
350 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using PettingZoo.Core.Connection;
namespace PettingZoo.UI.Tab.Publisher
public class RawPublisherViewModel : BaseViewModel
private readonly IConnection connection;
private readonly DelegateCommand publishCommand;
private readonly DelegateCommand propertiesExpandCollapseCommand;
private bool propertiesExpanded;
private bool sendToExchange = true;
private string exchange = "";
private string routingKey = "";
private string queue = "";
private MessageDeliveryMode deliveryMode;
private string contentType = "application/json";
private string correlationId = "";
private string replyTo = "";
private string appId = "";
private string contentEncoding = "";
private string expiration = "";
private string messageId = "";
private string priority = "";
private string timestamp = "";
private string typeProperty = "";
private string userId = "";
private string payload = "";
public bool SendToExchange
get => sendToExchange;
set => SetField(ref sendToExchange, value, otherPropertiesChanged: new[] { nameof(SendToQueue), nameof(ExchangeVisibility), nameof(QueueVisibility) });
public bool SendToQueue
get => !SendToExchange;
set => SendToExchange = !value;
public string Exchange
get => exchange;
set => SetField(ref exchange, value);
public string RoutingKey
get => routingKey;
set => SetField(ref routingKey, value);
public string Queue
get => queue;
set => SetField(ref queue, value);
public virtual Visibility ExchangeVisibility => SendToExchange ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
public virtual Visibility QueueVisibility => SendToQueue ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
public int DeliveryModeIndex
get => deliveryMode == MessageDeliveryMode.Persistent ? 1 : 0;
set => SetField(ref deliveryMode, value == 1 ? MessageDeliveryMode.Persistent : MessageDeliveryMode.NonPersistent);
public string ContentType
get => contentType;
set => SetField(ref contentType, value);
public string CorrelationId
get => correlationId;
set => SetField(ref correlationId, value);
public string ReplyTo
get => replyTo;
set => SetField(ref replyTo, value);
public string AppId
get => appId;
set => SetField(ref appId, value);
public string ContentEncoding
get => contentEncoding;
set => SetField(ref contentEncoding, value);
public string Expiration
get => expiration;
set => SetField(ref expiration, value);
public string MessageId
get => messageId;
set => SetField(ref messageId, value);
public string Priority
get => priority;
set => SetField(ref priority, value);
public string Timestamp
get => timestamp;
set => SetField(ref timestamp, value);
public string TypeProperty
get => typeProperty;
set => SetField(ref typeProperty, value);
public string UserId
get => userId;
set => SetField(ref userId, value);
public string Payload
get => payload;
set => SetField(ref payload, value);
public ObservableCollection<Header> Headers { get; } = new();
public ICommand PublishCommand => publishCommand;
public ICommand PropertiesExpandCollapseCommand => propertiesExpandCollapseCommand;
public bool PropertiesExpanded
get => propertiesExpanded;
set => SetField(ref propertiesExpanded, value, otherPropertiesChanged: new[]
public Visibility PropertiesExpandedVisibility => propertiesExpanded ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
public string PropertiesExpandedCollapsedText => propertiesExpanded
? RawPublisherViewStrings.PropertiesCollapse
: RawPublisherViewStrings.PropertiesExpand;
protected Header LastHeader;
public RawPublisherViewModel(IConnection connection, ReceivedMessageInfo? receivedMessage = null)
this.connection = connection;
publishCommand = new DelegateCommand(PublishExecute, PublishCanExecute);
propertiesExpandCollapseCommand = new DelegateCommand(PropertiesExpandCollapseExecute);
if (receivedMessage != null)
Exchange = receivedMessage.Exchange;
RoutingKey = receivedMessage.RoutingKey;
CorrelationId = receivedMessage.Properties.CorrelationId ?? "";
ReplyTo = receivedMessage.Properties.ReplyTo ?? "";
Priority = receivedMessage.Properties.Priority?.ToString() ?? "";
AppId = receivedMessage.Properties.AppId ?? "";
ContentEncoding = receivedMessage.Properties.ContentEncoding ?? "";
ContentType = receivedMessage.Properties.ContentType ?? "";
Expiration = receivedMessage.Properties.Expiration ?? "";
MessageId = receivedMessage.Properties.MessageId ?? "";
Timestamp = receivedMessage.Properties.Timestamp?.ToString() ?? "";
TypeProperty = receivedMessage.Properties.Type ?? "";
UserId = receivedMessage.Properties.UserId ?? "";
Payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedMessage.Body);
foreach (var header in receivedMessage.Properties.Headers)
Headers.Add(new Header
Key = header.Key,
Value = header.Value
private void LastHeaderChanged(object? sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
LastHeader.PropertyChanged -= LastHeaderChanged;
private void AddHeader()
LastHeader = new Header();
LastHeader.PropertyChanged += LastHeaderChanged;
private void PropertiesExpandCollapseExecute()
PropertiesExpanded = !PropertiesExpanded;
private void PublishExecute()
static string? NullIfEmpty(string? value)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? null : value;
// TODO check parsing of priority and timestamp
// TODO support for Reply To to dynamic queue which waits for a message (or opens a new subscriber tab?)
var headers = Headers.Where(h => h.IsValid()).ToDictionary(h => h.Key, h => h.Value);
// TODO background worker / async
connection.Publish(new PublishMessageInfo(
SendToExchange ? Exchange : "",
SendToExchange ? RoutingKey : Queue,
new MessageProperties(headers)
AppId = NullIfEmpty(AppId),
ContentEncoding = NullIfEmpty(ContentEncoding),
ContentType = NullIfEmpty(ContentType),
CorrelationId = NullIfEmpty(CorrelationId),
DeliveryMode = deliveryMode,
Expiration = NullIfEmpty(Expiration),
MessageId = NullIfEmpty(MessageId),
Priority = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Priority) && byte.TryParse(Priority, out var priorityValue) ? priorityValue : null,
ReplyTo = NullIfEmpty(ReplyTo),
Timestamp = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Timestamp) && DateTime.TryParse(Timestamp, out var timestampValue) ? timestampValue : null,
Type = NullIfEmpty(TypeProperty),
UserId = NullIfEmpty(UserId)
private bool PublishCanExecute()
// TODO validate input
return true;
public class Header : BaseViewModel
private string key = "";
private string value = "";
public string Key
get => key;
set => SetField(ref key, value);
public string Value
get => value;
set => SetField(ref this.value, value);
public bool IsEmpty()
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value);
public bool IsValid()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value);
public class DesignTimeRawPublisherViewModel : RawPublisherViewModel
public DesignTimeRawPublisherViewModel() : base(null!)
PropertiesExpanded = true;
var capturedLastHeader = LastHeader;
capturedLastHeader.Key = "Example";
capturedLastHeader.Value = "header";
public override Visibility ExchangeVisibility => Visibility.Visible;
public override Visibility QueueVisibility => Visibility.Visible;