{: Provides temporary file functions. Last changed: $Date$ Revision: $Rev$ Author: $Author$ } unit X2UtTempFile; interface function GetAppDataPath(): String; function GetTempFile(const APrefix: String): String; overload; function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload; function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName: String): String; overload; function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload; function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName: String): String; overload; function IsValidFileChar(const AChar: Char): Boolean; function CheckValidFileName(var AFileName: String; const AReplacement: Char = #0): Boolean; implementation uses ShlObj, SysUtils, Windows; {$I X2UtCompilerVersion.inc} function GetAppDataPath(): String; var path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin FillChar(path, SizeOf(path), #0); if not SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, @path, CSIDL_APPDATA, True) then begin FillChar(path, SizeOf(path), #0); GetTempPath(SizeOf(path), @path); end; Result := path; if Length(Result) > 0 then Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result); end; function GetTempFile(const APrefix: String): String; overload; var tempPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; tempFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin FillChar(tempPath, SizeOf(tempPath), #0); FillChar(tempFile, SizeOf(tempFile), #0); Windows.GetTempPath(SizeOf(tempPath), @tempPath); Windows.GetTempFileName(@tempPath, PChar(APrefix), 0, @tempFile); Result := String(tempFile); end; function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload; var iCounter: Integer; sBase: String; sExtension: String; begin iCounter := 0; sBase := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(APath); if not ForceDirectories(sBase) then begin Result := ''; exit; end; sExtension := AExtension; if (Length(sExtension) > 0) and (AnsiPos('.', sExtension) = 0) then sExtension := '.' + sExtension; sBase := sBase + AFileName; Result := sBase + sExtension; while FileExists(Result) do begin Inc(iCounter); Result := Format('%s(%d)%s', [sBase, iCounter, sExtension]); end; end; function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName: String): String; overload; var sExt: String; begin sExt := ExtractFileExt(AFileName); Result := GetTempFile(APath, Copy(AFileName, 1, Length(AFileName) - Length(sExt)), sExt); end; function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload; begin Result := GetTempFile(GetAppDataPath + ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension); end; function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName: String): String; overload; var sExt: String; begin sExt := ExtractFileExt(AFileName); Result := GetTempAppDataFile(ASubPath, Copy(AFileName, 1, Length(AFileName) - Length(sExt)), sExt); end; function IsValidFileChar(const AChar: Char): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF DXE2PLUS} Result := not CharInSet(AChar, ['\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|']); {$ELSE} Result := not (AChar in ['\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|']); {$ENDIF} end; function CheckValidFileName(var AFileName: String; const AReplacement: Char): Boolean; var iPos: Integer; begin Result := True; for iPos := Length(AFileName) downto 1 do if not IsValidFileChar(AFileName[iPos]) then begin Result := False; if AReplacement = #0 then Delete(AFileName, iPos, 1) else AFileName[iPos] := AReplacement; end; end; end.