{ Helpers functions for the X2Software XML Data Binding Last changed: $Date: 2010-07-15 12:57:03 +0200 (do, 15 jul 2010) $ Revision: $Rev: 54 $ URL: $URL: http://svn.kamadev.net/private/XMLDataBinding/trunk/Shared/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas $ } unit XMLDataBindingUtils; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, XMLIntf; type EBase64Error = class(Exception); TXMLDateTimeFormat = (xdtDateTime, xdtDate, xdtTime); TXMLTimeFragment = (xtfMilliseconds, xtfTimezone); TXMLTimeFragments = set of TXMLTimeFragment; IXSDValidate = interface ['{3BFDC851-7459-403B-87B3-A52E9E85BC8C}'] procedure XSDValidate; end; const AllTimeFragments = [Low(TXMLTimeFragment)..High(TXMLTimeFragment)]; function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments = AllTimeFragments): string; function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime; function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString; function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean; function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString; function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended; function Base64Encode(AValue: String): String; function Base64Decode(AValue: String): String; function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean; procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean); procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean = True; AValidateParent: Boolean = True); procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string); const XMLSchemaInstanceURI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'; XMLDateFormat = 'yyyy"-"mm"-"dd'; XMLTimeFormat = 'hh":"nn":"ss'; XMLMsecsFormat = '"."zzz'; XMLTimezoneZulu = 'Z'; XMLTimezoneFormat = '%s%.2d:%.2d'; XMLDateTimeFormats: array[TXMLDateTimeFormat] of String = ( XMLDateFormat + '"T"' + XMLTimeFormat, XMLDateFormat, XMLTimeFormat ); XMLTimezoneSigns: array[Boolean] of Char = ('-', '+'); XMLBoolValues: array[Boolean] of String = ( 'false', 'true' ); XMLIsNilAttribute = 'nil'; Base64ValidChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/']; Base64LookupTable = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789+/'; Base64Padding = '='; implementation uses DateUtils, Math, Types, Windows, X2UtDelphiCompatibility; type PSortNodeInfo = ^TSortNodeInfo; TSortNodeInfo = record Node: IXMLNode; SortIndex: Integer; OriginalIndex: Integer; end; function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments): string; var formatSettings: TFormatSettings; timeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; timeOffset: Integer; begin formatSettings := GetDefaultFormatSettings; Result := FormatDateTime(XMLDateTimeFormats[AFormat], ADate, formatSettings); if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then begin if xtfMilliseconds in ATimeFragments then Result := Result + FormatDateTime(XMLMsecsFormat, ADate); if xtfTimezone in ATimeFragments then begin FillChar(timeZone, SizeOf(TTimeZoneInformation), #0); if GetTimeZoneInformation(timeZone) <> TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then begin timeOffset := -timeZone.Bias; if timeOffset = 0 then Result := Result + XMLTimezoneZulu else Result := Result + Format(XMLTimezoneFormat, [XMLTimezoneSigns[timeOffset > 0], Abs(timeZone.Bias div 60), Abs(timeZone.Bias mod 60)]); end; end; end; end; function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime; const { yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss.zzz+xx:xx } XMLTimeSeparatorPos = 11; XMLTimeSeparator = 'T'; XMLMinTimeLength = 8; var date: string; time: string; year: Integer; month: Integer; day: Integer; hour: Integer; minute: Integer; second: Integer; msec: Integer; hasTimezone: Boolean; xmlOffset: Integer; timeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; localOffset: Integer; begin Result := 0; date := ''; time := ''; case AFormat of xdtDateTime: begin if (Length(ADate) < XMLTimeSeparatorPos) or (ADate[XMLTimeSeparatorPos] <> XMLTimeSeparator) then Exit; date := ADate; time := ADate; SetLength(date, Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos)); Delete(time, 1, XMLTimeSeparatorPos); end; xdtDate: begin if Length(ADate) < Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos) then Exit; date := ADate; end; xdtTime: begin if Length(ADate) < XMLMinTimeLength then Exit; time := ADate; end; end; if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtDate] then begin { Parse date (yyyy-mm-hh) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 1, 4), year) and TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 6, 2), month) and TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 9, 2), day) then Result := EncodeDate(year, month, day); end; if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then begin { Parse time (hh:nn:ss) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 1, 2), hour) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 4, 2), minute) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 7, 2), second) then begin msec := 0; Delete(time, 1, 8); if Length(time) > 0 then begin if time[1] = '.' then begin { Parse milliseconds (.zzz) } if not TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 2, 3), msec) then msec := 0; Delete(time, 1, 4); end; end; Result := Result + EncodeTime(hour, minute, second, msec); if Length(time) > 0 then begin hasTimezone := False; xmlOffset := 0; if time[1] = XMLTimezoneZulu then begin { Zulu time } hasTimezone := True; end else if CharInSet(time[1], [XMLTimezoneSigns[False], XMLTimezoneSigns[True]]) then begin { Parse timezone ([+|-]xx:xx) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 2, 2), hour) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 5, 2), minute) then begin xmlOffset := (hour * MinsPerHour) + minute; hasTimezone := True; if time[1] = XMLTimezoneSigns[False] then xmlOffset := -xmlOffset; end; end; if hasTimezone then begin FillChar(timeZone, SizeOf(TTimeZoneInformation), #0); if GetTimeZoneInformation(timeZone) <> TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then begin localOffset := -timeZone.Bias; Result := IncMinute(Result, localOffset - xmlOffset); end; end; end; end; end; end; function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString; begin Result := XMLBoolValues[AValue]; end; function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := StrToBoolDef(AValue, False); end; function GetXMLFloatFormatSettings(): TFormatSettings; begin Result.DecimalSeparator := '.'; end; function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString; begin Result := FloatToStr(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings()); end; function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended; begin Result := StrToFloat(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings()); end; function Base64Encode(AValue: String): String; var pos: Integer; lookupIndex: array[0..3] of Byte; padCount: Integer; begin Result := ''; if Length(AValue) = 0 then exit; padCount := 0; { At least 3 input bytes are required, and the input must be a multiple of 3 } if Length(AValue) < 3 then padCount := 3 - Length(AValue) else if Length(AValue) mod 3 <> 0 then padCount := 3 - (Length(AValue) mod 3); if padCount > 0 then AValue := AValue + StringOfChar(#0, padCount); pos := 1; { Process in 3-byte blocks } while pos <= Length(AValue) - 2 do begin { Each 3 input bytes are converted into 4 index values in the range of 0..63, by taking 6 bits each step. 6 high bytes of first char } lookupIndex[0] := (Ord(AValue[pos]) shr 2) and $3F; { 2 low bytes of first char + 4 high bytes of second char } lookupIndex[1] := ((Ord(AValue[pos]) shl 4) and $3F) or (Ord(AValue[pos + 1]) shr 4); { 4 low bytes of second char + 2 high bytes of third char } lookupIndex[2] :=((Ord(AValue[pos + 1]) shl 2) and $3F) or (Ord(AValue[pos + 2]) shr 6); { 6 low bytes of third char } lookupIndex[3] := Ord(AValue[pos + 2]) and $3F; Result := Result + Base64LookupTable[lookupIndex[0] + 1] + Base64LookupTable[lookupIndex[1] + 1] + Base64LookupTable[lookupIndex[2] + 1] + Base64LookupTable[lookupIndex[3] + 1]; Inc(pos, 3); end; { Replace padding } if padCount > 0 then begin for pos := Length(Result) downto Length(Result) - Pred(padCount) do Result[pos] := Base64Padding; end; end; function Base64LookupIndex(AChar: Char): Byte; var lookupIndex: Integer; begin Result := Ord(Base64Padding); for lookupIndex := 1 to Length(Base64LookupTable) do if Base64LookupTable[lookupIndex] = AChar then begin Result := Pred(lookupIndex); break; end; end; function Base64Decode(AValue: String): String; var pos: Integer; padCount: Integer; value: Byte; begin Result := ''; if Length(AValue) = 0 then exit; if Length(AValue) mod 4 <> 0 then raise EBase64Error.Create('Value length must be a multiple of 4'); padCount := 0; pos := Length(AValue); { Count padding chars } while (pos > 0) and (AValue[pos] = Base64Padding) do begin Inc(padCount); Dec(pos); end; Result := ''; pos := 1; while pos <= Length(AValue) - 3 do begin value := (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos]) shl 2) or (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos + 1]) shr 4); Result := Result + Chr(value); value := (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos + 1]) shl 4) or (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos + 2]) shr 2); Result := Result + Chr(value); value := (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos + 2]) shl 6) or (Base64LookupIndex(AValue[pos + 3])); Result := Result + Chr(value); Inc(pos, 4); end; { Delete padding } if padCount > 0 then SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - padCount); end; function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean; begin Result := ANode.HasAttribute(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI) and XMLToBool(ANode.GetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI)); end; procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean); begin if ASetNil then begin ANode.ChildNodes.Clear; ANode.SetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI, BoolToXML(True)); end else ANode.AttributeNodes.Delete(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI); end; function DoSortNodes(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; var nodeInfo1: PSortNodeInfo; nodeInfo2: PSortNodeInfo; begin nodeInfo1 := Item1; nodeInfo2 := Item2; if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex > -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex = -1) then Result := GreaterThanValue else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex > -1) then Result := LessThanValue else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex = -1) then Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.OriginalIndex, nodeInfo2^.OriginalIndex) else Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.SortIndex, nodeInfo2^.SortIndex); end; procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse, AValidateParent: Boolean); var validate: IXSDValidate; childIndex: Integer; begin if AValidateParent and Supports(AParent, IXSDValidate, validate) then validate.XSDValidate; if ARecurse then begin for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do XSDValidate(AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex], ARecurse, True); end; end; procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); var nodeIndex: Integer; node: IXMLNode; begin for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do begin if not Assigned(AParent.ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then begin node := AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ANodes[nodeIndex], AParent.NamespaceURI); AParent.ChildNodes.Add(node); end; end; end; procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); var nodeIndex: Integer; begin for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do begin if not Assigned(AParent.AttributeNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then AParent.Attributes[ANodes[nodeIndex]] := ''; end; end; procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string); var sortList: TList; nodeInfo: PSortNodeInfo; childIndex: Integer; sortIndex: Integer; node: IXMLNode; begin sortList := TList.Create; try { Build a list of the child nodes, with their original index and the index in the ASortOrder array. } for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do begin New(nodeInfo); nodeInfo^.Node := AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex]; nodeInfo^.OriginalIndex := childIndex; for sortIndex := Low(ASortOrder) to High(ASortOrder) do begin if ASortOrder[sortIndex] = nodeInfo^.Node.NodeName then begin nodeInfo^.SortIndex := sortIndex; Break; end; end; sortList.Add(nodeInfo); end; sortList.Sort(DoSortNodes); { Rebuild the ChildNodes list } for childIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do begin node := PSortNodeInfo(sortList[childIndex])^.Node; AParent.ChildNodes.Remove(node); AParent.ChildNodes.Insert(childIndex, node); end; finally for sortIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do Dispose(PSortNodeInfo(sortList[sortIndex])); FreeAndNil(sortList); end; end; end.