfaceList.Create(); if FObservers.IndexOf(AObserver) = -1 then FObservers.Add(AObserver); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.DetachObserver(AObserver: IX2MenuBarPainterObserver); begin if Assigned(FObservers) then FObservers.Remove(AObserver); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.BeginPaint(const AMenuBar: TX2CustomMenuBar); begin Assert(not Assigned(FMenuBar), 'BeginPaint already called'); FMenuBar := AMenuBar; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.EndPaint(); begin Assert(Assigned(FMenuBar), 'EndPaint without BeginPaint'); FMenuBar := nil; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.NotifyObservers(); var observerIndex: Integer; begin if Assigned(FObservers) then for observerIndex := 0 to Pred(FObservers.Count) do (FObservers[observerIndex] as IX2MenuBarPainterObserver).PainterUpdate(Self); end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.ApplyMargins(const ABounds: TRect): TRect; begin Result := ABounds; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.GetGroupHeight(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): Integer; var itemIndex: Integer; begin Result := GetSpacing(seBeforeFirstItem) + GetSpacing(seAfterLastItem); for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(AGroup.Items.Count) do if MenuBar.ItemVisible(AGroup.Items[itemIndex]) then Inc(Result, GetSpacing(seBeforeItem) + GetItemHeight(AGroup.Items[itemIndex]) + GetSpacing(seAfterItem)); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.FindHit(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; const MenuBounds, ItemBounds: TRect; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); var hitPoint: PPoint; begin hitPoint := Data; Abort := PtInRect(ItemBounds, hitPoint^); end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.HitTest(const APoint: TPoint): TX2MenuBarHitTest; var hitPoint: TPoint; begin hitPoint := APoint; Result.HitTestCode := htUnknown; Result.Item := MenuBar.IterateItemBounds(FindHit, @hitPoint); if Assigned(Result.Item) then if Result.Item is TX2MenuBarGroup then Result.HitTestCode := htGroup else if Result.Item is TX2MenuBarItem then Result.HitTestCode := htItem; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): TX2MenuBarHitTest; begin Result := HitTest(Point(AX, AY)); end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.GetMenuBar(): TX2CustomMenuBar; begin Assert(Assigned(FMenuBar), 'BeginPaint not called'); Result := FMenuBar; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarPainter.GetSpacing(AElement: TX2MenuBarSpacingElement): Integer; begin Result := 0; end; { TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator } constructor TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.Create(AItemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap); begin inherited Create(); FStartTime := GetTickCount(); FItemsBuffer := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); FItemsBuffer.Assign(AItemsBuffer); end; destructor TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(FItemsBuffer); inherited; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.GetHeight(): Integer; begin Result := ItemsBuffer.Height; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.GetTimeElapsed(): Cardinal; var currentTime: Cardinal; begin currentTime := GetTickCount(); Result := currentTime - FStartTime; if currentTime < FStartTime then Inc(Result, High(Cardinal)); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.SetExpanding(const Value: Boolean); begin FExpanding := Value; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.Terminate(); begin FTerminated := True; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator.Update(); begin end; { TX2MenuBarActionLink } procedure TX2MenuBarActionLink.AssignClient(AClient: TObject); begin FClient := (AClient as TX2CustomMenuBarItem); end; function TX2MenuBarActionLink.IsCaptionLinked(): Boolean; begin Result := inherited IsCaptionLinked() and (Client.Caption = (Action as TCustomAction).Caption); end; function TX2MenuBarActionLink.IsEnabledLinked(): Boolean; begin Result := inherited IsCaptionLinked() and (Client.Enabled = (Action as TCustomAction).Enabled); end; function TX2MenuBarActionLink.IsImageIndexLinked(): Boolean; begin Result := inherited IsCaptionLinked() and (Client.ImageIndex = (Action as TCustomAction).ImageIndex); end; function TX2MenuBarActionLink.IsVisibleLinked(): Boolean; begin Result := inherited IsCaptionLinked() and (Client.Visible = (Action as TCustomAction).Visible); end; procedure TX2MenuBarActionLink.SetCaption(const Value: string); begin if IsCaptionLinked() then Client.Caption := Value; end; procedure TX2MenuBarActionLink.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); begin if IsEnabledLinked() then Client.Enabled := Value; end; procedure TX2MenuBarActionLink.SetImageIndex(Value: Integer); begin if IsImageIndexLinked() then Client.ImageIndex := Value; end; procedure TX2MenuBarActionLink.SetVisible(Value: Boolean); begin if IsVisibleLinked() then Client.Visible := Value; end; { TX2ComponentNotification } procedure TX2ComponentNotification.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if Assigned(FOnNotification) then FOnNotification(Self, AComponent, Operation); inherited; end; { TX2CustomMenuBarItem } constructor TX2CustomMenuBarItem.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin FEnabled := True; FImageIndex := -1; FOwnsData := True; FVisible := True; inherited; end; destructor TX2CustomMenuBarItem.Destroy(); begin Data := nil; FreeAndNil(FActionLink); FreeAndNil(FNotification); inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TX2CustomMenuBarItem then with TX2CustomMenuBarItem(Source) do begin Self.Caption := Caption; Self.Data := Data; Self.OwnsData := OwnsData; end else inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.DoActionChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Sender = Action then ActionChange(Sender, False); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.ActionChange(Sender: TObject; CheckDefaults: Boolean); begin if Sender is TCustomAction then with TCustomAction(Sender) do begin if (not CheckDefaults) or (not Self.IsCaptionStored()) then Self.Caption := Caption; if (not CheckDefaults) or Self.Enabled then Self.Enabled := Enabled; if (not CheckDefaults) or (Self.ImageIndex = -1) then Self.ImageIndex := ImageIndex; if (not CheckDefaults) or Self.Visible then Self.Visible := Visible; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBarItem.IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; begin Result := (Length(Caption) > 0); end; function TX2CustomMenuBarItem.GetMenuBar(): TX2CustomMenuBar; var parentCollection: TCollection; parentOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := nil; parentCollection := Collection; { Traverse up the tree of CollectionItems and OwnedCollections until we find a MenuBar... or not. } while Assigned(parentCollection) do begin parentOwner := parentCollection.Owner; if Assigned(parentOwner) then begin if parentOwner is TX2CustomMenuBar then begin Result := TX2CustomMenuBar(parentCollection.Owner); break; end else if parentOwner is TCollectionItem then parentCollection := TCollectionItem(parentOwner).Collection; end else break; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetAction(const Value: TBasicAction); begin if Value <> FAction then begin if Assigned(FAction) then FAction.RemoveFreeNotification(FNotification); FAction := Value; if Assigned(FAction) then begin if not Assigned(FActionLink) then begin FActionLink := TX2MenuBarActionLink.Create(Self); FActionLink.OnChange := DoActionChange; end; FActionLink.Action := Value; if not Assigned(FNotification) then FNotification := TX2ComponentNotification.Create(nil); ActionChange(Value, csLoading in Value.ComponentState); FAction.FreeNotification(FNotification); end else begin FreeAndNil(FActionLink); FreeAndNil(FNotification); end; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetCaption(const Value: String); begin if Value <> FCaption then begin FCaption := Value; Changed(False); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetData(const Value: TObject); begin if Value <> FData then begin if FOwnsData then FreeAndNil(FData); FData := Value; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FEnabled then begin FEnabled := Value; Changed(False); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetImageIndex(const Value: TImageIndex); begin if Value <> FImageIndex then begin FImageIndex := Value; Changed(False); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItem.SetVisible(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FVisible then begin FVisible := Value; Changed(False); end; end; { TX2CustomMenuBarItems } procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItems.Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); begin if Assigned(FOnNotify) then FOnNotify(Self, Item, Action); inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBarItems.Update(Item: TCollectionItem); begin inherited; if Assigned(FOnUpdate) then FOnUpdate(Self, Item); end; { TX2MenuBarItem } constructor TX2MenuBarItem.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin Caption := SDefaultItemCaption; inherited; end; function TX2MenuBarItem.IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; begin Result := (Caption <> SDefaultItemCaption); end; function TX2MenuBarItem.GetGroup(): TX2MenuBarGroup; begin Result := nil; if Assigned(Collection) and (Collection.Owner <> nil) and (Collection.Owner is TX2MenuBarGroup) then Result := TX2MenuBarGroup(Collection.Owner); end; { TX2MenuBarItems } constructor TX2MenuBarItems.Create(AOwner: TPersistent); begin inherited Create(AOwner, TX2MenuBarItem); end; function TX2MenuBarItems.Add(const ACaption: TCaption): TX2MenuBarItem; begin Result := TX2MenuBarItem(inherited Add()); if Length(ACaption) > 0 then Result.Caption := ACaption; end; function TX2MenuBarItems.GetItem(Index: Integer): TX2MenuBarItem; begin Result := TX2MenuBarItem(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; procedure TX2MenuBarItems.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2MenuBarItem); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; { TX2MenuBarGroup } constructor TX2MenuBarGroup.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin Caption := SDefaultGroupCaption; FItems := TX2MenuBarItems.Create(Self); FItems.OnNotify := ItemsNotify; FItems.OnUpdate := ItemsUpdate; { This results in the Collection's Notification being called, which needs to be after we create our Items property. } inherited; end; destructor TX2MenuBarGroup.Destroy(); begin FreeAndNil(FItems); if OwnsData then FreeAndNil(FData); inherited; end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TX2MenuBarGroup then with TX2MenuBarGroup(Source) do Self.Items.Assign(Items); inherited; end; function TX2MenuBarGroup.GetSelectedItem(): Integer; begin Result := -1; if Items.Count > 0 then begin if (FSelectedItem >= 0) and (FSelectedItem < Items.Count) then Result := FSelectedItem else Result := 0; end; end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.InternalSetExpanded(const Value: Boolean); var menu: TX2CustomMenuBar; begin if Value <> FExpanded then begin FExpanded := Value; Changed(False); menu := MenuBar; if Assigned(menu) then menu.DoExpandedChanged(Self); end; end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.ItemsNotify(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); begin if Assigned(Self.Collection) then TProtectedCollection(Self.Collection).Notify(Item, Action); end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.ItemsUpdate(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem); var groupCollection: TProtectedCollection; begin groupCollection := TProtectedCollection(Self.Collection); if Assigned(groupCollection) and (groupCollection.UpdateCount = 0) then groupCollection.Update(Item); end; function TX2MenuBarGroup.IsCaptionStored(): Boolean; begin Result := (Caption <> SDefaultGroupCaption); end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin inherited; if not Value then Expanded := False; end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.SetExpanded(const Value: Boolean); var menu: TX2CustomMenuBar; begin if (Value <> FExpanded) and ((not Value) or Enabled) then begin menu := MenuBar; if Assigned(menu) then menu.DoExpandedChanging(Self, Value) else InternalSetExpanded(Value); end; end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroup.SetItems(const Value: TX2MenuBarItems); begin if Value <> FItems then begin FItems.Assign(Value); Changed(False); end; end; { TX2MenuBarGroups } constructor TX2MenuBarGroups.Create(AOwner: TPersistent); begin inherited Create(AOwner, TX2MenuBarGroup); end; function TX2MenuBarGroups.Add(const ACaption: TCaption): TX2MenuBarGroup; begin Result := TX2MenuBarGroup(inherited Add()); if Length(ACaption) > 0 then Result.Caption := ACaption; end; function TX2MenuBarGroups.GetItem(Index: Integer): TX2MenuBarGroup; begin Result := TX2MenuBarGroup(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; procedure TX2MenuBarGroups.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2MenuBarGroup); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; { TX2CustomMenuBar } constructor TX2CustomMenuBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FAllowCollapseAll := True; FAnimationStyle := DefaultAnimationStyle; FAnimationTime := DefaultAnimationTime; FBorderStyle := bsNone; FCursorGroup := crDefault; FCursorItem := crDefault; FExpandingGroups := TStringList.Create(); FGroups := TX2MenuBarGroups.Create(Self); FGroups.OnNotify := GroupsNotify; FGroups.OnUpdate := GroupsUpdate; FHideScrollbar := True; FScrollbar := True; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); const BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER); begin inherited; { Source: TScrollBox.CreateParams Applies the BorderStyle property. } with Params do begin Style := Style or WS_VSCROLL or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle]; if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.CreateHandle(); begin inherited; UpdateScrollbar(); end; destructor TX2CustomMenuBar.Destroy(); begin Animator := nil; Painter := nil; FreeAndNil(FExpandingGroups); FreeAndNil(FGroups); FreeAndNil(FBuffer); inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); begin Msg.Result := 0; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.Paint(); var bufferRect: TRect; expand: Boolean; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin if Assigned(Painter) then begin if not Assigned(FBuffer) then begin FBuffer := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); FBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit; end; if (FBuffer.Width <> Self.ClientWidth) or (FBuffer.Height <> Self.ClientHeight) then begin FBuffer.Width := Self.ClientWidth; FBuffer.Height := Self.ClientHeight; end; bufferRect := Rect(0, 0, FBuffer.Width, FBuffer.Height); FBuffer.Canvas.Font.Assign(Self.Font); if Assigned(Animator) then Animator.Update(); UpdateScrollbar(); Painter.BeginPaint(Self); try Painter.DrawBackground(FBuffer.Canvas, bufferRect); DrawMenu(FBuffer.Canvas); finally Painter.EndPaint(); end; Self.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FBuffer); if Assigned(Animator) then begin if Animator.Terminated then begin Animator.Group.InternalSetExpanded(Animator.Expanding); Animator := nil; end else { Prevent 100% CPU usage } Sleep(5); TestMousePos(); Invalidate(); end else { Process animation queue } if FExpandingGroups.Count > 0 then begin expand := (FExpandingGroups[0] = #1); group := TX2MenuBarGroup(FExpandingGroups.Objects[0]); FExpandingGroups.Delete(0); DoExpand(group, expand); end; end else DrawNoPainter(Self.Canvas, Self.ClientRect); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.GetDrawState(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TX2MenuBarDrawStates; function ItemGroup(AGroupItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TX2MenuBarGroup; begin Result := nil; if AGroupItem is TX2MenuBarItem then Result := TX2MenuBarItem(AGroupItem).Group; end; begin Result := []; if AItem = FHotItem then Include(Result, mdsHot); if AItem = SelectedItem then Include(Result, mdsSelected); if Assigned(FHotItem) and (AItem = ItemGroup(FHotItem)) then Include(Result, mdsGroupHot); if Assigned(SelectedItem) and (AItem = ItemGroup(SelectedItem)) then Include(Result, mdsGroupSelected); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DrawMenuItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; const MenuBounds, ItemBounds: TRect; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); var canvas: TCanvas; drawState: TX2MenuBarDrawStates; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; groupBounds: TRect; begin if ItemBounds.Top > MenuBounds.Bottom then begin Abort := True; exit; end; canvas := TCanvas(Data); drawState := GetDrawState(Item); if Item is TX2MenuBarGroup then begin group := TX2MenuBarGroup(Item); Painter.DrawGroupHeader(canvas, group, ItemBounds, drawState); if Assigned(Animator) and (Animator.Group = group) then begin groupBounds := MenuBounds; groupBounds.Top := ItemBounds.Bottom + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterGroupHeader) + Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeFirstItem); groupBounds.Bottom := groupBounds.Top + Animator.Height; Animator.Draw(canvas, groupBounds); end; end else if Item is TX2MenuBarItem then Painter.DrawItem(canvas, TX2MenuBarItem(Item), ItemBounds, drawState); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DrawMenuItems(ACanvas: TCanvas; AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; const ABounds: TRect); var itemBounds: TRect; itemIndex: Integer; item: TX2MenuBarItem; drawState: TX2MenuBarDrawStates; begin Assert(Assigned(Painter), 'No Painter assigned'); itemBounds := ABounds; Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeFirstItem)); for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(AGroup.Items.Count) do begin item := AGroup.Items[itemIndex]; if not ItemVisible(item) then continue; Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeItem)); itemBounds.Bottom := itemBounds.Top + Painter.GetItemHeight(item); drawState := GetDrawState(item); Painter.DrawItem(ACanvas, item, itemBounds, drawState); itemBounds.Top := itemBounds.Bottom + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterItem); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DrawMenu(ACanvas: TCanvas); begin IterateItemBounds(DrawMenuItem, Pointer(ACanvas)); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DrawNoPainter(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ABounds: TRect); const XorColor = $00FFD8CE; // RGB(206, 216, 255) begin with ACanvas do begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; FillRect(ABounds); Pen.Style := psDot; Pen.Mode := pmXor; Pen.Color := XorColor; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(ABounds); DrawText(ACanvas, SNoPainter, ABounds, taCenter); end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.GetAnimatorClass(): TX2CustomMenuBarAnimatorClass; begin Result := nil; case AnimationStyle of asSlide: Result := TX2MenuBarSlideAnimator; asDissolve: Result := TX2MenuBarDissolveAnimator; asFade: Result := TX2MenuBarFadeAnimator; asSlideFade: Result := TX2MenuBarSlideFadeAnimator; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.IterateItemBounds(ACallback: TX2MenuBarItemBoundsProc; AData: Pointer): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; var groupIndex: Integer; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; menuBounds: TRect; itemBounds: TRect; itemIndex: Integer; item: TX2MenuBarItem; abort: Boolean; begin Assert(Assigned(Painter), 'No Painter assigned'); Result := nil; menuBounds := Painter.ApplyMargins(Self.ClientRect); itemBounds := menuBounds; OffsetRect(itemBounds, 0, -FScrollOffset); abort := False; for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do begin { Group } group := Groups[groupIndex]; if not ItemVisible(group) then continue; Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeGroupHeader)); itemBounds.Bottom := itemBounds.Top + Painter.GetGroupHeaderHeight(group); ACallback(Self, group, menuBounds, itemBounds, AData, abort); if abort then begin Result := group; break; end; itemBounds.Top := itemBounds.Bottom + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterGroupHeader); if Assigned(Animator) and (Animator.Group = group) then begin { Animated group } Inc(itemBounds.Top, Animator.Height); end else if group.Expanded and (group.Items.Count > 0) then begin Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeFirstItem)); for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(group.Items.Count) do begin { Item } item := group.Items[itemIndex]; if not ItemVisible(item) then continue; Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeItem)); itemBounds.Bottom := itemBounds.Top + Painter.GetItemHeight(item); ACallback(Self, item, menuBounds, itemBounds, AData, abort); if abort then begin Result := item; break; end; itemBounds.Top := itemBounds.Bottom + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterItem); end; Inc(itemBounds.Top, Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterLastItem)); end; if abort then break; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoExpandedChanging(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AExpanding: Boolean); function ExpandedGroupsCount(): Integer; var groupIndex: Integer; begin Result := 0; for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do if Groups[groupIndex].Expanded then Inc(Result); end; var allowed: Boolean; begin if csLoading in ComponentState then begin AGroup.InternalSetExpanded(AExpanding); exit; end; if AGroup.Items.Count > 0 then begin allowed := True; if AExpanding then begin if Assigned(FOnExpanding) then FOnExpanding(Self, AGroup, allowed); end else if Assigned(FOnCollapsing) then FOnCollapsing(Self, AGroup, allowed); if not allowed then exit; { Pretend to auto select item - required for proper functioning of the OnSelectedChanging event } if AutoSelectItem then if not DoAutoSelectItem(AGroup, saBefore) then exit; { Allow collapse all } if not (AExpanding or AllowCollapseAll) then if ExpandedGroupsCount() = 1 then begin if AExpanding and (not Assigned(SelectedItem)) then SelectedItem := AGroup; exit; end; end; { Auto collapse } if AutoCollapse then if AExpanding then DoAutoCollapse(AGroup); if AGroup.Items.Count > 0 then DoExpand(AGroup, AExpanding) else begin AGroup.InternalSetExpanded(AExpanding); SelectedItem := AGroup end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoExpandedChanged(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup); begin if AGroup.Expanded then begin { Auto select item } if AutoSelectItem then DoAutoSelectItem(AGroup, saAfter); if Assigned(FOnExpanded) then FOnExpanded(Self, AGroup); end else if Assigned(FOnCollapsed) then FOnCollapsed(Self, AGroup); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoSelectedChanging(ANewItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; var AAllowed: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnSelectedChanging) then FOnSelectedChanging(Self, SelectedItem, ANewItem, AAllowed); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoSelectedChanged(); begin if Assigned(FOnSelectedChanged) then FOnSelectedChanged(Self, SelectedItem); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.AllowInteraction(): Boolean; begin Result := not Assigned(Animator); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.ItemEnabled(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): Boolean; begin Result := AItem.Enabled and AItem.Visible; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.ItemVisible(AItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): Boolean; begin Result := AItem.Visible or (csDesigning in ComponentState); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoExpand(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AExpanding: Boolean); var animatorClass: TX2CustomMenuBarAnimatorClass; itemsBuffer: Graphics.TBitmap; itemsBounds: TRect; begin if not Assigned(Painter) then exit; if AGroup.Items.Count = 0 then begin AGroup.InternalSetExpanded(AExpanding); Exit; end; if Assigned(Animator) then begin FExpandingGroups.AddObject(Chr(Ord(AExpanding)), AGroup); end else begin animatorClass := GetAnimatorClass(); if Assigned(animatorClass) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin Painter.BeginPaint(Self); try itemsBuffer := Graphics.TBitmap.Create(); try itemsBounds := Painter.ApplyMargins(Self.ClientRect); itemsBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit; itemsBuffer.Width := itemsBounds.Right - itemsBounds.Left; itemsBuffer.Height := Painter.GetGroupHeight(AGroup); itemsBounds := Rect(0, 0, itemsBuffer.Width, itemsBuffer.Height); itemsBuffer.Canvas.Font.Assign(Self.Font); // #ToDo3 (MvR) 23-3-2006: this will probably cause problems if we ever // want a bitmapped/customdrawn background. // Maybe we can trick around a bit with the // canvas offset? think about it later. Painter.DrawBackground(itemsBuffer.Canvas, itemsBounds); DrawMenuItems(itemsBuffer.Canvas, AGroup, itemsBounds); Animator := animatorClass.Create(itemsBuffer); Animator.AnimationTime := AnimationTime; Animator.Expanding := AExpanding; Animator.Group := AGroup; finally FreeAndNil(itemsBuffer); end; finally Painter.EndPaint(); Invalidate(); end; end else AGroup.InternalSetExpanded(AExpanding); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.DoAutoCollapse(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup); var expandedGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; groupIndex: Integer; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin expandedGroup := AGroup; if not Assigned(expandedGroup) then begin for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do if Groups[groupIndex].Expanded then begin expandedGroup := Groups[groupIndex]; break; end; if not Assigned(expandedGroup) then if Groups.Count > 0 then begin expandedGroup := Groups[0]; expandedGroup.Expanded := True; end else exit; end; for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do begin group := Groups[groupIndex]; if (group <> expandedGroup) and (group.Expanded) then DoExpand(group, False); end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.DoAutoSelectItem(AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup; AAction: TX2MenuBarSelectAction): Boolean; var group: TX2MenuBarGroup; groupIndex: Integer; newItem: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; itemIndex: Integer; begin Result := True; group := AGroup; if not Assigned(group) then begin for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do if Groups[groupIndex].Expanded then begin group := Groups[groupIndex]; break; end; if (not Assigned(group)) and (Groups.Count > 0) then begin group := Groups[0]; group.Expanded := True; end; if not Assigned(group) then exit; end; if group.Items.Count > 0 then begin newItem := group.Items[group.SelectedItem]; if not ItemEnabled(newItem) then begin newItem := nil; for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(group.Items.Count) do if ItemEnabled(group.Items[itemIndex]) then begin newItem := group.Items[itemIndex]; Break; end; end; if Assigned(newItem) and (newItem <> SelectedItem) then begin if AAction in [saBefore, saBoth] then DoSelectedChanging(newItem, Result); if Result and (AAction in [saAfter, saBoth]) then SelectedItem := newItem; end; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.ResetGroupsSelectedItem; var groupIndex: Integer; begin for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do Groups[groupIndex].SelectedItem := -1; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.HitTest(const APoint: TPoint): TX2MenuBarHitTest; var hitPoint: TPoint; begin Result.HitTestCode := htUnknown; Result.Item := nil; hitPoint := APoint; if PtInRect(Self.ClientRect, APoint) then begin Painter.BeginPaint(Self); try Result := Painter.HitTest(hitPoint); finally Painter.EndPaint(); end; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.HitTest(AX, AY: Integer): TX2MenuBarHitTest; begin Result := HitTest(Point(AX, AY)); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.Iterate(ACallback: TX2MenuBarIterateProc; ADirection: TX2MenuBarDirection; AData: Pointer; AStart: TX2CustomMenuBarItem): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; procedure MoveIndex(var AIndex: Integer); begin case ADirection of mbdUp: Dec(AIndex); mbdDown: Inc(AIndex); end; end; var abort: Boolean; groupIndex: Integer; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; itemIndex: Integer; item: TX2MenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; groupIndex := 0; itemIndex := -2; abort := False; if Assigned(AStart) then begin if AStart is TX2MenuBarItem then begin groupIndex := TX2MenuBarItem(AStart).Group.Index; itemIndex := AStart.Index; MoveIndex(itemIndex); end else groupIndex := AStart.Index; end; while (groupIndex >= 0) and (groupIndex < Groups.Count) do begin group := Groups[groupIndex]; if group.Items.Count = 0 then begin if group <> AStart then begin ACallback(Self, group, AData, abort); if abort then begin Result := group; Break; end; end; end else begin if itemIndex = -2 then case ADirection of mbdUp: itemIndex := Pred(group.Items.Count); mbdDown: itemIndex := 0; end; while (itemIndex >= 0) and (itemIndex < group.Items.Count) do begin item := group.Items[itemIndex]; ACallback(Self, item, AData, abort); if abort then begin Result := item; Break; end; MoveIndex(itemIndex); end; end; if Assigned(Result) then Break; itemIndex := -2; MoveIndex(groupIndex); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.FindEnabledItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TX2CustomMenuBarItem; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean); begin Abort := ItemEnabled(Item); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectFirst(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin Result := Iterate(FindEnabledItem); if Assigned(Result) then SelectedItem := Result; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectLast(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin Result := Iterate(FindEnabledItem, mbdDown); if Assigned(Result) then SelectedItem := Result; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectNext(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin Result := Iterate(FindEnabledItem, mbdDown, nil, FSelectedItem); if Assigned(Result) then SelectedItem := Result; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectPrior(): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin Result := Iterate(FindEnabledItem, mbdUp, nil, FSelectedItem); if Assigned(Result) then SelectedItem := Result; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectGroup(AIndex: Integer): TX2MenuBarGroup; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin if (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < Groups.Count) then begin Result := Groups[AIndex]; SelectedItem := Result; end; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectItem(AIndex: Integer; AGroup: TX2MenuBarGroup): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; var group: TX2MenuBarGroup; groupIndex: Integer; begin Result := nil; if AllowInteraction then begin group := AGroup; if not Assigned(group) then begin if Assigned(SelectedItem) then begin if SelectedItem is TX2MenuBarItem then group := TX2MenuBarItem(SelectedItem).Group else group := (SelectedItem as TX2MenuBarGroup); end else for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do if Groups[groupIndex].Expanded then begin group := Groups[groupIndex]; break; end; end; if Assigned(group) and (AIndex >= 0) and (AIndex < group.Items.Count) then begin Result := group.Items[AIndex]; SelectedItem := Result; end; end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectItem(AIndex, AGroup: Integer): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; var group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin group := nil; if (AGroup > 0) and (AGroup < Groups.Count) then group := Groups[AGroup]; Result := SelectItem(AIndex, group); end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.SelectItem(AIndex: Integer): TX2CustomMenuBarItem; begin Result := SelectItem(AIndex, nil); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if Operation = opRemove then if AComponent = FPainter then begin FPainter := nil; Invalidate(); end else if AComponent = FImages then begin FImages := nil; Invalidate(); end; inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.PainterUpdate(Sender: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter); begin Invalidate(); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.GroupsNotify(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); begin if Action = cnDeleting then if Item = SelectedItem then SelectedItem := nil else if Item = FHotItem then FHotItem := nil; if Assigned(Designer) then case Action of cnAdded: Designer.ItemAdded(Item as TX2CustomMenuBarItem); cnDeleting: Designer.ItemDeleting(Item as TX2CustomMenuBarItem); end; if TProtectedCollection(Item.Collection).UpdateCount = 0 then Invalidate(); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.GroupsUpdate(Sender: TObject; Item: TCollectionItem); begin if Assigned(SelectedItem) and (not ItemEnabled(SelectedItem)) then SelectedItem := nil; if Assigned(Designer) then Designer.ItemModified(Item as TX2CustomMenuBarItem); Invalidate(); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var hitTest: TX2MenuBarHitTest; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin if Button = mbLeft then if AllowInteraction then begin hitTest := Self.HitTest(X, Y); if hitTest.HitTestCode = htGroup then begin group := TX2MenuBarGroup(hitTest.Item); if ItemEnabled(group) then begin group.Expanded := not group.Expanded; hitTest.Item := SelectedItem; Invalidate(); end; end; if Assigned(hitTest.Item) then SelectedItem := hitTest.Item; end; inherited; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var cursor: TCursor; begin FLastMousePos := Point(X, Y); TestMousePos(); cursor := crDefault; if Assigned(FHotItem) then if FHotItem is TX2MenuBarGroup then cursor := CursorGroup else if FHotItem is TX2MenuBarItem then cursor := CursorItem; if (cursor <> crDefault) and ItemEnabled(FHotItem) then begin Windows.SetCursor(Screen.Cursors[cursor]); exit; end; inherited; end; //procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; // X, Y: Integer); //begin // inherited; //end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.CMMouseLeave(var Msg: TMessage); begin FLastMousePos := Point(-1, -1); FHotItem := nil; Invalidate(); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); var scrollInfo: TScrollInfo; scrollPos: Integer; begin Msg.Result := 0; if Msg.ScrollCode = SB_ENDSCROLL then exit; scrollPos := -1; FillChar(scrollInfo, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), #0); scrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); if Msg.ScrollCode = SB_THUMBTRACK then begin scrollInfo.fMask := SIF_TRACKPOS; if GetScrollInfo(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, scrollInfo) then scrollPos := scrollInfo.nTrackPos; end else begin scrollInfo.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_POS or SIF_PAGE; if GetScrollInfo(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, scrollInfo) then case Msg.ScrollCode of SB_BOTTOM: scrollPos := scrollInfo.nMax; // #ToDo2 (MvR) 2-4-2006: scroll to the next item // (needs GetTopItem implementation) SB_LINEDOWN: begin scrollPos := scrollInfo.nPos + 40; if scrollPos > scrollInfo.nMax then scrollPos := scrollInfo.nMax; end; SB_LINEUP: begin scrollPos := scrollInfo.nPos - 40; if scrollPos < scrollInfo.nMin then scrollPos := scrollInfo.nMin; end; SB_PAGEDOWN: begin scrollPos := scrollInfo.nPos + Integer(scrollInfo.nPage); if scrollPos > scrollInfo.nMax then scrollPos := scrollInfo.nMax; end; SB_PAGEUP: begin scrollPos := scrollInfo.nPos - Integer(scrollInfo.nPage); if scrollPos < scrollInfo.nMin then scrollPos := scrollInfo.nMin; end; SB_TOP: scrollPos := 0; end; end; if scrollPos <> -1 then begin FillChar(scrollInfo, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), #0); scrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); scrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS; scrollInfo.nPos := scrollPos; SetScrollInfo(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, scrollInfo, False); Invalidate(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.TestMousePos(); var hitTest: TX2MenuBarHitTest; begin hitTest := Self.HitTest(FLastMousePos.X, FLastMousePos.Y); if hitTest.Item <> FHotItem then begin FHotItem := hitTest.Item; Invalidate(); end; end; function TX2CustomMenuBar.GetMenuHeight(): Integer; var groupIndex: Integer; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; menuBounds: TRect; itemIndex: Integer; item: TX2MenuBarItem; begin if not Assigned(Painter) then begin Result := -1; exit; end; menuBounds := Painter.ApplyMargins(Self.ClientRect); Result := Self.ClientHeight - (menuBounds.Bottom - menuBounds.Top); for groupIndex := 0 to Pred(Groups.Count) do begin { Group } group := Groups[groupIndex]; if not ItemVisible(group) then continue; Inc(Result, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeGroupHeader) + Painter.GetGroupHeaderHeight(group) + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterGroupHeader)); if Assigned(Animator) and (Animator.Group = group) then begin { Animated group } Inc(Result, Animator.Height); end else if group.Expanded then begin Inc(Result, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeFirstItem)); for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(group.Items.Count) do begin { Item } item := group.Items[itemIndex]; if not ItemVisible(item) then continue; Inc(Result, Painter.GetSpacing(seBeforeItem) + Painter.GetItemHeight(item) + Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterItem)); end; Inc(Result, Painter.GetSpacing(seAfterLastItem)); end; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.UpdateScrollbar(); var scrollInfo: TScrollInfo; begin { Don't update the scrollbar while animating, prevents issues with the items buffer width if the scrollbar happens to show/hide during animation. } if Assigned(Animator) then exit; FillChar(scrollInfo, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), #0); scrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); scrollInfo.fMask := SIF_PAGE or SIF_RANGE; if Scrollbar then begin scrollInfo.nMin := 0; scrollInfo.nMax := GetMenuHeight(); scrollInfo.nPage := Self.ClientHeight; if not HideScrollbar then scrollInfo.fMask := scrollInfo.fMask or SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; end else begin scrollInfo.nMin := 0; scrollInfo.nMax := 0; scrollInfo.nPage := 0; end; SetScrollInfo(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, scrollInfo, True); FillChar(scrollInfo, SizeOf(TScrollInfo), #0); scrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TScrollInfo); scrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS; FScrollOffset := 0; if GetScrollInfo(Self.Handle, SB_VERT, scrollInfo) then FScrollOffset := scrollInfo.nPos; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetAllowCollapseAll(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FAllowCollapseAll then begin FAllowCollapseAll := Value; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetAnimator(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarAnimator); begin if Value <> FAnimator then begin FreeAndNil(FAnimator); FAnimator := Value; end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetAutoCollapse(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FAutoCollapse then begin FAutoCollapse := Value; if Value then DoAutoCollapse(nil); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetAutoSelectItem(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FAutoSelectItem then begin FAutoSelectItem := Value; if Value and (not Assigned(SelectedItem)) then DoAutoSelectItem(nil, saBoth); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetBorderStyle(const Value: TBorderStyle); begin if Value <> FBorderStyle then begin FBorderStyle := Value; RecreateWnd(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetGroups(const Value: TX2MenuBarGroups); begin if Value <> FGroups then FGroups.Assign(Value); end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetHideScrollbar(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FHideScrollbar then begin FHideScrollbar := Value; RecreateWnd(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetImages(const Value: TCustomImageList); begin if Value <> FImages then begin if Assigned(FImages) then FImages.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); FImages := Value; if Assigned(FImages) then FImages.FreeNotification(Self); Invalidate(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetPainter(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarPainter); begin if FPainter <> Value then begin if Assigned(FPainter) then begin FPainter.DetachObserver(Self); FPainter.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); end; Animator := nil; FPainter := Value; if Assigned(FPainter) then begin FPainter.FreeNotification(Self); FPainter.AttachObserver(Self); end; Invalidate(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetScrollbar(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FScrollbar then begin FScrollbar := Value; RecreateWnd(); end; end; procedure TX2CustomMenuBar.SetSelectedItem(const Value: TX2CustomMenuBarItem); var allowed: Boolean; group: TX2MenuBarGroup; begin if Value <> FSelectedItem then begin if Assigned(Value) then begin allowed := ItemEnabled(Value); if allowed then begin DoSelectedChanging(Value, allowed); if allowed then begin if Value is TX2MenuBarGroup then begin group := TX2MenuBarGroup(Value); if group.Items.Count > 0 then begin // Item is a group, expand it (triggers autoselect too if appropriate) group.Expanded := True; Exit; end else DoAutoCollapse(group); end; FSelectedItem := Value; if Value is TX2MenuBarItem then begin group := TX2MenuBarItem(Value).Group; if Assigned(group) then begin group.SelectedItem := Value.Index; if not group.Expanded then group.Expanded := True; end; end; if Assigned(FSelectedItem) and Assigned(FSelectedItem.Action) then FSelectedItem.ActionLink.Execute(Self); end; end; end else FSelectedItem := Value; DoSelectedChanged(); Invalidate(); end; end; end.