{ :: X2UtNamedFormat implements Format-style functionality using named :: instead of indexed parameters. :: :: Last changed: $Date$ :: Revision: $Rev$ :: Author: $Author$ } unit X2UtNamedFormat; interface uses Classes; type TNamedFormatStringList = class(TStringList) public procedure AddLn(); function Format(AParams: array of const): String; end; { AFormat uses the same format strings as SysUtils.Format, where each format specifier may use a named instead of a numeric index, surrounded by <>, eg: %:s %:.2d AParams contains alternating the parameter name and it's value. Note: NamedFormat works by mapping names to indices and passing the result to SysUtils.Format. Unnamed or existing indexed specifiers will therefore be affected by named specifiers! It is strongly recommended to name all specifiers. } function NamedFormat(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const): String; implementation uses SysUtils; type TProtectedMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream); const SpecifierChar = '%'; SpecifierNameStart = '<'; SpecifierNameEnd = '>'; ValidNameChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_']; procedure StreamWriteChar(const AStream: TStream; const AValue: Char); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue, SizeOf(Char)); end; procedure StreamWriteString(const AStream: TStream; const AValue: String); begin AStream.WriteBuffer(PChar(AValue)^, Length(AValue)); end; function FindNameEnd(const APosition: PChar; const AEnd: PChar): PChar; var position: PChar; begin Result := nil; position := APosition; while position < AEnd do begin if position^ = SpecifierNameEnd then begin Result := position; break; end; if not (position^ in ValidNameChars) then break; Inc(position); end; end; function NamedFormat(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const): String; var currentPos: PChar; formatEnd: PChar; formatStream: TMemoryStream; formatString: String; name: String; nameEnd: PChar; nameStart: PChar; param: TVarRec; paramIndex: Integer; paramNames: TStringList; paramValues: array of TVarRec; specifierIndex: Integer; begin if Length(AParams) mod 2 = 1 then raise Exception.Create('AParams must contains a multiple of 2 number of items'); currentPos := PChar(AFormat); SetLength(paramValues, 0); formatEnd := currentPos; Inc(formatEnd, Length(AFormat)); paramNames := TStringList.Create(); try paramNames.CaseSensitive := False; formatStream := TMemoryStream.Create(); try { Most likely scenario; the names are longer than the replacement indexes. } TProtectedMemoryStream(formatStream).Capacity := Length(AFormat); while currentPos < formatEnd do begin { Search for % } if currentPos^ = SpecifierChar then begin StreamWriteChar(formatStream, currentPos^); Inc(currentPos); { Check if this is indeed a named specifier } if (currentPos < formatEnd) and (currentPos^ = SpecifierNameStart) then begin Inc(currentPos); nameStart := currentPos; nameEnd := FindNameEnd(currentPos, formatEnd); if Assigned(nameEnd) then begin SetString(name, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart); specifierIndex := paramNames.IndexOf(name); if specifierIndex = -1 then specifierIndex := paramNames.Add(name); StreamWriteString(formatStream, IntToStr(specifierIndex)); currentPos := nameEnd; end; end; end else StreamWriteChar(formatStream, currentPos^); Inc(currentPos); end; SetString(formatString, PChar(formatStream.Memory), formatStream.Size); finally FreeAndNil(formatStream); end; SetLength(paramValues, paramNames.Count); paramIndex := 0; while paramIndex < High(AParams) do begin param := AParams[paramIndex]; case param.VType of vtChar: name := param.VChar; vtString: name := param.VString^; vtPChar: name := param.VPChar; vtAnsiString: name := PChar(param.VAnsiString); else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Parameter name at index %d is not a string value', [paramIndex div 2]); end; Inc(paramIndex); specifierIndex := paramNames.IndexOf(name); if specifierIndex > -1 then paramValues[specifierIndex] := AParams[paramIndex]; Inc(paramIndex); end; finally FreeAndNil(paramNames); end; Result := Format(formatString, paramValues); end; { TNamedFormatStringList } procedure TNamedFormatStringList.AddLn; begin Add(''); end; function TNamedFormatStringList.Format(AParams: array of const): String; begin Result := NamedFormat(Text, AParams); end; end.