mirror of synced 2024-10-06 12:56:09 +00:00
2017-09-01 11:48:05 +02:00

651 lines
52 KiB

unit DelphiXMLDataBindingResources;
// #ToDo1 -oMvR: 6-4-2012: namespace support voor attributes
TDelphiXMLSection = (dxsForward, dxsInterface, dxsClass, dxsImplementation);
TDelphiXMLMember = (dxmPropertyGet, dxmPropertySet, dxmPropertyMethods, dxmPropertyDeclaration);
TDelphiAccessor = (daGet, daSet);
TDelphiNodeType = (dntElement, dntElementNS, dntAttribute, dntNodeValue, dntCustom);
TDelphiElementType = dntElement..dntElementNS;
CrLf = #13#10;
UnitHeader = '{' + CrLf +
' X2Software XML Data Binding' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
' Generated on: %<DateTime>:s' + CrLf +
' Generated from: %<SourceFileName>:s' + CrLf +
'}' + CrLf +
'unit %<UnitName>:s;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
UnitInterface = 'interface' + CrLf +
'uses' + CrLf +
'%<UsesClause>:s' +
' Classes,' + CrLf +
' SysUtils,' + CrLf +
' XMLDoc,' + CrLf +
' XMLIntf,' + CrLf +
' XMLDataBindingUtils;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'type' + CrLf;
UnitImplementation = 'implementation' + CrLf;
UnitFooter = '' + CrLf +
'end.' + CrLf;
DocumentBinding = 'GetDocBinding(''%<SourceName>:s'', TXML%<Name>:s, TargetNamespace) as IXML%<Name>:s';
DocumentFunctionsInterface = ' function Get%<Name>:s(ADocument: XMLIntf.IXMLDocument): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
' function Load%<Name>:s(const AFileName: String): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
' function Load%<Name>:sFromStream(AStream: TStream): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
' function Load%<Name>:sFromString(const AString: String{$IF CompilerVersion >= 20}; AEncoding: TEncoding = nil; AOwnsEncoding: Boolean = True{$IFEND}): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
' function New%<Name>:s: IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf;
DocumentFunctionsImplementation = 'function Get%<Name>:s(ADocument: XMLIntf.IXMLDocument): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := ADocument.' + DocumentBinding + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'function Load%<Name>:s(const AFileName: String): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := LoadXMLDocument(AFileName).' + DocumentBinding + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'function Load%<Name>:sFromStream(AStream: TStream): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
'var' + CrLf +
' doc: XMLIntf.IXMLDocument;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' doc := NewXMLDocument;' + CrLf +
' doc.LoadFromStream(AStream);' + CrLf +
' Result := Get%<Name>:s(doc);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'function Load%<Name>:sFromString(const AString: String{$IF CompilerVersion >= 20}; AEncoding: TEncoding; AOwnsEncoding: Boolean{$IFEND}): IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
'var' + CrLf +
' stream: TStringStream;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' {$IF CompilerVersion >= 20}' + CrLf +
' if Assigned(AEncoding) then' + CrLf +
' stream := TStringStream.Create(AString, AEncoding, AOwnsEncoding)' + CrLf +
' else' + CrLf +
' {$IFEND}' + CrLf +
' stream := TStringStream.Create(AString);' + CrLf +
' try' + CrLf +
' Result := Load%<Name>:sFromStream(stream);' + CrLf +
' finally' + CrLf +
' FreeAndNil(stream);' + CrLf +
' end;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf +
'function New%<Name>:s: IXML%<Name>:s;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := NewXMLDocument.' + DocumentBinding + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
XSDValidateInterface = 'IXSDValidate, IXSDValidateStrict';
XSDValidateDocumentMethodInterface = ' procedure XSDValidateDocument(AStrict: Boolean = False);';
XSDValidateDocumentMethodImplementation = 'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.XSDValidateDocument(AStrict: Boolean);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' if AStrict then' + CrLf +
' XMLDataBindingUtils.XSDValidateStrict(Self)' + CrLf +
' else' + CrLf +
' XMLDataBindingUtils.XSDValidate(Self);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf;
XSDValidateMethodInterface = ' procedure XSDValidate;' + CrLf +
' procedure XSDValidateStrict(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult);';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationBegin = 'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.XSDValidate;' + CrLf +
XSDValidateMethodImplementationRequired = ' CreateRequiredElements(Self, [%<RequiredElements>:s]);';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationComplex = ' Get%<Name>:s;';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationAttrib = ' CreateRequiredAttributes(Self, [%<RequiredAttributes>:s]);';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationSort = ' SortChildNodes(Self, [%<SortOrder>:s]);';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationArrayBreak = #13#10 + ' ';
XSDValidateMethodImplementationEnd = 'end;' + CrLf;
XSDValidateStrictMethodImplementationBegin = 'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.XSDValidateStrict(AResult: IXSDValidateStrictResult);' + CrLf +
XSDValidateStrictMethodImplementationRequired = ' ValidateRequiredElements(AResult, Self, [%<RequiredElements>:s]);';
XSDValidateStrictMethodImplementationAttrib = ' ValidateRequiredAttributes(AResult, Self, [%<RequiredAttributes>:s]);';
XSDValidateStrictMethodImplementationEnd = 'end;' + CrLf;
EnumeratorMethodInterface = ' function GetEnumerator: IXML%<Name>:sEnumerator;';
EnumeratorMethodImplementation = 'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetEnumerator: IXML%<Name>:sEnumerator;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := TXML%<Name>:sEnumerator.Create(Self);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf;
EnumeratorInterface = ' IXML%<Name>:sEnumerator = interface' + CrLf +
' %<GUID>:s' + CrLf +
' function GetCurrent: %<DataType>:s;' + CrLf +
' function MoveNext: Boolean;' + CrLf +
' property Current: %<DataType>:s read GetCurrent;' + CrLf +
' end;' + CrLf;
EnumeratorClass = ' TXML%<Name>:sEnumerator = class(TXMLNodeCollectionEnumerator, IXML%<Name>:sEnumerator)' + CrLf +
' protected' + CrLf +
' function GetCurrent: %<DataType>:s;' + CrLf +
' end;' + CrLf;
EnumeratorImplementation = 'function TXML%<Name>:sEnumerator.GetCurrent: %<DataType>:s;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := (inherited GetCurrent as %<DataType>:s);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf;
PropertyIntfMethodGetOptional = ' function GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;';
PropertyIntfMethodGetOptionalOrDefault = ' function %<PropertyName>:sDef(const ADefaultValue: %<DataType>:s = Default(%<DataType>:s)): %<DataType>:s;';
PropertyIntfMethodGetNil = ' function Get%<PropertyName>:sIsNil: Boolean;';
PropertyIntfMethodGetText = ' function Get%<PropertyName>:sText: WideString;';
PropertyIntfMethodGet = ' function Get%<PropertyName>:s: %<DataType>:s;';
PropertyIntfMethodSetNil = ' procedure Set%<PropertyName>:sIsNil(const Value: Boolean);';
PropertyIntfMethodSetText = ' procedure Set%<PropertyName>:sText(const Value: WideString);';
PropertyIntfMethodSet = ' procedure Set%<PropertyName>:s(const Value: %<DataType>:s);';
PropertyIntfMethodLoadFromStream = ' procedure Load%<PropertyName>:sFromStream(AStream: TStream);';
PropertyIntfMethodLoadFromFile = ' procedure Load%<PropertyName>:sFromFile(const AFileName: string);';
PropertyIntfMethodSaveToStream = ' procedure Save%<PropertyName>:sToStream(AStream: TStream);';
PropertyIntfMethodSaveToFile = ' procedure Save%<PropertyName>:sToFile(const AFileName: string);';
PropertyInterfaceOptional = ' property Has%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean read GetHas%<PropertyName>:s;';
PropertyInterfaceNilReadOnly = ' property %<PropertyName>:sIsNil: Boolean read Get%<PropertyName>:sIsNil;';
PropertyInterfaceNil = ' property %<PropertyName>:sIsNil: Boolean read Get%<PropertyName>:sIsNil write Set%<PropertyName>:sIsNil;';
PropertyInterfaceTextReadOnly = ' property %<PropertyName>:sText: WideString read Get%<PropertyName>:sText;';
PropertyInterfaceReadOnly = ' property %<PropertyName>:s: %<DataType>:s read Get%<PropertyName>:s;';
PropertyInterfaceText = ' property %<PropertyName>:sText: WideString read Get%<PropertyName>:sText write Set%<PropertyName>:sText;';
PropertyInterface = ' property %<PropertyName>:s: %<DataType>:s read Get%<PropertyName>:s write Set%<PropertyName>:s;';
PropertyImplMethodGetOptionalOrDefault = 'function TXML%<Name>:s.%<PropertyName>:sDef(const ADefaultValue: %<DataType>:s): %<DataType>:s;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' if GetHas%<PropertySourceName>:s then' + CrLf +
' Result := Get%<PropertySourceName>:s' + CrLf +
' else' + CrLf +
' Result := ADefaultValue;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
PropertyImplMethodGetOptional: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(ChildNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s''));' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(ChildNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''));' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodGetOptionalAttr = 'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(AttributeNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s''));' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
PropertyImplMethodGetOptionalEmpty: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(ChildNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s'')) and (Length(ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text) > 0);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(ChildNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s'')) and (Length(ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text) > 0);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodGetOptionalAttrEmpty = 'function TXML%<Name>:s.GetHas%<PropertyName>:s: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := Assigned(AttributeNodes.FindNode(''%<PropertySourceName>:s'')) and (Length(AttributeNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text) > 0);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
PropertyImplMethodGetNil: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.Get%<PropertyName>:sIsNil: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := GetNodeIsNil(ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'']);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.Get%<PropertyName>:sIsNil: Boolean;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := GetNodeIsNil(ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s'']);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodSetNil: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Set%<PropertyName>:sIsNil(const Value: Boolean);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' SetNodeIsNil(ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''], Value);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Set%<PropertyName>:sIsNil(const Value: Boolean);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' SetNodeIsNil(ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''], Value);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodGetText: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.Get%<PropertyName>:sText: WideString;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElement }
'function TXML%<Name>:s.Get%<PropertyName>:sText: WideString;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodGetTextAttr = 'function TXML%<Name>:s.Get%<PropertyName>:sText: WideString;' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Result := AttributeNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
PropertyImplMethodSetText: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Set%<PropertyName>:sText(const Value: WideString);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].NodeValue := Value;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Set%<PropertyName>:sText(const Value: WideString);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := Value;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodSetTextAttr = 'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Set%<PropertyName>:sText(const Value: WideString);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' AttributeNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].NodeValue := Value;' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf;
PropertyImplMethodLoadFromStream: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Load%<PropertyName>:sFromStream(AStream: TStream);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].NodeValue := Base64EncodeFromStream(AStream);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Load%<PropertyName>:sFromStream(AStream: TStream);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := Base64EncodeFromStream(AStream);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodLoadFromFile: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Load%<PropertyName>:sFromFile(const AFileName: string);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].NodeValue := Base64EncodeFromFile(AFileName);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Load%<PropertyName>:sFromFile(const AFileName: string);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := Base64EncodeFromFile(AFileName);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodSaveToStream: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Save%<PropertyName>:sToStream(AStream: TStream);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Base64DecodeToStream(Trim(ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text), AStream);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Save%<PropertyName>:sToStream(AStream: TStream);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Base64DecodeToStream(Trim(ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text), AStream);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
PropertyImplMethodSaveToFile: array[TDelphiElementType] of string =
{ dntElement }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Save%<PropertyName>:sToFile(const AFileName: string);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Base64DecodeToFile(Trim(ChildNodes[''%<PropertySourceName>:s''].Text), AFileName);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf,
{ dntElementNS }
'procedure TXML%<Name>:s.Save%<PropertyName>:sToFile(const AFileName: string);' + CrLf +
'begin' + CrLf +
' Base64DecodeToFile(Trim(ChildNodesNS[''%<PropertySourceName>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text), AFileName);' + CrLf +
'end;' + CrLf +
'' + CrLf
SectionComments: array[TDelphiXMLSection] of String =
' { Forward declarations for %<SchemaName>:s }',
' { Interfaces for %<SchemaName>:s }',
' { Classes for %<SchemaName>:s }',
'{ Implementation for %<SchemaName>:s }'
PrefixInterface = 'IXML';
PrefixClass = 'TXML';
PrefixField = 'F';
InterfaceItemForward = ' IXML%<Name>:s = interface;';
InterfaceItemInterface = ' IXML%<Name>:s = interface(%<ParentName>:s)';
InterfaceItemClass = ' TXML%<Name>:s = class(%<ParentName>:s, IXML%<Name>:s)';
CollectionInterface = 'IXMLNodeCollection';
CollectionClass = 'TX2XMLNodeCollection';
ItemInterface = 'IXMLNode';
ItemClass = 'TX2XMLNode';
// #ToDo1 (MvR) 9-3-2008: document / node / etc
// #ToDo1 (MvR) 9-3-2008: WideString etc ?
ReservedWords: array[0..107] of String =
'absolute', 'abstract', 'and', 'array', 'as', 'asm',
'assembler', {'automated', }'begin', 'case', 'cdecl', 'class',
'const', 'constructor', {'contains', }'default', 'deprecated',
'destructor', 'dispid', 'dispinterface', 'div', 'do',
'downto', 'dynamic', 'else', 'end', 'except', 'export',
'exports', 'external', 'far', 'file', {'final', }'finalization',
'finally', 'for', 'forward', 'function', 'goto', 'if',
'implementation', 'implements', 'in', 'index', 'inherited',
'initialization', 'inline', 'interface', 'is', 'label',
'library', 'local', 'message', 'mod', {'name', }'near',
'nil', 'nodefault', 'not', 'object', 'of', 'or', 'out',
'overload', 'override', 'package', 'packed', 'pascal',
'platform', 'private', 'procedure', 'program', 'property',
'protected', 'public', 'published', 'raise', 'read',
'readonly', 'record', 'register', 'reintroduce', 'repeat',
'requires', 'resident', 'resourcestring', 'safecall',
'sealed', 'set', 'shl', 'shr', 'static', 'stdcall',
'stored', 'string', 'then', 'threadvar', 'to', 'try', 'type',
'unit', 'unsafe', 'until', 'uses', 'var', 'varargs',
'virtual', 'while', 'with', 'write', 'writeonly', 'xor'
SafeChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'];
TTypeConversion = (tcNone,
TTypeConversions = set of TTypeConversion;
TTypeMapping = record
SchemaName: String;
DelphiName: String;
Conversion: TTypeConversion;
SimpleTypeMapping: array[0..13] of TTypeMapping =
(SchemaName: 'int'; DelphiName: 'Integer'; Conversion: tcNone),
(SchemaName: 'integer'; DelphiName: 'Integer'; Conversion: tcNone),
(SchemaName: 'short'; DelphiName: 'Smallint'; Conversion: tcNone),
(SchemaName: 'date'; DelphiName: 'TDateTime'; Conversion: tcDate),
(SchemaName: 'time'; DelphiName: 'TDateTime'; Conversion: tcTime),
(SchemaName: 'dateTime'; DelphiName: 'TDateTime'; Conversion: tcDateTime),
(SchemaName: 'decimal'; DelphiName: 'Double'; Conversion: tcFloat),
(SchemaName: 'float'; DelphiName: 'Double'; Conversion: tcFloat),
(SchemaName: 'double'; DelphiName: 'Double'; Conversion: tcFloat),
(SchemaName: 'boolean'; DelphiName: 'Boolean'; Conversion: tcBoolean),
(SchemaName: 'string'; DelphiName: 'WideString'; Conversion: tcString),
(SchemaName: 'anyURI'; DelphiName: 'WideString'; Conversion: tcString),
(SchemaName: 'base64Binary'; DelphiName: 'WideString'; Conversion: tcBase64),
(SchemaName: 'anyType'; DelphiName: 'IXMLNode'; Conversion: tcNode)
TypeConversionReqUtils: array[TTypeConversion] of Boolean =
{ tcNone } False,
{ tcBoolean } True,
{ tcFloat } True,
{ tcDateTime } True,
{ tcDate } True,
{ tcTime } True,
{ tcString } True,
{ tcBase64 } True,
{ tcNone } False
TypeConversionNone: array[TDelphiAccessor, TDelphiNodeType] of String =
{ daGet }
{ dntElement } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue;',
{ dntElementNS } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue;',
{ dntAttribute } ' %<Destination>:s := AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue;',
{ dntNodeValue } ' %<Destination>:s := GetNodeValue;',
{ dntCustom } ' %<Destination>:s := %<Source>:s;'
{ daSet }
{ dntElement } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := %<Source>:s;',
{ dntElementNS } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := %<Source>:s;',
{ dntAttribute } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', %<Source>:s);',
{ dntNodeValue } ' SetNodeValue(%<Source>:s);',
{ dntCustom } ' %<Destination>:s := %<Source>:s;'
TypeConversion: array[TDelphiAccessor, TDelphiNodeType, TTypeConversion] of String =
{ daGet }
{ dntElement }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } '',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToFloat(ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].Text;',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Decode(Trim(ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''].Text));',
{ tcNode } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodes[''%<Source>:s''];'
{ dntElementNS }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } '',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToFloat(ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text;',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Decode(Trim(ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].Text));',
{ tcNode } ' %<Destination>:s := ChildNodesNS[''%<Source>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''];'
{ dntAttribute }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } '',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToFloat(AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].NodeValue, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' %<Destination>:s := AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].Text;',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Decode(Trim(AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''].Text));',
{ tcNode } ' %<Destination>:s := AttributeNodes[''%<Source>:s''];'
{ dntNodeValue }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } '',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToFloat(GetNodeValue);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(GetNodeValue, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(GetNodeValue, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(GetNodeValue, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' %<Destination>:s := VarToStr(GetNodeValue);',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Decode(Trim(GetNodeValue));',
{ tcNode } ''
{ dntCustom}
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } '',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToFloat(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(%<Source>:s, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := XMLToDateTime(%<Source>:s, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } '',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Decode(Trim(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcNode } ''
{ daSet }
{ dntElement }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := BoolToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcFloat } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := FloatToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcDateTime } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := GetValidXMLText(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcBase64 } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''].NodeValue := Base64Encode(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcNode } ' ChildNodes[''%<Destination>:s''] := %<Source>:s;'
{ dntElementNS }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := BoolToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcFloat } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := FloatToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcDateTime } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := GetValidXMLText(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcBase64 } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''].NodeValue := Base64Encode(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcNode } ' ChildNodesNS[''%<Destination>:s'', ''%<Namespace>:s''] := %<Source>:s;'
{ dntAttribute }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', BoolToXML(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcFloat } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', FloatToXML(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcDateTime } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime));',
{ tcDate } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDate));',
{ tcTime } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtTime));',
{ tcString } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', GetValidXMLText(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcBase64 } ' SetAttribute(''%<Destination>:s'', Base64Encode(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcNode } ''
{ dntNodeValue }
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } ' SetNodeValue(BoolToXML(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcFloat } ' SetNodeValue(FloatToXML(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcDateTime } ' SetNodeValue(DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime));',
{ tcDate } ' SetNodeValue(DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDate));',
{ tcTime } ' SetNodeValue(DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtTime));',
{ tcString } ' SetNodeValue(GetValidXMLText(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcBase64 } ' SetNodeValue(Base64Encode(%<Source>:s));',
{ tcNode } ''
{ dntCustom}
{ tcNone } '',
{ tcBoolean } ' %<Destination>:s := BoolToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcFloat } ' %<Destination>:s := FloatToXML(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcDateTime } ' %<Destination>:s := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDateTime);',
{ tcDate } ' %<Destination>:s := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtDate);',
{ tcTime } ' %<Destination>:s := DateTimeToXML(%<Source>:s, xdtTime);',
{ tcString } ' %<Destination>:s := GetValidXMLText(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcBase64 } ' %<Destination>:s := Base64Encode(%<Source>:s);',
{ tcNode } ''