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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef __config
#define __config
#include <stdint.h>
class Config
static const uint8_t ButtonPinTop = 3;
static const uint8_t ButtonPinMiddle = 5;
static const uint8_t ButtonPinBottom = 6;
Settings for an ST7789 based 240x240 pixel LCD.
Note that all screen class implementations are only tested against
this resolution, changing it may have unexpected results.
static const uint8_t DisplayWidth = 240;
static const uint8_t DisplayHeight = 240;
static const uint8_t DisplayRotation = 2;
// Control pins. Data is sent over the hardware SPI pins.
static const uint8_t DisplayPinCS = 10;
static const uint8_t DisplayPinRST = 9;
static const uint8_t DisplayPinDC = 8;
static const uint8_t DisplayPinBL = 7;
static const uint16_t DisplayIdleTime = 10000;
static const uint16_t DisplayRefreshRate = 1000;
Height sensor
Settings for a VL53L0X time-of-flight sensor.
// Note that this must correspond to the default address of the module,
// the initialisation code skips reassigning the address to save calls.
static const uint8_t HeightSensorI2CAddress = 0x29;
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static const uint32_t HeightSensorBudget = 200000;
// Values above this will be disregarded as invalid
static const uint16_t HeightMeasurementMax = 1500;
// How much the measurements can change to still be considered "stable"
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static const uint8_t HeightMeasurementDeltaStable = 10;
static const uint8_t HeightMeasurementDeltaStableCount = 3;
static const uint16_t HeightMeasurementDeltaStableMoveTimeout = 2000;
// How far in advance to stop the motor
static const uint8_t HeightMeasurementDeltaStop = 0;
// How far off we can be from the target height to still be considered on target
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static const uint8_t HeightMeasurementDeltaOnTarget = 15;
// How long we allow invalid measurements until the move operation is aborted
static const uint16_t HeightMeasurementAbortTimeout = 500;
Motor driver
Settings for a Polulu G2 driver board.
static const uint8_t MotorPinPWM = 14;
static const uint8_t MotorPinDirection = 15;
static const uint8_t MotorPinSleep = 16;
static const uint8_t MotorPinCurrentSensing = 17;
// A useful RGB565 calculator:
#define ColorBlack 0x0000
#define ColorWhite 0xFFFF
#define ColorYellow 0xFFE0
#define ColorRed 0xF800
#define ColorGreen 0x07E0
#define ColorLightGray 0x9492
#define ColorDarkGray 0x528A
#define ColorDarkerGray 0x2965
#define ColorStopRed 0xF9A6
#define ColorDarkRed 0x4861
#define ColorSoftGreen 0x2BE7
#define ColorSoftBlue 0x3376
#define ColorDarkBlue 0x0907
#define ColorOrange 0xF443
// Init sequence
static const uint16_t ColorInitSeqBackground = ColorBlack;
static const uint16_t ColorInitSeqTitle = ColorYellow;
static const uint16_t ColorInitSeqItems = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorInitSeqSuccess = ColorGreen;
static const uint16_t ColorInitSeqError = ColorRed;
// Home
static const uint16_t ColorHomeBackground = ColorBlack;
static const uint16_t ColorHomeMenuText = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorHomeMenuArrow = ColorDarkGray;
static const uint16_t ColorNonPresetText = ColorLightGray;
static const uint16_t ColorNonPresetBackground = ColorBlack;
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static const uint16_t ColorPresetText = ColorLightGray;
static const uint16_t ColorPresetBackground = ColorDarkerGray;
static const uint16_t ColorPresetArrow = ColorDarkGray;
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static const uint16_t ColorPresetSelectedText = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorPresetSelectedBackground = ColorSoftGreen;
// Move
static const uint16_t ColorMoveBackground = ColorBlack;
static const uint16_t ColorMoveArrow = ColorDarkGray;
static const uint16_t ColorMoveTarget = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorMoveCurrent = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorMoveStop = ColorStopRed;
// Move error / overcurrent
static const uint16_t ColorErrorBackground = ColorDarkRed;
static const uint16_t ColorErrorText = ColorStopRed;
// Menu
static const uint16_t ColorMenuHeaderText = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorMenuHeaderBackground = ColorSoftBlue;
static const uint16_t ColorMenuText = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorMenuBackground = ColorBlack;
static const uint16_t ColorMenuSelectedText = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorMenuSelectedBackground = ColorDarkBlue;
static const uint16_t ColorCalibrateBackground = ColorBlack;
static const uint16_t ColorCalibrateIndicators = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorCalibrateValue = ColorWhite;
static const uint16_t ColorCalibrateInvalidValue = ColorOrange;
static const uint16_t ColorCalibrateDigitMarker = ColorWhite;