unit UBits; interface uses TestFramework; type TBitsTest = class(TTestCase) published procedure testGet(); procedure testSet(); procedure testCombine(); procedure testBitsToString(); procedure testStringToBits(); end; implementation uses X2UtBits; const BitsTest = [bit1, bit2, bit4, bit7]; BitsValue = 150; BitsString = '10010110'; { TBitsTest } procedure TBitsTest.testGet; var bValue: Byte; eBits: T8Bits absolute bValue; begin bValue := BitsValue; Check(eBits = BitsTest, 'Bits do not match the value!'); end; procedure TBitsTest.testSet; var bValue: Byte; eBits: T8Bits absolute bValue; begin eBits := BitsTest; Check(bValue = BitsValue, 'Value does not match the bits!'); end; procedure TBitsTest.testCombine; var eBits1: T8Bits; eBits2: T8Bits; bValue: Byte absolute eBits1; begin eBits1 := [bit1, bit7]; eBits2 := [bit2, bit4]; eBits1 := eBits1 + eBits2; Check(bValue = BitsValue, 'Value does not match the bits!'); end; procedure TBitsTest.testBitsToString; var eBits: T8Bits; sValue: String; begin eBits := BitsTest; sValue := BitsToString(eBits, bs8); Check(sValue = BitsString, 'Bits do not match the string!'); end; procedure TBitsTest.testStringToBits; var eBits: T8Bits; sValue: String; begin sValue := BitsString; eBits := StringToBits(sValue); Check(eBits = BitsTest, 'String does not match the bits!'); end; initialization RegisterTest(TBitsTest.Suite); end.