
182 lines
6.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using PettingZoo.Core.Generator;
using PettingZoo.Core.Validation;
using Tapeti.Default;
namespace PettingZoo.Tapeti.AssemblyParser
public class AssemblyParser : IDisposable
private readonly string[] extraAssembliesPaths;
private AssemblyLoadContext? loadContext;
public AssemblyParser(params string[] extraAssembliesPaths)
this.extraAssembliesPaths = extraAssembliesPaths;
public void Dispose()
public IEnumerable<IClassTypeExample> GetExamples(Stream assemblyStream)
if (loadContext == null)
Using the MetadataLoadContext introduces extra complexity since types can not be compared
(a string from the loaded assembly does not equal our typeof(string) for example).
So instead we'll use a regular AssemblyLoadContext. Not ideal, and will probably cause other side-effects
if we're not careful, but I don't feel like writing a full metadata parser right now.
If you have a better idea, it's open-source! :-)
loadContext = new AssemblyLoadContext(null, true);
foreach (var extraAssembly in extraAssembliesPaths.SelectMany(p => Directory.Exists(p)
? Directory.GetFiles(p, "*.dll")
: Enumerable.Empty<string>()))
var assembly = loadContext.LoadFromStream(assemblyStream);
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass))
yield return new TypeExample(type);
private class TypeExample : IClassTypeExample, IValidatingExample
public string AssemblyName => type.Assembly.GetName().Name ?? "";
public string? Namespace => type.Namespace;
public string ClassName => type.Name;
private readonly Type type;
private bool validationInitialized;
private bool validationAvailable;
public TypeExample(Type type)
this.type = type;
public string Generate()
var serialized = TypeToJObjectConverter.Convert(type);
return serialized.ToString(Formatting.Indented);
public bool TryGetPublishDestination(out string exchange, out string routingKey)
// Assume default strategies are used
exchange = new NamespaceMatchExchangeStrategy().GetExchange(type);
routingKey = new TypeNameRoutingKeyStrategy().GetRoutingKey(type);
return true;
exchange = "";
routingKey = "";
return false;
public bool CanValidate()
return InitializeValidation();
public void Validate(string payload)
if (!InitializeValidation())
// Json exceptions are already handled by the PayloadEditorViewModel
var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(payload, type);
if (deserialized == null)
throw new PayloadValidationException(AssemblyParserStrings.JsonDeserializationNull, null);
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(deserialized);
Validator.ValidateObject(deserialized, validationContext, true);
catch (ValidationException e)
var members = string.Join(", ", e.ValidationResult.MemberNames);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(members))
throw new PayloadValidationException(string.Format(AssemblyParserStrings.ValidationErrorsMembers, members, e.ValidationResult.ErrorMessage), null);
throw new PayloadValidationException(string.Format(AssemblyParserStrings.ValidationErrors, e.ValidationResult.ErrorMessage), null);
private bool InitializeValidation()
if (validationInitialized)
return validationAvailable;
// Attempt to create an instance (only works if all dependencies are present, which is not yet
// guaranteed because we aren't fetching NuGet dependencies yet). We're giving it a fighting chance
// by referencing Tapeti.Annotations, System.ComponentModel.Annotations and Tapeti.DataAnnotations.Extensions in
// this class library.
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
if (instance != null)
// Attributes are only evaluated when requested, so call validation once to give it a better chance to
// detect if we'll be able to validate the message
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(instance);
Validator.ValidateObject(instance, validationContext, true);
validationAvailable = true;
catch (ValidationException)
// The fact that it validated is good enough, this can be expected with an empty object
validationAvailable = true;
catch (Exception)
// ignored
catch (Exception)
// No go, try to create an example without validation
validationInitialized = true;
return validationAvailable;