{ :: X2CLGraphicList contains a container component for TGraphic :: descendants and a replacement for TImageList. :: :: Many thanks to Erik Stok. Before I could even work out the idea, he not :: only had a similar idea, but created TPngImageList and worked out many of :: the problems I thought we would face. His original (Dutch) article can :: be found at: :: http://www.erikstok.net/delphi/artikelen/xpicons.html :: :: Last changed: $Date$ :: Revision: $Rev$ :: Author: $Author$ } unit X2CLGraphicList; interface uses Windows, Classes, Controls, Graphics; {$IFDEF VER150} {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER180} {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$ENDIF} type // Forward declarations TX2GraphicList = class; TX2GraphicContainer = class; TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc = function(ACanvas: TCanvas; AGraphicList: TX2GraphicList; AIndex: Integer; AX, AY: Integer; AEnabled: Boolean): Boolean; { :$ Holds a single graphic. } TX2GraphicContainerItem = class(TComponent, IChangeNotifier) private FContainer: TX2GraphicContainer; FPicture: TPicture; FPictureName: String; function GetIndex: Integer; procedure SetContainer(const Value: TX2GraphicContainer); procedure SetIndex(const Value: Integer); procedure SetPicture(const Value: TPicture); procedure SetPictureName(const Value: String); protected procedure Changed; virtual; procedure InternalSetContainer(const AContainer: TX2GraphicContainer); virtual; function GenerateName: String; procedure NotifierChanged; procedure IChangeNotifier.Changed = NotifierChanged; procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override; procedure SetParentComponent(AParent: TComponent); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetParentComponent: TComponent; override; function HasParent: Boolean; override; procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public property Container: TX2GraphicContainer read FContainer write SetContainer stored False; property Index: Integer read GetIndex write SetIndex stored False; published property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture; property PictureName: String read FPictureName write SetPictureName; end; { :$ Container object for graphics. :: TX2GraphicContainer holds all the original graphic data. Link a container :: to a TX2GraphicList to provide the graphics for various components. } TX2GraphicContainer = class(TComponent) private FConversionRequired: Boolean; FGraphics: TList; FLists: TList; function GetGraphicCount: Integer; function GetGraphics(Index: Integer): TX2GraphicContainerItem; procedure SetGraphics(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2GraphicContainerItem); protected procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override; procedure SetChildOrder(Component: TComponent; Order: Integer); override; procedure SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure ConvertGraphics(Reader: TReader); procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure AddGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); virtual; procedure RemoveGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); virtual; procedure UpdateGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); virtual; procedure MoveGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem; ANewIndex: Integer); virtual; procedure RegisterList(const AList: TX2GraphicList); procedure UnregisterList(const AList: TX2GraphicList); property ConversionRequired: Boolean read FConversionRequired write FConversionRequired; property GraphicsList: TList read FGraphics; property Lists: TList read FLists; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function IndexByName(const AName: String): Integer; function GraphicByName(const AName: String): TX2GraphicContainerItem; function PictureByName(const AName: String): TPicture; procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; property Graphics[Index: Integer]: TX2GraphicContainerItem read GetGraphics write SetGraphics; property GraphicCount: Integer read GetGraphicCount; end; { :$ Defines the various modes for drawing a larger image. } TX2GLStretchMode = (smCrop, smStretch); { :$ ImageList replacement for graphics. :: If you are only using components which use ImageList.Draw directly :: instead of the ImageList_Draw API (for ex. TMainMenu), set the Convert :: property to False to save some processing. } TX2GraphicList = class(TImageList) private FBackground: TColor; FContainer: TX2GraphicContainer; FConvert: Boolean; FEnabled: Boolean; FStretchMode: TX2GLStretchMode; FUpdateCount: Integer; procedure SetBackground(const Value: TColor); procedure SetContainer(const Value: TX2GraphicContainer); procedure SetConvert(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetStretchMode(const Value: TX2GLStretchMode); protected procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); override; procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; function DrawGraphic(const AIndex: Integer; const ACanvas: TCanvas; const AX, AY: Integer; const AEnabled: Boolean = True): Boolean; procedure DoDraw(Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean = True); override; procedure BuildImage(const AIndex: Integer; const AImage, AMask: TBitmap); virtual; procedure AddImage(const AIndex: Integer); virtual; procedure UpdateImage(const AIndex: Integer); virtual; procedure DeleteImage(const AIndex: Integer); virtual; procedure MoveImage(const AOldIndex, ANewIndex: Integer); virtual; function CanConvert: Boolean; procedure UpdateImageCount; virtual; procedure RebuildImages; virtual; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure Change; override; published property Background: TColor read FBackground write SetBackground default clBtnFace; property Container: TX2GraphicContainer read FContainer write SetContainer; property Convert: Boolean read FConvert write SetConvert default True; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True; property StretchMode: TX2GLStretchMode read FStretchMode write SetStretchMode default smCrop; end; procedure X2GLRegisterCustomDrawImageProc(ACustomDrawImageProc: TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc); procedure X2GLUnregisterCustomDrawImageProc(ACustomDrawImageProc: TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc); implementation uses CommCtrl, Forms, ImgList, SysUtils; var CustomDrawImageProcs: TList; type PClass = ^TClass; PRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray; TRGBTripleArray = array[Word] of TRGBTriple; { Used for conversion purposes from the old collection-based Graphics property to the new TComponent structure. } TDeprecatedGraphicItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FName: String; FPicture: TPicture; procedure SetPicture(const Value: TPicture); public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Name: String read FName write FName; property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture; end; procedure X2GLRegisterCustomDrawImageProc(ACustomDrawImageProc: TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc); var procPointer: Pointer absolute ACustomDrawImageProc; begin if CustomDrawImageProcs.IndexOf(procPointer) = -1 then CustomDrawImageProcs.Add(procPointer); end; procedure X2GLUnregisterCustomDrawImageProc(ACustomDrawImageProc: TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc); var procPointer: Pointer absolute ACustomDrawImageProc; begin CustomDrawImageProcs.Remove(procPointer); end; function CustomDrawImage(ACanvas: TCanvas; AGraphicList: TX2GraphicList; AIndex: Integer; AX, AY: Integer; AEnabled: Boolean): Boolean; var customProcIndex: Integer; customProc: TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc; begin Result := False; for customProcIndex := Pred(CustomDrawImageProcs.Count) downto 0 do begin customProc := TX2GLCustomDrawImageProc(CustomDrawImageProcs[customProcIndex]); if customProc(ACanvas, AGraphicList, AIndex, AX, AY, AEnabled) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; {================ TX2GraphicContainerItem Initialization ========================================} constructor TX2GraphicContainerItem.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FPicture := TPicture.Create; FPicture.PictureAdapter := Self; end; destructor TX2GraphicContainerItem.Destroy; begin if Assigned(Container) then Container.RemoveGraphic(Self); FreeAndNil(FPicture); inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TX2GraphicContainerItem then with TX2GraphicContainerItem(Dest) do begin Picture := Self.Picture; PictureName := Self.PictureName; end else inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.NotifierChanged; begin Changed; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FContainer) then FContainer := nil; inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.InternalSetContainer(const AContainer: TX2GraphicContainer); begin if AContainer <> FContainer then begin if Assigned(FContainer) then FContainer.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); FContainer := AContainer; if Assigned(FContainer) then FContainer.FreeNotification(Self); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.Changed; begin if Assigned(Container) then Container.UpdateGraphic(Self); end; function TX2GraphicContainerItem.GetParentComponent: TComponent; begin if Assigned(Container) then Result := Container else Result := inherited GetParentComponent; end; function TX2GraphicContainerItem.HasParent: Boolean; begin if Assigned(Container) then Result := True else Result := inherited HasParent; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.ReadState(Reader: TReader); begin inherited; if Assigned(Reader.Parent) and (Reader.Parent is TX2GraphicContainer) then Container := TX2GraphicContainer(Reader.Parent); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.SetParentComponent(AParent: TComponent); begin if (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) and Assigned(AParent) and (AParent is TX2GraphicContainer) then Container := TX2GraphicContainer(AParent); end; function TX2GraphicContainerItem.GetIndex: Integer; begin Result := -1; if Assigned(Container) then Result := Container.GraphicsList.IndexOf(Self); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.SetContainer(const Value: TX2GraphicContainer); begin if Value <> Container then begin if Assigned(Container) then Container.RemoveGraphic(Self); if Assigned(Value) then Value.AddGraphic(Self); if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then Name := GenerateName; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.SetIndex(const Value: Integer); begin if Assigned(Container) then Container.MoveGraphic(Self, Value); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.SetPicture(const Value: TPicture); begin FPicture.Assign(Value); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainerItem.SetPictureName(const Value: String); begin if Value <> FPictureName then begin FPictureName := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then Name := GenerateName; end; end; function TX2GraphicContainerItem.GenerateName: String; function ValidComponentName(const AComponent: TComponent; const AName: String): Boolean; var checkOwner: TComponent; existing: TComponent; begin Result := True; checkOwner := AComponent; while Assigned(checkOwner) do begin existing := checkOwner.FindComponent(AName); if Assigned(existing) and (existing <> Self) then begin Result := False; exit; end; checkOwner := checkOwner.Owner; end; end; const Alpha = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']; AlphaNumeric = Alpha + ['0'..'9']; var charIndex: Integer; counter: Integer; resultName: String; begin if Assigned(Container) then Result := Container.Name else Result := 'GraphicContainerItem'; for charIndex := 1 to Length(PictureName) do if PictureName[charIndex] in AlphaNumeric then Result := Result + PictureName[charIndex]; resultName := Result; counter := 0; while not ValidComponentName(Self, Result) do begin Inc(counter); Result := resultName + IntToStr(counter); end; end; {==================== TX2GraphicContainer Initialization ========================================} constructor TX2GraphicContainer.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FGraphics := TList.Create; FLists := TList.Create; end; destructor TX2GraphicContainer.Destroy; begin Clear; FreeAndNil(FGraphics); FreeAndNil(FLists); inherited; end; function TX2GraphicContainer.IndexByName(const AName: String): Integer; var graphicIndex: Integer; begin Result := -1; for graphicIndex := Pred(GraphicCount) downto 0 do if SameText(Graphics[graphicIndex].PictureName, AName) then begin Result := graphicIndex; break; end; end; function TX2GraphicContainer.GraphicByName(const AName: String): TX2GraphicContainerItem; var graphicIndex: Integer; begin Result := nil; graphicIndex := IndexByName(AName); if graphicIndex > -1 then Result := Graphics[graphicIndex]; end; function TX2GraphicContainer.PictureByName(const AName: String): TPicture; var graphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem; begin Result := nil; graphic := GraphicByName(AName); if Assigned(graphic) then Result := graphic.Picture; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); var destContainer: TX2GraphicContainer; graphicIndex: Integer; begin if Dest is TX2GraphicContainer then begin destContainer := TX2GraphicContainer(Dest); destContainer.Clear; for graphicIndex := 0 to Pred(Self.GraphicCount) do with TX2GraphicContainerItem.Create(destContainer) do begin Assign(Self.Graphics[graphicIndex]); Container := destContainer; end; end else inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.Clear; begin while GraphicsList.Count > 0 do TX2GraphicContainerItem(GraphicsList.Last).Free; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); var graphicIndex: Integer; graphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem; begin for graphicIndex := 0 to Pred(GraphicCount) do begin graphic := Graphics[graphicIndex]; Proc(graphic); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.SetChildOrder(Component: TComponent; Order: Integer); begin if GraphicsList.IndexOf(Component) >= 0 then (Component as TX2GraphicContainerItem).Index := Order; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.SetName(const NewName: TComponentName); var oldName: String; graphicIndex: Integer; begin oldName := Self.Name; inherited; if Self.Name <> oldName then begin { Re-generate names for graphic components } for graphicIndex := 0 to Pred(GraphicCount) do Graphics[graphicIndex].Name := Graphics[graphicIndex].GenerateName; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; case Operation of opInsert: { In design-time, if a TX2GraphicList is added and it doesn't yet have a container, assign ourselves to it for lazy programmers (such as me :)) } if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (AComponent is TX2GraphicList) and (not Assigned(TX2GraphicList(AComponent).Container)) then TX2GraphicList(AComponent).Container := Self; opRemove: begin if (AComponent is TX2GraphicContainerItem) and (TX2GraphicContainerItem(AComponent).Container = Self) then begin RemoveGraphic(TX2GraphicContainerItem(AComponent)); end; else if AComponent is TX2GraphicList then Lists.Remove(AComponent); end; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited; { Previous versions used a Collection to hold the container items. As this wasn't Visual Inheritance-friendly, container items are now TComponents. This will convert the deprecated Graphics property. } Filer.DefineProperty('Graphics', ConvertGraphics, nil, False); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.ConvertGraphics(Reader: TReader); var graphics: TCollection; graphicIndex: Integer; graphicItem: TDeprecatedGraphicItem; begin graphics := TCollection.Create(TDeprecatedGraphicItem); try if Reader.NextValue = vaCollection then begin FConversionRequired := True; Clear; Reader.ReadValue; Reader.ReadCollection(graphics); for graphicIndex := 0 to Pred(graphics.Count) do begin graphicItem := TDeprecatedGraphicItem(graphics.Items[graphicIndex]); { Note: this create the item just fine, but won't add a line to the form's definition; the designer can take care of that. } with TX2GraphicContainerItem.Create(Self) do begin Picture := graphicItem.Picture; PictureName := graphicItem.Name; Container := Self; end; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(graphics); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.AddGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); var graphicIndex: Integer; listIndex: Integer; begin graphicIndex := GraphicsList.Add(AGraphic); AGraphic.InternalSetContainer(Self); AGraphic.FreeNotification(Self); for listIndex := Pred(Lists.Count) downto 0 do TX2GraphicList(Lists[listIndex]).AddImage(graphicIndex); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.RemoveGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); var graphicIndex: Integer; listIndex: Integer; begin graphicIndex := AGraphic.Index; if graphicIndex > -1 then begin if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin for listIndex := Pred(Lists.Count) downto 0 do TX2GraphicList(Lists[listIndex]).DeleteImage(graphicIndex); end; GraphicsList.Delete(graphicIndex); AGraphic.InternalSetContainer(nil); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.UpdateGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem); var graphicIndex: Integer; listIndex: Integer; begin graphicIndex := AGraphic.Index; if graphicIndex > -1 then begin for listIndex := Pred(Lists.Count) downto 0 do TX2GraphicList(Lists[listIndex]).UpdateImage(graphicIndex); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.MoveGraphic(const AGraphic: TX2GraphicContainerItem; ANewIndex: Integer); var count: Integer; curIndex: Integer; newIndex: Integer; listIndex: Integer; begin if not Assigned(AGraphic.Container) then Exit; if AGraphic.Container <> Self then begin AGraphic.Container.MoveGraphic(AGraphic, ANewIndex); Exit; end; curIndex := AGraphic.Index; if curIndex > -1 then begin count := GraphicsList.Count; newIndex := ANewIndex; if newIndex < 0 then newIndex := 0; if newIndex >= count then newIndex := Pred(count); if newIndex <> curIndex then begin GraphicsList.Move(curIndex, newIndex); for listIndex := Pred(Lists.Count) downto 0 do TX2GraphicList(Lists[listIndex]).MoveImage(curIndex, newIndex); end; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.RegisterList(const AList: TX2GraphicList); begin if Lists.IndexOf(AList) = -1 then begin Lists.Add(AList); AList.FreeNotification(Self); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.UnregisterList(const AList: TX2GraphicList); begin if Lists.Remove(AList) > -1 then AList.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); end; function TX2GraphicContainer.GetGraphicCount: Integer; begin Result := GraphicsList.Count; end; function TX2GraphicContainer.GetGraphics(Index: Integer): TX2GraphicContainerItem; begin Result := TX2GraphicContainerItem(GraphicsList[Index]); end; procedure TX2GraphicContainer.SetGraphics(Index: Integer; const Value: TX2GraphicContainerItem); begin TX2GraphicContainerItem(GraphicsList[Index]).Assign(Value); end; {========================= TX2GraphicList Initialization ========================================} constructor TX2GraphicList.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FBackground := clBtnFace; BkColor := clNone; FConvert := True; FEnabled := True; FStretchMode := smCrop; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.Loaded; begin inherited; RebuildImages; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.Change; begin inherited; if FUpdateCount = 0 then RebuildImages; end; destructor TX2GraphicList.Destroy; begin SetContainer(nil); inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TX2GraphicList then with TX2GraphicList(Dest) do begin Background := Self.Background; Container := Self.Container; Enabled := Self.Enabled; StretchMode := Self.StretchMode; end else inherited; end; {========================= TX2GraphicList Graphics ========================================} function TX2GraphicList.DrawGraphic(const AIndex: Integer; const ACanvas: TCanvas; const AX, AY: Integer; const AEnabled: Boolean = True): Boolean; procedure InternalDrawGraphic(const ADest: TCanvas; const ADestX, ADestY: Integer); var bmpTemp: TBitmap; iHeight: Integer; iWidth: Integer; rDest: TRect; rSource: TRect; begin with FContainer.Graphics[AIndex].Picture do if (Width <= Self.Width) and (Height <= Self.Height) then ADest.Draw(ADestX, ADestY, Graphic) else begin iWidth := Width; iHeight := Height; if iWidth > Self.Width then iWidth := Self.Width; if iHeight > Self.Height then iHeight := Self.Height; rDest := Rect(ADestX, ADestY, ADestX + iWidth, ADestY + iHeight); rSource := Rect(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); case FStretchMode of smCrop: begin bmpTemp := TBitmap.Create; try with bmpTemp do begin Width := iWidth; Height := iHeight; PixelFormat := pf24bit; // Copy existing content Canvas.CopyRect(rSource, ADest, rDest); // Overlay graphic Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Graphic); // Copy back ADest.CopyRect(rDest, Canvas, rDest); end; finally FreeAndNil(bmpTemp); end; end; smStretch: // Note: some TGraphic's don't support StretchDraw and will // always crop. Nothing we can do about that... ADest.StretchDraw(rDest, Graphic); end; end; end; var bmpBackground: TBitmap; bmpBlend: TBitmap; iX: Integer; iY: Integer; pBackground: PRGBTripleArray; pBlend: PRGBTripleArray; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(FContainer) then exit; if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= FContainer.GraphicCount) then exit; if (not Assigned(FContainer.Graphics[AIndex].Picture)) or (not Assigned(FContainer.Graphics[AIndex].Picture.Graphic)) or (FContainer.Graphics[AIndex].Picture.Graphic.Empty) then exit; { First see if any custom draw handlers want to draw the image } if not CustomDrawImage(ACanvas, Self, AIndex, AX, AY, AEnabled) then begin if AEnabled then { Enabled, simply draw the graphic } InternalDrawGraphic(ACanvas, AX, AY) else begin { Disabled, need to draw the image using 50% transparency. There's only one problem; not all TGraphic's support that, and neither is there a generic way of determining a pixel's transparency. So instead, we blend the background with a copy of the background with the graphic painted on it... } bmpBackground := TBitmap.Create; bmpBlend := TBitmap.Create; try { Get background from canvas } with bmpBackground do begin Width := Self.Width; Height := Self.Height; PixelFormat := pf24bit; Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), ACanvas, Rect(AX, AY, AX + Width, AY + Height)); end; bmpBlend.Assign(bmpBackground); InternalDrawGraphic(bmpBlend.Canvas, 0, 0); { Blend graphic with background at 50% } for iY := 0 to bmpBackground.Height - 1 do begin pBackground := bmpBackground.ScanLine[iY]; pBlend := bmpBlend.ScanLine[iY]; for iX := 0 to bmpBackground.Width - 1 do with pBlend^[iX] do begin rgbtBlue := ((pBackground^[iX].rgbtBlue shl 7) + (rgbtBlue shl 7)) shr 8; rgbtGreen := ((pBackground^[iX].rgbtGreen shl 7) + (rgbtGreen shl 7)) shr 8; rgbtRed := ((pBackground^[iX].rgbtRed shl 7) + (rgbtRed shl 7)) shr 8; end; end; { Copy blended graphic back } ACanvas.Draw(AX, AY, bmpBlend); finally FreeAndNil(bmpBlend); FreeAndNil(bmpBackground); end; end; end; Result := True; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.DoDraw(Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean = True); begin DrawGraphic(Index, Canvas, X, Y, Enabled); end; procedure TX2GraphicList.BuildImage(const AIndex: Integer; const AImage, AMask: TBitmap); function RGBTriple(const AColor: TColor): TRGBTriple; var cColor: Cardinal; begin cColor := ColorToRGB(AColor); with Result do begin rgbtBlue := GetBValue(cColor); rgbtGreen := GetGValue(cColor); rgbtRed := GetRValue(cColor); end; end; function SameColor(const AColor1, AColor2: TRGBTriple): Boolean; begin Result := CompareMem(@AColor1, @AColor2, SizeOf(TRGBTriple)); end; var bmpCompare: TBitmap; bOk: Boolean; cImage: TRGBTriple; cMask: TRGBTriple; iBit: Integer; iPosition: Integer; iX: Integer; iY: Integer; pCompare: PRGBTripleArray; pImage: PRGBTripleArray; pMask: PByteArray; begin // Technique used here: draw the image twice, once on the background color, // once on black. Loop through the two images, check if a pixel is the // background color on one image and black on the other; if so then it's // fully transparent. This doesn't eliminate all problems with alpha images, // but it's the best option (at least for pre-XP systems). // // Note that components using ImageList.Draw will have full alpha support, // this routine only ensures compatibility with ImageList_Draw components. // TMenu is among the first, TToolbar and similar are amongst the latter. with AImage do begin Width := Self.Width; Height := Self.Height; PixelFormat := pf24bit; with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := FBackground; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); bOk := DrawGraphic(AIndex, Canvas, 0, 0, FEnabled); end; end; with AMask do begin Width := Self.Width; Height := Self.Height; PixelFormat := pf1bit; with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); end; end; // No point in looping through the // images if they're blank anyways... if not bOk then exit; bmpCompare := TBitmap.Create; try with bmpCompare do begin Width := Self.Width; Height := Self.Height; PixelFormat := pf24bit; with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); DrawGraphic(AIndex, Canvas, 0, 0, FEnabled); end; end; cImage := RGBTriple(FBackground); cMask := RGBTriple(clBlack); for iY := 0 to AImage.Height - 1 do begin pImage := AImage.ScanLine[iY]; pCompare := bmpCompare.ScanLine[iY]; pMask := AMask.ScanLine[iY]; iPosition := 0; iBit := 128; for iX := 0 to AImage.Width - 1 do begin if iBit = 128 then pMask^[iPosition] := 0; if SameColor(pImage^[iX], cImage) and SameColor(pCompare^[iX], cMask) then begin // Transparent pixel FillChar(pImage^[iX], SizeOf(TRGBTriple), $00); pMask^[iPosition] := pMask^[iPosition] or iBit; end; iBit := iBit shr 1; if iBit < 1 then begin iBit := 128; Inc(iPosition); end; end; end; finally FreeAndNil(bmpCompare); end; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.AddImage(const AIndex: Integer); var bmpImage: TBitmap; bmpMask: TBitmap; begin if csLoading in ComponentState then exit; if CanConvert then begin BeginUpdate; try bmpImage := TBitmap.Create; bmpMask := TBitmap.Create; try BuildImage(AIndex, bmpImage, bmpMask); Assert(AIndex <= Self.Count, 'AAAH! Images out of sync! *panics*'); if AIndex = Self.Count then Add(bmpImage, bmpMask) else Insert(AIndex, bmpImage, bmpMask); finally FreeAndNil(bmpMask); FreeAndNil(bmpImage); end; finally EndUpdate; end; end else UpdateImageCount; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.UpdateImage(const AIndex: Integer); var bmpImage: TBitmap; bmpMask: TBitmap; begin if csLoading in ComponentState then exit; if not CanConvert then Exit; if (AIndex < 0) or (AIndex >= Count) then exit; BeginUpdate; try bmpImage := TBitmap.Create; bmpMask := TBitmap.Create; try BuildImage(AIndex, bmpImage, bmpMask); Replace(AIndex, bmpImage, bmpMask); finally FreeAndNil(bmpMask); FreeAndNil(bmpImage); end; finally EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.DeleteImage(const AIndex: Integer); begin if CanConvert then begin BeginUpdate; try Delete(AIndex); finally EndUpdate; end; end else UpdateImageCount; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.MoveImage(const AOldIndex, ANewIndex: Integer); begin if CanConvert then begin BeginUpdate; try Move(AOldIndex, ANewIndex); finally EndUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.UpdateImageCount; begin if not Assigned(Container) then Clear else ImageList_SetImageCount(Self.Handle, Container.GraphicCount); end; procedure TX2GraphicList.RebuildImages; var iIndex: Integer; begin if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then Exit; BeginUpdate; try if not Assigned(FContainer) then begin Clear; end else begin UpdateImageCount; if CanConvert then begin for iIndex := 0 to Pred(FContainer.GraphicCount) do UpdateImage(iIndex); end; end; finally EndUpdate; inherited Change; end; end; function TX2GraphicList.CanConvert: Boolean; begin Result := FConvert or (csDesigning in ComponentState); end; {========================= TX2GraphicList Properties ========================================} procedure TX2GraphicList.ReadData(Stream: TStream); begin end; procedure TX2GraphicList.WriteData(Stream: TStream); begin end; procedure TX2GraphicList.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FContainer) then SetContainer(nil); inherited; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.SetBackground(const Value: TColor); begin FBackground := Value; RebuildImages; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.SetContainer(const Value: TX2GraphicContainer); begin if Assigned(FContainer) then begin FContainer.UnregisterList(Self); FContainer.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); end; FContainer := Value; if Assigned(FContainer) then begin FContainer.FreeNotification(Self); FContainer.RegisterList(Self); end; RebuildImages; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.SetConvert(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FConvert then begin FConvert := Value; RebuildImages; end; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin FEnabled := Value; RebuildImages; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.SetStretchMode(const Value: TX2GLStretchMode); begin FStretchMode := Value; RebuildImages; end; procedure TX2GraphicList.BeginUpdate; begin Inc(FUpdateCount); end; procedure TX2GraphicList.EndUpdate; begin Assert(FUpdateCount > 0, 'EndUpdate without matching BeginUpdate!'); Dec(FUpdateCount); end; { TDeprecatedGraphicItem } constructor TDeprecatedGraphicItem.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin inherited; FPicture := TPicture.Create; end; destructor TDeprecatedGraphicItem.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FPicture); inherited; end; procedure TDeprecatedGraphicItem.SetPicture(const Value: TPicture); begin FPicture.Assign(Value); end; initialization RegisterClass(TX2GraphicContainerItem); CustomDrawImageProcs := TList.Create; finalization FreeAndNil(CustomDrawImageProcs); end.