const path = require('path'); const ExpirationUnits = require('./lib/expirationunits'); /* Copy this file and rename it to 'config.js' to customize the configuration. This will ensure your changes are not overwritten during updates. Any settings not configured in your own 'config.js' will use the default defined in 'config.defaults.js'. */ module.exports = { port: 3000, nodeModulesPath: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules'), database: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'data'), autocompactionInterval: 60000 }, fileUpload: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'files'), url: '/files' }, jwtSecret: 'change me to a random generated string', code: { // Use to check for the chance of collisions. // If a collision occurs, a new code will be generated and tested again for up to 100 times. alphabet: '1234567890abcdef', length: 8, maxExpiration: null /* To set a maximum expiration of 7 days: maxExpiration: { units: ExpirationUnits.Days, value: 7 } */ }, notifications: { interval: 10, maxAttempt: 12, adminUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/admin/', mail: { from: '"Recv" ', transport: { // passed directly to NodeMailer's createTransport. See for more information. host: '', port: 587, secure: false, auth: { user: 'recv', pass: 'test' } } } } };