
946 B


Filters notifications so that each one is only sent once until it is reactivated. Designed for use with Domoticz. At the time of writing only Pushover is supported as a target transport.


Install Node.js, at least the current LTS version.

Install the dependencies and build the frontend:

npm install
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
cd ..

Install PM2 and run the backend service:

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 startup
pm2 start .\ecosystem.config.js
pm2 save

Configuring Domoticz

Go to Setup - Settings - Notifications. Enable Custom HTTP/Action and fill in the following information:

Field Value
URL/Action http://localhost:3369/api/notification
POST Data: subject=#SUBJECT&message=#MESSAGE&priority=#PRIORITY
POST Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
POST Headers: Authorization: Bearer <authToken from config.js>