unit HashesTest; {$I X2UtCompilerVersion.inc} interface uses TestFramework, X2UtHashes, X2UtHashesVariants; type THashesTest = class(TTestCase) private FHash: TX2CustomHash; protected procedure TearDown; override; procedure FillTestItems; virtual; abstract; published procedure testSet; virtual; abstract; procedure testGet; virtual; abstract; procedure testClear; procedure testDelete; virtual; abstract; procedure testIterate; virtual; abstract; procedure testEnumerator; virtual; abstract; end; // Two test cases involving all value managers. // This should be sufficient for a realistic scenario. THashesSITest = class(THashesTest) private function GetHash: TX2SIHash; property Hash: TX2SIHash read GetHash; protected procedure SetUp; override; procedure FillTestItems; override; published procedure testSet; override; procedure testGet; override; procedure testDelete; override; procedure testIterate; override; procedure testEnumerator; override; end; THashesPOTest = class(THashesTest) private function GetHash: TX2POHash; property Hash: TX2POHash read GetHash; protected procedure SetUp; override; procedure FillTestItems; override; published procedure testSet; override; procedure testGet; override; procedure testDelete; override; procedure testIterate; override; procedure testEnumerator; override; end; THashesVariantTest = class(THashesTest) private function GetHash: TX2SVHash; property Hash: TX2SVHash read GetHash; protected procedure SetUp; override; procedure FillTestItems; override; published procedure testSet; override; procedure testGet; override; procedure testDelete; override; procedure testIterate; override; procedure testEnumerator; override; end; THashesBugTest = class(TTestCase) published procedure testAccessViolation; end; implementation uses SysUtils; type TObject0 = class(TObject); TObject1 = class(TObject); TObject2 = class(TObject); { THashesTest } procedure THashesTest.TearDown; begin FreeAndNil(FHash); inherited; end; procedure THashesTest.testClear; begin FillTestItems; FHash.Clear; CheckEquals(0, FHash.Count); end; { THashesSITest } procedure THashesSITest.SetUp; begin inherited; FHash := TX2SIHash.Create; end; procedure THashesSITest.FillTestItems; begin Hash['Key1'] := 1; Hash['Key2'] := 2; Hash['Key3'] := 3; end; procedure THashesSITest.testSet; begin FillTestItems; CheckEquals(3, Hash.Count); end; procedure THashesSITest.testGet; begin FillTestItems; CheckEquals(1, Hash['Key1']); CheckEquals(2, Hash['Key2']); CheckEquals(3, Hash['Key3']); end; procedure THashesSITest.testDelete; begin FillTestItems; Hash.Delete('Key2'); CheckEquals(2, Hash.Count); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists('Key1'), 'Key1 does not exist!'); CheckFalse(Hash.Exists('Key2'), 'Key2 still exists!'); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists('Key3'), 'Key3 does not exist!'); end; procedure THashesSITest.testEnumerator; var aPresent: array[1..3] of Boolean; sKey: String; begin {$IFDEF D2006PLUS} FillTestItems; FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); for sKey in Hash do begin if sKey = 'Key1' then aPresent[1] := True else if sKey = 'Key2' then aPresent[2] := True else if sKey = 'Key3' then aPresent[3] := True; end; CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Key1 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Key2 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[3], 'Key3 was not in the enumeration!'); {$ENDIF} { Not supported yet, maybe in the future. FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); for iValue in Hash.Values do aPresent[iValue] := True; CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Value of Key1 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Value of Key2 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[3], 'Value of Key3 was not in the enumeration!'); } end; procedure THashesSITest.testIterate; var aPresent: array[1..3] of Boolean; begin FillTestItems; FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); Hash.First; while Hash.Next do if ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key1') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 1)) or ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key2') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 2)) or ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key3') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 3)) then aPresent[Hash.CurrentValue] := True; CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Key1 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Key2 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[3], 'Key3 was not in the iteration!'); end; function THashesSITest.GetHash: TX2SIHash; begin Result := TX2SIHash(FHash); end; { THashesPOTest } procedure THashesPOTest.SetUp; begin inherited; FHash := TX2POHash.Create(True); end; procedure THashesPOTest.FillTestItems; begin Hash[Pointer(0)] := TObject0.Create; Hash[Pointer(1)] := TObject1.Create; Hash[Pointer(2)] := TObject2.Create; end; procedure THashesPOTest.testSet; begin FillTestItems; CheckEquals(3, Hash.Count); end; procedure THashesPOTest.testGet; begin FillTestItems; CheckTrue(Hash[Pointer(0)] is TObject0); CheckTrue(Hash[Pointer(1)] is TObject1); CheckTrue(Hash[Pointer(2)] is TObject2); end; procedure THashesPOTest.testDelete; begin FillTestItems; Hash.Delete(Pointer(1)); CheckEquals(2, Hash.Count); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists(Pointer(0)), 'Key1 does not exist!'); CheckFalse(Hash.Exists(Pointer(1)), 'Key2 still exists!'); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists(Pointer(2)), 'Key3 does not exist!'); end; procedure THashesPOTest.testEnumerator; var aPresent: array[0..2] of Boolean; pKey: Pointer; begin {$IFDEF D2006PLUS} FillTestItems; FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); for pKey in Hash do aPresent[Integer(pKey)] := True; CheckTrue(aPresent[0], 'Key1 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Key2 was not in the enumeration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Key3 was not in the enumeration!'); {$ENDIF} end; procedure THashesPOTest.testIterate; var aPresent: array[0..2] of Boolean; begin FillTestItems; FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); Hash.First; while Hash.Next do if ((Hash.CurrentKey = Pointer(0)) and (Hash.CurrentValue is TObject0)) or ((Hash.CurrentKey = Pointer(1)) and (Hash.CurrentValue is TObject1)) or ((Hash.CurrentKey = Pointer(2)) and (Hash.CurrentValue is TObject2)) then aPresent[Integer(Hash.CurrentKey)] := True; CheckTrue(aPresent[0], 'Key1 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Key2 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Key3 was not in the iteration!'); end; function THashesPOTest.GetHash: TX2POHash; begin Result := TX2POHash(FHash); end; { THashesVariantTest } procedure THashesVariantTest.SetUp; begin inherited; FHash := TX2SVHash.Create; end; function THashesVariantTest.GetHash: TX2SVHash; begin Result := TX2SVHash(FHash); end; procedure THashesVariantTest.FillTestItems; begin Hash['Key1'] := 'String'; Hash['Key2'] := 5; Hash['Key3'] := 40.4; end; procedure THashesVariantTest.testSet; begin FillTestItems; CheckEquals(3, Hash.Count); end; procedure THashesVariantTest.testGet; begin FillTestItems; CheckTrue(Hash['Key1'] = 'String'); CheckTrue(Hash['Key2'] = 5); CheckTrue(Hash['Key3'] = 40.4); end; procedure THashesVariantTest.testDelete; begin FillTestItems; Hash.Delete('Key2'); CheckEquals(2, Hash.Count); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists('Key1'), 'Key1 does not exist!'); CheckFalse(Hash.Exists('Key2'), 'Key2 still exists!'); CheckTrue(Hash.Exists('Key3'), 'Key3 does not exist!'); end; procedure THashesVariantTest.testEnumerator; begin Check(True, 'Not implemented yet.'); end; procedure THashesVariantTest.testIterate; var aPresent: array[0..2] of Boolean; begin FillTestItems; FillChar(aPresent, SizeOf(aPresent), #0); Hash.First; while Hash.Next do if ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key1') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 'String')) then aPresent[0] := True else if ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key2') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 5)) then aPresent[1] := True else if ((Hash.CurrentKey = 'Key3') and (Hash.CurrentValue = 40.4)) then aPresent[2] := True; CheckTrue(aPresent[0], 'Key1 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[1], 'Key2 was not in the iteration!'); CheckTrue(aPresent[2], 'Key3 was not in the iteration!'); end; { THashesBugTest } procedure THashesBugTest.testAccessViolation; const TestValues: array[0..878] of Integer = ( 2480044, 2480046, 2480174, 2480187, 2480188, 2480210, 2490187, 2500044, 2500046, 2500174, 2500187, 2500188, 2500210, 2530046, 2530174, 2530187, 2530188, 2530210, 2550046, 2550174, 2550187, 2550188, 2550210, 2560046, 4920097, 4920098, 4920218, 4930098, 4930099, 4930218, 4940097, 4940098, 4950098, 4950099, 4950218, 5070102, 5070164, 5090102, 5090164, 5090222, 5100102, 5110102, 5110164, 5120102, 5130104, 5130159, 5130177, 5140104, 5140105, 5140159, 5140177, 5160159, 5160177, 5210105, 5210159, 5210177, 5210184, 5210236, 5210237, 5210238, 5210290, 5210297, 5210321, 5220105, 5220159, 5220177, 5220184, 5220236, 5220237, 5220238, 5220290, 5220297, 5220321, 5240105, 5240159, 5240177, 5240184, 5240236, 5240237, 5240238, 5370105, 5370159, 5370177, 5370184, 5370236, 5370237, 5370238, 5370290, 5370297, 5380105, 5380159, 5380177, 5380184, 5380236, 5380237, 5380238, 5380290, 5380297, 5400105, 5400159, 5400177, 5400184, 5400236, 5400237, 5400238, 5450107, 5460107, 5480108, 5480109, 5480220, 5480238, 5530107, 5530158, 5540107, 5540112, 5540158, 5550112, 5550113, 5550176, 5550253, 5560108, 5560109, 5560158, 5560176, 5560220, 5560237, 5560238, 5690105, 5690107, 5690108, 5690109, 5690176, 5690184, 5690220, 5700105, 5700107, 5700112, 5700184, 5700220, 5770110, 5790112, 5790114, 5790158, 5800110, 5850111, 5930105, 5930107, 5930159, 5930177, 5930184, 5940107, 5940238, 5950105, 5950107, 5950159, 5950177, 5950184, 5960107, 5960112, 5960158, 5960238, 5980108, 5980109, 5980158, 5980220, 5980237, 5980238, 6000112, 6000113, 6000176, 6330108, 6330109, 6330176, 6330220, 6340105, 6340184, 6350108, 6350109, 6350176, 6350220, 6350238, 6360238, 6370108, 6370109, 6370176, 6370220, 6370237, 6370238, 6380220, 6380238, 6400119, 6400120, 6410119, 6410120, 6410121, 6410125, 6410221, 6420119, 6420120, 6420121, 6430119, 6430120, 6430121, 6430221, 6430251, 6440119, 6440120, 6440121, 6440124, 6440125, 6440221, 6490120, 6490121, 6490125, 6490221, 8290152, 8290153, 8290155, 8300152, 8300153, 8300154, 8300155, 8300156, 8300157, 8310152, 8310153, 8310154, 8310155, 8310156, 8310157, 8320153, 8320154, 8320155, 8320156, 8320157, 8330153, 8330154, 8330155, 8330156, 8330157, 8330302, 8340152, 8340153, 8340155, 8340255, 8340273, 8340275, 8340299, 8340300, 8340335, 8340375, 8350152, 8350153, 8350154, 8350155, 8350156, 8350157, 8350256, 8350275, 8350299, 8350300, 8350302, 8350335, 8360152, 8360153, 8360154, 8360155, 8360156, 8360157, 8370154, 8370155, 8370156, 8370157, 8370241, 8370302, 8380152, 8380153, 8380155, 8390152, 8390153, 8390154, 8390155, 8390156, 8390157, 8400152, 8400153, 8400154, 8400155, 8400156, 8400157, 8410153, 8410154, 8410155, 8410156, 8410157, 8420153, 8420154, 8420155, 8420156, 8420157, 8420302, 8430152, 8430153, 8430155, 8430255, 8430273, 8430275, 8430299, 8430300, 8430335, 8430375, 8440152, 8440153, 8440154, 8440155, 8440156, 8440157, 8440256, 8440275, 8440299, 8440300, 8440302, 8440335, 8450152, 8450153, 8450154, 8450155, 8450156, 8450157, 8460154, 8460155, 8460156, 8460157, 8460241, 8460302, 8470098, 8480102, 8480164, 8490110, 8490158, 8490176, 8490220, 8500110, 8500158, 8500176, 8500220, 8600119, 8600120, 8600121, 8600124, 8600125, 8600221, 8600251, 8620120, 8630119, 8700188, 8700210, 8700211, 8710188, 8710210, 8710211, 8720158, 8720220, 8730102, 8730164, 8740102, 8740103, 8740164, 8740165, 8780215, 8780216, 8790215, 8790216, 8790217, 8800216, 8800217, 8800258, 8800259, 8800338, 8810215, 8810216, 8810217, 8810257, 8810258, 8810259, 8810281, 8820152, 8820153, 8820154, 8820155, 8820156, 8820157, 8830152, 8830153, 8830154, 8830155, 8830156, 8830157, 8840152, 8840153, 8840154, 8840155, 8840156, 8840157, 8850152, 8850153, 8850154, 8850155, 8850156, 8850157, 8930119, 8930120, 8930121, 8950158, 8950219, 9150223, 9150224, 9150276, 9160223, 9160224, 9160225, 9160276, 9170223, 9170224, 9170225, 9170291, 9330223, 9330224, 9340223, 9340224, 9340225, 9340226, 9350223, 9350224, 9350225, 9370224, 9380226, 9380229, 9380230, 9510224, 9510227, 9520224, 9520225, 9520227, 9520254, 9520276, 9530224, 9530225, 9530254, 9530276, 9530292, 9550224, 9560227, 9560229, 9560230, 9560254, 9560276, 9560292, 9630224, 9640224, 9640225, 9640226, 9640254, 9640276, 9650224, 9650225, 9650254, 9650276, 9650292, 9680226, 9680229, 9680230, 9690224, 9690254, 9690276, 9700224, 9700225, 9700226, 9700254, 9700276, 9710224, 9710225, 9710254, 9710276, 9710291, 9710292, 9720232, 9740226, 9740229, 9740230, 9740254, 9740276, 9740292, 9930227, 9930228, 9940227, 9940228, 9960232, 9960233, 9980227, 9980230, 9980292, 9990224, 9990227, 10000224, 10000225, 10000227, 10010224, 10010225, 10020232, 10020254, 10020293, 10040227, 10040230, 10040254, 10040276, 10040292, 10050224, 10050227, 10060224, 10060225, 10060227, 10060254, 10060276, 10070224, 10070225, 10070254, 10070276, 10070292, 10080232, 10080254, 10080293, 10100227, 10100230, 10100254, 10100276, 10100292, 10230228, 10240227, 10240228, 10260233, 10350234, 10350235, 10350295, 10350343, 10360235, 10360295, 10370234, 10370235, 10370295, 10370343, 10380235, 10380295, 10390119, 10390120, 10390121, 10390125, 10390221, 10390251, 10390317, 10390342, 10400119, 10400120, 10400121, 10400125, 10400221, 10400251, 10400317, 10400342, 10450239, 10450240, 10460240, 10470240, 10470241, 10480239, 10480240, 10480241, 10500152, 10500153, 10500155, 10500255, 10500273, 10500275, 10500299, 10500300, 10500335, 10500375, 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10670097, 10670098, 10680098, 10680099, 10680218, 10690102, 10690164, 10700102, 10700164, 10700222, 10700320, 10710102, 10710103, 10710165, 10720244, 10720245, 10720277, 10720309, 10720336, 10720346, 10730244, 10730245, 10730246, 10730248, 10730260, 10730277, 10740245, 10750246, 10750248, 10750260, 10760246, 10760260, 10760336, 10760346, 10770246, 10770260, 10770336, 10770346, 10780247, 10780334, 10790244, 10790245, 10790246, 10790277, 10790309, 10800244, 10800245, 10800246, 10800260, 10800277, 10810246, 10810247, 10810248, 10810260, 10810334, 10810366, 10820244, 10820245, 10820246, 10820249, 10820277, 10820309, 10820336, 10820346, 10830244, 10830245, 10830246, 10830248, 10830249, 10830260, 10830277, 10840245, 10850246, 10850248, 10850249, 10850260, 10860246, 10860249, 10860260, 10860336, 10860346, 10870246, 10870249, 10870260, 10870336, 10870346, 10870365, 10880244, 10880245, 10880246, 10880249, 10880277, 10880309, 10890244, 10890245, 10890246, 10890249, 10890260, 10890277, 10900246, 10900247, 10900248, 10900249, 10900260, 10900366, 10910154, 10910302, 10920154, 10920302, 10930241, 10930252, 10930302, 10940241, 10940252, 10940302, 10950188, 10950210, 10960216, 10960217, 10960258, 10960259, 10960281, 10970223, 10970224, 10980223, 10980224, 10980226, 10980254, 10980276, 10990223, 10990224, 10990254, 10990276, 10990291, 10990292, 11000226, 11000229, 11000230, 11000254, 11000276, 11000292, 11010224, 11010276, 11020119, 11020120, 11020121, 11020125, 11020221, 11020251, 11020317, 11020342, 11080264, 11080265, 11090264, 11120264, 11130264, 11130265, 11140264, 11140265, 11150264, 11160264, 11160265, 11170264, 11170265, 11180264, 11190264, 11200264, 11210264, 11210265, 11220264, 11220265, 11230264, 11240264, 11250264, 11260264, 11280264, 11290264, 11300264, 11310264, 11320264, 11330264, 11340264, 11350264, 11360264, 11370264, 11390264, 11400264, 11410264, 11420264, 11430264, 11440264, 11450264); var hash: TX2IIHash; valueIndex: Integer; begin { Bug found in an import application when a bucket overflows } hash := TX2IIHash.Create; try for valueIndex := Low(TestValues) to High(TestValues) do hash[TestValues[valueIndex]] := valueIndex; for valueIndex := Low(TestValues) to High(TestValues) do CheckEquals(hash[TestValues[valueIndex]], valueIndex, 'Index: ' + IntToStr(valueIndex)); finally FreeAndNil(hash); end; end; initialization RegisterTest('Hashes', THashesSITest.Suite); RegisterTest('Hashes', THashesPOTest.Suite); RegisterTest('Hashes', THashesVariantTest.Suite); RegisterTest('Hashes', THashesBugTest.Suite); end.