2018-05-02 20:28:32 +02:00

125 lines
3.1 KiB

export default {
title: 'File upload - Recv',
disclaimer: '',
dateTimeFormat: 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a',
landing: {
invitePlaceholder: 'Code',
inviteButton: 'Check code',
inviteButtonChecking: 'Checking...',
loginButton: 'Log in'
notification: {
invalidCode: 'The specified code is invalid or has expired',
invalidLogin: 'The specified username or password is incorrect'
messageFrom: 'Message from ',
uppyDashboard: {
done: 'Done',
dropPaste: 'Drop files here, paste or',
browse: 'browse'
admin: {
loading: 'Loading…',
empty: 'No data',
logout: 'Logout',
cancel: 'Cancel',
save: 'Save',
delete: 'Delete',
diskspace: '%{available} disk space available of %{total} total',
login: {
usernamePlaceholder: 'Username or e-mail address',
passwordPlaceholder: 'Password',
button: 'Login',
buttonChecking: 'Checking...'
menu: {
uploads: 'Uploads',
codes: 'Codes',
users: 'Users'
uploads: {
created: 'Date',
code: 'Code',
owner: 'Owner',
userDeleted: 'deleted'
codes: {
add: 'Generate code',
list: {
code: 'Code',
owner: 'Owner',
actions: 'Actions',
userDeleted: 'deleted'
detail: {
code: 'Code',
codeHint: 'Direct link to the upload page for this code:',
owner: 'Owner',
created: 'Date created',
description: 'Description',
descriptionHint: 'The description will be visible only in the admin panel',
expiration: 'Expires after',
message: 'Message',
messageHint: 'The message will be displayed to the user on the upload page after the code is entered. Markdown is supported.',
expirationUnits: {
never: 'Never',
h: 'Hours:',
d: 'Days:',
w: 'Weeks:',
M: 'Months:',
y: 'Years:'
expirationHint: {
format: 'The maximum allowed expiration is %{valueUnits}',
h: '0 hours | 1 hour | {count} hours',
d: '0 days | 1 day | {count} days',
w: '0 weeks | 1 week | {count} weeks',
M: '0 months | 1 month | {count} months',
y: '0 years | 1 year | {count} years'
users: {
add: 'Add user',
list: {
username: 'Username / name',
inactive: '(inactive)',
email: 'Email',
actions: 'Actions'
detail: {
username: 'Username',
name: 'Name',
email: 'Email',
password: 'Password',
passwordHint: 'Enter a new password to change the password. Leave blank to keep the current password.',
auth: {
title: 'Authorization',
viewAllCodes: 'Manage codes created by other users',
viewAllUploads: 'Manage uploads created by other users',
manageUsers: 'Manage users'
active: 'Active'