From 5893767c38bce9780daae122ad3da1ead132f763 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Winkel
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 18:16:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] remove x2utils dependency
.gitmodules | 3 -
Forms/MainFrm.pas | 2 +-
Units/DelphiXMLDataBindingGenerator.pas | 1 -
Units/X2UtNamedFormat.pas | 248 +++++
Units/X2UtTempFile.pas | 145 +++
Units/XMLDataBindingGenerator.pas | 1 +
Units/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas | 1331 +++++++++++++++++++++++
X2XMLDataBinding.dpr | 5 +-
X2XMLDataBinding.dproj | 429 +++++++-
vendor/x2utils | 1 -
10 files changed, 2158 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Units/X2UtNamedFormat.pas
create mode 100644 Units/X2UtTempFile.pas
create mode 100644 Units/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas
delete mode 160000 vendor/x2utils
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index d6dbfcf..b0a3d97 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-[submodule "vendor/x2utils"]
- path = vendor/x2utils
- url =
[submodule "vendor/x2log"]
path = vendor/x2log
url =
diff --git a/Forms/MainFrm.pas b/Forms/MainFrm.pas
index 42c8c9e..142899c 100644
--- a/Forms/MainFrm.pas
+++ b/Forms/MainFrm.pas
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ uses
- XMLDataBindingGenerator, JvExMask, JvToolEdit
+ XMLDataBindingGenerator
diff --git a/Units/DelphiXMLDataBindingGenerator.pas b/Units/DelphiXMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
index 237ecd8..bdd78a3 100644
--- a/Units/DelphiXMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
+++ b/Units/DelphiXMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
@@ -1813,7 +1813,6 @@ begin
path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result);
fileName := ASchemaName.Replace('-', '_');
- fileName := fileName.Replace('./', '');
fileName := fileName + '.pas';
if Assigned(FOnGetFileName) then
diff --git a/Units/X2UtNamedFormat.pas b/Units/X2UtNamedFormat.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac67997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/X2UtNamedFormat.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ :: X2UtNamedFormat implements Format-style functionality using named
+ :: instead of indexed parameters.
+ ::
+ :: Last changed: $Date$
+ :: Revision: $Rev$
+ :: Author: $Author$
+unit X2UtNamedFormat;
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils;
+ TNamedFormatStringList = class(TStringList)
+ public
+ procedure AddLn();
+ function Format(AParams: array of const): String;
+ end;
+ {
+ AFormat uses the same format strings as SysUtils.Format, where each
+ format specifier may use a named instead of a numeric index, surrounded by
+ <>, eg:
+ %:s %:.2d
+ AParams contains alternating the parameter name and it's value.
+ Note: NamedFormat works by mapping names to indices and passing the result
+ to SysUtils.Format. Unnamed or existing indexed specifiers will therefore
+ be affected by named specifiers! It is strongly recommended to name all
+ specifiers.
+ }
+ function NamedFormat(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const; AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): String; overload;
+ function NamedFormat(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const): String; overload;
+ Windows;
+ TProtectedMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream);
+ SpecifierChar = '%';
+ SpecifierNameStart = '<';
+ SpecifierNameEnd = '>';
+ ValidNameChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'];
+procedure StreamWriteChar(const AStream: TStream; const AValue: Char);
+ AStream.WriteBuffer(AValue, SizeOf(Char));
+procedure StreamWriteString(const AStream: TStream; const AValue: String);
+ AStream.WriteBuffer(PChar(AValue)^, Length(AValue) * SizeOf(Char));
+function FindNameEnd(const APosition: PChar; const AEnd: PChar): PChar;
+ position: PChar;
+ Result := nil;
+ position := APosition;
+ while position < AEnd do
+ begin
+ if position^ = SpecifierNameEnd then
+ begin
+ Result := position;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if not CharInSet(position^, ValidNameChars) then
+ break;
+ Inc(position);
+ end;
+function NamedFormat(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const): String; overload;
+ formatSettings: TFormatSettings;
+ formatSettings := TFormatSettings.Create;
+ Result := NamedFormat(AFormat, AParams, formatSettings);
+function NamedFormat(const AFormat: string; AParams: array of const; AFormatSettings: TFormatSettings): String;
+ currentPos: PChar;
+ formatEnd: PChar;
+ formatStream: TMemoryStream;
+ formatString: String;
+ name: String;
+ nameEnd: PChar;
+ nameStart: PChar;
+ param: TVarRec;
+ paramIndex: Integer;
+ paramNames: TStringList;
+ paramValues: array of TVarRec;
+ specifierIndex: Integer;
+ errorMsg: String;
+ if Length(AParams) mod 2 = 1 then
+ raise Exception.Create('AParams must contains a multiple of 2 number of items');
+ currentPos := PChar(AFormat);
+ SetLength(paramValues, 0);
+ formatEnd := currentPos;
+ Inc(formatEnd, Length(AFormat));
+ paramNames := TStringList.Create();
+ try
+ paramNames.CaseSensitive := False;
+ formatStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
+ try
+ { Most likely scenario; the names are longer than the replacement
+ indexes. }
+ TProtectedMemoryStream(formatStream).Capacity := Length(AFormat) * SizeOf(Char);
+ while currentPos < formatEnd do
+ begin
+ { Search for % }
+ if currentPos^ = SpecifierChar then
+ begin
+ StreamWriteChar(formatStream, currentPos^);
+ Inc(currentPos);
+ { Check if this is indeed a named specifier }
+ if (currentPos < formatEnd) and (currentPos^ = SpecifierNameStart) then
+ begin
+ Inc(currentPos);
+ nameStart := currentPos;
+ nameEnd := FindNameEnd(currentPos, formatEnd);
+ if Assigned(nameEnd) then
+ begin
+ SetString(name, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart);
+ specifierIndex := paramNames.IndexOf(name);
+ if specifierIndex = -1 then
+ specifierIndex := paramNames.Add(name);
+ StreamWriteString(formatStream, IntToStr(specifierIndex));
+ currentPos := nameEnd;
+ end;
+ end else
+ StreamWriteChar(formatStream, currentPos^);
+ end else
+ StreamWriteChar(formatStream, currentPos^);
+ Inc(currentPos);
+ end;
+ SetString(formatString, PChar(formatStream.Memory), formatStream.Size div SizeOf(Char));
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(formatStream);
+ end;
+ SetLength(paramValues, paramNames.Count);
+ paramIndex := 0;
+ while paramIndex < High(AParams) do
+ begin
+ param := AParams[paramIndex];
+ case param.VType of
+ vtChar: name := string(param.VChar);
+ vtString: name := string(param.VString^);
+ vtPChar: name := string(param.VPChar);
+ vtAnsiString: name := string(PChar(param.VAnsiString));
+ vtWideChar: name := string(param.VWideChar);
+ vtWideString: name := string(WideString(param.VWideString));
+ vtUnicodeString: name := string(UnicodeString(param.VUnicodeString));
+ else
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Parameter name at index %d is not a string value',
+ [paramIndex div 2]);
+ end;
+ Inc(paramIndex);
+ specifierIndex := paramNames.IndexOf(name);
+ if specifierIndex > -1 then
+ paramValues[specifierIndex] := AParams[paramIndex];
+ Inc(paramIndex);
+ end;
+ try
+ Result := Format(formatString, paramValues, AFormatSettings);
+ except
+ on E:EConvertError do
+ begin
+ errorMsg := E.Message;
+ { Translate specifiers in error messages back to names }
+ for paramIndex := 0 to Pred(paramNames.Count) do
+ errorMsg := StringReplace(errorMsg, SpecifierChar + IntToStr(paramIndex) + ':',
+ SpecifierChar + SpecifierNameStart +
+ paramNames[paramIndex] + SpecifierNameEnd + ':',
+ [rfReplaceAll]);
+ raise EConvertError.Create(errorMsg);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(paramNames);
+ end;
+{ TNamedFormatStringList }
+procedure TNamedFormatStringList.AddLn;
+ Add('');
+function TNamedFormatStringList.Format(AParams: array of const): String;
+ Result := NamedFormat(Text, AParams);
diff --git a/Units/X2UtTempFile.pas b/Units/X2UtTempFile.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ae37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/X2UtTempFile.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+{: Provides temporary file functions.
+ Last changed: $Date$
+ Revision: $Rev$
+ Author: $Author$
+unit X2UtTempFile;
+ function GetAppDataPath(): String;
+ function GetTempFile(const APrefix: String): String; overload;
+ function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload;
+ function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName: String): String; overload;
+ function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload;
+ function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName: String): String; overload;
+ function IsValidFileChar(const AChar: Char): Boolean;
+ function CheckValidFileName(var AFileName: String; const AReplacement: Char = #0): Boolean;
+ ShlObj,
+ SysUtils,
+ Windows;
+function GetAppDataPath(): String;
+ path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ FillChar(path, SizeOf(path), #0);
+ if not SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, @path, CSIDL_APPDATA, True) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(path, SizeOf(path), #0);
+ GetTempPath(SizeOf(path), @path);
+ end;
+ Result := path;
+ if Length(Result) > 0 then
+ Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result);
+function GetTempFile(const APrefix: String): String; overload;
+ tempPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ tempFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ FillChar(tempPath, SizeOf(tempPath), #0);
+ FillChar(tempFile, SizeOf(tempFile), #0);
+ Windows.GetTempPath(SizeOf(tempPath), @tempPath);
+ Windows.GetTempFileName(@tempPath, PChar(APrefix), 0, @tempFile);
+ Result := String(tempFile);
+function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload;
+ iCounter: Integer;
+ sBase: String;
+ sExtension: String;
+ iCounter := 0;
+ sBase := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(APath);
+ if not ForceDirectories(sBase) then
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sExtension := AExtension;
+ if (Length(sExtension) > 0) and (AnsiPos('.', sExtension) = 0) then
+ sExtension := '.' + sExtension;
+ sBase := sBase + AFileName;
+ Result := sBase + sExtension;
+ while FileExists(Result) do
+ begin
+ Inc(iCounter);
+ Result := Format('%s(%d)%s', [sBase, iCounter, sExtension]);
+ end;
+function GetTempFile(const APath, AFileName: String): String; overload;
+ sExt: String;
+ sExt := ExtractFileExt(AFileName);
+ Result := GetTempFile(APath, Copy(AFileName, 1, Length(AFileName) - Length(sExt)),
+ sExt);
+function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension: String): String; overload;
+ Result := GetTempFile(GetAppDataPath + ASubPath, AFileName, AExtension);
+function GetTempAppDataFile(const ASubPath, AFileName: String): String; overload;
+ sExt: String;
+ sExt := ExtractFileExt(AFileName);
+ Result := GetTempAppDataFile(ASubPath, Copy(AFileName, 1,
+ Length(AFileName) - Length(sExt)),
+ sExt);
+function IsValidFileChar(const AChar: Char): Boolean;
+ Result := not CharInSet(AChar, ['\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|']);
+function CheckValidFileName(var AFileName: String; const AReplacement: Char): Boolean;
+ iPos: Integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for iPos := Length(AFileName) downto 1 do
+ if not IsValidFileChar(AFileName[iPos]) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if AReplacement = #0 then
+ Delete(AFileName, iPos, 1)
+ else
+ AFileName[iPos] := AReplacement;
+ end;
diff --git a/Units/XMLDataBindingGenerator.pas b/Units/XMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
index 62f2b87..048fec7 100644
--- a/Units/XMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
+++ b/Units/XMLDataBindingGenerator.pas
@@ -489,6 +489,7 @@ function TXMLDataBindingGenerator.LoadSchema(const AStream: TStream; const ASche
location := ADocRefs[refIndex].SchemaLocation;
schemaName := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(location), '');
+ schemaName := schemaName.Replace('./', ''); // fix explizit current dir
refSchema := FindSchema(schemaName);
if not Assigned(refSchema) then
diff --git a/Units/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas b/Units/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b5660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Units/XMLDataBindingUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+ Helpers functions for the X2Software XML Data Binding
+unit XMLDataBindingUtils;
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ XMLDoc,
+ xmldom,
+ XMLIntf;
+ EBase64Error = class(Exception);
+ EXSDValidationError = class(Exception);
+ TXMLDateTimeFormat = (xdtDateTime, xdtDate, xdtTime);
+ TXMLTimeFragment = (xtfMilliseconds, xtfTimezone);
+ TXMLTimeFragments = set of TXMLTimeFragment;
+ TDateConvert = (dcToUtc, dcToLocal);
+ IXSDValidate = interface
+ ['{3BFDC851-7459-403B-87B3-A52E9E85BC8C}']
+ procedure XSDValidate;
+ end;
+ IXSDValidateStrictResult = interface
+ ['{F10E1CB2-ECDF-4215-AF2C-28B5C6C51A90}']
+ procedure MissingElement(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ procedure MissingAttribute(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ end;
+ IXSDValidateStrict = interface
+ ['{82C3B08E-F327-4D38-9FE2-F99925E7E401}']
+ procedure XSDValidateStrict(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult);
+ end;
+ TX2XMLNode = class(TXMLNode)
+ private
+ function GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode;
+ protected
+ property ChildNodesNS[const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString]: IXMLNode read GetChildNodesNS;
+ end;
+ TX2XMLNodeCollection = class(TXMLNodeCollection)
+ private
+ function GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode;
+ protected
+ property ChildNodesNS[const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString]: IXMLNode read GetChildNodesNS;
+ end;
+ TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator = class(TInterfacedObject)
+ private
+ FNodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection;
+ FIndex: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ANodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection);
+ function GetCurrent: IXMLNode;
+ function MoveNext: Boolean; virtual;
+ property Current: IXMLNode read GetCurrent;
+ end;
+ AllTimeFragments = [Low(TXMLTimeFragment)..High(TXMLTimeFragment)];
+ function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments = AllTimeFragments): string;
+ function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime;
+ function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString;
+ function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean;
+ function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString;
+ function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended;
+ function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean;
+ procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean);
+ procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean = True; AValidateParent: Boolean = True);
+ procedure XSDValidateStrict(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean = True; AValidateParent: Boolean = True); overload;
+ procedure XSDValidateStrict(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean = True; AValidateParent: Boolean = True); overload;
+ procedure ValidateRequiredElements(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ procedure ValidateRequiredAttributes(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); overload;
+ procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string; Namespaces: array of string); overload;
+ procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string);
+ function IsValidXMLChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean;
+ function GetValidXMLText(AText: WideString): WideString;
+ { Now wraps the JclMime implementation:
+ Lightening fast Mime (Base64) Encoding and Decoding routines.
+ Coded by Ralf Junker (}
+ function Base64Encode(AValue: String): string;
+ function Base64Decode(AValue: String): string;
+ function Base64EncodeFromStream(AStream: TStream): string;
+ function Base64EncodeFromFile(const AFileName: string): string;
+ procedure Base64DecodeToStream(AValue: string; AStream: TStream);
+ procedure Base64DecodeToFile(AValue: string; const AFileName: string);
+ XMLSchemaInstanceURI = '';
+ XMLDateFormat = 'yyyy"-"mm"-"dd';
+ XMLTimeFormat = 'hh":"nn":"ss';
+ XMLMsecsFormat = '"."zzz';
+ XMLTimezoneZulu = 'Z';
+ XMLTimezoneFormat = '%s%.2d:%.2d';
+ XMLDateTimeFormats: array[TXMLDateTimeFormat] of String =
+ (
+ XMLDateFormat + '"T"' + XMLTimeFormat,
+ XMLDateFormat,
+ XMLTimeFormat
+ );
+ XMLTimezoneSigns: array[Boolean] of Char = ('-', '+');
+ XMLBoolValues: array[Boolean] of String =
+ (
+ 'false',
+ 'true'
+ );
+ XMLIsNilAttribute = 'nil';
+ XMLIsNilAttributeNS = 'xsi:nil';
+ Base64ValidChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/'];
+ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +
+ '0123456789+/';
+ Base64Padding = '=';
+ DateUtils,
+ Math,
+ Types,
+ Windows;
+ PSortNodeInfo = ^TSortNodeInfo;
+ TSortNodeInfo = record
+ Node: IXMLNode;
+ SortIndex: Integer;
+ OriginalIndex: Integer;
+ end;
+ TXSDValidateStrictResult = class(TInterfacedPersistent, IXSDValidateStrictResult)
+ private
+ FMissingElements: TStrings;
+ FMissingAttributes: TStrings;
+ function GetMissingAttributes: TStrings;
+ function GetMissingElements: TStrings;
+ protected
+ function GetNodeTree(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string): string;
+ property MissingElements: TStrings read GetMissingElements;
+ property MissingAttributes: TStrings read GetMissingAttributes;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure RaiseResult;
+ { IXSDValidateStrictResult }
+ procedure MissingElement(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ procedure MissingAttribute(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ end;
+ function MimeEncodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; forward;
+ function MimeDecodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; forward;
+ procedure MimeEncodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); forward;
+ procedure MimeDecodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream); forward;
+{ TX2XMLNode }
+function TX2XMLNode.GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode;
+ Result := ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI);
+ if (not Assigned(Result)) and (doNodeAutoCreate in OwnerDocument.Options) then
+ Result := AddChild(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI);
+{ TX2XMLNodeCollection }
+function TX2XMLNodeCollection.GetChildNodesNS(const ANodeName, ANamespaceURI: DOMString): IXMLNode;
+ Result := ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI);
+ if (not Assigned(Result)) and (doNodeAutoCreate in OwnerDocument.Options) then
+ Result := AddChild(ANodeName, ANamespaceURI);
+{ TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator }
+constructor TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.Create(ANodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection);
+ inherited Create;
+ FNodeCollection := ANodeCollection;
+ FIndex := -1;
+function TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.GetCurrent: IXMLNode;
+ if (FIndex >= 0) and (FIndex < FNodeCollection.Count) then
+ Result := FNodeCollection.Nodes[FIndex]
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+function TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean;
+ Inc(FIndex);
+ Result := (FIndex < FNodeCollection.Count);
+function InDSTSpan(ADate: TDateTime; ATimeZoneInfo: TTimeZoneInformation): boolean;
+ lowerDayLight: TDateTime;
+ upperDayLight: TDateTime;
+ day: TDateTime;
+ days: Integer;
+ function GetDay(AYear, AMonth, ADay, ADayOfWeek: Integer): TDateTime;
+ var
+ I, Counter : Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ Counter := 0;
+ days := DaysInAMonth(AYear, AMonth);
+ for I := 1 to days do
+ begin
+ Result := EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, I);
+ // Delphi DayOfWeek 1 = Sunday
+ // TimeZoneInfo.wDayOfWeek 0 = Sunday
+ if DayOfWeek(Result) -1 = ADayOfWeek then
+ begin
+ inc(Counter);
+ if (counter = ADay) or ((Counter < Aday) and (I >= days - 6)) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ with ATimeZoneInfo.DaylightDate do
+ begin
+ day := GetDay(wYear + YearOf(ADate), wMonth, wDay, wDayOfWeek);
+ lowerDayLight := day + EncodeTime(wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds);
+ end;
+ with ATimeZoneInfo.StandardDate do
+ begin
+ day := GetDay(wYear + YearOf(ADate), wMonth, wDay, wDayOfWeek);
+ upperDayLight := day + EncodeTime(wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds);
+ end;
+ Result := (ADate >= lowerDayLight) and (ADate <= upperDayLight);
+function ConvertDate(ADate: TDateTime; ADateconvert: TDateConvert): TDateTime;
+ timeZone: TTimeZoneInformation;
+ timeZoneID: Cardinal;
+ localOffset: Integer;
+ FillChar(timeZone, SizeOf(TTimeZoneInformation), #0);
+ timeZoneID := GetTimeZoneInformation(timeZone);
+ localOffset := -timeZone.Bias - IfThen(InDSTSpan(ADate, timeZone), timeZone.DaylightBias, timeZone.StandardBias)
+ else
+ localOffset := 0;
+ if ADateconvert = dcToUtc then
+ localOffset := localOffset * -1;
+ Result := IncMinute(ADate, localOffset);
+function DateTimeToXML(ADate: TDateTime; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat; ATimeFragments: TXMLTimeFragments): string;
+ formatSettings: TFormatSettings;
+ utcDate: TDateTime;
+ offsetMinutes: Integer;
+ formatSettings := TFormatSettings.Create;;
+ Result := FormatDateTime(XMLDateTimeFormats[AFormat], ADate, formatSettings);
+ if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then
+ begin
+ if xtfMilliseconds in ATimeFragments then
+ Result := Result + FormatDateTime(XMLMsecsFormat, ADate);
+ if (xtfTimezone in ATimeFragments) then
+ begin
+ utcDate := ConvertDate(ADate, dcToUtc);
+ offsetMinutes := MinutesBetween(ADate, utcDate);
+ if offsetMinutes = 0 then
+ Result := Result + XMLTimezoneZulu
+ else
+ Result := Result + Format(XMLTimezoneFormat,
+ [XMLTimezoneSigns[offsetMinutes > 0], offsetMinutes div 60, offsetMinutes mod 60]);
+ end;
+ end;
+function XMLToDateTime(const ADate: string; AFormat: TXMLDateTimeFormat): TDateTime;
+ { yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss.zzz+xx:xx }
+ XMLTimeSeparatorPos = 11;
+ XMLTimeSeparator = 'T';
+ XMLMinTimeLength = 8;
+ date: string;
+ time: string;
+ year: Integer;
+ month: Integer;
+ day: Integer;
+ hour: Integer;
+ minute: Integer;
+ second: Integer;
+ msec: Integer;
+ hasTimezone: Boolean;
+ xmlOffset: Integer;
+ endPos: Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ date := '';
+ time := '';
+ case AFormat of
+ xdtDateTime:
+ begin
+ if (Length(ADate) < XMLTimeSeparatorPos) or
+ (ADate[XMLTimeSeparatorPos] <> XMLTimeSeparator) then
+ Exit;
+ date := ADate;
+ time := ADate;
+ SetLength(date, Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos));
+ Delete(time, 1, XMLTimeSeparatorPos);
+ end;
+ xdtDate:
+ begin
+ if Length(ADate) < Pred(XMLTimeSeparatorPos) then
+ Exit;
+ date := ADate;
+ end;
+ xdtTime:
+ begin
+ if Length(ADate) < XMLMinTimeLength then
+ Exit;
+ time := ADate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtDate] then
+ begin
+ { Parse date (yyyy-mm-hh) }
+ if TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 1, 4), year) and
+ TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 6, 2), month) and
+ TryStrToInt(Copy(date, 9, 2), day) then
+ Result := EncodeDate(year, month, day);
+ end;
+ if AFormat in [xdtDateTime, xdtTime] then
+ begin
+ { Parse time (hh:nn:ss) }
+ if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 1, 2), hour) and
+ TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 4, 2), minute) and
+ TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 7, 2), second) then
+ begin
+ msec := 0;
+ Delete(time, 1, 8);
+ if Length(time) > 0 then
+ begin
+ if time[1] = '.' then
+ begin
+ { Parse milliseconds (.zzz+) }
+ Delete(time, 1, 1);
+ endPos := 1;
+ while (endPos <= Length(time)) and (CharInSet(time[endPos], ['0'..'9'])) do
+ Inc(endPos);
+ Dec(endPos);
+ if (endPos = 0) or (not TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 1, Min(endPos, 3)), msec)) then
+ msec := 0;
+ if endPos > 0 then
+ Delete(time, 1, endPos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := Result + EncodeTime(hour, minute, second, msec);
+ if Length(time) > 0 then
+ begin
+ hasTimezone := False;
+ if time[1] = XMLTimezoneZulu then
+ begin
+ { Zulu time }
+ hasTimezone := True;
+ end else if CharInSet(time[1], [XMLTimezoneSigns[False], XMLTimezoneSigns[True]]) then
+ begin
+ { Parse timezone ([+|-]xx:xx) }
+ if TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 2, 2), hour) and
+ TryStrToInt(Copy(time, 5, 2), minute) then
+ begin
+ xmlOffset := (hour * MinsPerHour) + minute;
+ hasTimezone := True;
+ if time[1] = XMLTimezoneSigns[False] then
+ xmlOffset := -xmlOffset;
+ Result := IncMinute(Result, - xmlOffset);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if hasTimezone then
+ Result := ConvertDate(Result, dcToLocal);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function BoolToXML(AValue: Boolean): WideString;
+ Result := XMLBoolValues[AValue];
+function XMLToBool(const AValue: WideString): Boolean;
+ Result := StrToBoolDef(AValue, False);
+function GetXMLFloatFormatSettings(): TFormatSettings;
+ Result.DecimalSeparator := '.';
+function FloatToXML(AValue: Extended): WideString;
+ Result := FloatToStr(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings());
+function XMLToFloat(const AValue: WideString): Extended;
+ Result := StrToFloat(AValue, GetXMLFloatFormatSettings());
+function Base64Encode(AValue: String): String;
+ Result := string(MimeEncodeString(AnsiString(AValue)));
+function Base64Decode(AValue: String): String;
+ Result := string(MimeDecodeString(AnsiString(AValue)));
+function Base64EncodeFromStream(AStream: TStream): string;
+ output: TStringStream;
+ output := TStringStream.Create('');
+ try
+ MimeEncodeStream(AStream, output);
+ Result := output.DataString;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(output);
+ end;
+function Base64EncodeFromFile(const AFileName: string): string;
+ input: TFileStream;
+ input := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ Result := Base64EncodeFromStream(input);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(input);
+ end;
+procedure Base64DecodeToStream(AValue: String; AStream: TStream);
+ input: TStringStream;
+ input := TStringStream.Create(AValue);
+ try
+ MimeDecodeStream(input, AStream);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(input);
+ end;
+procedure Base64DecodeToFile(AValue: String; const AFileName: String);
+ output: TFileStream;
+ output := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ Base64DecodeToStream(AValue, output);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(output);
+ end;
+function GetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode): Boolean;
+ Result := ANode.HasAttribute(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI) and
+ XMLToBool(ANode.GetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI));
+procedure SetNodeIsNil(ANode: IXMLNode; ASetNil: Boolean);
+ documentElement: IXMLNode;
+ if ASetNil then
+ begin
+ ANode.ChildNodes.Clear;
+ documentElement := ANode.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement;
+ if not documentElement.HasAttribute('xmlns:xsi') then
+ documentElement.SetAttributeNS('xmlns:xsi', '', XMLSchemaInstanceURI);
+ ANode.SetAttributeNS(XMLIsNilAttributeNS, XMLSchemaInstanceURI, BoolToXML(True));
+ end else
+ ANode.AttributeNodes.Delete(XMLIsNilAttribute, XMLSchemaInstanceURI);
+function DoSortNodes(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
+ nodeInfo1: PSortNodeInfo;
+ nodeInfo2: PSortNodeInfo;
+ nodeInfo1 := Item1;
+ nodeInfo2 := Item2;
+ if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex > -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex = -1) then
+ Result := GreaterThanValue
+ else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = -1) and (nodeInfo2^.SortIndex > -1) then
+ Result := LessThanValue
+ else if (nodeInfo1^.SortIndex = nodeInfo2^.SortIndex) then
+ Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.OriginalIndex, nodeInfo2^.OriginalIndex)
+ else
+ Result := CompareValue(nodeInfo1^.SortIndex, nodeInfo2^.SortIndex);
+procedure XSDValidate(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse, AValidateParent: Boolean);
+ validate: IXSDValidate;
+ childIndex: Integer;
+ if AValidateParent and Supports(AParent, IXSDValidate, validate) then
+ validate.XSDValidate;
+ if ARecurse then
+ begin
+ for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do
+ XSDValidate(AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex], ARecurse, True);
+ end;
+procedure XSDValidateStrict(AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean; AValidateParent: Boolean);
+ result: TXSDValidateStrictResult;
+ result := TXSDValidateStrictResult.Create;
+ try
+ XSDValidateStrict(result, AParent, ARecurse, AValidateParent);
+ result.RaiseResult;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(result);
+ end;
+procedure XSDValidateStrict(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ARecurse: Boolean; AValidateParent: Boolean);
+ validate: IXSDValidateStrict;
+ childIndex: Integer;
+ if AValidateParent and Supports(AParent, IXSDValidateStrict, validate) then
+ validate.XSDValidateStrict(AResult);
+ if ARecurse then
+ begin
+ for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do
+ XSDValidateStrict(AResult, AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex], ARecurse, True);
+ end;
+procedure ValidateRequiredElements(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AParent.ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then
+ AResult.MissingElement(AParent, ANodes[nodeIndex]);
+ end;
+procedure ValidateRequiredAttributes(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult; AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AParent.AttributeNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then
+ AResult.MissingAttribute(AParent, ANodes[nodeIndex]);
+ end;
+procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string); overload;
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ node: IXMLNode;
+ for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AParent.ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then
+ begin
+ node := AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ANodes[nodeIndex], AParent.NamespaceURI);
+ AParent.ChildNodes.Add(node);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure CreateRequiredElements(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string; Namespaces: array of string);
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ node: IXMLNode;
+ for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AParent.ChildNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex], Namespaces[nodeIndex])) then
+ begin
+ node := AParent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(ANodes[nodeIndex], Namespaces[nodeIndex]);
+ AParent.ChildNodes.Add(node);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure CreateRequiredAttributes(AParent: IXMLNode; ANodes: array of string);
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ for nodeIndex := Low(ANodes) to High(ANodes) do
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AParent.AttributeNodes.FindNode(ANodes[nodeIndex])) then
+ AParent.Attributes[ANodes[nodeIndex]] := '';
+ end;
+procedure SortChildNodes(AParent: IXMLNode; ASortOrder: array of string);
+ sortList: TList;
+ nodeInfo: PSortNodeInfo;
+ childIndex: Integer;
+ sortIndex: Integer;
+ node: IXMLNode;
+ sortList := TList.Create;
+ try
+ { Build a list of the child nodes, with their original index and the
+ index in the ASortOrder array. }
+ for childIndex := 0 to Pred(AParent.ChildNodes.Count) do
+ begin
+ New(nodeInfo);
+ nodeInfo^.Node := AParent.ChildNodes[childIndex];
+ nodeInfo^.OriginalIndex := childIndex;
+ for sortIndex := Low(ASortOrder) to High(ASortOrder) do
+ begin
+ if ASortOrder[sortIndex] = nodeInfo^.Node.NodeName then
+ begin
+ nodeInfo^.SortIndex := sortIndex;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sortList.Add(nodeInfo);
+ end;
+ sortList.Sort(DoSortNodes);
+ { Rebuild the ChildNodes list }
+ for childIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do
+ begin
+ node := PSortNodeInfo(sortList[childIndex])^.Node;
+ AParent.ChildNodes.Remove(node);
+ AParent.ChildNodes.Insert(childIndex, node);
+ end;
+ finally
+ for sortIndex := 0 to Pred(sortList.Count) do
+ Dispose(PSortNodeInfo(sortList[sortIndex]));
+ FreeAndNil(sortList);
+ end;
+function IsValidXMLChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean;
+ Result := (Ord(AChar) in [9, 10, 13]) or
+ (Ord(AChar) >= 32);
+function GetValidXMLText(AText: WideString): WideString;
+ validText: WideString;
+ sourcePos: Integer;
+ destPos: Integer;
+ SetLength(validText, Length(AText));
+ destPos := 0;
+ for sourcePos := 1 to Length(AText) do
+ begin
+ if IsValidXMLChar(AText[sourcePos]) then
+ begin
+ Inc(destPos);
+ validText[destPos] := AText[sourcePos];
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(validText, destPos);
+ Result := validText;
+{ --- JclMime implementation from here. }
+ {$IFDEF WIN64}
+ SizeInt = NativeInt;
+ TJclAddr = UInt64;
+ {$ELSE}
+ SizeInt = Integer;
+ TJclAddr = Cardinal;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ PByte4 = ^TByte4;
+ TByte4 = packed record
+ B1: Byte;
+ B2: Byte;
+ B3: Byte;
+ B4: Byte;
+ end;
+ PByte3 = ^TByte3;
+ TByte3 = packed record
+ B1: Byte;
+ B2: Byte;
+ B3: Byte;
+ end;
+ MIME_ENCODE_TABLE: array [0..63] of Byte = (
+ 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, // 00 - 07
+ 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, // 08 - 15
+ 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, // 16 - 23
+ 089, 090, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, // 24 - 31
+ 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, // 32 - 39
+ 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, // 40 - 47
+ 119, 120, 121, 122, 048, 049, 050, 051, // 48 - 55
+ 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 043, 047); // 56 - 63
+ MIME_PAD_CHAR = Byte('=');
+ MIME_DECODE_TABLE: array [Byte] of Byte = (
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 0 - 7
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 8 - 15
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 16 - 23
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 24 - 31
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 32 - 39
+ 255, 255, 255, 062, 255, 255, 255, 063, // 40 - 47
+ 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, // 48 - 55
+ 060, 061, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 56 - 63
+ 255, 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, // 64 - 71
+ 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, // 72 - 79
+ 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, // 80 - 87
+ 023, 024, 025, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 88 - 95
+ 255, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, // 96 - 103
+ 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, // 104 - 111
+ 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, // 112 - 119
+ 049, 050, 051, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // 120 - 127
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
+ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255);
+function MimeEncodedSize(const InputSize: SizeInt): SizeInt;
+ if InputSize > 0 then
+ Result := (InputSize + 2) div 3 * 4 + (InputSize - 1) div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 2
+ else
+ Result := InputSize;
+procedure MimeEncodeFullLines(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer);
+ B: Cardinal;
+ InnerLimit, OuterLimit: TJclAddr;
+ InPtr: PByte3;
+ OutPtr: PByte4;
+ { Do we have enough input to encode a full line? }
+ if InputByteCount < MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK then
+ Exit;
+ InPtr := @InputBuffer;
+ OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;
+ InnerLimit := TJclAddr(InPtr);
+ OuterLimit := TJclAddr(InPtr);
+ Inc(OuterLimit, InputByteCount);
+ { Multiple line loop. }
+ repeat
+ { Single line loop. }
+ repeat
+ { Read 3 bytes from InputBuffer. }
+ B := InPtr^.B1;
+ B := B shl 8;
+ B := B or InPtr^.B2;
+ B := B shl 8;
+ B := B or InPtr^.B3;
+ Inc(InPtr);
+ { Write 4 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
+ OutPtr^.B4 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr^.B3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr^.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ Inc(OutPtr);
+ until TJclAddr(InPtr) >= InnerLimit;
+ { Write line break (CRLF). }
+ OutPtr^.B1 := 13;
+ OutPtr^.B2 := 10;
+ Inc(TJclAddr(OutPtr), 2);
+ until InnerLimit > OuterLimit;
+procedure MimeEncodeNoCRLF(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer);
+ B: Cardinal;
+ InnerLimit, OuterLimit: SizeInt;
+ InPtr: PByte3;
+ OutPtr: PByte4;
+ if InputByteCount = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ InPtr := @InputBuffer;
+ OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;
+ OuterLimit := InputByteCount div 3 * 3;
+ InnerLimit := TJclAddr(InPtr);
+ Inc(InnerLimit, OuterLimit);
+ { Last line loop. }
+ while TJclAddr(InPtr) < TJclAddr(InnerLimit) do
+ begin
+ { Read 3 bytes from InputBuffer. }
+ B := InPtr^.B1;
+ B := B shl 8;
+ B := B or InPtr^.B2;
+ B := B shl 8;
+ B := B or InPtr^.B3;
+ Inc(InPtr);
+ { Write 4 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
+ OutPtr^.B4 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr^.B3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr^.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ Inc(OutPtr);
+ end;
+ { End of data & padding. }
+ case InputByteCount - OuterLimit of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ B := InPtr^.B1;
+ B := B shl 4;
+ OutPtr.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr.B3 := MIME_PAD_CHAR; { Pad remaining 2 bytes. }
+ OutPtr.B4 := MIME_PAD_CHAR;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ B := InPtr^.B1;
+ B := B shl 8;
+ B := B or InPtr^.B2;
+ B := B shl 2;
+ OutPtr.B3 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr.B2 := MIME_ENCODE_TABLE[B and $3F];
+ B := B shr 6;
+ OutPtr.B4 := MIME_PAD_CHAR; { Pad remaining byte. }
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure MimeEncode(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer);
+ IDelta, ODelta: SizeInt;
+ I, O: PByte;
+ MimeEncodeFullLines(InputBuffer, InputByteCount, OutputBuffer);
+ IDelta := InputByteCount div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK; // Number of lines processed so far.
+ ODelta := IDelta * (MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK + 2);
+ I := @InputBuffer;
+ Inc(I, IDelta);
+ O := @OutputBuffer;
+ Inc(O, ODelta);
+ MimeEncodeNoCRLF(I^, InputByteCount - IDelta, O^);
+function MimeDecodePartial(const InputBuffer; const InputByteCount: SizeInt; out OutputBuffer;
+ var ByteBuffer: Cardinal; var ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): SizeInt;
+ LByteBuffer, LByteBufferSpace, C: Cardinal;
+ InPtr, OuterLimit: PByte;
+ OutPtr: PByte3;
+ if InputByteCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ InPtr := @InputBuffer;
+ OuterLimit := Pointer(TJclAddr(InPtr) + TJclAddr(InputByteCount));
+ OutPtr := @OutputBuffer;
+ LByteBuffer := ByteBuffer;
+ LByteBufferSpace := ByteBufferSpace;
+ while InPtr <> OuterLimit do
+ begin
+ { Read from InputBuffer. }
+ Inc(InPtr);
+ if C = $FF then
+ Continue;
+ LByteBuffer := LByteBuffer shl 6;
+ LByteBuffer := LByteBuffer or C;
+ Dec(LByteBufferSpace);
+ { Have we read 4 bytes from InputBuffer? }
+ if LByteBufferSpace <> 0 then
+ Continue;
+ { Write 3 bytes to OutputBuffer (in reverse order). }
+ OutPtr^.B3 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ LByteBuffer := LByteBuffer shr 8;
+ OutPtr^.B2 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ LByteBuffer := LByteBuffer shr 8;
+ OutPtr^.B1 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ LByteBuffer := 0;
+ Inc(OutPtr);
+ LByteBufferSpace := 4;
+ end;
+ ByteBuffer := LByteBuffer;
+ ByteBufferSpace := LByteBufferSpace;
+ Result := SizeInt(TJclAddr(OutPtr) - TJclAddr(@OutputBuffer));
+ end
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+function MimeDecodePartialEnd(out OutputBuffer; const ByteBuffer: Cardinal;
+ const ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal): SizeInt;
+ LByteBuffer: Cardinal;
+ case ByteBufferSpace of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ LByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 2;
+ PByte3(@OutputBuffer)^.B2 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ LByteBuffer := LByteBuffer shr 8;
+ PByte3(@OutputBuffer)^.B1 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ Result := 2;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ LByteBuffer := ByteBuffer shr 4;
+ PByte3(@OutputBuffer)^.B1 := Byte(LByteBuffer);
+ Result := 1;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+function MimeEncodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ L: SizeInt;
+ if S <> '' then
+ begin
+ L := Length(S);
+ SetLength(Result, MimeEncodedSize(L));
+ MimeEncode(PAnsiChar(S)^, L, PAnsiChar(Result)^);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := '';
+function MimeDecodedSize(const InputSize: SizeInt): SizeInt;
+ Result := (InputSize + 3) div 4 * 3;
+function MimeDecodeString(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal;
+ L: SizeInt;
+ P, R: PAnsiChar;
+ if S <> '' then
+ begin
+ L := Length(S);
+ SetLength(Result, MimeDecodedSize(L));
+ ByteBuffer := 0;
+ ByteBufferSpace := 4;
+ P := PAnsiChar(S);
+ R := PAnsiChar(Result);
+ L := MimeDecodePartial(P^, L, R^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace);
+ Inc(R, L);
+ Inc(L, MimeDecodePartialEnd(R^, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));
+ SetLength(Result, L);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := '';
+procedure MimeEncodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream);
+ InputBuffer: array [0..MIME_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
+ OutputBuffer: array [0..(MIME_BUFFER_SIZE + 2) div 3 * 4 + MIME_BUFFER_SIZE div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 2 - 1] of Byte;
+ BytesRead: SizeInt;
+ IDelta, ODelta: SizeInt;
+ I, O: PByte;
+ InputBuffer[0] := 0;
+ BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer));
+ while BytesRead = Length(InputBuffer) do
+ begin
+ MimeEncodeFullLines(InputBuffer, Length(InputBuffer), OutputBuffer);
+ OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, Length(OutputBuffer));
+ BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, Length(InputBuffer));
+ end;
+ MimeEncodeFullLines(InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer);
+ IDelta := BytesRead div MIME_DECODED_LINE_BREAK; // Number of lines processed.
+ ODelta := IDelta * (MIME_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK + 2);
+ I := @InputBuffer;
+ Inc(I, IDelta);
+ O := @OutputBuffer;
+ Inc(O, ODelta);
+ MimeEncodeNoCRLF(I^, BytesRead - IDelta, O^);
+ OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeEncodedSize(BytesRead));
+procedure MimeDecodeStream(const InputStream: TStream; const OutputStream: TStream);
+ ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace: Cardinal;
+ InputBuffer: array [0..MIME_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] of Byte;
+ OutputBuffer: array [0..(MIME_BUFFER_SIZE + 3) div 4 * 3 - 1] of Byte;
+ BytesRead: SizeInt;
+ ByteBuffer := 0;
+ ByteBufferSpace := 4;
+ InputBuffer[0] := 0;
+ BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, SizeOf(InputBuffer));
+ while BytesRead > 0 do
+ begin
+ OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartial(InputBuffer, BytesRead, OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));
+ BytesRead := InputStream.Read(InputBuffer, Length(InputBuffer));
+ end;
+ OutputStream.Write(OutputBuffer, MimeDecodePartialEnd(OutputBuffer, ByteBuffer, ByteBufferSpace));
+{ TXSDValidateStrictResult }
+destructor TXSDValidateStrictResult.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FMissingAttributes);
+ FreeAndNil(FMissingElements);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TXSDValidateStrictResult.MissingElement(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ MissingElements.Add(GetNodeTree(AParent, AName));
+procedure TXSDValidateStrictResult.MissingAttribute(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string);
+ MissingAttributes.Add(GetNodeTree(AParent, AName));
+procedure TXSDValidateStrictResult.RaiseResult;
+ msg: string;
+ procedure AddList(AList: TStrings; const ATitle: string);
+ var
+ itemIndex: Integer;
+ begin
+ if not Assigned(AList) then
+ exit;
+ msg := msg + ATitle + #13#10;
+ for itemIndex := 0 to Pred(AList.Count) do
+ msg := msg + '- ' + AList[itemIndex] + #13#10;
+ msg := msg + #13#10;
+ end;
+ msg := '';
+ AddList(FMissingElements, 'Missing elements:');
+ AddList(FMissingAttributes, 'Missing attributes:');
+ if Length(msg) > 0 then
+ raise EXSDValidationError.Create('XSD validation failed.'#13#10 + Trim(msg));
+function TXSDValidateStrictResult.GetMissingElements: TStrings;
+ if not Assigned(FMissingElements) then
+ FMissingElements := TStringList.Create;
+ Result := FMissingElements;
+function TXSDValidateStrictResult.GetNodeTree(AParent: IXMLNode; const AName: string): string;
+ function GetNodeIndex(ANodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection; ANode: IXMLNode): string;
+ var
+ nodeIndex: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '?';
+ for nodeIndex := 0 to Pred(ANodeCollection.Count) do
+ if ANodeCollection[nodeIndex] = ANode then
+ begin
+ Result := IntToStr(nodeIndex);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ node: IXMLNode;
+ nodeCollection: IXMLNodeCollection;
+ Result := '';
+ node := AParent;
+ while Assigned(node) and Assigned(node.ParentNode) do
+ begin
+ if Length(Result) > 0 then
+ Result := '.' + Result;
+ if Supports(node.ParentNode, IXMLNodeCollection, nodeCollection) then
+ Result := Result + '[' + GetNodeIndex(nodeCollection, node) + ']';
+ Result := node.NodeName + Result;
+ node := node.ParentNode;
+ end;
+ if Length(Result) > 0 then
+ Result := Result + '.';
+ Result := Result + AName;
+function TXSDValidateStrictResult.GetMissingAttributes: TStrings;
+ if not Assigned(FMissingAttributes) then
+ FMissingAttributes := TStringList.Create;
+ Result := FMissingAttributes;
diff --git a/X2XMLDataBinding.dpr b/X2XMLDataBinding.dpr
index dd03bb1..549f8e7 100644
--- a/X2XMLDataBinding.dpr
+++ b/X2XMLDataBinding.dpr
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ uses
DelphiXMLDataBindingResources in 'Units\DelphiXMLDataBindingResources.pas',
DataBindingSettingsXML in 'Units\DataBindingSettingsXML.pas',
DataBindingHintsXML in 'Units\DataBindingHintsXML.pas',
- MSXML2_TLB in 'Units\MSXML2_TLB.pas';
+ MSXML2_TLB in 'Units\MSXML2_TLB.pas',
+ XMLDataBindingUtils in 'Units\XMLDataBindingUtils.pas',
+ X2UtNamedFormat in 'Units\X2UtNamedFormat.pas',
+ X2UtTempFile in 'Units\X2UtTempFile.pas';
{$R *.res}
diff --git a/X2XMLDataBinding.dproj b/X2XMLDataBinding.dproj
index 3644cb8..041e4ad 100644
--- a/X2XMLDataBinding.dproj
+++ b/X2XMLDataBinding.dproj
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- vendor\x2utils;vendor\x2log;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)
+ vendor\x2utils_;vendor\x2log;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)
@@ -142,6 +142,429 @@
+ X2XMLDataBinding.exe
+ true
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 0
+ classes
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ 0
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 0
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .dll;.bpl
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .bpl
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ Contents\Resources\StartUp\
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\
+ 1
+ ..\
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\
+ 1
+ Contents
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\MacOS
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
@@ -160,6 +583,9 @@
@@ -170,4 +596,5 @@
diff --git a/vendor/x2utils b/vendor/x2utils
deleted file mode 160000
index 1e7a087..0000000
--- a/vendor/x2utils
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 1e7a0873558140b506c01af5c50c73cfe940466e