{ Helpers functions for the X2Software XML Data Binding Last changed: $Date: 2010-07-15 12:57:03 +0200 (do, 15 jul 2010) $ Revision: $Rev: 54 $ URL: $URL: http://svn.kamadev.net/private/XMLDataBinding/trunk/Shared/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas $ } unit XMLDataBindingUtils; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, XMLDoc, xmldom, XMLIntf; type EBase64Error = class(Exception); TXMLDateTimeFormat = (xdtDateTime, xdtDate, xdtTime); TXMLTimeFragment = (xtfMilliseconds, xtfTimezone); TXMLTimeFragments = set of TXMLTimeFragment; IXSDValidate = interface ['{3BFDC851-7459-403B-87B3-A52E9E85BC8C}'] procedure XSDValidate; end; TX2XMLNode = class(TXMLNode) private function GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode; protected property ChildNodesNS[const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString]: IXMLNode read GetChildNodesNS; end; TX2XMLNodeCollection = class(TXMLNodeCollection) private function GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode; protected property ChildNodesNS[const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString]: IXMLNode read GetChildNodesNS; end; TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator = class(TInterfacedObject) private FNodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection; FIndex: Integer; public constructor Create(ANodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection); function GetCurrent: IXMLNode; function MoveNext: Boolean; virtual; property Current: IXMLNode read GetCurrent; end; const AllTimeFragments = [Low(TXMLTimeFragment)..High(TXMLTimeFragment)]; function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments = AllTimeFragments): string; function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime; function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString; function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean; function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString; function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended; function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean; procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean); procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean = True; AValidateParent: Boolean = True); procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string); { Now wraps the JclMime implementation: Lightening fast Mime (Base64) Encoding and Decoding routines. Coded by Ralf Junker (ralfjunker@gmx.de).} function Base64Encode(AValue: String): String; function Base64Decode(AValue: String): String; procedure Base64DecodeToStream(AValue: String; AStream: TStream); procedure Base64DecodeToFile(AValue: String; const AFileName: String); const XMLSchemaInstanceURI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'; XMLDateFormat = 'yyyy"-"mm"-"dd'; XMLTimeFormat = 'hh":"nn":"ss'; XMLMsecsFormat = '"."zzz'; XMLTimezoneZulu = 'Z'; XMLTimezoneFormat = '%s%.2d:%.2d'; XMLDateTimeFormats: array[TXMLDateTimeFormat] of String = ( XMLDateFormat + '"T"' + XMLTimeFormat, XMLDateFormat, XMLTimeFormat ); XMLTimezoneSigns: array[Boolean] of Char = ('-', '+'); XMLBoolValues: array[Boolean] of String = ( 'false', 'true' ); XMLIsNilAttribute = 'nil'; XMLIsNilAttributeNS = 'xsi:nil'; Base64ValidChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/']; Base64LookupTable = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789+/'; Base64Padding = '='; implementation uses DateUtils, Math, Types, Windows, X2UtDelphiCompatibility; type PSortNodeInfo = ^TSortNodeInfo; TSortNodeInfo = record Node: IXMLNode; SortIndex: Integer; OriginalIndex: Integer; end; function MimeEncodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; forward; function MimeDecodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; forward; procedure MimeEncodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); forward; procedure MimeDecodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); forward; function MimeEncodedSize(const I: Cardinal): Cardinal; forward; function MimeDecodedSize(const I: Cardinal): Cardinal; forward; procedure MimeEncode(var InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer); forward; function MimeDecode(var InputBuffer; const InputBytesCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer): Cardinal; forward; function MimeDecodePartial(var InputBuffer; const InputBytesCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer; var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal; forward; function MimeDecodePartialEnd(var OutputBuffer; const ByteBuffer: Cardinal; const ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal; forward; { TX2XMLNode } function TX2XMLNode.GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode; begin Result := ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI); if (not Assigned(Result)) and (doNodeAutoCreate in OwnerDocument.Options) then Result := AddChild(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI); end; { TX2XMLNodeCollection } function TX2XMLNodeCollection.GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode; begin Result := ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI); if (not Assigned(Result)) and (doNodeAutoCreate in OwnerDocument.Options) then Result := AddChild(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI); end; { TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator } constructor TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.Create(ANodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection); begin inherited Create; FNodeCollection := ANodeCollection; FIndex := -1; end; function TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.GetCurrent: IXMLNode; begin if (FIndex >= 0) and (FIndex < FNodeCollection.Count) then Result := FNodeCollection.Nodes[FIndex] else Result := nil; end; function TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean; begin Inc(FIndex); Result := (FIndex < FNodeCollection.Count); end; function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments): string; var formatSettings: TFormatSettings; timeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; timeOffset: Integer; begin formatSettings := GetDefaultFormatSettings; Result := FormatDateTime(XMLDateTimeFormats[AFormat], ADate, formatSettings); if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then begin if xtfMilliseconds in ATimeFragments then Result := Result + FormatDateTime(XMLMsecsFormat, ADate); if xtfTimezone in ATimeFragments then begin FillChar(timeZone, SizeOf(TTimeZoneInformation), #0); if GetTimeZoneInformation(timeZone) <> TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then begin timeOffset := -timeZone.Bias; if timeOffset = 0 then Result := Result + XMLTimezoneZulu else Result := Result + Format(XMLTimezoneFormat, [XMLTimezoneSigns[timeOffset > 0], Abs(timeZone.Bias div 60), Abs(timeZone.Bias mod 60)]); end; end; end; end; function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime; const { yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss.zzz+xx:xx } XMLTimeSeparatorPos = 11; XMLTimeSeparator = 'T'; XMLMinTimeLength = 8; var date: string; time: string; year: Integer; month: Integer; day: Integer; hour: Integer; minute: Integer; second: Integer; msec: Integer; hasTimezone: Boolean; xmlOffset: Integer; timeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; localOffset: Integer; begin Result := 0; date := ''; time := ''; case AFormat of xdtDateTime: begin if (Length(ADate) < XMLTimeSeparatorPos) or (ADate[XMLTimeSeparatorPos] <> XMLTimeSeparator) then Exit; date := ADate; time := ADate; SetLength(date, Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos)); Delete(time, 1, XMLTimeSeparatorPos); end; xdtDate: begin if Length(ADate) < Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos) then Exit; date := ADate; end; xdtTime: begin if Length(ADate) < XMLMinTimeLength then Exit; time := ADate; end; end; if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtDate] then begin { Parse date (yyyy-mm-hh) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 1, 4), year) and TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 6, 2), month) and TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 9, 2), day) then Result := EncodeDate(year, month, day); end; if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then begin { Parse time (hh:nn:ss) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 1, 2), hour) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 4, 2), minute) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 7, 2), second) then begin msec := 0; Delete(time, 1, 8); if Length(time) > 0 then begin if time[1] = '.' then begin { Parse milliseconds (.zzz) } if not TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 2, 3), msec) then msec := 0; Delete(time, 1, 4); end; end; Result := Result + EncodeTime(hour, minute, second, msec); if Length(time) > 0 then begin hasTimezone := False; xmlOffset := 0; if time[1] = XMLTimezoneZulu then begin { Zulu time } hasTimezone := True; end else if CharInSet(time[1], [XMLTimezoneSigns[False], XMLTimezoneSigns[True]]) then begin { Parse timezone ([+|-]xx:xx) } if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 2, 2), hour) and TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 5, 2), minute) then begin xmlOffset := (hour * MinsPerHour) + minute; hasTimezone := True; if time[1] = XMLTimezoneSigns[False] then xmlOffset := -xmlOffset; end; end; if hasTimezone then begin FillChar(timeZone, SizeOf(TTimeZoneInformation), #0); if GetTimeZoneInformation(timeZone) <> TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID then begin localOffset := -timeZone.Bias; Result := IncMinute(Result, localOffset - xmlOffset); end; end; end; end; end; end; function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString; begin Result := XMLBoolValues[AValue]; end; function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := StrToBoolDef(AValue, False); end; function GetXMLFloatFormatSettings(): TFormatSettings; begin Result.DecimalSeparator := '.'; end; function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString; begin Result := FloatToStr(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings()); end; function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended; begin Result := StrToFloat(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings()); end; function Base64Encode(AValue: String): String; begin Result := string(MimeEncodeString(AnsiString(AValue))); end; function Base64Decode(AValue: String): String; begin Result := string(MimeDecodeString(AnsiString(AValue))); end; procedure Base64DecodeToStream(AValue: String; AStream: TStream); var input: TStringStream; begin input := TStringStream.Create(AValue); try MimeDecodeStream(input, AStream); finally FreeAndNil(input); end; end; procedure Base64DecodeToFile(AValue: String; const AFileName: String); var input: TStringStream; output: TFileStream; begin input := TStringStream.Create(AValue); try output := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite); try MimeDecodeStream(input, output); finally FreeAndNil(output); end; finally FreeAndNil(input); end; end; function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean; begin Result := ANode.HasAttribute(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI) and XMLToBool(ANode.GetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI)); end; procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean); var documentElement: IXMLNode; begin if ASetNil then begin ANode.ChildNodes.Clear; documentElement := ANode.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement; if not documentElement.HasAttribute('xmlns:xsi') then documentElement.SetAttributeNS('xmlns:xsi', '', XMLSchemaInstanceURI); ANode.SetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttributeNS, XMLSchemaInstanceURI, BoolToXML(True)); end else ANode.AttributeNodes.Delete(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI); end; function DoSortNodes(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; var nodeInfo1: PSortNodeInfo; nodeInfo2: PSortNodeInfo; begin nodeInfo1 := Item1; nodeInfo2 := Item2; if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex > -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex = -1) then Result := GreaterThanValue else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex > -1) then Result := LessThanValue else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = nodeInfo2^.SortIndex) then Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.OriginalIndex, nodeInfo2^.OriginalIndex) else Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.SortIndex, nodeInfo2^.SortIndex); end; procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse, AValidateParent: Boolean); var validate: IXSDValidate; childIndex: Integer; begin if AValidateParent and Supports(AParent, IXSDValidate, validate) then validate.XSDValidate; if ARecurse then begin for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do XSDValidate(AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex], ARecurse, True); end; end; procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); var nodeIndex: Integer; node: IXMLNode; begin for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do begin if not Assigned(AParent.ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then begin node := AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ANodes[nodeIndex], AParent.NamespaceURI); AParent.ChildNodes.Add(node); end; end; end; procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); var nodeIndex: Integer; begin for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do begin if not Assigned(AParent.AttributeNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then AParent.Attributes[ANodes[nodeIndex]] := ''; end; end; procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string); var sortList: TList; nodeInfo: PSortNodeInfo; childIndex: Integer; sortIndex: Integer; node: IXMLNode; begin sortList := TList.Create; try { Build a list of the child nodes, with their original index and the index in the ASortOrder array. } for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do begin New(nodeInfo); nodeInfo^.Node := AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex]; nodeInfo^.OriginalIndex := childIndex; for sortIndex := Low(ASortOrder) to High(ASortOrder) do begin if ASortOrder[sortIndex] = nodeInfo^.Node.NodeName then begin nodeInfo^.SortIndex := sortIndex; Break; end; end; sortList.Add(nodeInfo); end; sortList.Sort(DoSortNodes); { Rebuild the ChildNodes list } for childIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do begin node := PSortNodeInfo(sortList[childIndex])^.Node; AParent.ChildNodes.Remove(node); AParent.ChildNodes.Insert(childIndex, node); end; finally for sortIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do Dispose(PSortNodeInfo(sortList[sortIndex])); FreeAndNil(sortList); end; end; { --- JclMime implementation from here. } // Caution: For MimeEncodeStream and all other kinds of multi-buffered // Mime encodings (i.e. Files etc.), BufferSize must be set to a multiple of 3. // Even though the implementation of the Mime decoding routines below // do not require a particular buffer size, they work fastest with sizes of // multiples of four. The chosen size is a multiple of 3 and of 4 as well. // The following numbers are, in addition, also divisible by 1024: // $2400, $3000, $3C00, $4800, $5400, $6000, $6C00. const BUFFER_SIZE = $3000; EqualSign = Byte('='); MIME_ENCODE_TABLE: array [0..63] of Byte = ( 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, // 00 - 07 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, // 08 - 15 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, // 16 - 23 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, // 24 - 31 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, // 32 - 39 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, // 40 - 47 119, 120, 121, 122, 48, 49, 50, 51, // 48 - 55 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 43, 47); // 56 - 63 MIME_DECODE_TABLE: array [Byte] of Cardinal = ( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 00 - 07 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 08 - 15 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 16 - 23 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 24 - 31 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 32 - 39 255, 255, 255, 62, 255, 255, 255, 63, // 40 - 47 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, // 48 - 55 60, 61, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 56 - 63 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, // 64 - 71 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, // 72 - 79 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, // 80 - 87 23, 24, 25, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 88 - 95 255, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, // 96 - 103 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, // 104 - 111 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, // 112 - 119 49, 50, 51, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 120 - 127 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255); type PByte4 = ^TByte4; TByte4 = packed record B1: Byte; B2: Byte; B3: Byte; B4: Byte; end; PByte3 = ^TByte3; TByte3 = packed record B1: Byte; B2: Byte; B3: Byte; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Wrapper functions & procedures //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeEncodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; var L: Cardinal; begin L := Length(S); if L > 0 then begin SetLength(Result, MimeEncodedSize(L)); MimeEncode(PAnsiChar(S)^, L, PAnsiChar(Result)^); end else Result := ''; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeDecodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; var ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal; L: Cardinal; begin L := Length(S); if L > 0 then begin SetLength(Result, MimeDecodedSize(L)); ByteBuffer := 0; ByteBufferSpace := 4; L := MimeDecodePartial(PAnsiChar(S)^, L, PAnsiChar(Result)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace); Inc(L, MimeDecodePartialEnd(PAnsiChar(Cardinal(Result) + L)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace)); SetLength(Result, L); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure MimeEncodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); var InputBuffer: array [0..BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte; OutputBuffer: array [0..((BUFFER_SIZE + 2) div 3) * 4 - 1] of Byte; BytesRead: Integer; begin BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer)); while BytesRead > 0 do begin MimeEncode(InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer); OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeEncodedSize(BytesRead)); BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer)); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure MimeDecodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); var ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal; InputBuffer: array [0..(BUFFER_SIZE + 3) div 4 * 3 - 1] of Byte; OutputBuffer: array [0..BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte; BytesRead: Integer; begin ByteBuffer := 0; ByteBufferSpace := 4; BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer)); while BytesRead > 0 do begin OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartial(InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace)); BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer)); end; OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartialEnd(OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helper functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeEncodedSize(const I: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (I + 2) div 3 * 4; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeDecodedSize(const I: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (I + 3) div 4 * 3; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Primary functions & procedures //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure MimeEncode(var InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer); var B: Cardinal; InMax3: Cardinal; InPtr, InLimitPtr: ^Byte; OutPtr: PByte4; begin if InputByteCount <= 0 then Exit; InPtr := @InputBuffer; InMax3 := InputByteCount div 3 * 3; OutPTr := @OutputBuffer; Cardinal(InLimitPtr) := Cardinal(InPtr) + InMax3; while InPtr <> InLimitPtr do begin B := InPtr^; B := B shl 8; Inc(InPtr); B := B or InPtr^; B := B shl 8; Inc(InPtr); B := B or InPtr^; Inc(InPtr); // Write 4 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). OutPtr.B4 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPtr.B3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPtr.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPtr.B1 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B]; Inc(OutPtr); end; case InputByteCount - InMax3 of 1: begin B := InPtr^; B := B shl 4; OutPtr.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPtr.B1 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B]; OutPtr.B3 := EqualSign; // Fill remaining 2 bytes. OutPtr.B4 := EqualSign; end; 2: begin B := InPtr^; Inc(InPtr); B := B shl 8; B := B or InPtr^; B := B shl 2; OutPtr.B3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPTr.b2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F]; B := B shr 6; OutPtr.B1 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B]; OutPtr.B4 := EqualSign; // Fill remaining byte. end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeDecode(var InputBuffer; const InputBytesCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer): Cardinal; var ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal; begin ByteBuffer := 0; ByteBufferSpace := 4; Result := MimeDecodePartial(InputBuffer, InputBytesCount, OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace); Inc(Result, MimeDecodePartialEnd(PAnsiChar(Cardinal(OutputBuffer) + Result)^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeDecodePartial(var InputBuffer; const InputBytesCount: Cardinal; var OutputBuffer; var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal; var lByteBuffer, lByteBufferSpace, C: Cardinal; InPtr, InLimitPtr: ^Byte; OutPtr: PByte3; begin if InputBytesCount > 0 then begin InPtr := @InputBuffer; Cardinal(InLimitPtr) := Cardinal(InPtr) + InputBytesCount; OutPtr := @OutputBuffer; lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer; lByteBufferSpace := ByteBufferSpace; while InPtr <> InLimitPtr do begin C := MIME_DECODE_TABLE[InPtr^]; // Read from InputBuffer. Inc(InPtr); if C = $FF then Continue; lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shl 6; lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer or C; Dec(lByteBufferSpace); if lByteBufferSpace <> 0 then Continue; // Read 4 bytes from InputBuffer? OutPtr.B3 := Byte(lByteBuffer); // Write 3 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8; OutPtr.B2 := Byte(lByteBuffer); lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8; OutPtr.B1 := Byte(lByteBuffer); lByteBuffer := 0; Inc(OutPtr); lByteBufferSpace := 4; end; ByteBuffer := lByteBuffer; ByteBufferSpace := lByteBufferSpace; Result := Cardinal(OutPtr) - Cardinal(@OutputBuffer); end else Result := 0; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MimeDecodePartialEnd(var OutputBuffer; const ByteBuffer: Cardinal; const ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): Cardinal; var lByteBuffer: Cardinal; begin case ByteBufferSpace of 1: begin lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 2; PByte3(@OutputBuffer).B2 := Byte(lByteBuffer); lByteBuffer := lByteBuffer shr 8; PByte3(@OutputBuffer).B1 := Byte(lByteBuffer); Result := 2; end; 2: begin lByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 4; PByte3(@OutputBuffer).B1 := Byte(lByteBuffer); Result := 1; end; else Result := 0; end; end; end.